Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 3 May 1968, p. 4

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on also rialishas by Genedlan Newepeoere Limited gt7 16 Hayfield Street Barrie Ontario itl Walla Publisher ti McPheme Managing Editor sear is WAY Willilm Iran gBlame School Crashes On TwoWay Stop Rules When the law forced traffic approach ing from both directions to stop either in front of or behind school buses ex perts criticised it as political and panic measure The number of accidents in which school buses have been involved has in creased near 100 per cent The 700 ve cies in the province were in 455 mishaps last year 324 in 1966 264 in 1965 There were 27d injuries in 1967 56 per cent more than in 1966 Of these accidents 128 were caused by cars running into the back of buses Iliad that in spite of their flashing signal bts EThere were 202 accidents involving rear collisions between cars approaching the buses from the opposite direction These were caused by sudden stops of the first car in line some of tiiese cars valet eventually pushed into the bus tse since the policy in Ontario is for the faith 14min development of the bigger school idea the number is sure to increase and the amber of accidenti will rise in propoo on From the report however it must be concluded thatdrivers must be extreme 1y careless or ignorant to get involved in collisions with such large brilliantly yellow vehicles There may be other reasons why these accidents occur Would any chance the fact that many of ese vehicles use narrower roads to pick up their dispersed pas aen era haVe anything to do with lt argument of one of these ex perts that the law was not sufficiently publicized does not hold water Every driver is supposed to know what The Drivers Handbook says it is published by the Ontario Department of Transport Even the experts should know this and should not plead nor ance of law they are suppos to know DOWN MEMORY LANE 75 YEARSAGO IN SIMCOE COUNTY Barrie Northern Advance llley 1893 Nathaniel Dyment has 32 head of thoroughbreds at Brookdale Farm west of Barrie the blood being that of the Orkney stud with the fast handsome and highly bred Irish horse Courtown as lead stallion Saturday market pric es were potatoes ill lb bag 6067c turkeys 120 1b fowl 5055c air butter milk eggs inc dozen own Coun cil appointed Dr Oliver medical officer of health at $100 er annum Con atruction of Bayfie it St sewer taken ov er by board of works due to delays by contractor one artesian well in Barl rie which had been falling was sunk three feet deeper and now yields lilo gallons per minute Together With other well Barrie now gets half million al lons water daily firstday of ay dark with driuling rain but lawns and gardens getting plenty of attention from rake and spade Amount of dirt taken off Dunlap and Elizabeth Barriea main streets would soon cover goodsized farm John Carley made lot of fine hosts durin winter Lodge of Royal Templars Temperance started in Al landale BarrieCollegiate students beat Allandale in opening football match Boys young Barrie bicyclist was spotted passing through landale council debated Bradford on way to Toronto Cree more woollen mill running again Baxter Orangemen will build hall this year DAlton McCarth is name for new tug launched at llingwood shipyard Cookstown implement deal ers report business dull due to rather backward farm season Most men who left New Lowell for ahanties have returned in and health Stephens big sawmill Glencalrn ready for spring cut Reported that Colonel lyrwhitt MP for South Simcoe will be named dire ector of Dominion Experimental Farm near Ottawa George Street Barrie florist has orange tree in his conserva tory off Kempenfelt Drive which stands nearly eight feet with trunk inches diameter which bears nearly 100 orang es John Devine elected president Vincent dePaul Society at St Marys Church Fiftyfive maple trees planted on grounds of East Ward School on Arbor Day Barrie hospital has only one patient this week located on Duckworth St near St Vincent AI plan to bring electric power to village Herring fishing in Kempenfelt Ba is Joy to many men and boys immons opened finetur hat and furnishing store in Barrie Town now has 1L liquorli cences for hotel taverns one store two wholesale brewers OTHER EDITORS vnws WELL ALL HAVE To PAY Oriilla Packet dz Times Hope of halting Canadas wagepricep spiral has been squashed by the recent Canada and the United Auto Workers In its desire to end the nearly 50day old strike GM has agreed to the largest wage settlement in the history of the Canadian auto industry For the next three years that agree meal will cast shadow over the use tlons economy and everyone thebin lnessman the laborer the housewife the professional man and even the auto worker will pay for it Next Ford of Canada will have to follow GMs lead and every labor agree ment signed over these next three yars will reflect to varying degrees this one whopping sttlement The cost of iivin index wrll continue to be forced Sup wards as the cost of labor goesup so does the price of the product In the end no one will be the Winner At time when the nation should be doing all in its ower to head off infla tion the GM se flement is disaster The United Auto Workers have won wage parity with their United States counterparts At the same time the Canv sdian union has refused to give up an outmoded and costly procedure whereby the entire production lines are closed down completely for coffee breaks In the US plants the coffee breaks are staggered so the lines keep moving Thus Canadian GM workers will earn as much while producing less than their American counterparts And while the 5118 auto companies serve domestic population of 200 million those in Can eda have home market of only 20 million It is little wonder that the cost of carin Canada farexcoeds that in the US and it must surely go higher now If other companies are force to follow GMsiead paying as much as US com anies iienproducinguless Canada Will bea heavy loser in inter nationaltrade NIAGARA SCENIC DRIVE Hamilton Spectator picserve the Niagara escarpmentandto vbulld new recreationalresources soon will facea 83d mllllontest Development of eIIsniiiton to Queenston scenic drive hasbEe new onsultants hired by the pro vince snd entworth Lincoln and Wei 1andCountiesIhe drive would wind pi land this nghtstoaecreoy on publication of The Ontario governments pledges to npro the eudorwhpt thedrlverdid through scenery augmented by golf courses ski slopes campsites hiking and riding trails historical restorations ar tificial lakes and nature study centres agreement between General Motors of itis thelatest in series of scenic drive goposaisrAll previous efforts have been ti Now however Queenfs Park has coni mitted itself in policy at least If On tario intends to keep its promises it will initiate public acquisition of escarpment year before costs rise any higher The new plan may have to be altered in detail but the general concet is wholly justifiable in densely popu ated region thatzcanl meet its own recrea tional requirements or capitalize fully on its rich tourism potentia The pros and cons of riding stables and golf course layouts can be decided atleisure But scenic drive and recrea tional land should be brought under pub lic ownership immediately TO WALK OR NOT st Catharines Standard Metro Toronto child was kept home from school because her parents were protesting the fact she had to walk mile to school Meanwhile noted heart agleclalist says parents should make than ldren walk several miles aday to prevent heart troubles in later years T00 iAR MCKWARD Editor and Publisher Just as we have been doing in this country through changes in the rules of the American Bar Association the Brit ish have been tskin steps also to keep information out of cypress in the mis taken belief it will protect the rights of defendants They have leaned so far ov er backward on this issue in England that man pleaded was sentenced to imprisonment in court session lasting one minute His re trial information were rotectedpsb thoroughly thatthe public ow nothing of the case until sentencing It is not too much to speculate that the same thing an min the US The course of ushce must be reported step by step including profitrial processes or the pub hc interest Will never be served went out efeontrolonts enrve hlemee ity to murder and 1iae reporter who win The ear oimssraare7 5995 lustilicaiion For Hospital THE THREE MUSKETEERS mnmmmmmmwmm OTTAWA REPORT Offers To Hebe Smith By PATRICK NICHOLSON MTAWA Theres no mood of schools out on Parliament Hill Instead there is the usual sad ness for the dissolution of Par liament always ends some polli ical careers and breaks up long friendships and associations Some IliPa have decided for various reasons that enough is enough and will not seek ree leotion This dissolution is one of thoserare occasions when the redistribution constituen cies will abolish avfew and thus squeeze out their representa tives As write IA MP appear likely to drop out These include 21 Liberals eight Conserva thee two New Democnals one Creditlsle and and independent There will perhaps be few more Glen as always the greater number ofcasualties will occur through defeatat the polls Thereliring Liberals already known include 15 from Ontario the Conservatives include slx from the Prairies Seven former cabinet ministers are among those who will not run again Lester Pearson Paul Martin Bob Winters Walter Gordon ludy Lalliarah Ls Pennell and Hedard llobichnu MANY PAST VICTORIES find from an analysis of the records of these 33 lips that be tween ihern they have fought 165 election battles in wliich they achieved 141i successes Their collective political ci irig sclflessness and Mnlin helplulness The outstanding veteran who has alreadysaid goodbye to the Home is of course the dean of the House Paul Martin He had been an MP for 33 years with an unbroken string of to clone lion victories Closeon his heels comes George Nixon who set as MP for Algoma West for 28 years having the unusual record of being an MP when the House sat during the regime of five prime lniriistete FAREWELL SQUIRE Aspeciai regret is felt for the retirement of that reconstructed Liberal Englishhorn Bert Her ridge The Squire oi the Koo tenays He has been CCF and NDP member slum 1945 The Hills goldenhearted court jester will be sadly missed by all his friendbwhkh menu li mosl everybodyhere would also offer tribute to theformer mayor of Barrie Heber Smith veteran of five Parliaments early made his reputation here as dcepihlnki ing MP sincerely concerned for the waalof his country Illness and family reasons have prompted most of these so firemenls Ageis not predomi nant cause on the contrary the experience of anj older man natures him more able and canmis sunny Tribute more valuable MP an ion as he enjoys good health For in stance one of the most active today is 90 years old Senator Roebuck Some liIIe well below the average age are retiring such Glyceron Raymond Iliangiola 37yearold Joe Macs iuso 88yearold John Addison and several in their early we like Judy LaMarah Only seven ministers from the original Pearson cabinet of ions are seeking reelection An equal number are now dropping out Forty mlnisiers were sworn in lo the Privy Council during the Pearson years loosed 1hls compares with the Diefenbaker years 195743 when thelowsr turnover saw so ministers sworn in and of those it were still We at dissolution last month and were expected to eeek uselection 31er Tnouonr Trust in the Lord with all thins heni and lean not unto thine own understanding In all thy ways acknowledge him and he shall direct thy paths Pro vprbs 85 God doesnt want our help nearly as much as He wants our helplessness It is as though He were to say not help me but trust me foaming Nor First To Cross Alantic Commons That impressive total reflected great amounted In able parliamentary and governmental experience which will regrettably be lost to the people of Canada More it re cordse praiseworthy total of service which has been given to their constituents with unspa Inntr humour is bayiield Street shame inarlo Authorized as second class Inzttey Post Office Depart ment Ottawa and for pay meat of postage in cash Dally Sundays and Statutory Holidays excepted Subscriptionrales daily by carrier 50cweekly $2600 yearly Single copies iDc By mail Barrie $300 year Ontario $1200 year motor thrownff 315 year Mail out side Ontarlof iii year Out de Canada British posses alone ills year H511 and foreign on year NailenalAdvertisingoffiees 425 University Avenue Toron to row Cathcart St Mon treal Member of the Canadian Daily Newspaper Publishers wAssoclatianp the Canadian Press and Audit Bureaupf Clrculafioru Ilse CanadisnPresl 11 cluslvely entitled bathe use for republication of ali news at it and domain Many peoplolriedto dissuade Colilmbua from venturing into the Atlanticdn 1492They said he would sail off the edge of the carthl His preparationsfor the voyage would have been great deal easier if he hadtalkcd to fishermen from Portugal and the west coast France and England because some of them bad beengaailing across the At lantic for years Perhaps they now what people were telling Volumhus and werelaughlng up thelrsieevea They werent saying inything because like fishermen today they didnt want to reveal the locations of their favorite fishing places especially off Newfoundland Johanabot gets the credit for discovering Newfoundland in 1497 and Jacques Cartier for disuovesing Prince EdwirdJs landin 153i hut there is little doubt that flsbemien from ths west coast of Europe know gt about those placer beforeCogt ed settlements lumhns crossed the Atlantic in ladsBritish government 1492 It was impossible to establish settlements because of lighting yapiong the fishermen them selvesélihe first permanent col ony was at or Johns in less when merchant named flute from the west coast of Engian iltf residenco there How ever itwas not until 1563 that Humphrey Gilbert King James ore ambitious it els Civil Service Bill campaign and geve John of Bristol all the land betweeb Cape StIdarye and Cape Bon avisia as well as the islands oil the coast Guy really went to work His original colon at Cupers Cove now cal ed ids and then be expanded to Clarkes Beach South liiver Guy was making great progress and brought outcatile pigs goals and poultry from Eng iand He also planted the first mien nasty pirate named PalerEaa ton who operated fleet of to ships from Perryland alongthe coast He became such terror that Guyreturnadto England in this add stayed there WEEK MAY EVENTS SIJohn Cabot sailed Item England on first voyage to North America isleKing Chaiiesll ee labilshed Hudsons Bay Co formed committee toenquire into problems inoanada loseMerchants tnbllshed at Hall Bank Lord Wolseleyv left Ilol arryr taxiNew CPR syndicate roke ground at Fort for transcontinental railway IlseGovernment introduced 1895Poundmlker Colonel Otter at OutKnife Hill insCivil workers want on strike at Winnipeg Vilniprtilnately there was leisBed River flood deatroy Bank ges now Royal innCanadian troops under Fit William defeated Dionneanew RomyIn most cases Illtu ml theee days But the costs at an increasing so that the In use the average per diam cost of hospitalization across the province was $1616 Last year had more llian doubled to war In the current year this is expeclod to increase to $3735 And it is forecast that by 1970 the cost will be The first reaction to this has to the personal one of Ihank goodness we have hospital in sinance with cosLs such as these the average men could be wiped out financially Ilirougti one sickness he didnt hare insurance Beyond this you have to feel that nicely Ihue must be some thing drastically wrong that such increases must imply bad manekcmenl And that with tighter check iho costs could be contained However iiappedrs that this is not so some 15 per eeutof hospital coals represented bylhsalav RL Md Beeline been loin up still are not out of line with other fields The scale for bead nurse lb Hetroflomnlo for instance is from toss to toss month Oomiderlng the responsibility involved this certainly is not my hlslrm In fact when you compare it say to the salaries of teachers it can seem quite low There millu Possibly be wash age end inelficiency in some hospitals We dont know But even ii there is it wouldbe doubtful if it is of size that could result in any consequen tial reduction in costs And probably the best proof of lhls is that Ontario hospital costs me still relatively lou compared to those in other in risdictions of similar statureu EverIncreasing hospilil darn it would seem are fact oi life that simply musi be borne The one step ihnt can be taken is to establish many mor nursing homes and other lnslltu ions for secondary care Through being much lcss expena sire in operate they should re duce the total hospital biiL AROUND THE WORLD There Is Dangeriii Germany With SoMany By PHILIP DEANE F0111 Mills Analyst ien per cent of the voters in one of West Gmmanyr fcderat ed states cast their ballots for the mailed New Democratic Party whosc leadership is how ily sprinkled with mcn moderately prominentundcr lhc Hitler regime This should not necessarily be seen as an omi nous portent of rciurn to Hit lcrlsm by majority of the 6ch mans or even by considerable minority such as theonoabout onethirdwho voted for Hitler in the early 1910s There are extreme right wing movomcnls in all countries They are composed of scared older people who want return to past they do not really an dnrsland but idealize nosiaigicai iy as being simpler and some how purer Another component ofextreme right wing groups are the discontented but no old These are people who feel that life is not giving them fair deal Generally they arc less able than their more suc ce ssful contemporaries less aggressive in all but the physi cal sense There are people or this kind BEST DIRECTOR Anne Bancroft noun sauce wn wan mwmn inmunonuuinnuru WWO AGADEMY AWA cameraman Dustin Huffman Malconenis in all societies and in some they succeed in seizing power simply by getting hold of enough guns sun through joining lhe armed forces as in Latin Ameri can republics or in Greece They get their chance to lake over when the system breaks down to lho extent that molar Iy ol the people has so lost faith in the system that this majority will no light to defend it against the discontented goons SYSTEM COLLAPSED Ilillcr and his goons took our hecause Germany defeated war some 13 years befnrchwns hit by the great depression more seriously than other coun tries in the total collapse of the democratic system goons in or out of uniform could impose their solution which was that rcgimcntalimi through vig lcnce could solve the nations economic problems And indeed Hitlers gang did solve the eco nomic problems of many people and performed an economic miracle in Germany But me so lutons wcrc drastic and would not have been toleratedon hopesunless the ro out themselves had been equally drastic NOW SHOWING Shnws pm Phone reside in wmuiir MIKE NICHOLS LAWRENCE TURMANMN Kinenne Rosa HEY KIDSI SATURDAY MATINEE lieu of the WIIdsruessMn color All Seats Site Show time his p111 Win Free Circus Tickets plus cartoons BARRishuadNiA MWHNmH Miniin odiii Shows mnouit Entertainment Jean unsteady Operation Lavinia Ind Secret Agent 101 Doors open pM

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