near Glencalrn to miles vat of Barrie will provide the an swer for manymen invthe It ture as it has done or many in the put this room farm and workshop project houses is iormer alcoholics who have de cided that the time has come to seek help They get it because TWO residents of Hope Acres bend to the task repairing some of the equipment donat caps David Howell or the Barrie citadel who was at Hope Acres yesterday on an Gander hlii ways New mammalian by the men themaelm ta an Upper Room where man shop ns donatedrto the Moiect andthemenwhohavebeenhn at Hope Acres since it came have mounted It in new casings and rigged it to run more machines ed to the machine shop Al though old the machinery and power tools are all in good exchange visit and Sgt Cecil Viscoff examine drill press in th machine and carpenter willbatrcetoroandsithy lln bimelfand write or per pa pray visiting room is also being added The crisinal farm house which was the official residence oi the olilccr in charge Ms 5175000 lodge to house private pair kept that way who are working thel hack to dignity men way shop located beneath lhc mens quarters in the reno vated barn ppedi On Road To Success Chairman says The Harris cancer appeal is well on the way to success in the opinion of ch serswbo were out during the entire month of April are not yet in but already 65 per cent the objective has heenrench said Mr Legsatt will airmanhlloland kn Leggett All funds from canvas well year with hit containing card Although it well into May before we ow for certain it seems gogtway over the top this Each canvasser is equipped pledge and envelopes Each has personal obiectlve to reach Mr Leggett says that res which is part of the whole The ponse has been vcrygood not tr only in lying canvassers have reported an ex cellentreception by household ers when they callto collect funds Each canvassera kit that has come into the Toronto Dome yrnion Bank at Dunlap and Maple has been over its objective The bank is actin iund for tho Canadian Cancer Society in Barrie until the funds are disposed of People seem more aware of what cancer is andhow they can help than ever helm the city but all the out ed and collect districts He says that at lie when completed are seal by Mr Leggett the bank where the results aratahuiatcd and the funds sent to On to cmapaign headquar ters Barrie receives direct beneï¬t from nearly all the money collected here Sarna is used for hospitalsclinlcs and research centres across the pro vince and the country Perhaps one at the main rea sons for slowness during the campaign was the Easter holi days which caused many can vassers to wait until they were over beiorestartiog out in addition many residents were awayon vacation and call new washroom facilities all patients When the farm was taken over there was water problem so well was dug on the property Although it is offlgatly him as arrn pro ed ere is very little arming done by residents of Hope Acres Food sufficient or the staff and patients is grown and the larger part of the acres rented to two area arrners money so tow the project bu Cecil Viscoll now Motor anktant at the lam was comfirmed alcoholic him took my last drink on Aug 31 1965 after My drunk went into Harbor Ughts in Tomato next day had been to doctors andlhcy had all said hopeless cote after all still managed to be soldier in the Salvation Army is mcn hers ask my advice and lee can help them wt Ind ren Ald Garner said today had not been harmed ol PM Neighborhood Plans Urged fan ltlacpherson of hlurrly Jones and Anocistcs Earrles planning consultants told the planning board this the ï¬nal draft of the revised ofï¬cial plan for Harris should be ready some lime in July He suggested to the board that the time has come for Bar ria to consider the development of neighborhood schemes which would include single loudly dwellings schools and apart NorihColiegiate Elects Student Council row left to right are Norma Gilby treasurer Faith Rich use on student coun cil at North Collegiate Wu word to eating home grown sociallyto the festival Students Sgt Viscoif was enrolled in menu the army Easter Sunday 1566 The me one Acres NE paid an allowance ct $15 TEE BARRIE EXAMINER SATURDAY MAY ll LOCAL AND GENERAL room nnd board The rest is sPending money thuradevelopmenta nt the project include new chicken house The plans have already been drawn up and the men told me they wero looking for NO ACCIDENTS Barrie Detachment Ontario Provincial Police havc hnd no traffic accidents to cope with since Wednesday There wcrc no other incidents of note re ported in the same period honor FAIR Alliston cubs scouts guides and brownies are holding hobby iair this evening in Bent minute ferrv ride away tram ing Memorial High School in the crtys downtown area It cluded in the days nctlviti full program inclvdtnll range oi daytime activities as well as MUSICBLLY SPEAKING iifihfiiaiiï¬if mm Barrie Girl 10 Festival Sensation NEED WORKERS Jobs available or men in The Oriliia Kiwanis Music Festival came to close yes Barne through the Canada Manpower Contra include an terday alter two weeks of competition Ten year old auto mechanic with no licv Michelle Harper from Barrie created somewhat of sensa tion when she won first place in the Each class is years and under She has also been worded $50 scholarship from the Festival Adjudicator liir Court Stone commented that this little girl was artai pianist in every sense of the word its remarkedmost particularly on her intensity in approaching each piece It is to he hoped that this pro digy vdl steadily continue with her work to become real lead er in the music world There are many years of intensive work ahead at her but as the desire and capabilities are there there is strong possibe llity that Barrio may some day be pleased to claim her as product of our city Harrie claimed many schol nrships from the Festival and these will befully listed on Monday ollowing tonights pro elected this week in front eggs for brenkfasl Largest single building on the arm when completed wi be which run from pm until 830 this evening will be enter tainment by guides and scouts and hubby displays by the brownies and cube FOLK FESTIVAL The eighth annual llfarlposa Folk Festival will take place August it on Toronto is rooms for as men staif olficea kitchens recreation rooms and dental oifice This will be supplied by the Canadian Den tal Association nnd dentist will visit the form when need The Salvation Armys Red Shield Appeal is now under way work an auto and tobacco is Applicants body repairman planterslor May or the latter opening for woman is as waitress in local restaurant to work am to pm six days weak 00 SCHOLARSHIPS report concerning the 5th art Page Scholarship in the May issue set the value of each award at 81400 The fund is suliicient tor to awards or $400 not to awards of mm MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS gt The Multiple Sclerosis Society will hold meeting in Collier StreetUnited Church May at pm This will be an organ izational meeting AWARD woman Harris resident Edward eaie son at Seaie of Edgelrlll Drive won live special merit awards in the annual exhibitionat the Ring ling School ofArt in Sarasota Florida He won the awards tor sentatlon of awards at the Opera House in Ornita Several Earrie musicians have been asked to periorrn at this fes Thursday May 9th 1968 tlval oi stars the program and on the second Thursday is not yet completed we have or each succeeding month Mill Femlmm One of Our Representatives Mr Lionel Hancey Becauseotu city is taking so Will beai many scholarships from the Orfllia festival and because so The Continental rInn Barrle Ontario many at our students plano vocal guitar accordion and choirs are taking such wonder Intern healer and MM Canada marry nDdeï¬rtnainpractwally alliypeaof businesses including ful advantage or this Festival olt seems to me that ourClty should offer some support tin havegalned much in the art oi performing and from listening to constructive criticism and therefore this city owes sup port to the annual festival Agriculture oConstrucEioniManntacmeing Professional services Touriatand working capital to andior other purposes Ifyou consider that IDB can be of service you are invited torarrangennappointmanr with the lDB representative by telephoning Remnant 7261834 or in advance hyivritingito Mr Lionel Hancey at the MidOntario cities of inclined kom the small home owners to the largeindusg trial compler cXperience are yours mallet or under people lands park like site 10 would be Em to specialise in trout endI should contact CMC now One Mr and Mrs ards Secretary and Art Willer second vice presi dent ln roar George Coutu BEN VANDEWEERDHOF Jp2 Bcn Vandeweerdhot oi Cnl ingwood today announced his candndacy for the Progressive Conservative nomination in Grey Stmcoe Mr Vandeweerdhot said he had reached the decision to con test the nomination or the June 25 federal election alter carc ful deliberation and great deal of encouragement mm lot of ample both inside and Within ln announcing his candidacy Mr Vnndweerdhoi said that in his opinion the election was it new political situation which requires new approach and in many cases new candidates proud to he one at those newfaces he said As qualiï¬cation tor the post worir done during his third year of commercialdeslgn course The citations were forcartooe trig commercial design tigures iilustratlon and portrait paint nl DEBUTANT HALL Georgian College will hold its first debutante ball May to The iormal affair will be held at pm in the Willow Room at he HAS DNLY ONE CROP Sugarcane is the only staple crap on Mauritius anlndian Ocean island which recently gained its independence from Britain mmounean sonnets rains BEVERAGE AMER nlop that vice president and his brother Charles Coutta president and Wayne Mar chant grade to representa tlvs Examiner Photo Ben VandeweerdhoiTov Seek GreySimone PC Nomination ha cltcd hs experience in party nfialrs and in the Young Pro lion as well as experience is Coilingwood councillor Urge Merchants To Take Part in CleanUp Lca Cooke chairman of tourist and convention corn lt teo oi the Barrie Chamberof Commerce has cent letter to IiLmorchanta in the city ask their active support in clean up campaign now in progress Mr Cooke asked the chants to help light litter in he placed in poper contain for disposal Wa are aaitin every manager and oprleto to give personal alien on to the litter control methods at his place of business said his Cooke it The letter praised the Hosti cuitural Society or their ex cellent job in trying to gain citizen participation during the recent Clean Up Week it we are to make our city pleasant place to live and carry on business he so we must do all we can to keep it clean and beautiful clean city attracts visitors and visitors mean more busi Avamam ness he went on This is good for everyone ammo our NithS AT lake View RESTAURANT ARE Mondayio Thursday can VIRGINIA with Spanish Sided MEAT LOAF $l49 Try Our Noon Dayliuliet featuring Primo Rib Rout of Beef or ljlrhey with all the trimmthgs srrclAchIlollrnisM rar children under unly lloc nco FRENCH FRIES Vnnvnsaon 759 PM RESTAURANT Dist 72 messivc Conservative organisa the streets by not aweepi it into the gutter Rather it sh uld 1r