from pin2n new Quin um man man any gas7 FRONT ot cool northern air is expected to keep the eastern hall or the country generally cool today while milder air train the south will warm up the other halt Van DISTRICT WERTHiIit Scattered Showers Cloudy Saturday The weatherman ls ogain call ing tor mainly cloudy weather with tcw showers tor the Ear rte urea Temperatures will re main about the some with low Ionight of ti and high to morrow 52 Winds will be light Synopsis Aweak disturbance west at the Great Lakes will bring thickening cloud and scat tered showers in southern and western regions today while changeable skics can he expcct ed elsewhere in the province There is little chance at imw provement Saturday and mainly cloudy cool showery weather is forecast for most of Ontario Marlon Windsor Lake St Criticiée ilan For Lake Erie Dumping iirea HAMILTON CF in It eri conservationist Wednesday criticized plans by Bethlehem Steel Corp to build lsquarLmiie dike in Lake Erie at its lackawnnha NY plant for the purpose of dumping in dustrial waste Stanley Spiziaek of Buffalo member of the New York State Conservation Council told the Niagara regional development council that the company would dump industrial wastes into the totoothigh dike causing mas sive pollution The firms request will be granted by the New York State Water Resources Commission Mr Spizlack said John Jackson head ot the geography departrnent at Brock University Sir Catharines told the conference on lake beaches should he made public and the government should use every means to provide access to them Clair Lakc Erie southern Lake Huron tewshowers Mainly cloudy and tumlng coolerSutur day Light winds Hamilton Toronto Niogorn Lake Ontario northern Lake Huron southern Georgian Bay Mainly cloudy with few show ers tonight and Saturday Little temperature Light winds North Bay Sudhury Halihur ton northern Georgian Bay lliaioiy cloudy with tow show crs tonight and Saturday Little temperature ch Light winds Sault Ste Marie Algorno White River Cluudy and colder with showers and snowflurries tonight and Saturday Winds light today northerly is to 15 Saturday Montreal and Ottawa Nahriy sumry honouring cloudy late in the day Saturday mainly couverand Regina are rup posod to be the hot spots with high predicted ot 65 degrees ercphotot cloudy with lew ruinshowera Little change in temperature Winds light Forcusl temperature Low tonight high Saturday Windsor 45 60 London to 53 Kitchener to 55 Mount Forest 38 48 Wingham 38 4t Hamilton to 52 St Catharines to Toronto to Peidrborough to Kingston 40 Trenton do Kdlaloa 35 Muskoka 15 North Bay 35 Sudbury 35 Earlton 32 Sault St Ill Kapuskasiag so White River Moosonee OR FRONT YARD CALL OUR REPAIR SERVICE TO LOCATE CABLES BEFORE YOU DO ANY DIGGINGI WEJUST MIGHT HAVE ONE RUNNING ACROSS YQUR LAWN OR AROUND YOUR BACKYARD ntrsls not SERVIBE morr Bellflanada Let everyone else know to where youre moving Get the free change of address cards from your Post Office fill them in MAILTH EM NOPQSTAGE REQUIRED and away you go THAT will he oneofyourhetten Forearminformation me my YeltawPages of youthcotton Luirurious Fury specials Fury It 2door hardtop and 4door sedan and Fury ill and 4door hardtops Vinyl interior deluxe wheel covers rear window deiopgor tendermounted turn signals bumper guards remote control mirror vinyl root whitewall or red streak tires specrals Zidoor hardtops and 4door sedans Vinyl interior deluxe gt wheel covers foam seat cushion light package special mouldings vinyl roof whitewall or Vredstraak tires speeialVB engines roo AND rooanAprono sr Htsr Reduced plic Barracu raeï¬uipmen es on soeciallyequipped oarsl specials All models Chromeplated grille woodgrainpd steering whoel spans stripes wheel covers floormounted shift lever whitewall or reistrcak tires iMidsizeSatellite 106$péclasv floll King sun can You may also win Kodakvlnstamatic camera Kit ugPonabi31Pienic TahiaSet Euiece Barbecue Tool Set or Badminton Setl Zand 4doorsedans Body ids gt and roof drip mouldings cigar lighten daluke wheelcovm dint horns partial horn ring coloured iubbortloormuts ssva upto l$185 on special dressuppaekagu