E3 is 32 one had entered the building and ieit pellet moo shell Owner Giorgtaani Sail that he had spotted man with the gun prowling Iround outside but he had ldt when Mr Giot lanai approached him T0 FURNISH ROOM or him William Bell chairman oi the furnishing committee ltoy al Victoria Hospital Board here watche as assistant head nurse of surgery lttrsS Stothors accepts cheque from Aid Macmillan on helm of theBcil Telephone company in Harris The money will provide complete furnish ings tor private room in the new addition to RVH That WindowWasher Could Really Be Spy private investigator who spe cializes in industrial espion age told Barrie Rotations yes nerday that people posing as window washers or students seeking information for essays could actually be spies lor the competition Topic of ltlr Hopkinsons ad dress was industrial Espionage and Counter Espionage lie displayed many tiny clcctric Isl devices to the club including gimmicked attache case which he uses personally it contains concealed tape recorder and has switch under the handle thn lett in room it will switch on whenever someone starts talking and stop when they do Ethics and morals were con stantly mentioned ho th during the address and afterwards Al though he admitted to using the devices he denied that they ware used illegally He told of how young female operative posing as college qtudeat necking information for ct an essay had gained informa tlnn from an industry for Mr Hopkinsona client When asked what position he would take were the girl exposed as fraud he said dont know her fromna hole in the ground never saw The information gained lrom the use of such surreptitious gathering devices as ho call ed them is not admissible as evidence in any Canadian court or law But it can be used as lead to develop case But there is no substitute for uman mind he said and these devices only come into their own on long range long term investigations Other gadgetry included bin oculars which could he used to spy four blocks away and cam era that could take pictures at the same distance ch do lot of our industrial espionage at distance said Mr Hopkinson its by tor the best way to avoid being caught by the person youre spying on in the field of industrial est pionage besides spying on your competitors for you operatives of the Hopkinson Services will also help you make businesses impregmablc other ways pen nating acompetitors secrets included joining the sales staff watching the help wanted ads getting friendly with female member oi the corporate staff running dummy ads or staff members who may want to change jobs plant bogus win and tabluiaie the flow oi mater ial in and out of the premises Its not the nicest way of do lag things but its our Job he said Counter espionage is the dc nial of iniorrnation to some one who is spying on you either by making yo or organization spy prool or by catching his per ativcs atwarlr Mr Hopkinsoas services include research into their employers security sehrp to help make it more cfiicicnt An employees loyalty is mor olten than not in direct propor tion to the amount of money you pay him said the detective arwoae olfcring him more mon cy will likely as not gain any information he hasabout your operation Just how well do your per sonnel managers research new employees Anyone who has ev en the slightest tatnt oi crirn lnal record can be blackmail target Ila said When asked what lay ten years in the iuture Mr Hopkin son replied Although spy on other people value my privacy very much Ten years from now the only way to avoidios ing every shred of privacy you have will be to jump in bcr before in my life dow washers and garbage men hole and pull it in alter you botario satety Magus dir ector Watisi left was driver tell the scene of an aecident at high speed yes terday atter his car rammed ia tn one driven by Mrs Edna Rose Caldwell Shanty Bay The coll on occurred at pm as Mrs Caldwell was in mg east on has Street When Ielt across her vehicle Mrs Cald ot the car her path and struck causing $300 damage all said the driwr drove away quickly rr Edward sumo it steericvrun at am Wnllev Street arm rangementa imp guest last night the weekly Civitation Club ing At right is president Morton DafoeMembers of the club assembled in the Miramar Gardens dining organize civnaa can HEARS SAFETY TREK room to see on high way safety and to hear Mr Walls speak briefly on the tioaand function of the league Examine Pbo to LiberalNomination BlorrVSintcoc iilo federal itll gtMiaioiMuysj1968 Overt Household Police are investh ting BlilC Returns Oiiicers lit Hanual Meet last years olllcers were re turned It the Barrie lndnrtrial enca Co Ltd annual meeting lalt night Nixon was returned as president The three vice prc sidents are Grifï¬n Kinzlc and lit Salter Treasurer is Pratt while Harold Bairrtow Barrie indus trial Commissioner to reach tary The iollowlng tive directors were returned hitea their term expired Alexander Grifï¬n Kinzie Jill Nixon and Salter There are to other directors in the company The term of five of these will expire next year The company made several proposals last year to Chrysler Canada Ltd lor the construc tlon at budding to house their boat budding operation Pro posals were also made for the construction of temporary in titties for Georgian College of Applied Arts and Technology RBGIONlll BASIS Move Toward ImproVement Of Development In Arts By MURIEL LEEPER History was In the making at the Ontario Community Aria Conterence held at Kingston trom April to ill The purpose of the conference was to examine all aspects of the arts in this province in ctudlng arts co ncits regional programs facilities and equip ment financial development and means of developing the arLs both amateur and pro tcssional along regional lines Programs to set up regional art services in Ontario were dis eussml in general and in detail during the three day locked in conference Representatives of the to economic regions of Ont ario including the fields oi ed ucation business industry municipal government labor boardsm education and the arts were there fltree separ ate sessions were held each day each one preceded by plenary session clear picture graduallyametged from the prolonged discussions it was decided that in the to regions of Ontario Regional Arts and Development Officer would work full time with the com munities in his own are responsibilities would include vigorous prome tion and publicity at all arts activities in the region Contact could be maintained with or ganizations such as the Com munity Programmes Division of die Department of Education The Ontario Craft Foundation Ontario Federation of Sym phony Drehestras Ontario Drama League ominloa Drama Festival Ontario Sod iety of Artists and the Art Gal lery ol Ontario and the Ontario Folk Art Cou IN writer SPECIALS highinthn Swirl Alps found the social or taste Ill LEMON WFDN PIES lulllhla homKtaxie Swiss few years ago near Attharg New for Special this weekend Cherry Banana Locv ta gias ion Dunlap teu throughout Also it is noted that there is Ection in the arts mound panel oi gardening ex perts comprised ten to right llorren Bill Groves Doug Stephens and Rene Dchoer last night to answer ouutions from members of the Barrie Johnson ltlrs Harry were on hand in library hall Horticultural Society on plant titW nan Goon canons Curb BicYClé IThefts By Buying Licences By SGT RALPH BERRY Barrie Police Department We were checking the found bicycles while ago in an of fort to locate thcbwncrs of bout 20 of them These hikes had been found either by citizens or police ofï¬cers and had not been reported stolen None had been regutered and we did not know whom they belonged to The aor ial numbers had been llled oii few but these with serial numbers were noted and letter sent to the Bicycle Guild What does this mean community like Barriel it means that the various or ganizationsin the field of the arts and crafts will work to gether instead of competing Concerts recitals plays and ex hibits will be held in se quence intead or conflicting New alt iorrns will be avail able to the local citizens It means that instead at being out of it Barrie people will be very much with it It means that colleges and secondary and elementary schools in the region will he vailable to Lie local citizens it means that instead oi heingout of it Barrie people will be very much with it It means the colleges andsec ondaw and elementary schools in the region will be available to the various art organizations And it also means that through advertising and other media the man in the street will be welcomed the arts must be broughtr verydetinitely into the educa tional system lrorn kindergar steadily increasing drain of citizens from the Northern Re gions of Ontario to the densely populated areas on Lake Ont ariothe cultural and educa tional gap hehyecnsmati towns and cities in the province and Metropolitan Toronto is ing Therefore professional in the sistance of Provincial funds would likely stem much at this aw large and costly have been erected lace swrssMAio BAKERY Maid central registry in Montreal teen ol uiczo had never been regisiemlin any in their listings So well sell them at auction on May In What else can we do Some or the bikes are good ones and probably cost $40 or more its hard to understand why such theils hnvcnot been reported lts equally strange that so many bikes are not reg lstercd with us because even though the licences are often torn off stole at least 35 ed het there is ahortage ot trained artists to perform for the general public Oviousiy young talented musicians art ists writers etc must beas sisied ll grants etc Representatives from almost every University and Connnun ity Collegeio Ontario were del egates at the convention along with experts in the various fields at art other consultants at the Con ference were Dr Alexander Brott conductor violinist and composer Mrs Helen Hardy Brown co ordinato oi the Flint Michigan Drama Pro gramme Ralph Burgard Dc pullDirector oi the Northern Arts Association in England and LeonKossar Executive Director of the Canadian Folk Arts Council by London Fog priced Masai allweather coatwtih reathaher asher de tails sueh as hen iamous standup collar this is womans favor Barrier constructio otcction to shoulderyand downpourrAnd the alibie cloth 65 55 cotton is both watartropellént and wash and town or city 11 we can trace it through the ser ial number it it has been licens ed Surely it is worth licence hike worth so much especially when it is onceinagtiiieiime anions txraars new oursnoasv care Topics discussed includ ed bcgonias perennials and evergreens Mra tiarren was panel moderator Examiner Photo GOLF amen ltlchhrook Golf course will be the battle grounds of match between CKVRTV Radio and The Barrie Examiner tomorrow at 130 LIONS SPEAKER Wesley Jones minister at Grove Park Church at Clirist will be guest speaker for lions Club of Barrie meeting Tuesday night This meeting will be held at Bay Lady Golf colt sleeves 21 or closing eta Ulining Itspp lengths to y224Dunicp registration ieo You see in Barrie hike own er pays 31 at City Hall brings the receipt and complete de scription Ice ofiicc and there the hike is registered ones and for all No need to he reregistcrod every yearthe licence is good for long as bicycle on let us know quickly ties crihlng it as completch as pos sible Remember to include any Epoch equipment or lectures in know reporting loss or theft even tell us who made the bike what size it is or the difference of the bike to the pol your landlyrowns the description Yes and do you that about hall the par ts stairs Lodge niinets Point and Mr Jones will tell Llona about the progress oi Grove Park Home for the Aged which opens tomorrow agar own The Key Club at Central Coi Vlcgiate will run ltlonday nights entire Kiwanis Meeting in Mir amar Gardens Co chairmen tor the meeting will be Kiwanis vice president WiiliamBlain and Key Club president Glcn Thorniey between red and maroon The loss of hitre doesnt seem to he catastrophe of ma jor proportions as remember it was wheat was kid Thel Ucasuaiw jacket that didnt lust happen on inverted slash washable to Londm Fog is short style for lady Golf by tendon Fog London Fogs way toxrnake Short snappy and swinging as an allout in Calibre Cloth 65 the gradefo leisureh port in Fortrel polyester 35 pockets lushly linedraglan stic waist and double yoke wentt gre people Just like colors $1795 Whoro Stylist 11 Man