SEVENPLOW MACHINE 0N GILEORD FARM far cry from the antfur row plow pulled by plodding team two decades ago this suvealurrow adiustable plow of William Kali Gilford can turn over swath of tough sod nine feet wide It has con ercd up to 50 acres In day The machine it equipped with hydraulic trips so that any at the plows can be lllppcd back if it hits rock or other ob stacle Photo by Eakert Pic May SesSidn For County Council Tentative date for Simcoe coun ty councils next regular meet ing is hresdoy liiay but this awaits confirmation it was stat ed by Gordon Watson clerk Along with plans for the com pletion of the 148M $1600000 home for the elderly at Coiling wpod the county council Is er pectcd to deal with requirementl of the new amendments to the Ontario Schools Act which asks for assistance in outlining zones for the members to be elect ed on ward system All told the new board which ls due to take over adrrrlnislra don of all secondary and public achnnls in the county Jan 1965 is to be composed of 18 mm bcn Besides the ii to be elect ed by words the city of Barrie is to have three members and Sanrata School rattpaycrs are to have two special representar tlves Representation on an assess ment basis has been reconunendi ed and lifr Watson has been busy going over the figures The property committee which is head by Nottawasaga Deputy Reeve Edgar Currie is expect ed to give report on progress Fairs Date Back To Year 1860 ELAMVALE Stall F105 Ag ricultural Society which is now headed by Cecil French Elm vale councillor datesbnck to thc pioneer era of this district The 1968 fair which will be hEId on Friday and Saturday Del 11 and 12 will be tile 109m an Dual old records show the first ag ricultural fair in this area was held at property beside wall ï¬nown pioneer tavern the Ham ton inn at Lot 60 Can of Fins township in 1860 Settlers around Orr Lake and throughout the area joined in the arrange ments and it is recorded that the fair was well attended and there was great merrymaking lherealter it became an annual event MOVED TO HILLSDALE The site of the fair wasmov ed after its first year to new location near Hillsdala where it remained for some years it was moved to Eimvalo in tool record at meeting of the uiiednnie and Pins Agricultural Society on July as rain includ ed resolution setting the fair date as October ti 11370 which was even later than this years late fair is planned John Johns ton 1870 president presided and other pioneers who were officers hen included Arthur Craig vice president William Harvey sec retary and John Craig treasur er Directors included James Johnston Willi am Johnston John Ritchie James Greenlaw William Nay James Small and John Fitzgerald Hillsdale was an active com munity with hotels stores saw mills woollen mill and printing office at the time Craighirrst too was lumber and mill cen tre The first fair at Elmvalein 1881 was held at what was then known as the Elmvaiedriving patlt few years later about 1035 the present fair grounds became the home of the Fins and lifedonte agricultural socie tys exhibitions and then as now horse racing was feature The Fins Agricultural Park Company was formedia 1893 and shares sold to interested persons for financing of improve meats review of records indi cales that Mr French is the nth president to head the agricultur alsociety although all records were not available and there may have been others John Johnston was the first to appear on the records and John Ritchie Robert Peters and Richard Gra ham followed Thencamo Wal ter Rnwley Thomas Smith was presi dent lrorn 1920 to 1900 George Fleming from 1930 to 1938 then Tipping iromim to 1942 Walter liiiddieton followed from biz to 1951 and then Reginald Bertram headed the fair from 153 to 1966 when he was succeeded by Mr French DISTRICT BRIEFS CREEMORE ammo CREEMORE Staff Dr Ives oi Stayrierwiil be the speaker at meeting of the inn Io section of Creemore Horti cultural Society at the town hall on Fridayliiay 10 in which school ohildrenof Creamore diav trict will be invited REPORT ON SEWERS HAYNER Stall gineeringvand survey work up to date plans are proceeding here for Stayners sewer project An early report Is expected from the Ontario Water Resources Commission BRITISH NIGHT isr featuring DAVID WHITFIELD The Universal Travellers Club is Proud toPresent nnmsn Nicer with the War mo stu or Tnés May loss Dance Ind Floor Show Featuring Stars ot the Pig Whlst Stanley and his nrchestr Scott Charlie Kent and Barrow chance to win Tickets are Inovv on aala ai Aliandale Drugs Phone resms Yiv Jacksons can Phone 7mm Mean Club must With en in negotiations with the Ontario government concerningplans for it to take over couniy buildings affecting the administration oi justice These include the court ouso registry office juvenile and family court and int First offer of the government was flat ly selected earlier if the county council could sell its entire Barrie block to the On tario government to provide for future expansion of administra tion of justice and other require ments it would relocate at tonne site southwest of Barrie near Holly it was suggested Latest comments heard in cann ty council circles were that an adequate offer has yet been made to lustin such move it is only In the discussion stage as yet said spokesman when asked about any new de velopments great deal has to be done Nottawasnga it Arnold Vancise chairman of finance expressed what appeared to be general view when he said the scheme was only practical it the county received sufficient money for the sale of its Bar rie properties Bcsldes the down town block this includes gar age in the Allandaic section LDNGRANGE PLAN long range plan of devel opment starting with the con struction of central country garage and ofï¬ce building for the roads department at the new site was suggested as one possibility which might well be explored further The construc tion could be done to conform with plan for other construc tion and gradual moving of the county services Since the site is only short distance from Barrie it would mean this city still would be the headquarters for counw services Besides Deputy Reeve Currie the county property committee also includes lnnisfrl Reeve Jo seph Cochrane Medonte Reeve Dalton Jenifey Vespra Reeve Wellington Dohsnn Tecumseih Reeve William Milligan and Warden Alex McAuley mam rTéachers Film Exchange Visits By It 215 Telchera in the union school system are exchanging visits in various parts of the am and beyond to become familiar with the activity centered lanoli Iag methods So far they have Visited Pickering Townshb Midland Oriiila Tonmhip Burs lingtou Scarborough and visits are arranged for Buffalo and AdJala There Is also proposal to get to Peterbornugh and the county schools there The town ship schools will close early In mid month in order to have all teachers hear weaker at Suanybrae School the astriant superintendcnt at Qurlmrlum Section Department of Educa tion Buses will pick up Willis early and board members are invited to be In attendance AUDIO VISUAL The principals will meet with the board supervisor next week in disouss and on lt ordinate the purchase of Audio Visual equipment which is part of the program for the new type of in struction Mrs Ella Coles bid for tho inntsfii Park concession far this your was accepted at $76200 The contract will allow certain other services to be sold in the park on township picnic day Last year the inclement weath er and poor attendance at this aunt canted hudacbu far the concessionalre ANSWERING SERVICE The Highways Department is not in agreement to midire share of the answering service which Includes the local car to olfioe phoneu it dllms it does not give any additional aer vice when the offloolr closed motion tohave listing In the directory covering after hourr phone calls was withdrawn when Councillor lgund that no one wan pone calls Even the drainnap of roads did not want to be alert ed lf ratepayer found that tree or washout blocked the road SCHOOLS REQUIREMENTS lmisfii school levy for the coming year will be 202 mills for residential taxpayers and 221 mills for commercial pco parties The Bradford High School levy will be if mills re sidential and 2150 mills com mercial The portion of subdivisions which must be set aside as park or recreation property is equivalent to five per cent of the total property This hasleft number of small portions oi land most at which were in remote parts of the subdivision They are not helng made use of in some cases It is propns is of more suitable pro perties in the future The needs of future property owners in subdivision or narration areas should be given warlo eration when the survey Is made with the view In mind that our population In the town ship could double In less than twenty years CARSON VILLAGE Itn enquiry from the township clerk to the stinrneygenemir department regarding plan to replace the survey on the no party known as Carson Village has been referred back to the towrnhlp owing to the fact that errors the survey now used make lines crass through build Ings it Is suggested that further discussions may be necessary before proper plan can be re gistered on the property letter from the clerk in the owner of property port of Block in Plan 660 regarding what was claimed to be fenced pub lic right of way brought an Answer from Judge Sheppard owner of the prn pcrty advising that no fence was erected by his Instructions Recall Pioneer Shops In Thornton Village THORNTON Staff This Essa lnalsfil horder commun lty was known as Henryville and Henrys Corners In its pion eer era it was shown by old Essa records The settlement was named after John Heray first postmas ter justice of the peace and school teacher Because of other somenhnt similar names the postal de pariment suggested change to avoid confusion and Mr Henry submitted the name Thornton in honor of friend which was ac cepied Thornton was the name of pioneer county family Earliest settlers in the Torn ton area Included George Hunt James Deacon Sam Walker Stewart Wright and Daddy Filo along with Mr Henry The earliest shops church and hotel were constructed on the lnnisfil side of the commun ity inunediateiy west of pre sent highway 27 route Jim Deacon operated the first blacksmith shop Andrew Thompson Ed Burns and Joseph McLean ore mong the operators oi black smith shop on the Essa side Currently James Rainey oper ates machine shop in one time blacksmer place The en vil and forge can stillhe seen in the shop while now operat ed by electricity the blower nr lginally was hand turning model and shows signs of con siderable use through the years 1860 PLATE An inscription plaiedn front of the sturdy old shop shows it was builtin 1060 and the ori ginal owners were John Hicks and sons Mr Raney found the plate in the shop and he plac ed it in front where it has been viewed with interest The first school was built one concession west of the police OPENING DANCEH raisstrrursay May 4th 830 pm PEGGYIS PAVI LION Leonards Beach Highway ll South fedturing LEIGHASHFORD PROIEBTIUNI 566557 algaeoxier FthR WW MIRï¬MIfl ANYI ME DRIVEIN THEATRE snursmr JAY DR NITE BARRIE tm Hum AT GUTHIIIE ALWAYS TWO BIG FEATURES PLUS COLOR CARTOONS CHILDREN UNDER 12 FREE village and the first orange Ifall was diagonally across the corner Later the lodge hall was built in the village Thornton at one time had grist mill saw mill and plan ing factory The Thornton divi sion of thesons of Temperance was granted charter in loot Charter members included Aar on Walker George Seyther James Coulter William Broiley George Sharpe Robert Rodg ers James Cunningham Thom as Scott John Blackstotlk James Mctean Robert Boatty Roger Power and Peter Cline At one time the community had two bands the Thornton brass band and the Hicks hand The brass band was chosen as the oath Regimental hand later with Robert lcnnox as leader which will STRICT NEWS rne Manse mu mar wt 31 Wasaga Beach To Pay $1111 More To County Than In WASAGA BEACII lsum Wassga Beach will pay 51111 as more to Slmcoe County cof fers than last year despite the fractional of mill reduction In county rate it was shown by review of official ï¬gural The beach ratepayers will pay music general and 023 no tonnrd roads in place at 963971 Ind $201301 last YBIP Another of the nine villager pay more than $1000 additional to the counu is Part hidflcoll where the road levy amounts to 1127709 up from $10015 and general levy $1890970 in comparison to 320 56049 Eeeton village will pay 15060 toward county roads and 51612 general which overall amounts to total of $3855 more than year ago heeton has the advantage of county home in Simone Manor and at so county garage Elmvalos increase amount ed to 96686 with $753l30 I0lt ward roads and 51111706 gener al Last year the Elmvaie roads and 112305 toward gea oral Cookstown will pay the county inst $3959 more and Creeznoro inst $2107 The Cookstown levy performances 430 and ms pun Adults $125 Children in county levies were $6006 for be will amount to $1015 for roads and Still geotral while theernora amounted to MRS Ind SIGHT Tottenhamr current county levies ask times for roads end 3606013 general up 466 For Victoria Harbour the levies lure $554901 and $321251 whfle Coldwrtcr levies were 2525 and £371 creemore Legion To Mark VE Day CREEMORE Stall An nual Vimy VE church service will be held at St Lukel church here on Sunday morning With veteranr of Crecmore Eranoh of the Royal Canadian Legion in attendance The Legion members have been asked to meet at the Legion hall at 1045 am for short service and march to the church Members ofrtha Ladies Auxiliary also have been invited The church service which will in memory of Canadians and others who let at Vimy during the First World War and Victory Day over Nazi Germany hr the second will commence at 1130 Coming Your Way FUN FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY Americas Famous Sheba SHRINE CIRCUS WEDNESDAY MAY AT THE BARRIE ARENA Sponsored by the Shelia Shrino Cfuh nl harrlo Tickets available at Jeekraar Grill Terrys Fill Christies IGA and Vllu Motors Ltd mum arrives charnnmsma JoanHackert DonaIdleenx feerrolnr Evenings at 0pm Saturday continuous from lpnr Baler yourhome Benjamin Moore Take some of the work out of primingin fact mskopslming as easy as 123 ust color your home Benjamin Moore Benjamin Moores specially formulated paint ltratahas further Goas onvaasiar You have an almost limitless choice of colors at last count you have something like 2000 shades to choose from Shades of Beniamia Meow There are paints for indoors paints for outdoors paintslor ovary typepi ma ierial paints for everydacarating no if Esnlamin Moorawrll turn your home into cherry Iittlanumber Look for the Thesispr the triangle Mciatéatt PAINTS Quality Paints 22 Cleopatras so cram Barrle 7264466 RVINE ntcoitArINncrnrnt