outlast Hobstick outtaAchieves trioodsépeee Ily TE manna Pl Dun Hood Iglomnmallymwplalya the ot or St cardinals made his debut as um Friday night not two of San Franciscoe power hitters Willie Maya and Willie McOovey rang down the airtain on the art with couple at timely onebase hita The Card led the coin to in go ninth inning Friday night to two home run by Flood who hit only five all last season Steve Carlton was luv ing little trouble disposing ol the Giant batters But Ollie Brown led all the ninth with pinch single and alter Jack Hiatt struck out tirown moved to second on Join Alous lnlieid single Orlando Cepeda threw out lion Sox Errors Help Yankees HAL noon Associated Press Swrta Writer dropsy syndrome bu caught up with Tom McCraw and Jerry Stephenson McCratv Chicagos smooth llelding lirst baseman caught the disease worse than Stephen son the young Boston pitcher but both were stricken Friday stern McCray had threeerror third inning that set up three unearned rims for New York and helped the Yankees to 32 victory over tha White Sox Stephenson spent sand part of the second inning ol Bostons game against Oakland Athletics onalhia knees creeping around the mound searching or con tact lens He never did locate it and the Athletics battered him and four successors lor 15 hits and 71 romp over the lied Sox Spitball Sparks Hassle SHILADELPHIA Gcne Mauch was in his oflice at Connin Mack Stadium Friday when Warren Giles president at the National league called him on the phone In effect Mouth told the league president Funny you thould call Mr er was inst writing you letter Giles told Mouth in so many words Tear it up fellow Youre wasting ynur tim Mauch manager of Philadelp hia Phillies was writing pro tet at Thursday nights game tween the Phila and New York Meta it all started in the last of the seventh inning at Shea Stadium when Philliea reliever lohn Boozer touched his lips whfle warming up Umpire sEd Vargo shouted Ball one poorer and Mauch charged the umpire They told Vargo he couldnt invoke the new spitball rule on warmup pitch Boozer touched his lips again and Vargo lntoaed Ball two To make long story short Vargo called third ball and then threw Boozer out of the gains Mouch also was given an early shower our UNDER rantear Vargo was told the Phillie wereplaying the game under protest Mauoh Giles told him on pho The umpires inte pr ted the rule to the broadest letter perhaps too broad Giles said that while the pires didnt exercise comm sense they enioreed the rule the way it was written Munch said He told me was wasting lily time writing protest So tore it up BASEBALL orconn By THE CANADIAN PRESS National League PctGBL St Louis 14 661 San Francisco 11 550 Managelea 11 10 514 Cincinnati 10 10 Philadelphia 10 10 Iittsburgh 10 Chlcago 11 Houston 11 450 46 New York Atlanta 12 423 Fridays nesnltl Atlanta Houston Iillshurgh Philadelphia bincinnati Les Angeles St Louis San Francisco Americankague Pct GEL Baltimore iDetroit Minnesoia New York Oakland Cleveland iChicago tid Results Friday Minnesota Cleveland belted Washington Senators 61 AllenPittaburgh pitcher Steve held regnl Richmond Jacksonville Phoenix Indianapolis 10 444 4V1 TubaloSanDiegoL ll runners advaneing and the Cards were one out from victory MeOorey delivered flounder up middle centre fieldad uddenly the nine untied Will in not lastly the last ut man in the worldlast year he stole three bases imagine the Carda ntrprise thereto when they looked up and bond McCovcy ginning at them from second SCORE Melittle Mays seat single through the thirdbare Essen the dia mond scoring vey in other National Magus game Friday night lair An geler Dodgers edged Cincinnati Reds Houston Attroa beat Atlanta Braves andiPhiia In other American League games Cleveland lndians shut out Minnesota lwina t0 Calla lornia Angeles edged Detroit Ti gers and Baltimore Orioles McCraw had contributed double to worm White Sox rally that staked Joe Horlen to an early lead Then came the fateful third inning Gene Michael opened with grounder to first which MeCraw fumbled Winning pitcher Bill Monbouguette 41 sacrificed and Michael advanced to third on Horace Clarkes hit Roy While bounced to Me Qaw who lost the ball as she started to throw it home Then he recovered it and flipped to lirst but no one was covering Michael scored on the play Clarke went to third and White to second And McCraw had tied record for errors by lirst baseman in one inning Rule Mauoh said Giles told him he had instructed his umpires day that whcn pitcher goes to his mouth during wannun the rule doesnt apply although the pitcher must dry his lingers be lora delivering pltnh to the better The rule was invoked in the first inning of Friday nights PhillieaPittsburgh game on count to the Phillies Rich Bias put his band to his mouth and umpire Bob Eagle called hall four and awarded Allen walk its Sets Sites Open Tennis NEW YORK Alt 0rlicerl oi the 15 Lawn Tennis Assn elation decided Friday the dates and ea ol the ï¬rst two open tannlr competition to be held in the United States The USUIA eactmg to the International wn Tennis Fed erationfs decision March 30 reclt ognizing the of amateur and professional players in open competitions set the lirst US open competition for Forest Hills NY Augl ESspt The tournament $100000 ventcalledithe U5 open ten nls championships replaces the 118 amateur singles which is Forest Hills in late dugu lheainglea have been rescheduled lorAug 1825 at tbaMngwnod Cricket Citi to Boston The USIlilA announced the second Open competition will be the Paciï¬c Southwest open ten nis championships Sqet 1822 Oakland Boston NaWYork Chicago California Detroit Baltimore Washington international learns Bullan Toledo Syracuse at Rochester ppd Columbus Louisville Pacllie Coast League Portland Seattle Denver Oklahoma Hawaii Spokane Tacoma Vancouver titticutst all Madlgan Mower Service lllBurton Avenue 71811211 CUBI FLOOD Heavy Bat delpbin Phillie nudged Pitt burgh Pirates New York Meta and Chicago orbs were rained out The Giania victory cut the Cardinals league lend to We games over the San Francia cans Juan Marichal who went the distance ran his record to 61 Carlton now is 21 Mike Shannon also homered lor St touts World Rowers Lacking Eunos ZURICH Switzerland AP Nuno Olympic and world row ing championships are heading lor troubled waters because of lack ol lands the international anwing Federation wnrncd Fri HY Events in Spain West Ger many and Canada are threats ened The one notable exception is the Mexico Olympics next Octo ber the organization of which was lavishly praised by the led cratlnn in communique But the federation harshly criticized the rowing prepara tions or the 1972 Munich Olyma pie Gaines which it said lace unexpected difficulties period but DUE tlrd it It 1511 at the second Simon Nolet made it 21 on powerplay at 1111 and the Aces tools 34 lead at 809 ol the third on Guy Gendrons tally Darryl Sly brought Rochester is within one at 145t and Mur ray Hall awettad the puck in with Nolet ia therpenalw box It lozmt Sept lies In Big Becbvery NORTH BATTLEFORD Saskl GP Three goals in the last six minutes gave Sept Isles Miners win over Meadow Lake Saris Stampcdcrs Friday in the opening contest of tho bestofdlva Canadian intermedi ate hockey ï¬nal Second game in the series is set or tonight in Nnrtb Battie lord The remaining contests will be Sunday alteran and Monday and Tuesday nights it necessary The teams were tied 11 after the lira period Friday and illu dow Lake held 21 lead alter the second Amedea Larrivee Yvon Fli bolle Yvon Juneau and Gilbert Laforet scored for the Quebec team Danny Lllcureux scored twice tor Meadow Lake and Wayne Green got the other Saw katchawan tally PAY YOUR CARRIER EACH WEEK Your Barrie Ekaminer carrier boy is little merchant has to pay for his papers each week tier he has paid his bill what is left is llis profit VHELP youre genomes SESUCCESSFMV IN HISfBUSlNESSl NHL Accuracy ChampionShip MONTREAL CF Dick Dull Meirold ielt wioger with Montreal Canadians was the most narrate shooter la the National Hadley lugua over the regular 1961a person Stallsth issued by the NHL Friday show that Dull Kirk land lake Ont native who now lives in Tomato scored goals on ll shots tor scoring pet ccntage of are per cent Dull was not protected by Canadians in last Junos expan sion drolt but was subsequently grabbedbacit when no other team picked him So tar in this Seasons playolls Dull has scored two goals and assisted in three other in the nine games it took Montreal to eliminate Boston Bruins and Chicago Black Hawks Dull showed remarkable re covery lrom his output oi 11 goals and shooting percentage Heres how three rompingvyOUngsters hel the BrOleys decide on electric heating Mm youbave three young children bouse bomiortabiy warm Mr CHECK THESE VFIVE EXCELLENT WAYS TO HEAT YOUR HOME ELECTRICALLY RadianthllingJieat mg is invreible Each winter con er lrooma temperature mer0neaettingmain hajindtvtduaiiy taineanydesiredyear round temperature HAND Baseboard units take up little span blend with room de mit roomvbyroom tern perature control can RR Srroud VGlenbjrae its Sunnidola Rd controlled at 111 during mlurlbll 1M gt stmnuNn CONE Bil Sutherimd obtained by Philadelphia Myers theWeat Division when they purchased Quebec Aces at the American Mamie was runperop to Doll in acctuaey among players with to or more soda The yearold Reginbborn lnrward was the only other play er with scoring percentage at more than to Hehad 20 goals on shots tor 204 per cent other in the top live JeanRatatle New York Rangers on goals too shall 110 per cent John Bucyk Boa ton Bruins so goals 17 shots 174 per cent and Brit Selby Philadelphia is goals shots 171 per cent Poul Henderson traded to To ronto Maple Leala lrom Detroit Red wings near the end pl the render erases and the leader in wide sboottos percent age ol slipped to 105 per cent this season on goals and shots aura units For the lilth straight season Bobby Hull Chicano Black Hawk lelt Winger led all play ers in total shots on goal Hull peppered opposition tender with 364 shots uh scoring leagueleading 44 goals that gave him percent age of 111 compared with his 161 figure of the previous seas son Two other players had more than 300 shots on goalStan Mikita ol Chicago with 303 which resulted in to goal and 132 percentage and nausea veteran right winger Gordie Howe of Detroit lione shot 301 times scored goals tor 130 per cent accuracy DICK DUFF Top Shooter think its greetThe floors are always wean says Mrs Harold EVHIOIGY of Harris pved you have to keep the entire Harold Brolay told us in an interview about his electricallyheated Barrie home And that includes the recreation room there all the time The youngsters seem to be down Mrs Broloy was quick to agree think its great The floors are always warm Now dont even hesitate in letting the children run around in bare feet And with individual thermostats we can turn up the bathroom heat without making the bedrooms one hot We like to keep them cool at night for Bleeping gt Of course comfort and convenience olroombyroom temperature control arent the only features that have made the Broieya pleased with electric heating They also enjoy the cleanliness and apnoe aaving aspects Eiectni is eating is quiatLdraughtvfree aaie And because electric heating is dependable the Broleys arent bothered by the expense and inconvenience of annual servicing If these are advantages youd like foryour next home insist on electric heatingLookfor Thelripla Seal of Qualityguaranteo backed by the manufacturer the contractor who installed the heating equipment and the Ontario Electrical League For com plete details consult ask your Hydro rem eat pum beats in in auto ment wall =innngltsne Hot water system Eleotricturnace with ihydrnntclctrculates airiiitermmhmeswtth hot water through coolrn and humidity baseboarduntta from contra loryearround emailboilelonhaaea comfort qualified electric heating contractor or your hydro taunts LY PRO HARDWAR ng Phone res9228