743 Watt This Space Daily Get instant Results from Your Classified Ad m¢yhmï¬mmuimeyimmm mummnmmusnmumam an advertItemth attested In the item they man mammalremany moratntcrested parties than we lawmmruuliaolyutudayr survey the numberdiluqulr segrecetvedbytbe advertise udPï¬thmNW1WhW tornirethatpcoplammbuywhatyonwanttnreilAllredhot prospects it your unwanted items venous mammoth mum mmmnratmmmwomum rmimumummwmmwwu certslnanetaeoasirthgdi Lstorage cheddar roannuklngmnctorsgorom hilasanddiicabuildingaactzdnnnpomsimteiyawud hndthidudinlclaypit locatedllut 15Iltrguwn Road Huntsville0ntarlo In PATTERNS Gala at ism Mina laid easel including uh GRAHAM MATTHEWS lat it Can 10 Wed Giulia bury deitp at on Term nab No an arm is sold Watch tor list Ray 14 tactic HORNER auctiorasrr etc AUCTION SALE FRIDAY EVENING May 11968 ilmeliold turnlture including critiques inr MISS EMILY GARDNER and MR Gr MRS WM EDNEY at it John St Saturday ll 13 Bridrmaking equipment consisting at brldr making madiine dryers lnasrwhecibarrows brick can with wood pallets an Sï¬utiday My 11 proxiraately onevball mile rail cars track plus mutants and transfer Soparale tenders will be accepted on really or equipment only with preference given to leaders on the motels package at realty and equipment The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted Appointments tor inspection at telephoning Industrial Developm AUCTION SALE SATURDAY MAY AT 1230 PM ior JOHN CALDER Lot 18 Concession Sunnidale Township 11 miles east at Sua nidalc Road Sale oi cattle lull line or innn machinery hay grain straw and some household inrnilnre Terms cash No reserve Farm sold ARCHER OOLWILL auctioneer AUCTION SALE Saturday May 1230 pm sharp ior MRS MARJORIE HALLIWELL III In CODRINGTON STI BARRIE Sale of potter tools carpenter tools mechanical tools boat and molar and household cli ccts Including antiques Terms cash No rescrvcnwing to sudden death in the iamiiy JERRY COUGllLIN auctioneer WATCH for full list May misc may be arranged by eat Rank 363415 Twin mm AUCTION SALE Wednesday May pm sharp or MRS HARRY ROWELL at 221 SUNNIDALE 51 EAST END OF STAYNER south of Highway as Sale 01 good household Iurnl lure electrical appliances gar den toois etc Terms cash No reserve as the home it sold JERRY COUGHLIN auctioneer WATCH tor lull list May AUCTION SALE WEDNESDAY MAY AT EM For FOYSION lot Concession lo Vespra ll mile west oi Minesing Complete dispersal oi registered Holstein herd and dairy equip ment Terms cash no reserve ARCHER COLWILL auctioneer TRY EXAMINER WAM ADS If tor the estate the late FRED GRIGG lï¬ om 51s ELHVALE Sale or double brick home inr aitttre dishes bedding tools etc Terms cash Nn reserves on imiture ctr Terms on house 10 cash day of sale balance to days or closing Will set aubiect to re rve hid ARCHER 00 WILL auctioneer mm AUCIIONVSALE Wednesday May 15 to am sharp for the Big Red Rooster Restaurant Highway 27 one mile south DI Elmvale Sale oi all high class restaur ant equipment includng clcc lrtcal appliances propane gas appliances tables chairs counters dishes glasses sliver IIIare clc Terms cash No reserve as the owners have given no the res tnurant business and building is leased JERRY OOUGHLIN auctioneer AUCTION SALE Saturday May 18 1230 pm sharp tor the Community Centre at Midhurst Township Hall Sale or all equipment including iumllure antiques etc Terms cash No reserve as this is comunilyeiiorl JERRY COUGHLIN auctioneer AMEN HOMER auctioneer Bradiord Out at pm Terms ensh Noreservc as houses are sold AUCTION SALE Saturday June 1968 Sale oi tarni machinery in cluding Johnbeerit pail type combinewith motor in good condition McKee Harvester with too it oi pipes and attach meals 27 Can DcLaval Bulk mlerand Milking Equipment Antiques Household aiiects and added consignments tor JOHN IIILUGAN Int 14 Can 14 West Gwillim buryTownshlp at 1210 pm Terms cash No reservo as Mr hlilligaa has sold his dairy herd Iaiicl in changing line oi tarm Ivitrcn for list may an ALLEN HORNER auctioneer AUCTION SALE Saturday June 1968 Sale oi beet cattle iarm mach inery including Ferguson trac tor in good condition New Holland No 268 Baler in good condition and Case bale eir valor iot bales and grain Hay and Grain tor KEN ELLIOTT lot 23 Con 1r Essa Township at full Terms cash No reserve as own or has given up iarming ALIEN BURNER auctioneer CLASSYFIRED ADS Saturday June 15 1968 Sale at farm machinery includ ing Cockshult No70 tractor in good repair Ford No 200 trac tor years old like new 111C No it combinemotor driven with clover attadunnnts cider press in good condition is Ewes with lambs Household eiiacia etc tor ROY DIXON and KEITH KNEESHAW Lot 21 Con chtnnselh Town ship at Bond Read at pm Terms cash No reserve an aims are sold ALLEN HORNER auctioneer WELL HELP YOU WRITE wnnca1zlaatgac mulle WAO Takers will be happy tobalpyouwritoyotlr dassiiiadach ltiplace ymnnextwantadoat mMlindimlineto Ladies bicycle Table and chairs French Prov Giesterficld Greateriicid Suite Piano Boys Bicycle Number of People Wantingto Buy Giuia cabinet on Slide projector 14 Giiidrcns Outdoor Toys 15 Freer 14 Poodle Pups Girls Bicycle Babyaitter Wanted 24 10 ty If you havelany of the above items for sale turn them into cash by calling 72824i4 courteous Adwriter will help you with your lowcost wantad This another Examiner service to provide sure all results or our Classified Advertisers tilt Norrie Examiner Boys and Girls CARRIER ROUTES Motorcycle Watch That Waist ny ANNE nDnats sunrnacr TIvo INCHES from your waist happy result oi angle seaming Sew this st of dress in shantung crcp cotton for summer Printed Pattern 4110 hlisscs Sizes 10 ll 14 15 18 Size bust it takes yards 33 inch fabric aimrive carers as cents in coins no stampa please ioreach pattern Ont nrio residents add cents attics In ram plainly srza NAME clovers and Grasses Machine Mixed While You Wait Fertiiizer and Corns Seed Grains Matting Barley on Contract Order Early FARM INCOME TAX RETURN SERVICE Basic herd applications etc EE MAPLE MILL KIDD CO Accounting Service IVY TELEPHONE 4241410 269 DUNIDP mam ATTENTION FARMERS REAR TRACTOR TIRE The tinest You Can Buy gt OUR PRICE $4996 OUR PRICE $4965 111 1024 Reg $7235 14228 048 Reg $7225 IZAm III711 Reg $0435 1364 1223 Reg $9550 OUR PRICE $7995 TEST PROVED for a11so all cover crops and general purpose use See Your Uniroyal Tire Dealer for ExpertService 51 LONGER VLUG WEAR AT NO INCREASEITII PRICE uNtROYAL TIRE CENTRE 5110 BRADFORD srnaar Tansass DEKALB PULLETS More and more poultry BL MILLER menare choosing Dekalb PulleTs EQUIPMENT Started readytoday and Yglri For saggill $122k our AIIHONAL penitiy prohlemscall yflt CRAIG HUNTER POULTRY FARM LTD Farm and Garden Equime No 11 Hwy South 7285530 WRTILIZER Our amines FE AERO FERTILIZER Service AERO FERTILIZER Prices AERQ FERTILIZERr Quality Aroma can IHUroniar Fertilizers Ltd ALIdStION climate asioit nun PRICE $5983 the Want Ad Dept BARRIEV EXAMINER ADDRESS STYLE NUMBERI Send order to ANNE ADAMS care at The Barrie Examiner Pattern Dept 60 Front St Toronto Ontario SPRINGS NEWLOOK is salt pretty feminine Make it your look choose irom ove too styles in our new Spring Sum mcr Pattern Catalog Get one pattern tree clip coupon in Catalog Sand 50 cents PATTERNS LIFE INSURANCE FOR DAIRY CALVES If such were possible it would probably be popular policy with Canadian Dairymen Losses from calf deaths during the first weeks of age are often Irequent Many professional dairy herd manageis are now rou tinely injecting all newhorn calves with SHUTGain Vitamins OD to protect their calves against scoURs sTREss VITAMIN DEFICIENCIES SLOW GROWTH srruncanv INJECTABLE VITAMINS Ana are availahle from your local Feed Service Millï¬yi TAnimaln Service DEALER BRADFORD aRADEORD FEED MILL IA Dennis IDIaI77534IT choKsTowN FEEDEMILLJ iRAViIiLlSON DIat4584272 CBARRIETf CUMMING FEED MILL The BhoVératltllis without Ureal 55 when ordering with or without Urea IPOLLED HEREFORDS QUALITY BREEDING STOCK Performanée Guaranteed gt Sartre excellent bred heiiers available now Holden Cedar Farm Shanty Bay 72681192 New or Evenings RARTRIDGE TRACTOR HINT FOR ma AND GROOM safes and 53mm For Watch Classiï¬ed Ads for Cockshutt Farm Machinery WC minimft and 1m BARBIE mast pliaace bargains FARMERS WEWCVAN GilEvy YOU GUARANTEED PRICE FROM April lsiTo Sept 30ih aiécai 14 DAIRY RATION $6809 ranion siino ran TON 16DA1RYRAI10N moo can rote $7400 can mu BULKS roN inntiiiuii Loam The above rations are made only oi corn oats barley gluten soya meat linseed meal and 35 at the protein is derived tram Urea plus vitamins minerals and molasses BULK too more Please specity PAPER RUTES AVAILABLE ION DAIRYIEEEDsï¬ nluount Rites apply It paid with dittonni luauno it not paid within CASE is best Full Range or MUNICIPAL and unitary Loaders Excavators etc Backed by Service FARM MACHINERY EAGLE EQUIPMENT HWY 27 COOKSTOWN 4589102 FARMERS ATTENTION or as farm equipment or ser vices at word ad rates Elegant 3Pc Suit By ALICE BRBDKS Fortune to buy simple to knit Wear this pc suit or town travel made at worsted Exotic raised border Non jacket new Knit jacket irnrn neck down openworkishell is smart with skirt Pattern 741a sizes IiZ38iicl FIFTY CENTS coinsl tor each vpa ttera tno stamps pleaset to AlieeBroolrs care The EnrrieExaminer Need eA crait Dept5l Front Street West Toronto Ontario Ont ario residents add cents sales Print plainly PATTERN NUMBER NAME ADDRESS First time Jumbo 1968 Needle craftCatalog hundreds or de signs tree patterns iiiicluties designer sweaters instructions inside Knit crochetembroid er 50eents Book of 16 Jilly Ruga com plete patterns inexpensive stub mutual easy to make so cents wotdime consecutive Insertions Bbok N0 Deluxe Quilts in per mud arr tniertion Tam 16 complete patterns Sclti canons on commits All yum Insertion omln accepted as commence to In Idvuhlser Thurelore ml mined Advertising Departureit require an aamuun instant more thelr advertisement immediately after that human in order an In Sm Dr 0mm may portrdbafnn am In order that Jim may ha recurred an In ol Iowinn davt Publication raa auv rIr er remondble or only am incorrectly printed mm on at any advancement Ind then only to In extent of portion or ad that tnvolvcstha intprint than which do not lama abrvdua tit advertisement In no at in momqu aymar The Hanlo Examiner Mervca the arm to clantn revise on Meet my Wlnt Ill BLIND Lehman mama charge so nanu In nude cor use or an Examiner Box Number Identity or Box Number nun ls ntrtctly conrinrnuai Replies to Latter Eaer will ha held only Ill anv arter last datuoi nnnttcattan umczunmma can an In cant tar urna any as worn Titanium CLASSIFIED Anvramsavccun consecutive tnserlioua ac oer word 60 be per insertion total sans an cnlt nettin inaerttoaa an act word Book No Musanm Quilts II MIMI Ignace it was Enganemtor 12 nuts to to cancellation when ntisimm relutta obtained to pin cant ad BaokNo QltlillIar To lttgéauvtng New exciting coi tinIs compete atte so cents BOOK OF PRIZE Alghanl Knit chochet 12 nighans so cents SOBERING DRIVE VANCOUVER CF More than 2000 drunks have been bered up undeca Vancouver 1icew program that doe not charge oiienders Police take drunks to the city jail record their names and place them in haretroam until they sober up THEEBARRIE EXAMINERg IMMEDIATELY Then they are released tvithout any charges being laid