Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 3 May 1968, p. 6

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NEW EXECUTIVE ELECTED BY IAYCElTES CLUB barrio Jaycettcs marked the annual meeting and elec tion at otlicers at session held Wednesday evening in the Skyroom Lakevitrw Res taurant Following installation the new excutl ve were photographed Shown above lrom left to right Mrs Dave Forbes treasu rer Mrs David White vice presidenti Death Of world Traveller In Jungles Of New Guinea NEW YORK CF Con stance Sybil Dennis was world citizen with love at lite flare lor adventure desire to do good and mind at her own Since Second World War serv ice with the RCAF she had tra velled over hall the globe Had she not died lonely death in New Guinea last week chances are she would have seen the other halt Miss Dennis 43 had lived in Ontario and British Columbia Washington and New York lhr Ringowith the United Nations long Kong and Australln She had seen other lands and letters to friends here indicate she wished to see more The letters show that she was ihoughtlul person concerned with the cares ol the world but possessed ot lively wit and happy knack of seeing the humor in situationeven when telling how close she was to being slain in The Congo PICKETED PICKETS in 1960 she pickeled some picketsoutside the Canadian Embassy in Washington The demonstrators were protesting Canadian trade to Fidel Cas tros Cuba it these people are mad at Castro why dont they picket the Cuban Embassy and leave the Canadians alone she was quoted as saying then HAVE BRAI The Hagerstown Morning Herald decided to test Bri tish researchers theory that the hrainlast females also have the shapiest legs The newspaper photographed the in 1961 she wrote letter to Dag llammarsitiold then UN secretarygeneral expmslng hcr admiration ior his dedica tion and unselfish service She received telegram of thanks ond an employment applica tion term and ended up in Tho Congo Miss Dennis dtcd near Port liloresby New Guinea April 25 She had set out to explore iha Kokoda Trail at tamous Second World War battleground and lost contact with her guides Sho had been without food lora weck She was reported to be Ca aadian Actually she never be came Canadian citizen air though her letters indicate she remained tirme attached to the country BORN lN ENGLAND Miss Dennis was born in Eng land and moved to Canada in 1918 with her mother settling in Port Hope Ont Michael Jarvis at Ottawa halthrother said Miss Dennis Soon get itchy tent and toolr bicycle trip to Florida She served during the war on the Canadian West Coast and lived there tor period alter the war working tor while tor Vancouver newspaper Then she moved to Hamilton 0nt and still again to the 175 She worked tor the PanAmer hectare lean Health Organization and the World Health Organization before Joining the UN in The Congo Alter UN service she moWd to liong Kong From Hong Kong she moved to Australia Her letters here told at hopes oi going elsewhereRhodesia Nrkey Spain Grace UCW Plan Dinners At the regular meeting Wed nesday evening at GraccUnited Church Women three forthcom ing dinners were discussed by convenersMrs Willard Walton and Mrs Grant Caldwell These will include the Home and School dinner May 13 Hospital Auxil iary dinner June and the Strawberry Festival June 27 Nentylour members were present at the meeting at which Mrs William Vls presided De votions irorn the hook God and ills Purpose were led by Mrs Percy Ford and the minutes were led by iiirs Bruce Wice Mrs Bruce Chappeli gave the treasurers report Following the Lords Prayer lunch was served by Mrsf Ray McLean Mrsn Marion Muir and Mrs Bruce Wice or Gills THE BEST GAMS gems oil tour brainy types and tour avecage students at Hagerstown Junior College and ran these numbered pic tures to let its readers see if they could tell which legs go Th Toyot car in alts low prl orolla has nro ass Thatmeans JUSTIN vrovorn ms amt can 51 he horsepower thanoany other more get up and go at low morons lSUZU titast with the brainy girls Givan up The brainy girls go with the legs inphotos number and AP Wirephntot RESTYLINa REPAIRS STORAGE FURS and You Buy Invlld You To Compare jwreews Trims Dunlop Barria 7284868 lTHEMRRIEWMAYIAT$M LAWSONBALVERT Wedding vows At St Andrews la two oclock ceremony at St Andrews Presbyterian Church lillss lea Balvert daughter or Mr and Mrs Gys Balvert RR Barrie became the bride oi Raymond Douglas Lawson The bridegroom is the son oi Mrs lawson Angus and the late Mr Lawson Rev Kenneth Heron was the otticiating clergyman ORGANZA GOWN Given lnmarrlaga by her litre Bill Orr president Mrs trier the bride wore an Empire llm Shellsweli past president and Mrs Russ lVadge score to tary Examiner Photoi iron LANDERS waisted gown ot organsa over tieta with lily point sleeves and neckline oi scalloped Moving His Mother Saves Wifes Sanity Dear Ann Lenders We is years ago my husbands lather passed away lily molherinlaw di who had always heated him like dirt suddenly became the most gridstricken woman at at the zeta Century She cried screamed fainted lasted threw hersoil on everybodyespe cialiy her eldest son my bus th band The biggest mistake oi his llie was saying to her at the iu nernl Dont worry mother you will never be alone You can count on us She took him so up on it right there and then and allowing week She couldnt hear to part with her dining morn set so mine had to go Her new mm and re irigeralnr which we could have used went to her daughter she had such strong sentimental at tachments to her pictures vases throw rugs and other as so just hate to have the Red tell my ninlaw he is lather when child cant possi had to bring them along Our Cross representative he knows the moved into our home the lily be his scheduled to come home He knows nothing at his witea con line For financial reasons Maryan na is getting her maternity care military base understand lrorn what have read in the papers that the lied Cross nati ties the men overseas when cy become fathers lhava begged my daughter to write her husband and tell him or her condition but she refuses to do Is there any way we can stop the Red Cross from relaying the massage7 Thank you tor your ambianceTrouble in Family Dear Family Your daughter ought to discuss this problem with the chaplain oi the hospital where she will months baby sortEd pieces at trash that she Sh should explain the circum stances and ask him to inter once lovely home now looks like cede on behall ol the young secondhand junk shop in an it would be shattering could stand it it all she blow it he received the news in ruined was the looks or our th home but she is ruining my health and my marriage and our relationship with our chil dren Although this woman has lovely large room she is never in it She sits in on every con versation and voices her opinion on matters which do not con cern her When call my husband she answers When call my chil dren she answers speak to her she doesnt hear rne Please tell me what to do lily mottrerinlnw is driving ma nutsSinking Fast Dear Sinking it doesnt sound like drive to me lady It sounds like putt And small wonder Noyears is long at manner wr 0i Thornton Elects Officers Thenew executive of tho Thornton Womens institutewas installed at the annual meeting held April to at the home of rs Beatty New oilicers in When elude President Mrs Black Vice President Mrs Sierps Secretary Mrs Carr and Treasurer Mrs Cunningham Program conveners are Mrs lvan Caldwell Christmas pro gram Mrs Vanderpost Aglt riculture Mrs Dixon Home lime to be imprisonedio your Economics Mrs Schandteo on home Thereis only one solution to your problemJind your moth erinlaw another place to live And dont say you cant alford it Its cheaper than sending you to mental hospitalor main taining separate roots tor you and your husband tiled tor adivorcc SMTTERING BLOW Dear Ann Lenders My 2o yearoldzdaughter is expecting her husband back lroerietuam in May She has not seenhlm in over year Unfortunately she th is pregnant and the baby is due just about the time husband and Mrs Lennox president was presented with Health lilrs Jennctt Canadian Industries Mrs Spencer Citizenship Mrs Beatty Education Mrs Holt Historical Research and Current Events Mrs Drew and MrsL Vanderpost Public Relations and Mrs Ada hind 570 inghanr Keeper of the Archives Annual reports were given retiring gilt in appreciation for her Mrs Harris who has in Thornton area tor Stroud was presented with an institute in as git ct remembrance BEZZANTIS ron rtowsrs ANDPLANTS ortowms leourcH srrs JVEGETABLES eMumrLIrns eLAwN chassis rear Moss esnurtGAIN searttrzrns eonruo disenchantment iBEZZANT5 rtowrr concern csNTnc so JOHNSON an BAthlE the the annuity laceA ch lknkth train ot matching ace was lastened at tho waistline at the gown Five small orgasm ro sea with peari centres held iourtiared veil of scalloped ll lusion tuilajnd she carried bouquet oi red Sweetheart mm and white emotions The bride wore pearl ring as the traditional somethlng old and somethlng borrawcd was single strand at pearl belonging to the bridemems mother ATTENDANTS Miss Cora aalvert ot aarrie the brides sister attended as maid honor and Mrs Carol Crooey Mary St Barrie was bridesmaid They were gowned aliire in floorlength Empire style gowns iashloned on liass with scalloped neckline and balloon sleeves The gowns fashioned by the brides mother were blue interwoven with white and were worn with white satin shoes and gloves Their head dresscs consisted of matching blue bows and they carried hour queta ot yellow chmathe mumr Best man was Robert Brad straw of Base Borden and Phil Brook oi Parry Sound was usht er RECEPTION For reception at River Gar den Restaurant the brides mo the reeeived wearing yellow satin dress with yellow lace coat white hat and corsale of pink Sweetheart roses The bridegrooms moUrer assisted wearing baby blue dress with coat of white lace blue hot and corsage oi yellow Sweep heart roses For travelling to Toronto Nia gara Falls and the United States bride chose navy blue dress trimmed with white lace white coat and white acces sories The newlyweds will ieslde at 42 Ellen St Barrie Outolvclty guests attended lronr Hiiisdale Base Borden Toronto Thornton and Utopia Permit RC Wooten Church Duties OTTAWA 0P Women now may become lay readers commentators and leaders in community singing during mass in Roman Catholic churches the Canadian Catholic Cooler ence announced Friday Roman Catholic bishops made the decision during weeklong meeting here Last year the bishops said women could periorm such duties in congregations in which women were the majority This weeks decision allows them to pertorm such duties at all congregations TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 7284414 by Milo lttldifll ME AND MRS RAYMOND DOUGLAS LAWSON PEOPLE AND PLACES Cali Audrey Coulson or NEIGHBOR BALL The annual Spring aall held under the auspices ol the Knights oi Columbus or aarria will be held this evening in Em bassy llallBlake St beginning at oclock lll Nelghbor is the theme at the dance party convened by chairmen Mr and Mrs LaPionte assisted by members at the Womens Auxiliary to the at mores uoLF The Ladies Section of the Barrie Goll and Country Club held successlul bridge pony Tuesday evening at the clulr house with as members and guests attending Prizes were won by lilrs Don Emery Mrs Diggle Mrs Bert Snclgrove Mrs Ernest Bell and Mrs John Ough The opening gait and dinner will be held May It with nine holes at golt beginning at 130 pm briethuslness meeting will iollow dinner moor vrcronra While en route to an insur ance Convention in Bermuda Mr and MrsTClarenoo Ann strong at Victoria 30 were the weekend guests at Mr Armstrongs brother and dis ler in law lllr and Mrs Frank Armstrong oi Painswlck MARRIAGE Mrs Florence White oi High St and Ephrlam McFadden ot William St were married in Burton Avenue United Church byRev Kenneth Furdon on Wednesday afternoon Follow ing the ceremony wedding dinner was served to 15 mem bers of the immediate families at the Continental lnn Later guestswere entertained at the home at the brides son iniaw and daughter Mr and Mrs llm Orr Grove St with Mrs Torn Pattendensister oi the bride assisthrg the hostess Following wedding journey to Vancouver and Victoria ari tisb Columbia Mr and Mrs McFadden will be at home at 49 William St IN NEW YORK Mrs Maude Biduke of Tor onto enioyed two weeks visit with Mrs James Donaldson and Mr and Mrs lom Hazlewood Victoria St prior to travelling to New York State with Mrs son of Mr and lilrs Dee Wisrner at 71565 filizabcth Hatlowood They are lanaing an extended visit with friends and relatives in Loch port and other parts of the slate MUSIC HONORS Brock Strothard grade 12 student at Barrie Central Coi legiotercceivcd first and three seconds in tour senior open classes tor pianists at the Kiwanis Music Festival Orlliia last evening Brook 17 is student at Ralph Elsae Royal Conservatory of Mix Toronto He makes his home in Barrie with his grandparents Mr and Mrs George Hunter Dayvicw Ave ENGAGEMENT Mra Agaca Montgomery oi Eecles St has announced the engagement or her youngst daughter Judith to James Gerard Quesneile The bridegroom to ho is the Wilfred Quesnella of Midland Tho wed ding will take place in St John Vianney gtFarish unc 22 at prn QUEEN CONTEST Highlight ot dance sponsor ed by the students oi Georgian College will be the crowning at the Queen of the Ball by College President Crawr lord at an 11 oclock ceremo Two runners up who will chosen along with the queen at student election prior to the dance will be crowned by the past president of thersmdonts Administrative Council The dance will be held in the Willow Room or the Continental lnn on May it from until oclock Following the crowning arbut fat supper will be served at 1130 pm invited guests will include Barrie Mayor Robert aentley members of the Board of Governors President Crawford and representatives at the press radio and TV rvsr roo MONEYT ton money you can earn Mimi Bailout only start Send tor our tree hrbttlllr which describes Ill the wonderful llama 3341M dreamtif youngn rve el sloriayl halfllyl It Wfltenloi Vulilt MARJVEL aaaury scnoos an root at Tore to EB DI or Evenian Gangs Rranchan no titleL mourneoimr fiei2 FEET FlGHTFAMINE IINiFORMATION AvooIroMonaows oxrAMwacw llEcclr walker must register at Queens Paris Armoury8t9 aring enough lunch for not walk Drinks will be available of Check Point and Canteens along the route Twollrot dogs Donut and milk or lemonade available orVElmvola at cost ZSc Sponsorsaheer must be stamped at eoehEeheekpointL Wclkon may if hecessory retire or any check point Those ranching Croiglrurst will be taken to Elmvnla Persons with drawing of any point before Croighurit thashoppingploza Eost Blake sneer be returned to Acceptinga ride automatically Ldisqtrol res thevwalker Bus transportation wars providadfor return from Etmvato to Barrie attains mania to narrowly by 336 poi Entire route kw be term by or once and clearly marked Oxfom Sr John Amour Wenrluitolrlo walking shoes we suggest woollen socks

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