Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 3 May 1968, p. 2

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THE more Sportsmans Show was officially openEd last night by icd Swain president at the Barrie and District Hunt Eimirz outrun cit lBlil Mills ot Ear although thorium 100 one to coiniderhuying era and Angles conservation Club Digniiarles at the ribbon cuttiag were lrom leit Peter Bond of the Dopartmcnt at hi less 750 found it to their og Thursday night at the Sports Wins ieaoock Humor QRILLIA on or Competition tor the 1968 Stephen Leacoclr Hume Award was so close this year that judges broke with tradition by an bouncing the two runnersup in dditjoo to the nor Ferguson Tomato man 01rnany yoloea known to charadio tans as Rawhide the win or his book And Mn St acock Associates winner oi the award in placed second with Willowslle visited Robertson Davies mast tor of Massey College in To roulo was third with Samuel Marchbanks Almanac He won the 1951 awardJor beavenoi lilaiiee ravfaxamuae wANr ans axons man or dinette ill102 To take partin thlscontes simply ask for demonstration of Homeiite chain saws Convince yourself thatuthey worthy of theiryflnereputalion are truly 41tSeoli1 enfirerange of HomehteXL chain saws anewXLlOl XL4102anXm103 Theyre all hardworkingikhhueightshnd besure to see the improved XL701 HOMELITEXL Chain main inlercet mounting with upcoming nomination con vtnttoasln Simultth BlllBeuliilcrestpthihnchool windpal and candidate in 1965 tederal election Iilv graced yesterday that he will seek the Liberal nomination Mr Bell who took 21 out at SI polls in Barrioin ihcutan election but who iost the elec tion tryjust under 1000 vow Tourism and iotarmatlon hlr Swain Run Wudgc Barrio iaycees president and Ed Dooneily Joyous chairman at the show Examiner Photo mens Show This display by North York Cycles is one at 22 at the shown raoxs uncommon The regular monthly at ting of the Parks and hear tion Commission will be May 730 pin in the counoil oham hers city hall Theagcnda in cludes tenders ior tree slump removal and report on the re ecnt mayors conference on re creationand leisure time thinks he has enough supporters to win the nomination Mr Bell 63 said that his ex pcriencs as candidate in the last election was very sotiatao tory and rewarding nndthat he believes Mdltlons are ripe now with new leader Pierre Trudeau tor Liberal victory in the riding Liberal candidates will be up against Progressive Consona tiva Dr Rynard Simeon East MP since 1951 unless the Torics name another candidate Dr llynard was returned to ot che or the fifth time in the 1965 deodon and polled user votes in the Simooe East riding beiorc redhtribution Hobo Smtth who represent od Simone North in the last par liamcnt announced earlier he mold not seek Progressive Con servatirc nomination again Simone North and Simone East were combined under redistri butlont Jack Garner Barrie alderman in word one and chairman oi the city development committee said that he was considering the yilIiSee Liberal Nomination pouibliiiyotleeklngthem butnidhedidnotlhiokhe MW Conservative nomina tion in ShitcoejNoth RG29 MANY Gr 32 on were ur his name stand on the ballot at the May is nomination conven tion id We tamer mayor oi Barrie it also indicated that hemy seek the Conservativ nomination possibility tor the NewDcm ocratic Party nomination in Sin eoe North is Perry Rinloul 43yearold Midland history tea cher who may be entering the race tor the third time can didate tor Simone East in 1965 Air llinloui got on votes in or ittia and total at 3531 lie is an alderman on the Midland town cotmcii COULD STAND bllyor Robert Bentley said yrsterdly that he expects to be nominated at the biay Liberal convention at the Oriiiin Opera House but did not say whether he would let his name stand on the ballot loci it is great honor to be nominated and although have responsibility to the oily as mayor may be able to do more iorBarrlo and district at the federal level it decide to let my name stand he said Mr Bentley said he would have definite answer on Monday Bruce Owen Liberal candle date in the last provincial elec tion would not commit bimein Sportsarasnci 068 Has Everything For outdoorsman The sportsmens show at the Barrie arena should make it easy tor the sports minded to see all that is new this year with mlnirnum of travel Every concclvublu kind ol sporting accessory tram tishlng spears to camping there under one root Last night was opening night OiiiciallyI Open Newest Storey Mayor Bentley and Ross Stephens representing tbeBsr rie Chamber of Commerce along with store manager Fred Brown olticialiy opened the citys new cst store Canadian Pittsburgh industries Paint and Glass Cen trc yesterday The citys newest retail out let spcetalizes in wall er paint glass mirrors and floor tiles it is the first retail store open cd by Canadian Pittsburgh In dustries that is not connected with awarebouse or plant The storcis located at 125 Dunlap St East There are to other CPI out traiier is leis across Canada Tbobarrls store has permanent statt of two along with parttime help this tor the three day show and some too persona attended There are 21 separate exhib lie ranging from Crosman air rifles and pistols to motorcycles and plants The show opens tonight at and runs tilt in pm Saturday it will be open from to am to lo pm Local dealers in Jnllnsbn Evinrude and Chrysler outboard motors are displaying their complete lines at the shows These range irom tiny itsher man size engines to too or more horsepower giants There it aigood selection at hbots too most with fold down and bucket seats and most tin lsbcd in long lasting tiberglas The sinnmer equivalent oi the ski don the sea duo is on display it is aboutthe same length as ski tion but is wider and has boot type boil it is powered by Jet of water that is squirted out be hind the cratt Barrie and District Hunters and Anglers Conservation Club has adisplay complete with several mounted animals and with yellow iackeled club members ready to discuss mem bership in the group the best places to tisb in thecounty or hintsfofii getting that big buck aAuNouNcme Georg aBathroetservice zoo Moin$ireer STAYNER not 4235213 IOPENING snscIALsx Outdoor indoor CARPET3 so Installed tnr only SPECIAL poorYOURSELF PRICE PER so YD Beautifui Wenrlng unnatural Completely installed with uaderpndding wantowali on All carpeting available in rug Jim to suit every need would out the nomination tor my and tamily ream Oriiilatlibernl JohnPlimer Oriiiiabigh school leachcr who ismwrttlngawnstltutioaal binary ofCanada or Oaiord University Prue has also iodi oated that ha maybe seeking the Liberal nomination in Simv coo North MAJOR CONFLlLlv Canada is in position where motor conflict as tar as once boo is concerned either physical or verbal may enlpLlts very important that Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau bata majority government behind him said MruPatmer Constitutionally accept Tru dean right down the line he mom 213 Islam muntnor iur Expect Lilli Tole ve Barrie for Elmvale In Oidam Walk Over 2000 persons are expect ed to gather let Queens Park Armourytomtrrow tor an clockrreglstration tor the fl mllo Damn walk to Eirnvale Walkers have been advised to obey police and highway rules loop to the aidewalk or walk on the left hand aide oi the road lacing iraifiC Ortamvcoordinstnrr any on trants should bring enough lunch tor the walk drinks such as milk calico and pop wit be available at check pointcondom atntiops Walkers will have cards stamped by the registrar at each check point along the 17min route0rgnnlurs emphasize that cheating will not he allowed and anybody accepting ridewiii be disguatittni Clothing suggestions lhe wearing otllghl clothing in white yellow or LN redlor misty are also advised to new Ible walking shoes log suits Capt Limos Brahman headquarters otficers plans to head the group members are being ask pledge one dollar apiece thetotal donation to 0x close to 32m The pledge has nothln with the number at miles edsotheslacotourtea the number at miles we will have no bearing lost might go all the we REGISTER roa Kworooamn RANDY llALLEBDN was one at 50 children who regis tered for kindergarten classes at lilticrcst Public at Thursday Mrs Nellie Hall left is one of the schools him dcrgarten teachers hire iiaiioron sits beside him aminer Photo wooing swans Foods MORE Seen In Dislrici The early arrival oi the whistling moan in Simcoe County has captured the inter est oi members oi the Brcrcton Field Naturalists Club These birds winter along the Carolina coast and due west in the same latitude on the Pacific coast TheirnorL tilghtsin spring vresult in large concen trations on Lake Erie towards the end oi March run AT 347 hitYFiEL 728094 rasr rakecur senvroa 0pm Daily tut midnight Friday and soiurdny on Eamaolacein psomeones RedShieldvAppcai The unwanted children the aged call for help To prov the destitute thealcoholics the the homeshospitals clinicsand potential suicides all the thousands other services necessary in distress wrote The Army tor the dignity of humanity The Salvation Army never refuses The Salvation Army needs or he We also carry Tr Fortrel dcrylic Wooielo the fastestselling chain aws and forgood reason Ask for it demonsnation and take part in in the world ex hn this 800nm an canons humanroan rinse Give Now bocal Campaign PARTRIDGE TitACtbR stavtcsu gt Mavtmoittunv an ipSHORAT SERVI Jtistieleplloile4282413 h°5V°vAFtYIF Mt withinqu rangeof sampemateriais ad budget rARoarsoooo

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