Wedge am vr TIME ror Hour LIFE Mrs Icster Pearson takes time out from the diores or moving to pour her husband cup of coqu in the kitchen of this now homo at Ottawa Tho Pumas moved this week from the official prtrna minis tars residence to smaller STATUS or women Housekeepers Fare Be Than Some Deserted Wives SASKATOON GP Allels acouired after marriage should become the common property of both hudrand and wife magis trate court judge told the myal commission on the status of women today In personal brie to be pre sented at morning public ses sion Judge Mary Carter said too often wife who has toler ated her husband for years for the sake of her children finds ï¬e has nothing if she leaves if he has mada no gifts to her if all his savings and pur chases were made in his name than they are his tho brld said housekeeper working all chaso yearswnuld are better since the law asumes that she was working for wage of some kind Judge Carter said she has seen women inher court who have worked and saved for so years on farm putting up with dnrnlreness and brutality and complete indifference so that the children light be raised and some joint property acquired DRDEE DENIED SOME When their children are at last on their own and their This new princess shape has slightly tla in pleated panel the bolt is side el fectrt icaio high or nat furalwaistllne as you like iL It designirom Suhurbla USA Printed Pattern A603 will be popularpart of any jtown or country wardrobe So Ichsy to make that you will want tomake it twice once do print perhaps with the vbelt high again ina solid color with the belt at the naiural alanine And how spirit nearly broken they leave often to be denied even maintenance ordcr She said such women cannot afford the court costs of divorce or Judicial separation or the costs of getting maintenance or ders from iudge Judge Carters brief was rt leased to the press in advance of her appearance before the royal commission The commission flew to Sas katoon Wednesday night after holding three days oi hearings in Regina Four hearings will be conducted in Saskatoon before the commissioners wind up meg ltday western tour Friday During Wednesdays hearing Davis program director of the Saskatchewan Federation oi Labor said unions are eager to get Women to take top union Film WOMEN RELUCIANT tiut women unionists them selves seemed reluctant hr ac cept responsibility above the local union or middle adminis trative levels Mr Davis Saskatchewan MLA for the New Democratic Party said Canada manpower programs tend to lag behind net volunteered to haul another omitting the belt entirely as third ver sion Frinted Pattern Attila is vailable in NEW Misses Sizes 1012 14 Size 12 ibust 34 requires yards 35 inch fabric Send one dollar and five lcents for Printed IPattern Ar son to Barrie Examiner Patv tern Department of KingSt West Toronto Pléase print plainly your name address styla number and hire lowmln tdence borne in Rockcliffc Park where former prime minister Diet eubaltcr also lives photo working womens needs to future Right now the programs ought to barciraining older workers particularly married women rc iurnlng to the labor rates for the new jobs that would be re quired in technological ago Mary Ann Lavallee from the Cowcssssa lndian reserve to miles east oisttegina made an eloquent appeal to white society to auwcrt the lndiau woman in her light for emancipation Mrs Levailee who spoke on behalf of newlydormed Asso ciation of lndian Metis and Es kimo Women also said the in tant mortality rate among these peoplu is 84 out of ovary 1000 live births and asked for help in that incriminating ev Living For Christ Is Speakers Topic Mr Saar Eider oi the bulls eran Church of the Good Shep herd was guest speaker at the April 13 meeting of the Mary Martha Society topic ving For Christ was presented by mean of Wesley Crawford and the chart and fiimstrips During the discussion period which inl lowed the membe ed in finding an answer to tha quastion TWby do we live It was pointedout that the Bible can supply the answer to the Mr CF Wire tier the Saara Eur rs were guid ii 335 93 355 $5531 PS outlayfoot mandreiuutohaulamuod dmoa cards and lova letters from his old girl friends Wahavo luuod these anon moor foot trackersti over the US lines me Ind am sick of itSolaraalknownrybulrand has never looked inside these trunks and the stuff means less than nothing to him Yst every time we have moved lva asked him if he wants to take the garbage and he has said my Nert month we leave for Dec IEAUX BELLE Nominations for new officers of the Beau Bella Square Dance Club were held Thursday evening at the clubs regular dance party Elections will take place during intermission oi the square dance programMay installation of the new execu tive will be highlight of the clubs closing dinncr and dance party May in at Minesing Com munity Hall with Norm Wilcox as featured caller Due to the growth of the club and limited dancing space the closing party is limited to current club mem bers only RECITAL The annual recital ior piano and vocal students of Miss Jesr sic Bryson will bcvheld in Collier Street United Church Fellowshipfali niesday even ing beginning at oclock Cards for the recital may be obtained from Miss Bryson FROM OTTAWA Mr and Mrs Gordon Pea today to attend the annual Day in May dance party at the Con tinental inn The Peacocks were charter presidents of Dar riea iinstsquars dance club the Beau NEelles They are weekend guests or Mr and Mrs Howard Falrweathcr Tower Cr ENGAGEMENT gt The engagementhas been an nounced of Mary Jane Ann Crawford only daughter of Mrs late Mr hawford to Kenneth Edward Kennard sun oi the late Mr and Mrs Percy Kennard of Thornton Ont The marriagaywiil take place at St Andrews Presbyterian Church Barrie on June at an after noon ceremony at oclock cock of0ttawa are in the city purpose or life and that there are threa main guide lines to follow iirst the guide for liv lag time second the guide for serving talents andthird the guide for giving treasures Nine members attended the meetingwhich was held in the church proper President Mrs lrners opened the meeting and reported that six hospital patients had been visited during the past month liirs Von Ger undertake visiting responsibilities during Miss Joan Mary Thacker aughtEr of Mr and Ms Bert you know MAI FIRST MOVE Dear All moms Several months use our son started to MI ski of whom we did not approve They were both well aware or our displeasure and we had many harsh words ille in the midst of violent armcot the couple announced they never wanted to see us again and they walked out of the house We never drs ad they Ifllz BARR EXAMINER SATURDAY MAY 16 PEOPLE AND PLACES Call Audrey contort Dos Wismu at was Thacker of Barrio will wed Gory Quail son Mr and Mrs Edward Quail of Whitby The wedding will take place to Collier Street United Church May 24 at an evening ceremony at 330 oclock Mrs Mary Pressick of Pain wick has announced the en ngernent of her daughter ancy Johnston to Ron Elliott son of Mr and Mrs James El liott of Midhurrt The afternoon rites will take place Juno at ocloct SPRING RALLY Members or the Womens Min sionary Society of First Baptist Church Barrie were among the guests attending Spring Rally heldin Stayuer on Thursday Attending trom Barrio were Mrs Herold Allaby wife of the minister of First Baptist Church Mrs Boyd Mrs West Miss Mina Huddleston Mlsa Margaret Sinclair and Mrsll Tomllnson anions snr snow Oil paintings charcoal daw ings pottery and stained glass are features of the Sixth Annual Art Show taking place this munlty Mall The show is soon sored by the Aurora Recreation Committee and is open until roar pm this evening Sunday hours are from to 1030 pm RNAO MEETING All members of South Simcoe chapter of Registered Nurses Association of Ontario ara urg ed to attend the general meeting sponsored by theNursing Com mittee of the chapter to be held Tuesday evening at oclock in Lnidlaw Residence Dr topic Our Youth and the Drugs of Today Refreshments will follow the meeting Guides And Brownies Depend On Local Associationfs Assistance By MAME FRALEIGH The Local Association for guides and brownies what is its Mrs Christmuns bad is of the 70 needed the next month Saar reported that 135 can made out for compien part in the guide rnovementi The Local Association is committee established in each Distn rise brealoiast were thanked by schools ln the diocese will be given rats of this fallihe archiocosan school ed Christmas tree sib for ct to nssurneths respon organiziug Packs The ladies on uthc phoning and Companies The local Aa comrnlttee for the Easter Srin Mra Chalmers who also report ed that Mr Brunner had start led work on the kitchen ctrp boards Following adjournment lunch was servedrby hostesses Mrs Mchtrick and Mrs Tachlrhart Tbe topicottha next mee ing piantted to May 16 will be ihrtheran Haven mama as wins Mo by teachers in Roman Catholic Stlnuisrorclr $300 to $400 nyear beginning board said the pay increases are designed to bring salaries in line with those in public schools CHINA STEKLI Your Corrauiia 12 Frances Sf wouldliire to receive FREE book and yourbrochurea Provides unique and useful lrvrng aociation also trlea guides accepted for travel trips in Canada or abroad it usually nalsts or thaDlslrict Commrss her who is the chic executive otficer the secretary treasurer badgevsecretary re presentatives from the Gulders representatives at parents corn mitteea and other outstanding local men and women who will interpret the public ltia hinted that at least two mothers from each pack and corona log better understanding of the ivltles their girls participatern is really the had bone of Guid ing Without very good LA to aid movement to the will attend each meet ln this way have ans Local Association in to have N6 MARGARET Woop arrie 7260562 tha delightful Bridal Tips on menus household routineshahopping and importan little idcaaito help start married life srrioothlyand happily also hope to get leaders from interested members To be aleader or Gurder woman should have genuine liking for girlsand faithin their ability to respond Enthusiasm imagination friendliness va sense of humor anda love for the outdoors are also great as sets In mostlocalitles training courses are given to assist newrGrddcr develop skills New Packs and Companies are opening all the time We have the girls but leaders We need and the Local Association is one way or mrdrlng our need known and learning of anyone who is interested if you are interested in being member of the Local Associa tion or leader get ln touch with Guider in your area and she willba glad to rive Any information you need as to where and when meetings held in your district Colliery mien weekend at the Aurora Com Ravenscroitwili speak on the two trunks filled with pirtum WM ANN nicest it but they did Smral weeks later or turned thoyhad run oft to another state and were married my wars not old sum to mlny without paraatst consent in this state it has bnnfiva months since we have seen our son although 255 ES 25 twribio temper She will not its tea to ml and dont how what shes ours to say or do from one ale to lbs out should Dear lll1r Lot tho girl so You two and vacation from liinimnhrhm 53 am tor world of Godand it would be helpful for you too Home And School Groups Mark Annual Convention About as cathusiustic delegates attended the Annual Meeting dinner and convention of Area Ontario Federation Moms and School at the Contincutnl in Barrie These came from assoc iations served by each of the Areas five councils Barrie and District Orillih and District 0w en Sound Parry Sound and YorkSimcoe covering the coun ties of York north of Metro Toronto Simcoe Muskoka Par ry Sound Duiferin Grey and Bnrcc The Council prize for associa tions attending want to Barrie Council with eight present it Best Steel Oakley Victoria Connaught Churchill Sunnyhras and anica Also present from the Barrie district were Frank Archer of Eimvale for the On tarlo Public School Men Teach At oclock ccremony June in Trinity Anglican Church Miss Christine Evelyn Larkin daughter at Mr and BABVPHOT en Federation Machlcm Area Superintcn Slmcoe County who made valuable con tributlons to the afternoon dis cussions Angus Macliay Super Intrudent Schools Barrie and Noel Stephenson otiiarrlo for Ontario School Trustees Council EFFECTIVE OPERATION Discussion groups on six topics related to affectiva Home and School operation were held and the findings of each wcrs pre sented to the whole group in plenary Representing the De partment of Education in those discussions were Riot No Regional Superintendent if Macklem Area Superin tendent Simcoc County and sev eral teachers nd principals from the area Also present for the dismrssions were Miss Flora for WEDDING vows Mrs ll Larkin ot Barrie will become the bride of James Parkes Lindsey son of Mr and Mrs Lindsay of Toronto Woolwo DEPARTMENT sronsi Announces worth it diapla McGrcgor Women Teach Federation and Mrs Jana trustee Those with the many parents presented good erase section of opinion on how Hours and School can best serve the schools and the children In them The group joined by Mrs ii Rosier Ontario Home sand School President and her bus hand toured Aillndais Hcights Publlc School They returned most enthusiastic about what has been accomplkbed by Barrl tornardlooking school board The program following din as was chaired by Mrs li er Provincial Vice resident Area who prescate the an nual reports and called on Ncsbitt for tho nominations iilia for losses which was accepted as presented Mrs Miller Eleanor Agnew and Tayl Provincial Vice Pmsidnï¬t Area Vice Presidanh Eleanor Agnew and Taylor Greetings from Ontario Fod eration of Home and School were brought by Mrs Keeler who drew attention to Fedora Iioas iorthcomlng Convention in Hamilton the Association ad erahip Camp and the lnten ivs Course for Council personnel She asked for Area Da support of these and praised their at forts overtha part term GUEST SPEAKER The dinner speaker introduce ed by Kurlta Princthal othoyal Oak School was Crossley Assistantrsupcrlntend ent Curriculum Department of Education whose topic wasTolt days schools and parent ln volvemcni lilr Crossley outlin ed the background and necessity for the new Cormtyunit adminis tration of schools and pointed out some ideas to consider dur ing this crucial year in Ontarios educational history Ray Pavlova Foley Publil School thanked the speaker and Mrs Miller expressed the appreciation of Area to its retiring Area VicePresident Mr Milton Sellwood of Owen Sound Brlngyour Baby Photo to Wool enartmsnt Siorsland have yedas an entrant No En try Fee YOU maybettho winncr aaav Vcourssr RULES 1Tbc Photograph of your baby will be pasted on disle board with dasilnated number Shoppers may cast avote for their favorite baby number by showing their sales alip Contest will rrnrturtil my ro There is no limit to ihanumber aarzss saav CRIBcompiats with as Valli 54500 CHROME HIGH cuaur leIu taco PRIZE BABYSTROLLERiVa srsow 1ND errle YOUR BABY CAN BE QBABY aourloulzrsuol of votesIo each chopper during the contest period reasons our SALESELXP anions carve one VDilSt $1900 WINNER