Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 3 May 1968, p. 7

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To Treat gics can be involved In your Mrs Rick Dunn nee Suzanne Mrs Rather recently at for Korean war widows may Welcome is extended to Mr way 21 belonging to Mrs Madden new omcana icompleied the unit Cottoos May as smart modelled the May 16 at Thornton and dele is to he giect attendance pot luck nominating Past Pres Mrs Dawning Presidents 000 Annual Income is nuai meeting April 23 in the First Find Cause ByJOWflGMClNIIIID rum Momma Daronhthenitevcntiylm read an artids on Quinokaa edema which is related to ur taio forms of anglooeurotk adult have daufhter mt ierisg this sort at illness Severe weather changes especially in other than simmer maths have knit her indoors tor years it there anything you can tell me or is then any doctor you know who Is acquainted with Qulndes edematWJ Quinckea difiase uor nckea edema ano er for angloilitglrotiemedulns This Is type an ve or mation which occurs in highly aliorKic individuals Certain foods and serum rem lions are the usual causes of at tacks but othar types of ailer and doubts case It may be what we call physical allergya reaction to cold sun or other factors In her environment The essential step in handling this coodIUoo is to find out what the olfending factor is and thus avoid it It possible in addition antihistamine treatment properly timed will be helpful Consult your physi cian on thisor see one who specializes in allergies Quinckea disease can be dan gerous if the hives involve mailing It tongue or throat Dear Dr Moiner Will eating peanuts cause person to gain weight My husband eats lot at them but is supposed to Reg get can file launderblame lat vegetable oil whidt is high in calories Thornton ya peasants will add int For calorlecounteuanmpaamt workaouttomoxthaallvo cai odcx so handlid ot than can count up to good deal at to emweifit Dear Dr Moises contracted rheumatic fever four are In waatotdl havetn take penicillin the rent of my lite Recently was told that could atoptaklog it In year or so have these questions Are there distinct firNinth it patient takes penicillin or years then stops and more ouently starts again Can patient become innnuna to taking illEJ person has rheumatic over we know he is likely to it again whenever be en4 motors the strap germ The penicillin is to Ihut Midi in fections belore they get started is general practice to contin ue penicillin for live years fu ture experience may show us whether it should continue longer than that When the peril cillin LI stopped the patient should of course be alert or £9 throat or similar step infection and get treatment without moments daisy Sensitizationand future al iergyis possible trom the first course of penicillin lust as It be pwsihle even tram sin administration person umaliy does not de his weight downDCJ valop an immunity to this drug SIMCOE COUNTY NEWS HOLLY By ems DOWNING Congratulations to Mr and Morrow Barrie on the recent hirthoi son and to Mr and Mrs Ronald Collum on the ar rival oi their chosen son Hea tended church convention in USA Recent visitors with Mr and Mrs Roy Grant were Mr and Mrs Barry Grant and family at Toronto with Mr and Mrs Graham were the form ers brother and sister in low Mr and Mrs Gordon Gra ham ot Port Credit with Mr and Mrs Bentley were hike Elaine Bentley and Ted Harrn in sen of Kingston DIET IN COOKSTOWN Holly United Church Woman held the April meeting at the home at Rev and Mrs Miiroy Mrs icy Grs Cookstown Plan is selections were played by Mary and Ross Mllroy and Mrs it Prydo was in charge of devotions Nylons and be leit with Mrs Downing un til the end of May Mrs Iisher missionary coo vener based her program on Japan it was learned that the population has passed 100000 about $140 and at that they are better off than any other Asians One Japanese In is owns car that is the Japanese Centennial year of breaking the feudal system They are the worlds largest ship builders Japan is one or the most literate and informed nations in the world Mrs Brown is recovering from recent operation in Bar rio hospital George Sriglay Is patient there and Roy and Mrs Henry lIommen who have bought the house on High thties lliil wil had their nn Community Centre with presi dent Mrs Lougheed presid ing The 4H girls who have dresses Congratulations were extended to Joan Graham who receivedcounty honors and Linda Graham provincial hon ors District annual is to he gates were chosen wedding catered for May as Mrs Downings education meet ing was voted the best of the year Mrs Lougheed had per =° 1m lunch was enioyed Mrs Downing installed the loss olilcersas presented by committee Mrs Pryde and Mrs it Grant Pres Mrs Lougheed Vice tic Mrs Myrtle Escher Pryde Sec Tree and Mrs cit DONTTH District Director Rachar Alternate Mrs Lackia Conveners Agriculture Mrs Lackie Mrs Haskin Home Ecooo mics Mrs Campbell Mrs Don Srigley Cards Mrs hraoch Directors Mrs Bent Mooro Auditors Mrs Congratulations to Mr Mrs Morrow who recent ly celedrated their hard wedd howdeo huts and Mrs Kelly Omst Barrie visited Bowden Mr Canadian industries Ith Mrs itachar His torical Research Mrs Clara Robinson Current Events Mrs Henry Brown Citizenship Mrs Leighton Education Mrs Needsmutr motor Resolutions AW Graham Gifts and Morrow Mrs Blakeley Mrs Ray at Mrs Pryde and anniversary PRESENTATION Mr and Mrs hrantford were presentation in the occasion of hill itenweii honored at recent marriage Friends gathered at Holly Community Centre items Mrs Rachar were read by Mrs Downing Mrs Honey and Mrs Rog Graham asked Bill and Sherry to unwrap platform rocker All enjoyed social halt hour over lunch HOLLOWS By MR5 BGWDEN Mrs Visited Bathgate for tow days Mr Todd of Rownsview Mr and Mrs Archie Mrs Elmer Smith Norval were guests or Mr and Mrs Smith Mr and Mrs Allen Kevin and Kim Mid Mr and Mrs Mr and Mrs John Foucart visited Mrs Phelpston last weelt Stuart Young at minim By NICE rs qle Andersen nee Doris Freeman of Oslo Norway is on visit here with her step mother At present Mr Anderson who is with the Norwegian Air Force lsstationad in London England filmy plan toreturn to Norway in August Mrs Letherby and son oi Coldwater and week with her Kaye Waddting MrsDan Foresteli ot Cools Mrs Freeman are spending mother Mrs apent the past week with son Pat Forestcll and tam Mrs Wine visited friends Wednesday and Thursday in Pen etaog and Barrie Mrs Alton Anderson was in Toronto Friday Ontario Lawn Bowling Associa annual meeting Miss Chop owned by Charles0Leary won first attending the seconds and third at iNK lD BETTER SHOW You an deciam the Welt hand at Four North cashel the KQ at dia moods and leads low diamond to Souths are which you nut Youdraw two lands at trumps both opponents allowing suit mnmdd you no play the 3d 35 QQDII Egg2E1 35 an You hate only two entries all to dummy and the problem is whether to alter winning the ace of spades or club finesse it is true that South may have either king and to that extent whichever finesse you choose has sopcreeot chance to win but so or as making the contract is concern trick ed you are much better all to attempt the heart finesse at trick two it South has the king your worries are over because you can continue with the ace and another club planning to repeat llk the heart inessa later on take heart flours tribution Cut the AM of hear and lead low cltdt finusi the jack if South Irina with the him must return clidi or yield ruff and discard Either way youlnake the rest at the It the club tinesse wins low club return trom dummy assures the contract it South shows out ouster some play any club iroin your hand and North is endpiayed It South allows to the low club you are sure oi making the cow tract NEWS or corona By Mush CAMPBELL Mtss Jnaet Campbell who has completed her third year at Macdonald institute University of Guelph has spent the past week at her home here Pre viously she had spent week in New York She has accepted position with CNIE Toronto Her parents accompanied by Mrs it Gra drove her to Toronto Sunday where they all visited Mr and Mrs Lloyd Campbell and Mrs Shannon at Newmarket on the return trip Mrs it llodgson oi Streets ville visited her brothers How ard and Campbell rec ccntly MRS DJCAMEEON Mrs Bert Jantleson spent several days in Toronto with Mr and Mrs Pat Jamlesun while they were moving to their new home at Hrarnaiea Miss Sally Rattle has made good recovery tollowing sur gery at horrle hospital last week Mr and Mrs Max Livingston have purchased house on Guno St Barrie with posses sion July Congratulations to Miss Anne Thcrrlen daughter ol Mr and Mrs Lawrence Thcrrien on her marriage April 27 The Wm mens Insltutocatered for the reception at Community Hali Mr and Mrs Norman Gra ham Nelda and Neil of An caster visited Mr and Mrs Alex Grahan Saturday Gary Campbell is homo lrom ltlcliinster University for the summer The Sampson boya have completed their semester at University of Waterloo Bay has returned to his Job with Goodyear and Gil is employ ed with IBM both in Toron to The Corrununity Hall was fill ed to capacity Friday night at the annual awards night for Ora Little NHL teams Colfee doughnuts and pop were served at the close Family Day service will be hold at the Presbyterian Church May 12 at 1115 am MOVIE TIME The first public showings of movies in England took place In 1898 Too bad hell miss his appointment with customer Im also trying to solL DAILY crosswoao 215riatle Ilitepart Kiowated For ihamr JranIIiuu 2dJual Pronoun mlrtdu 8LDiailgum dLThltold Eng 33001 350ohfront 37rannh river 35Fotato 39Declyo OJArga worm PEANUT burrcw JELLY musraan spamsct IM sonarmweav WRAPPED H15 LUNCH an guanolug Ilfl MY MATH PAPERS BLON DIE BUZZ SAWER MUGGS AV SKEEIER SECRET AGENT X9 Deanne bullets unidry und Phil ofiws tire and shes hlctt force them to madman teavl behrd Harm bh beige drum of poster and meat rrm THEWORRYAWAYTHATW idDS WILL FIND MY POEMSAND ANICE LITl LE HIDING PLACE WHERE IT WILL BE SAFE Um SOME DAY monsoonu WHERECAN HIDE THIS mmrussorr LAUGHATEM in 1968 Pontioer Buick Fil6bild Beaumont Acodlan GMC Truck orGoodwill Used Car from ATKINSON Bradford st Barrie PONTIAC outh LTD Goonwun out noises TODAYS GOODWILL useocan rim Comet station Wagon cylinder Automatic rag xszoss nnnuoin with match for interior onialnei paint $1550 HOW ABOUT THE SUPREME UNDER GLASS SAWVER TWENTYElm Bu K5 BY THE WAY H075 gt THE SPARKLE FROM MY l2CARAT DIAMOND RING AINT BLINDIN You wstL tETs GET DOWN TO BUSINESS HEY SAME mu wemo NTliE Piliiésiiiiishm mowemmmeniu OUR DMPANYS OR DIE GROUND FLOOK uvromc AND CLEANUB

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