DINING RM IIIox no lMNG ROOM 174 is DESIGN NoI 17 Ground Floor 600 Sam Upper Floor 630 513 The building Editor ihe Barrie mom Barrie Ont NAME ADDRESS FIRST RUSTY RING 0N CONCRETE When we put away the plastic swimming pool used by our grandchild we found it left large nIsty ring on the con crete patio Scrubbing hasnt gone any good probably because have been ecnibbing with the wflrzng materials Can you ad AI Digging rust out at con crete is almost as tough job as rernovtng paint it you can get rustremoving liquid prep aration at hardware store will save you little mix ing Otherwise add one part so dium citrate at drug stores to elx parts water then mix with all parts ot ordinary glycerin Make poultice tairiy aiitt com bining with powdered whiting Cover the rust uite thickly brush oil when dry Repeat as tea as required which may be come pretty tedious it tho rustla well dug in PUNCTURED SCREENING Qt While using an ice pick to dig out accumulated soot trom the channels at our combination windows there was slight ac adeat The ice pick went through the screen How can this he repairediy You can do nearly in visible repair with hale this small Take some clear nail pol tab clear household cementoi epoxy adhesive Using tooth clr carefully place small at the bottom of the hole in the screen As it begins to dry add another drop Continue this Way until you have built up complete repair which fills the hale Be patient Dont let any dribble down the screen as its not easy to clean off TAB 0N CAEPETING Is there any hope tor beige wail to wail carpet when tar is tracked over it Not hig smears iust mail but very noticeable spots The sooner you can go good professional cleaner ori 6h better If you want to try it yuuraeli lirst scrape up as much so you can with dull knife Then wad up cloth into small ball soak it in benzine and gently sponge from the out side toward the centre Usea lifting stroke When the cloth he comes soiled use clean the Caution Benzine is highlyin flammable Take all precautions have maximum ventilation no smoking HOW LONG CEDAR SEINGLES How long can expect good quality cedar shingles to last on lmy new houseivibey have been stained brown lair number of years triend Goodness only knows how long some at those handsomely weathered shingles have been protecting many Cape Cod cot taga from Atlantic winters and bowing no signs of weakening Anybody care to pitch in with an educated guess INSIDEDOWN TOMATOES When first heard about this had many doubt Aliut just below therirosti was one last earlsaid what have lg Enclosed please tlnd $105 iur which send me the book entitled SUBURBAN AND WUNTRY HOMES Please make remittance payable to The Dorrie Examined IImIm iiID roiiILINc HOME By ROGER WHITMAN lose and pulled out six big to mato plants They were loaded with low in ad which picked oil There were lots of green once even some blossom tb no protection tromtbe frost knew all these tomatoes would be dead ducks it ielt out there in tha garden So brought these experimental plants in just as was told hang them up by the nearly bare roots in the garage where it never freez es our heater is there and it wouldnt get much over 50 Know what We kept picking ripening tomatoes all those un watered upside down plants long after the killing irost In tact they went up to Thanks giving was sorry hadnt Draughtin more lantal an anyone to my this worked ld sure like toliiyno In nar IEDROOM 154x no liieiime of real living plea sure is certainly uttered by this neat Colonial design Living room dining room kitchen and extra lavatory on the ï¬rst floor three bedrooms and bath up all point to comiort nhie living Note the entry with coat closet the impressive fire place the spacious terrace and be dilcient kitchen layout Another important feature is the length oi the living area extending tram end to end standard blueprints for this design No 170 cost $2000 for the that set and $600 tor eddi tional sets Biuprinta comply with the National Building Code oi Canada and are obtainable by return mail The second edi tion of SUBURBAN and COUNTRY HOMES designed for Canadians price $100 is al so available at this newspaper and Kitchen Laundry cam latnnirycanhedonethemod inboard era way when its needed perhaps daily without letting it accormlate in Cooking Ind laundry facilities can be separated within single morn ihe plan uses counter eat ing arcane roan divids It the counter has an one arm can extend into tha room tor the eating am and the other can go along well cl and contain cooking tscilitles complete with appliances and plenty of counter were The sink may be located in to maivrfchora mm or detergent bleach none aottener and my otherlaumdzynaplieeunbe Rather storage space is pro by other counter level cabinets ï¬tted with shelves that hold sorting bins tor lulled ohm laundry Counter spam on top otlhe cabinet may he usedtor stigma and folding the clean The wall space over the wash er and dryer otiere decorative posliriiiiies perhaps iorvdlr play at murat Wardrobe Closet Fits Raom Decor The possibility at an utra wardrobe closet or for that matter any extra closet um sily is greeted with glee by most hamemahers clever idea tor the home final decor whirly robe And or apartment the wudrohrdeslgned to blend in to the room decor through the use at an attractive walicov The closet revolves on floor to ceiling pale and when tilted with garments is easily turned to lacs the wall showing rear view oi matching Wallpaper The ettect is tine oi hril ant camouflage The homemaker might choose brilliant Kindred damask in deep wine tours to clerk wardrobe closet But almost any pattern in many collecqu might sultioe depending upon room scheme where closet may be located gt The dhnenaions ot the plan tor the whirly wardrobe pro vide tor several bulky coats and there even is shelf tor pocket book or hat storage These closets are the answer to storage problems in many rooms and could be easily Thinking of BUILDING Thinking oi REMODELLING BUILDING MATERIAL PANELLING HARDWARE BIRIIIAM Bros 429 BLAKE LIMITED Izoozsa itNOllittvclVNL Georgian BayCarpethervico 300 Main 5mm STAYNER Poooozeszia 0PENING sPECIALsI Outdoor indoor CARPET installed alvr only SPECIAL DoirYouRsEL PRICE PER so vo Baautllful LOIIQeWOliiflfl adapted to bedroona did or borne ofï¬ce hsaunent recree tlon area and so on The new unlicoverlnga ï¬ler limitless possibilities tor the atlon at you ward most at these wali coverings are vinyl coated tor washilahliliity which makes them 25920 practical for cover Ingacloeetwhithwllibeindr mand by the whole flrnily On April is friends and neigh bore entered in Knock Com munity Centre at honor Mr and Mrs Alienllenry on the oc gain at tbï¬r 15th wedding sn varsary ey were presented with cottee table and swan shaped vase The Connnualty Club met April 17 with 15 members pre sent Mrs Coehrane conduct ed two contem Alter lengthy business discuss hoaiass Mrs Webb and canmites served lunch CONGRATULATIONS Plumber with sense ol humor sinuses six year old Lisa Oahu while ï¬xing tauity crowss Hy ems KEITH LEE hire Nedrlit and Mrs Hem and son Cyril Sault Ste Marie went two days last week with Mrs Mabel Everett Mrs Patterson Milton and Mrs Stuart Barrie spent iew days wtih their mother Mrs he who is doctors care Mrs Harold Wridit will be hostess for Ciewes Womens in stitute May 14 Motto by Mrs saie ot plants bulbs and baking review oi the hand book will be given The Hi homemaking girls will he in attendlncl DONT WEAk OUT Eyes dont wear outil they are healthy and tree of dis ease they will continue to serve throughout life iconic IN THE KITCHEN SINK garbhrator on kitchen link in log witcomea from New West her parents apartment CF Inhaler EC Wirephoto The wrench wieid cute 11 quid te uatrai tope three at them girlshave been born in Brisbane CATS MUMMTFIED Ancient Egyptians mummi ï¬ed and mourned their tevorite call BARRIE ssirooo SUNDAY DINNER SPECIAL liiiéi $125 Isms ssA rooos I09 anorono 51 OPEN SUNDAY PM To lb Po CLOSED MONDAY BEST WISHESI on the official opening of the NGRoijPARK Home from the General Contrador 40 ElsaRd land from ihé StubViradés SIMCOE MECHANICAL 32 onm 24 Victoria Barrie coNSTIIucrIoNco LTD Dial 7284466 coNrRhcrmeho oinazoosoi ovarIII snornsss stecrxic onl Imm At SMITHVFLASTERING Citlliitiil Dislr456a JAMESDALE ascoaATER illiiï¬ihioléffllflfl cmmm oiaiosozsos HvJoHNsbN son MACHINesIlIor 96 Ross 5L Barrie Diaiv7ZB399ft gt ï¬nishes Faustino Lro pin 1260274 Aii carpeting available in nig also to suit every need alsoucarry irilan Fortrel Acrylic Wool etc Asphalt Fevero Official OpeningCéremonies am no new For In GROVE PARK HOME SHOPAT4H0MESERVICE1I Just telephone seems ourrepresentativewiii edit at you convenience withatull range of sample materials and colors to match your decor and yourbudget sxvenrs tNVWA owaLL IN raLLAvIoNs mentionsnous