Spring TinieirRémérnbérNothing Like Want Ad nmmmnwnnnvcm ANNOUNCEMENTS ANNOUNCEMENTS Vern per count ltooonn Calling Menu WOOL REGISTRATION FOR 0R0 TOWNSHIP PUBLIC SCHOOLS sandy Bay Public School May Ill prn WR Bast llandrldl Public School ls pm 12 noon Guthrie Public Sdzool my 15 pm 330 pm East 0n Public Sdlool slay la pm mo pro Proof 01 Age required JOHN CURRIE Business Administrator 0110 STATION Ontario BIRTHS cmAN Mr Illd sin Gordon Currm 287 Patterson libd nu rir Ontlrio nlu luon lo Innounc the birth Ion Illcheel Gordon on slondnr April mm the nay1 vlmri BosonL brotbcr or Kelly rum At IA nayl Victoril llnsblul on warmed ms to Mr And Mrs hide Flynn 71 ottowa Avenue herrle so ENGAGEMENTS LAluuN LINDSAY llr Ind lire 11 Lenin nl thrrle In noun the en uernrnt oi their dluzh or mminc meiyn to lmu parked Lindsey on 111 and Mrs IL undsny ot Tbrdnio ruo weddlnc will ukn place Slurr dry lune int loss at mod in Tr niiy Ancuoam Church Barrie CMWNRD KENNARD The arrangement is nnnounccd nI lury JrnnAnn Crawford onlv daunbm or lrs vmlcv rinwrord and tho laid in Cnvflnm to Kcnrlllh Eduard ltnunnld run at the Inn Mr and Mrs rom Kenndrd dr norhind cm The Innrim is to ulc 011 on Saiurdlly lune At 200 pm It 5L Anuruwd Pru hyierlrd church Barrie Onllrtn DEATHS LArANNVnu 10ml At the Penetnno bemnl llowltlll on duv HIV loss in her Imn cu Ann Moody or vavrrtey beloved wit ol the late Eduard IAtAnthilc Resting at tho Jame ll brim lunenl Home mule liter mu on Saturday until no on Blandly illV then tn st Johnt Anciloan Church Waverley lol rumoru service rt pr Intcmrnt 5L Johnl Anlliom ccrnctery waverM pom AlexanderAt the worn Vlotom Hospital Bomb on many olav 8rd 1968 Alexander router buiuved husband at Ann Illoshcr Ind door rather or Lima Allrue urrndlrulrr at Amlltc dear broth el or Allan MArtirla lure Ermvnl boil ol Darrin Miry thin Mcuullinl Ind lolm both at Toronto Adcilrle rolls Smith or allreln Rtstinl the lennrt lunernl llanm lsz landlord street rrio them to our lady or Grace church Annals Tor reculrm ï¬nal on Marga In no inter en Am mien lIlnrAUL Jamel At the lidn1 Victoria lloenltnl on may ord 1960 Ialnc IlcFIui him of Arms Amsuvlul nd tamer or Itlrsd Burial Little 1130 on rmnremcn can nrnml Tram Barrie dUlN Arthur rrederlnlr sudden Lv is the nsnl or Incident on Wednestny lIlay Isl 1968 Arthur onln beloved nurbnnd ot Mami BiWn and dear rather of Darin1 Dlniiv Ind nonrlns on non son or III Ind Mm le Quin Toronto brother or cordon or nc Robert nonnld dud his all or Ior onto Resuult at the dermal runenl Eomc 152 Bradford Strcei Barrio or service on satumzy nt Mn Interment stilLinc Cunetery ln nlsru Masonic mvutdc scrvlco will be held It th cemetery 1115 blues Mimrvl Dodge suuuo SliflTII lllrry Suddltnlv the mun or en incident on wro nesdny tray lst 1950 Hum Smith beloved husband or Clan Hunt and dear other or 110de of Toronto brother or lrvinu tlnl Joe And Ellie Marlin dear nrnndtaincl d1 Daniel Ind Catherine Resting at the lennctt Funeral Home l5 arddzord street landrte Tor service on Saturday at nun Irlltomuit st Pauls Cemetery lnnist Mom room based dway suddenly at her midence 193 Bay tlelrl street Home on Friday May 1969 llllnnio nule beloved wire or the late Funk rlInNIvnn In her son year dear mother or Frances trlrs mambo 111qu litre mornncaut lsdbrue tilts Gailuglier and Harold all Barrie rldrv lrlrs ll Duitsl Stzy ner Don1d ROMI Europe uni John 01 Vancouver Also survlml by 21 mddcnlldren Ind onc broth er Edward Tulle Stayner Rcsli It the stocklev Funeral Homt volsley street Barrie scwtc In one onenel on Monday 111V it Itm lntuvncnz stayner Crmeiery small Lind Ann Sudden hur born as Anne street North name on him llav 1560 Linda Ann sum another or Imualdand Jovoc Sczdon ltrimlA daunmor none ittlm 21 as none radiord slrccl perm 101 Mrslet I211 Saturday mun1 CARDS or THANKSw mocrrwzld lamilv wish to extend their heart trlt thanks and bpprccintion to their Irtcnds nd minnow or their sunny and bllsndnnsr beam lrul rlordl tributes and mesagos dl Symorttly during their recent bcuavomept in the loss of loving HIE and grandfather special trunk to Rev anal wuson ltev cnnles Tovrnsly and also to Dr onutern nurses rnd stall it St endon llemdrldl llosdual lo 111 Ind Mrs baker odd tho ltli1 or the Nursing Home COMING EVENTS Annual PIANO slid VOOAL RENTAL by pupils at JESSIE VBRYSON COLLIER STREET UNITED CHURCH HALL run 1111 TUESDAY MAY pm Cards may lieobtained from M13 Bryson CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING TELEPHONE 7282414 clusliled ndvernscmenu llill notb on or more mu must begru celved by dly precrdlnd oubIIontInn nl noon on suturdny unit the exception 01 Olnrslllcd Displlv ddrnrurnmnu which must be In by noon pm on Bmzlmell COMING EVENTS ILIBERAL CONVENTION MONDAY MAY 6th PM OPERA HOUSE ORILLIA To nominate the Liberal Candidate for Simcoe North Riding Bus will leave City Hall Collier St pm round ticket $125 Enquiries may be made by Phonlng 7181306 Everyone Welcome BINGO Saturday May pm LOYAL TRUE BLUE HALL King 51 ANGUS Blighiy Bingo Jackpot to go BINGO Wednesday May pm ALLISTON ARENA 14 Regular ShamihcWeallh Canncdgood games 510 prizes JACKIJT MUST GO Door Prizes Proceeds to Charity Auspices LOYAL ORANGE ASSOCIATION EVENING RUMMAGE SALE ST GEORGES CHURCH HALL Burton Ave and Granville Sts Thursday Mays pm Auspicos St Georges AC REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE Fully equipped modern restaure out on double lot Largely per manent residence in good resort area Facilities and equipment adequate for available dining liquor licence An exceptional buy KEITH MARSHALL Realtor orchard Drive 7201590 Broker AGRIESBACH 7289844 Laddle driesbacb 7285144 Belts 4072617 Catherine Harris 7200044 MLS Realtor Dewsna ler OUR SERVICE Tax 7268366 RAWN Real Potato Broker and EAYFIELD ST 7709451 SPECIALIZING IN RURAL PROPERTIES Evenings Call drry Torpey 4260715 Bill Rawn 72611909 Dick braper 7mals PLANNING 0N BUILDING NEW HOME Contact Peter Light BEAVER LUMBER 129 Bradtord St 7235541 LOVELY modern th our twlaunbrï¬wwm Ni Iy lltldfflvtd Burril zicllï¬IN Cal seen woo le box are dime 23313 lira hAk pomsz bedroa rue with flrepllce onruunii 53 dltl0n on larcltrecd lot Owner mnrlmourngmgltnrlen call Humid Forster ind On iiiiifdrï¬nv alrch llunntow bedroom or drive dry unï¬nished brsemédt liimidiiesiufld mi arena relinnonn ï¬rsouiwnasi BEAUTIFUL bedroom brick bun Ralow lira divlded kitchen Our room in human lllgc lot Tues 75 Carrie for mu Full price 57500 with $5000 down leltlphuno Eric ALLANDALE nulnlrrs bed room brinrooms lnuly size kitchen lunuv room elechlc nut 2111 Iron Indoreand hunt nd back lnclu Ind blrch trees cmler rnr slsl nrlnrlbl meret Ind tlx It on cont Prlvlte sale or relwuodo moon in can only It soinouwtth 310000 mm both RITA down W111 tlkc second rnnrtnke gYE plumAri POI Mu LE USE THE EDUCATED COUNSELLING mflLï¬ltoIItorwbnbuyingcloellingyourhomc BIHIOIMWMMOMIM FRANK NELLES Photolhiluliiw numb1m mus A000 DOWN lovely lillll bunglow In nico condition root and bounce madlyt locolion minutes Wllk tron Dunlap Strut 1ch1 retirmmli home no Misbbwn Call or unborn Ippolrxrocnt WING AREA 200 lacs suitable or bunt camp to ram bridlbornoudnnallbarnJullprimmmowithtams EVEIINGS mun mom mu Wainwright noun more Oec um oreIla can some mun rm III It at Stan Hammond Prank Notion Miko Mom Leo Canaan SHELSWELL WILLSON MIS REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE BROKER FOR THE ALERT BUYER $256 Mortgage this will level has cvcrytiung for luxury livirx tor the entire tnmiiy Only one year old bcoutitul landscaping paved drive garage electric heat Payments only $107 per month Pl1 For more details call Mrs Auddsod mm Nd coll 184 ACRE DAIRY mu City Limits 400 lbs quoto daily room brick homo 351100 Dairy Burn with steel stnblulg and water bowls implement shed 7162 and 173155 Slob Silo Good wot cr supply Call Jack Viilson 7204531 or Everett Inuflleed 1m 5202 No 135 llILtlACULAlE CONDITION Three bedroom home large kitch en lovely living room and large entrance hall 1110 sq it o1 tine living mac Nicely loudscnpod with rear yard tenccd in good rostdentlol arou close to schools 01496 morbgugo Coll Jodi Moc Priced at $1300 per lot ller PmlBlLllY llnll lcro well tread lot tittccn minutes Irom Barrie lovely three bodmom bungalow modern kitdlcn buiitin ovens and stove nice sired living room tour picce both lull bunnent with laundry room Single garage Aslung 816500 Call Keith Ichastcr No 309 11 Dunlop St East 7201422 or 7264423 CAMPBELL PHOm ILLS REALTOR 32 HIGH RES M7360 7264211 LARGE lms sale on tile north sidoot Bass Lake us no Priced at $1300 per lot LARGE 000mm LOT m1ch nod Barrie on highway BRICK BUNGAIJDW Vr mile lrorn city limits large lot 100 250 loci beautltul shade trees and shrubs nice View at the Bay largo living room dining room kitchen bedrooms on main floor rec motion room with ï¬replace and bedroom in high dry boscment Call this ollica on this new exchnive listing Chortle Read 7202d17 Hugh Plowman DonCompbell 7260245 Doug Campbell Fred Taylor 7221205 Roll Aul Poul Penman 7288313 Smith Campbell Art Fry 4196871 Don Marshall ROGERS CT CONNELL Photo Realtor DUNLOP STREET EAST At mo Five Points 218 BRADFORD STREET SBR BUNGAIDW GARAGE DIRECT ACCEM IO BASEMENT With high elevation giving 11 sweeping View at the Bay here is comiortnble oiieheated home with excellent modern wiring and guaranteed dry bnscrnentl Centre hail plan the main floor has living separate dining big bright ldtchen and bedrooms and bath Upstairs has an foverilow bedmorn and storage Would Ideally suit older couple Sulstaniial cosh required to seitle an estate but the price is righti Now vacant quick possession EVENINGS CALL rm EPLEll 7239793 CIIA ROGERS mos BIDWELL 1115 Realtor Mortgage funds available 33 COLLIER ST TELEPHONE 7284430 ADDED INCOME POSSLBIIJIY 726063 775014 4566313 7204389 WW7 Phone moron 61 acres ououtskirls of Borrie highway lrvntnge room stucco home with all modern conveniences Largé steel roofed thicken broiler barn equipped to bundle 6000 broilers broiler quota can bé transferred acre of raspberry red and black current bushes and excellent garden soil For further information call Mary Voir 7234060 LOTS LOIS LOTS on Edyview Avenue $2500 each on Baldwin Lane $3200 at MinetsPoint asking $1590 both on Sunniddld Road asking $2200 For further iulormation call Mary Vail mloeo WlLbiA nlDWELL mom MARY MORRISON most ELAINE mason 7m moon MILNE 12m MARY you 7781060 Buy New Home $223 510 aln Allandate Acres rLjAroluNc HOMES BUILT BY HARTSMAN HOMES ITO 34 labourith storeys Back tithing Custom Built Kitchens Step up to quality and Home that reflect yobdgood taste HAROLD FORSTER COMPANY Edantleld Streét PRUIO REALTORS 7100458 Mortgage 1143 Available Free Customer Parking cunLv lu LEM GS CALL 05 rum rundown urgidmmiiil rounds TilII GRANT slurAmmo HAY mulu nun coonmn comm cums gnu ESTATE rcorem run are CARSON P111710 ma REALTOR ll NOR15 mm more 75661 WWYEVMNGS hmnlvomooumlAmmmmmm Sroornbridrblmgnlcwwitiulrmllodorutodwowmw WWW DUHZXAILAMALE 010900 txmthnolder but vuyundetndlziuiboflntnoor oootnimzberkormekildiuwithflmtyothultinup bodrdddndlivlngroomJndltoorooobedlmmuminx ml¢ï¬mwfllhdndlccdlnmarmm1 BUfldJINGImaigcdliarflemmmwï¬umllw Large Calitoroln Ranch co and Redwood insulated 3113 satin bath with shower sun deck cov ered and open patios gallons equl vary Sltuat overlooking Willow Creek West of Barrie on Highwa 27 Detoursuitableor tacitly in upper income brac at VLA Private Sale REAL ESTATE cursory FOR 5A1 COUNTRYSQUIRE llVING swimming pad with high on tpacioua ravineilotriï¬ Cedar Shake Root white fluc edrocms piece bath all electric lo 32 15000 tor comopleto rt at Hldhurst miles Norui LEON GARRch 728466 or 7288345 Axumr rVAN omwm mom spuusldd Splits Underground can own lovely modern bed Iblo $115 monthly Ion ml Norm Symon 720751 MmW F11 Gehgo COUTTS CO Realtors Owen St inspection by oppointmcnt I117 suucAwws unsoo 5an LEVELS 115500 now PAYMENT $3500 AND UP Featuring low taxes aluminum storms und rcrccol And ï¬nished to NRA speciï¬cations clc EVENINGS Sandy Couttr 7734A Gordon Iii Coutta 7287115 EMORY 7261881 REALTOR Kenneth Mlller Prior Mouton John Cole Robert Fleweliiog Harvey Weber Tucson mam 4368815 Emory Miller OSE APPRAISALS MORTGAGES RENTALS Al Rosa Res mono Bill Maoklles Res 77647726 Russell Smith Res 7700990 EITH REALTOR ACREAGES 46 acres on edge of Barrie in built up area macro 33 acre retreat with creek $10000 10 non retreat $1000 100 acres with creeks po tato land $35000 qOIlAGES ILakelront bedroom lots at privacy large living room picture window sunporch modern kitchen piece bath lot 50 x300 Asking 517000 with terms bedroom insulated Alconh Beach All conveniences on large corner lot $0500 bedroom insulated Boll Ewart $4300 GENERAL STORE Bell Ewart close to Lake Simcce showing good prclit living quarters with bet rooms piece bath oil to nnce 515000 Contact Anne Spencer Thornton 45119711 ORILLlA TRIPLEX 421500 oil price Including double garage excellent in vestment only $6000 down 100 ACRES assures workable 15 hush 11 room househfl barns good well flowing spring scenic View in Medouto Township $15oo 475 FRONTAGE On Baytield Street just north ot Towers and Food City ex cellent investment property Contact Ed Groom Blame W123 HKE1THLIDREALTOR AREA REPRESENTATIVES Bubcoclr barrio MEWS Colbourne Siroud McLean Elmvalo Machod Barrio Snow Shoud Wood oro 4872410 Spencer Thornton 4584111 Fltzsimnuos cnnuldsozm Ed Green Bmia mm 7131 EGLINTON AVE TORONTO 12 PHoNE 1873333 6W7 lNTEREST bedroom bungalow lnprlme residential location Brondloom Tin largo living room with diu tngr area large bright kitchml partially finished 41hbedroorn or study in basement Carries lllRi 7734750 4353116 lor $126 monthly principal in terest taxes Telephone 725 0460 BUYING on album See anon will Rutqu o1 nunlnd st mIzowal room brick bdmuow to rule broadiooln in dollar room nut bul Clove or schools gumbo mull me ply Rupert McGrAtb Bonnie with mom 72B2435 Highland Park Village Gooouthonltigbwayldlocltylkmtsormtrooklenldt oil Sldmd Alter railrolnl Little Avnnuo and on on the that road to the lott We have bornu under construction with model bane open tor 561114 Jock Matthews high 681501 llgdmvlvlnrl Garner NOKSMWN Excellent building lot so no never tolling Iprinu Close to as Highway in quiet secluded button mil room building luiidble or weekend and hoii days prlco $500 YOUR CHOICE wot wooded 25 Acre lots Close nun emu mm Hiaway Clovcrlebl Unlimited potential for luturn development 315000 each with boil down ex cellent terms AILISNN CAMP BORDEN REA Sovcrol 10 acre building lots some with Irontugo all the Pine River also acre lots with him trontage of 50011 Abound log with WhiteJlrcb and over zrerns Reasonable terms or rangcd on all leis THORNION REA 539000 buys this autitul L5 acre paradise Close to paved road room complaier modern home hroadloom throughout small barns suitable tor part time tanning am trout pond with swimming area mplotc with barbone etc toured ct workable land balance in 80 ycnr old relorestcd pines 0000 down with terms COOKSIOWN bedroom spacious 115 storey home large living room and diu ing room with brondioom large modern kitchen Good bzsclr oil lurnoce alwninixn storms and smells Excellent location THORNTON AREA Oomloriable bedroom 116 stor ey borne miles south of bar rio on paved road Redecorelcd lot with largo Maples moss the from close to school and shopp ing $7500 Please Contact Bob Saunders 4534751 or Bruce Mzzenn too 4496 Cookstnwn Paul Starr Gr Co Ltd Real Estate Orangeville Ontario PETER WILE3 LID Realtor OLDER TYPE duplex home cnntdlns tivo room apart ments income 5195 per month zoned special commercial Eric cd to sell Downtown area Bay tieldStreet W410 BEDROOM HOME with large living room dining room kit chen and den on ground floor lust 71001 mile north otciiy limits on 11 Highway Lot 132 1227 tact Hot water heated wim oil bathroom drivein basement garage and small barn House in cxcrjut con ditlun throughout lilies or Barrie our model homes Writer 13 Coutts 721211 MILLER 7260385 7mm 77611704 77353 4mm Pcrcy Ford Sommyhcnham Gordon Spenccr Leo Lovegrovo 7161001 PHOTO HIS REALTOR 720207 Iqu Hartley mm Richard Raycrnlt 7200051 Cholkan CO LTD ms REALTOR 10 COLLIER 51 7254401 JUNE POSSESSION Are you looking tom home to move into and relax Then this Is the home or you human ing is all done shrubs oreuell established and it is an éxecu live homo too Mulii level with bedrooms and zpatlos Let me showyou this dream home today moooz Marion New man STEAL OF DEAL Immaculate bedroom bunga low tor the person with expellr 5ch tastes but with minimum amount to invest All the extras that discriminating buyer would appreciate For informa tion and inspection call Ed Garner 7217005 RETIREMENT SPECIAL Only $6400 tol this lovely little home on go roads cose to Barrie About 2000 down wfiih XIIAmm good mortgage tcrms at or the balance Ideal tor retile 2A owe moot couple For further par ticulars call Pat Carter 4352529 no toll charge 1103113110113 One bedroom Completely lur nlshed 35 ll cut with many Extras Parked tor the season at lonistil Park but may be moved it desired For inspection Dave or Dotty Morten 7211 067 MEDIA POSSESSION am Sbcdroom brick side split have builtdn range and oven completely linish cd basement and rec roompl Also have anrattscbed garnga and wall to wall grass in dead need an owner Please buy 179 onluvacaot and 101171 easeica gt Ed or Mari yn ms Jennings at once 7130303 and Beam Mm WHITE bediroom brick hung good residentatstreet mma 109 Hayï¬eld St 7281071 culnte condltion and well land Appraisal sung MM scoped largo lot Cali Bruce Elli 44m 53 ISABEL FISHER 7134631 at JOHN WHITE 7mm COREY This storey bedrobln home qualities for VLA Situated in small Village near Base Bor den To inspect cailltla Hint Real Estate Broker aud Appraisers ca mmlopst Phone 7202419 totloot MEG liAyromr Beau ept year roun Furnished bedroom home Bland manpower marred hardwood floors galAge tall 1W mmhil 087109014 We pinortreespcloso to water but your PM wound aid elltra lots Call to inspect7zii mm 07o5 Harvey or Anita Swrtt AM 7214310 72mm 710885 GEORGIAN BAY ISLAND COTTAGE 5ITEs Near Sans Soucl Access 1le Parry Sound or lz Milo Bay 700 it minimum frontage 310 per toot up LORNE TUDHOPE AGENCIES LTD Realtor 24 William st Pérry Sound Tel 74612173 nor ulrbï¬lbby G1 Morton Newnun HuvAnih swlrt ma Alllnnn 4557010 no mms run our ballroom bungl low wlu doublelxlrueund rev mum room Lenten an dude wooded ldmn uldhurdt vunde Leased until June 1069 ursoo nun mm wn write Box 04 Ellrib Ex den Hfltlmn it Dingcï¬lya evo Ederllvn reunion cuter Pit 3111 vrnLeouweo ooc ooww nrrrun own nrln seven room good can dl mudlot modurnmlmuo ountrll dunlexed mow er cont mortllfl mom motor EWWUM Bullillfl Shin Ely 21m rm sultrnie tor VLA 815000 call with GM llernsrd Belts rte 301 mm wsLuNarONx modeld order It landmine cull diiï¬n Iclm kit nhln dinettc IIvlnr room dnudd mom cernnic uled hith WDII lelllfl recrutton room in till blilmellt lime 11 ink ICIDEfl lilld loicifllato schooll MM DEEDS EUIHHV dtfl outed Antiblelgllily till Int NIflimm MM tun releobom builders £1 Sub on Itvimwdloom 3210Avnillbld lulv om trle ual mwcrnlc Heated Horne be on int 100 15 with Ext 101 all no runnyy llorzl min Lake 172 Moria Collingwooti momentummng in lent LoCookrtoquoAdundtOOAbod 737110 WILL mum RESULTS ll Illa 1111117 room min floor Plndtcd mutton room with bar Mt to hulhl 15 Strut ms or 913 time emu whom PROPERTY FOR SALE on rm ml DALE of litmus other property nearly It duplex lull ouhidv citv limb comm In nuttl two bedroom Ind bl In 1y 15d ooodï¬iuii 35 an mock rm alum Tehoborlc mom FARMS FOR SALE ls Anna Hm non melted buildlrm lithium bedroom mdem ham very Mlnbln Inel thumb 11112 51 lli 1121 BUS OPPORTUNITIES SEAMLISS FLOORING Earn up to $700 weekly in your spam time Amazing HUIFLEX Milli colour pound plastic with permanent marble eltect Easy to install operate lrom yourown home Overwhelming demands havo made this product nvaildblo tor only 3650 total investment deposit o1 $100 with good crc dit references can start you inuncdiotcly in your own bur Iness 1500 square tee of materials and personal training provided Wriio BOX Cs Barrio Examiner SPARE TIME INCOME Rctllliug and collecting lnnlloy trom NEY TYPE high quality coin opcrnied dispensers in this area No soiling To quulily you must have car rctcrenccs $600 to $2900 cash Seven to iwblvo hours weekly cannot excellent monthly income More full time For personal interview wriio CA NAPENN DISTRIBUTING LIMITED 302 Ouelleite Avee due Suite 404 Windsor Onia rio Include phone number nAvrlss Drive1n nununm It Onlttnkwnod nullwnv 1r All ednld merit Included Int lto lo lurttler detail nnesbdnl Rul rd mdmsou MORTGAGES IMMEDIATEF 151 and 2nd Mortgage Loans Anywhe ON ALL HOMES PARKS AND corrumclAl PROme 90 or VALUATIONS It You Need Money swam debt2 not ï¬ll durum wmlnlï¬tll Knm lumvemlml uny Worthwbllo mm erto or Phone 7200901 Mortgage Funding om SimpsonSears Burrss mar BrokcrrAnhclItoom mac Punt Mo do or 1ng dwelling witnlnblock of mill leieohone mtsol PROPERTY WANTED YOUNG Prolessionel Flmiiy xv outres muonsbly priced of bod room home brererd centrni rash denuu Iru Eu musterAlli down ant Privlje write Box m1 nrnoxnminer Eb MOBILE HOMES TRAiLERS SALE RENT nossuu cuuncu Mobiletlomés ll GentrtalGlel1dale iravelux Parts and Service or Termsjrp item no BURTON Avr moose INSURANCE MOVING Dontlorgct to transleryour lNSURANCE andll ygfll noedkmutn coverage any see STEVENSONSI 118 DUNLOP 51 7161001 tors FOR SALE 3504011 le Oro Lmev pond onerous mm ha um AnlsA lo nureJotr riv 61 $1000 Ho Bax oild Wildfowl wm EXCELLENT nuudtnu or Emmas it cm 15 Owen sot lieIrrl gt v1A 15 Act lot It Gutbrle nu Hinduv No 11 Must be sold this week 011 PM moor 1an in cuunbell Ruiior dry nonrandom to rot ulr et in Arth no 70 mt nonuxe on med mo in in deep 1711c 12500 Terms uVIll go Telephone 710m litrl CLAssvrmuo ADS