HASKIMS sass nan schedule For Shanty Bay Men Iy EARL nasxim The 1968 president of Shanty Hay Got Course John Pugsiey and secretary Ted Leemnn have full schedule or mens events lined up for the coming sea son The golfers tee oil on Thursday May at pm in the Mens Weekly Handicap murnanient other executive members at Shanty Day are vice president Howard Burbidgc Capt Jack Rayfleid uf cistont captains Harvey Clark and Barry MoShes Socialeommittee Bill West Les Osborne Ted Leo man Larry Robillard and Brian MacDonald Greens committee Fred Smith Bilii MacArthur Geo Hay Hadie and Mes ea LBO l211113 FINALS Mala Kempvlew Youth Howling will beroiled of Sunday starting at The young bowl ers receive their trophies at banquet on May 11 ANDERSON PARK golf pro Tommy Hughes will have to wait another year before he gets paid ior three dozen golf balls While his younger brother Howie was in this area With the Los Angeles Kings he got the balls irom Tom and said 111 pay you when we win the Stanley lllowie scored 14 goals and assists for DA while cnalties fungi BARRIB INTERCITY Dart Leagude under airman Murray Lawson recently complete Very ï¬cessfui schedule Group Angus No had 329 pointsCOB 301 Ont Hydro 294 Barrie Legion ND 3117 Angus No 252 Group Army Navy and Air force Club No team 231 ANAF No 2M AWAF No 196 Legion 180 Standings arter the first round of the playoffs are as follows Group C02 Legion No Angus No Ont Hydro Angus No Group Legion No ANAF No ANAF No ANAF No Barrie ne lnts gtarlheryfinallmround of the playoffs will be tossed at Qhe Army Navyand Air Force Club tomorrow The hart League banquet and dance is slated lor May it DAN HENDERSON reports lot of the boys have 3helr cars in top shape for the opening of the Barrie on Ma 20 Spell Aunnnnyor Base Base Borden Golf Club had helluva time to iind his bail When he did 11nd it he had no problem makingan eagle ha his score card Even Vic shooting eagles didnt stop Bernie Col léns Coliens won the Charlnber oi Commerce Trophy nin da actlvit es ganglimgsvrths Jr lacrosse team will play Long Branch in the Barrie Arena on Saturday May 11 this lacrosse bit is half as exciting as B111 Our vran says it will be well worth seeingr STEVE WiGGiNSLKoopman BF teamwon the Wednesday nightmixed bowling championship Auto motive Finish seeond Cllfiiraves Aliandaie Taxi won the consolation Al Brondfoots Caiverts Burner service are the Friday night champs Jack Barths and DriveIn team placedsecond Ted Lsyeock with the RP Hustlers won the stimulation prize 2GIVE MANa iish and he will ieed himseli ior aday Teach himzhow to iish and he will lead him selr Support 0xlam NEIL WARD was top golier at Aliandale 601 Club yesterday in tournament for students and inst ructors of Georgian College Torn Conner placed second Low net winner was Maurice Rodirye and Dave Bell runner up WOZV FRANK JERMEY son of WilbertJermey IS Ounn St was in Australia atthe Empire Rifle Champ ionships recently an member oithe Canadian Bis icyteam MAURICE MoFADDEN will add slot of fire to the Barrie Junior hockey team as their new manager THREE CHEERS iorithe Canadiens Ihey made the Hawks look like Doves Bobby Orr and Bobby Hull could not stop the Habs but Im betting St Louis stars via Parry Sound Terry Crisp and Gary Sabourln wiii HOCKEY STAR Jim Couch oi the Fiyers is on TED LEEMAN LEFT JOHN PUGSLEV OF SHANTV BAY Heme 106 Is In Favor My teambas bounced back so many times this season nothingnurprises me any more said Blair coach of the North Stars Hui the home lawn crowd in St Louis is lliimnd to give the Blucsa big That place is wild ive al ways thought the crowds stiles ton and Chicago were the tough est for visiting team Believe me St Louis ranks right wilh them Blair should knowhis North Siars have played four of their six Stanley Cup semifinal games against the Blues in St Louis Final gamein me easiersew and Wren big holes in his bluciinc corps Arbour key defensive cog for the Blues warmed up before Wednesdays game in Minneav polls buldid not play AI tested his injured leg and he didnt think he was quite 100 per cent said Bowman So rather than risk the chance of reiniuring him decided to rest him for couple more days Arbour sullered bleeding charley horse in Iiie second game of the series and Harvey picked up groin injury in last Saturday ourih game Meanwhile Thursday boih coaches said they werent por licularly concerned about meet iiig lthe mlghly Canadiens in the III havent given it much thought yet said Bowman who was still trying lo find out what happened to hisllilues in their 54 loss to Minnesoia Wednesday night en Stanley Cup series is tonight on pm EDT The winner will meet Montreal Canadians in the Dlair howev felt his expan sionclub could fare as well bestofsevcn final which starts Sunday afternoon in the West Bowman coach oi the Blues has reached into the infirmary for tonights game and will be dressing captalnAl Arbour and veteran defencernan Doug Har vey in an effort to plug some PRACTICES United Eleiï¬rlcal Intermedi aieQllecris Parks pm Sunday May Universal Cooler Intermed iaie vs Cooksiown Slmcoe Exhibition pm Woodsha Senior Shear Park pm Monday May Universal Cooler intermedi ate Queens Park pm honeymoon with his new Genny nouns iiiTm inn gKelis Bishop circuit modelled on the tion Hockey league gets and way May in six Cans n4 nine and two indie United Stat and Victoria in Canada and Detroit and Portland Ore lhe 115me from on advertising man in Toronto witha boostirom Bruce Nor rispresidént of Wings of theNH Moriey Kelis an ad marl on hockey account started the senior amateur la os Toronto Maple Leafs tw ill5ag0 hen saw the patch He at up along with ilisho oi Oshawa0nt coach omh Canadian junior cham pio Gr Harold Balls rd and Stoif zand broadcaster Brian an we had Toro nto Montreal Delroit and Peter Wednesday May Senior Queens bride pretty Missglane ney sou oi the border for each home game Admission ces will vary acrossthe country but will av erage $2 to game Kells says we will need 3000 game tohbreakeve Leaguepresi ntglerry Keliy of Oshaw says that Wlllle clubs are negotiating raiaries th beginning Wll have to have ouside lob Vuvingn Ai least in Toronto pcnses will be if as in the throes of rebuilding heirarena and said Not lust nowmaybe next year Norris told me GeiJ lo and Montreal inand consider it TURNED TEAM PRO Kelis turned his Toronto lesinprowiih the backing of Sniythe of the hockey leafs Maciarlane set up frinchlse inMonlreal with Canadians Pelerborougb iollowed along roughnut enough for gas Kelissoysu en cameo letter from th West Coastst ieeier trom the senior amateur lnlercily leagucWeworked out agreement and we were an eight lcsm interlocking league first things the league dd was to draw up rule bookfmodelledon they iCHlCAGO AP ueg vicious and no spreqd boycott threat lympic Co against llionlrealdys Chicago Black Hawks and Boston Bniins who weht down easily in the EasternDivlslon playoffs CMDESi HA8 VICTIMS it wouldnt take much to do beiler thanBoston or Chicago Im Just proud oi our guys ready for getthig this far in the Minnesota injury dc partment Blair expects to have Billy Collins and JeanPaul Pa rise dressedior actiontonighl Were going all out he said Theres nothing to save anyone for now Collins saw iimiled action Wednesday as penalty killer in his first game sineethe se riesvopcner when he suffered cut ligamentin his right arm Parise pulled thigh muscle Wednesday nightand left the NHL hoolr anduw legislate ainst posession sty la cro An unusiiolasdect the NLAis that two teamsDen iroit and Portlandwill have travel for all home games lifqiirvwith Bishop as gen ers said upon return Thursday recentcon irovcrsial meeting of the 100s executive board in Lausanne swiizeriand that be had gpro posed the quickmail vote which game in the ByBRUCE LEVETT Canadianfress Sports Editor rolessional lacrosse in of home games by hi Hamilton station but Keiis wont saywhatthe con tract calls fo Says Bisho TV ElprSLlie will glamm rizalhe sport not professional level men srs behind this sportmen money inthslong haul in the beginning Bishop els the proieague will fwater down the calibre senior amateur iacrgsser anadaby taking most of the and is trying to fiiid niypersonal stand ih tier aadwheihcr the action against South Africa was put through over my oppo tion Chicago millionaire said vWe did it imprint to teci their boys and girls whod be exposed to vioiencd or pleasaniness ELMQXlWl Asvior lhreatened boycottoi the Dimple by somsd0cnun tries inciudingghussls knocked South Africa out oi ihe Mexican Games Brundage released moniyroiieratlng ma comments after lh Olymni crisis was eased stLausann 3000 competing athletes all the Alrl of the less than400 were from can countries Of St Louis Blues ST LOUIS CF Scoity Bowman was thinking of his bondage brigade Blair about partisan ions as St Louis Blues and Minnesota North Stars prepared to finish their war of attrition Ionighi the CBC starting at 930 pm EDT Dancer In one claws Inside new WW Can Mlll hope in Saturdays already has slim advantage over the early nvorle Dancerr image owned by Peter Fuller at Boston and trained by his CIVIlAril oi To ronto has drawn No petition in the llborse held one inside of to favorite Forward Pm The son of Native Dancer is 72 for the illumile classic and hes been unseeded slight edge over Forward Pass in the early ruins Weswerenl very lucky ia the duel acid Hoary formal His three losses started from trainerotFornrdPAu bellevetbeoodwiil proba bly cost us length or two mï¬hmrm be trouble position m1 rm time for the mud race can no csorv ans rive in Forward Panv Ere yield ries this year our of them in stakes he started from be No through No part posilioris 14 Reggisitered In Derby Field LOUISVILLE Ky AP The lineup for SsturdeysKen lucky Derby at Churchill Downs with post positions Jockeys owners and probable odds as made by the track handicapper PP Horse Odds iron llulcr oi Commcrcial Jig Time Kcniucky Sherry Trouble Brewing Te Vega Don Verbslirn Captains Gig Froncles lint Proper Proof Dancers image Forward Post 06 Gleaming Sword 301 Kentuc iry Sherry Trouble Ziti 201 201 204 lost 20 31 SW1 61 Connelly Family Will BeVUp Washing Dad Sit LOUIS CF Regina Connelly will probably let Ann and Steven stay up little later tonight in Molagami Que to watch daddy on television Wayne Erancls Connolly 20 rightwinger or Minnesota will be front and centre as the North Slars meet St Louis Blues in lho seventh and deciding game of their Stanley Cup semifinal Conneily has played here be fore but never in Stanley Cup final He appeared first with Kingston Frontenacs of ihe Easlcrn Proiesional Hockey weaviiiiqsmiiss CGE Mixed High Singles ivnn Bonney 335302 Dorothy Dunn 335 190 Reg Floor 304 liob Dunn 295 Pat Wanamaker 297 Marilyn Hallyhurion 291 276 Woods Golhons 291 Harold Green 208 Pete Howcroit 206 250 Nancy Emms 206 Ron Enuchard2iii 262 Elva Bouchard 280 Dave Woods 277 Al Wood 276 268 Dorrien Comm Oscar Hick iingZssAnnelte Larade 264 Jan Morley 258 Ernie 01 257 Toll Howcroft 257 Lloyd Tim mons 256 Doris Griifin 255 John Donovanlsi min Triples Dunn iiallyburton lilo Bouchard 735 Flear 724 Howcroft 768 Dunn 71 Enuns 710 Ted Emms 705 Wood 700 Larade 692 Marg Leniiox 692 Green 604 Boucbard 67i DCox 660 flirnmons 652 Howcrnft Gil Donovan 633 Card Harris 629 Gloria Beesley 6Z3 Hicir ling 621 Jack Emms 017 Wana maker 611 Coxyï¬w Myrt Ruhl 608 Wanda Gcthons 601 Bernie Elgenhuis 500 7Team Playoff Scores Group Hustlers 3704 Misllts 3613 now om MOFEATT Msscugv Play In Final League and there are differ ences For one thing the minor league Frontenacs travelled by has not let lt was nothing like the National Magus Connolly said after lhe North Star checked inlo tbeir holcl Thursday night When the franchise was movedlo St Louis from Syra cuse we used to take couple of days to get here Connelly played for his present coach Wren Blair in Kingston This was one of the reasons he was drafled by 1M Brewing and Te Vega are com pied In the wagering as mem bers of the Inuiuri iiefd Jockeys Iy put positions ham Grant Combat Manganello Cordero Jr Ycua oEFires iil Sellers 11 llssery 11 Valenzuela it Belmonie Owners by but Positions October House Farm Bwamazs Farm Cragwood Estates Mrs Joe brown Coventry hock Stable Frank Sullivan Woods Eimendorf Farm Cain io Saddle Farm 11 Mrs Montgomery Fisher 11 Peter Fuller 13 Calumet Farm it Whitney 30 pm EDT 651 with 3311 ers with timer for rim 325 000 for second 112600 for third 35000 for fourth Distance 1y miles Longshot Wins lit Greenwood TORONTO John Hayes Jr zoyearold Univer ally of Guclpb student rode Muddy Jobn to victory Thurs day in Ihe feature $2400 eighlb race at Greenwood raceway 101 longshut Muddy John owned by Lawrence Hmy of none 0nt returned $2210 win mutual menu 1m June llayes rode Laohlanns in the seventh race and led the field past three poles but lost bya nose lo Donnas Champ driven byll Allan Weddell of Campbell vi llncle Davis lathe first race combined with Pauls Signal in the second for $4100 daily double payoff The exasior of Credit Card and Prince Khan in the sixth race was worth $4000 liiugwumps 3530 Angels 3509 Crusaders 3497 lcddybcars 497 Group Aces 4034lilaule ers 3ï¬iz hoppers 3509 Go Gos 3030 Travellers s324 Dandys miss Senior Citizens Ladies Singles Williams in 177 159 Robinson 160 Lear iso Mens singles iconoxzoi 176 Siessor 190 175 153 Orr 154 Wesiwoodyloa 146 She HAMBURG NY CPL Don Corneauof Araprior Ont Thursday night rode favorite Aaron Chief to viclory on slop py track at Bufinlo raceway Corneaus mount won by Well 161 143 Ladies Triples Williams 522 Robinson 424 car 306 Mens Triples Lennon Slessor 522 Veslwood 441 Shelswell 427 nose in 213 to pay $520 in his fifth victory on nine starts gt TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 7281414 Theyre both famous and becdming more so all the time Schenlsy SilverWeddlng Dry Gin crisp cool and wonder fully dry And Sehaniav Golden Wedding successful marriage oi our finest whiskias inviia ihis couple to your next party theNo 51and10alm ll all the Derby Will have gross value oi not was 22600 to the winner Jockey iunael Valenzuela will be trying to get Howard Pm sood break will Howard Grant on Frenchs lint Denccrsjnugs will be ridden by Bobby Ussery and the third choice Mrs Montgomery Fisbs ers Proper Proof will have Johnny Sellers up Oclobcr House lanna Ruler and Cain lloy 1w Captains Gig drew the fourth ï¬rms odds in the early bei glines STARTS NO iron Ruler will start from lire No position and will be ridden by Braulion Baeza Nanny wlillbeaboard Captains The other lhrccrycarold coils and inelr jockeys in the mid are Commercial ifrom hiii lord Daldhchns on larrns Howard Grant Charles Engicbords Jig hme hay Eroussar Mrs Joe We ilrowos Kentucky sherry Jlrn Compost Alfred Hunt and Richard Scaifcs Trouble Brewing Thornburg Frank suliivnns To Vega Mike Manganello Dan llvoodwl Don 13 lDon Pierce llleysG earning Sword Eddie vBelmonte Mac Cluck Verbatim Angel Cordero Jr icrry Meyers of Toronto trains Verbatim levies Calder cup rayon ROGESTER NY AP Jack Bulierfield president of the AmericanHockey League levied lines totalling 5125 Thors day his playens on the Roeb eslcrjaod Quebec City teams for participating in TEEDrill fight in their April so Calder Alp playoff game Cori Wetzei spare goaliq for the Rochester club will have to pay 3725 He was fined for entering the Quebec City stands and becomingin volved with spectators and also fliior ï¬ghting on the ice Jim McKenny also of Rochcss ler was fined $150 for following Wetzelinio the stands and also 52 for fighting on the ice Mur ray Ha ird Rochesier play wa iined $100 for swinging bisi lick and another $25 iorthe brawl on the ice The fifth game in thebesl seven serieswill he played at Rodiesler tonight The series ticdfat two games each Adlustment for to