Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 3 May 1968, p. 11

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nun MORTG GES IAIE lat Ind and MorthgI Loans Anywhere Au noun mun Ann ocoliiincur notme 37 Ol VALUATIONS You Need Money To comma mu roIIInIIIII IrlIliI mu In Po Irilortgageofimdlng PI IIAL esrAII Jaime more For me Arum m5 row rim Mariner harm mm per ton intemt on brick owelltnr within Mark Burn lflill Telrohom mail PROPERTY WANTED Viva horrsnouIl IIlnlly ro uulm rouonnnlv nrtmi or see ronrn home nreirrI reIIIrli run nIlII Iru iiu Innmun down Inherit mun l1le nor an aIniI ixnmlner MOBILE HOMES TRAILERS SALE IIIINT RUSSELL CHURCH MobiitVanHomes General Glendale iraveiux Parts and Service ol Terms up in Yam BURTON AVE 7189866 INSURANCE MOVING Dont Iorget to wander your INSURANCE and it it we extra coverage any ind STEVENSONS Ill DUNLDP SI 725180 FARMS FOR SALE so ACnEs or noon elnr lInd lor lllrEIZ Ifilltsnglllh ol Ewe sell war 27 Telrnnnnemvirlisggsam Lors Eon SALE in non on heel pond BronnuringfiiI BARIIIK AREA In Icro ioLI r1 er mm on lid on Ca Bzrrie cELLIINr Bullolnr ion atandxrd Ilze un Inflljg 2173am 3111 nose Realtor 71r II mt male oralMon mu ltourl or man likth morer 03 or hm muse Ituuent mumn noon IN um Haul rmgi in inn room run 1an one rim room inclion Telephone mun um nun FARMS FOR RENT II Acne with strum Inl nII Iurv LI nor un Iinn lirdnutr lnquhln PinI ennucl Victor sl nIn lrlIoMno Toronto no one collect GARAGE FOR RENT unable or rent wlunln tar rumouk nr IIruI so Villev iui Surat Teleohnril new SPACE FOR RENT CONIMERCIAL You LIA ldui contni looIron or win Ihon or Inn mtnu mun1 tai re loot door to on toilet iunIIce mow OFFICE SPACE STORE FOR RENT DRAG or urn indunfllll moo mum leet dun Avoir Ior run 1500 Ind dry block 1m Telmhone Tie51w or 71mm It Iron ter urn SUMMER COTGES WANTED COTTAGES T0 RENT NEAR HAILIIIIL 0n Ill wanted to uni or Mel in June Prom near Inter cllphm 7134694 We LARK Iriilcos Coin rie Ilklhllfl Ind nose see Pmlenlonol math 14 Rise DundIs n11lis ARTS FOR SALE Tblr Ilc Lot Comp looit nunIon wen sired Polnu ool tn neu new In July Sherwood ARTICLES FOR RENT IIttIrtII Ill IxII zoui moir II runmm II mm 1m on an Ian on in Rock Ullgudnlnl loom nrku lent ml IL minor 25m mm1x onto TIIlnhonO NATIONAL Domllum Comm mlIurInt esulnmnt or air Item link ah NI Macedon In No Il urn Inll Ill kind at Dwain SIIDIIIIJ inouIlI It too lovmi Khll yur No om Harm Oniv II mummy WI Imam Ilwnia Human 50 our llv Inecill mm as No dawn man monthly Abra imir 31 EILE JfIiL It or rte Auburn uNm armsmoon mm for Air QIi rI cIIIIIAIRIIIiIlmm pl El irninliio Lawn noun moo Call new in outdoor Iolleu Dir dam tri um um unnluunt ch in tank diredlonr not or nun rout to com utter now no nor an noanIIn box CInln nets Box Tn Guelph Ontario zoos MMMQTIW Sno he In is Inchu Also onlyII Pinned woo IheIYIJIl Ii trim widm II Ind so tum Iemn cum mount for mm mm Ilia sliver Ind Did colon expan Whi velr qur banana Mena world Ir old color unmotgnegllzghl Inn re IIIIII omr Service vrlu lino NEWSPAPER man MATS hill tum In ENAMEL lilo In IIHII Slum LAWN ROLLING EQUIPMENT Manual Power propelled Various Ilse Yam Slnol morn DIN Tina no Builden lamin ICA mVlEIONl in el ind colour of III1nd cmAGm UII 0mm ONLY lenwd lash Inn rim tilour wow 17 Junoi wuchu ror Ill watch nox Iiulood Ontario or me also 22 iaui ror lining Amman mnmmm usuron FIBERGLASS CANOES NFL$115 i4 Frslso is FI $160 Is Er STERN $235 he ow mum in dualy It you ISIMCOE DISTRICT coop SERVICES 273 INNISFTLSI BARBIE MM HAva mtgma rlnoou mornnnumurm comrun I531QO mama Mm II nun to our II III AI malilnn on between no 13an IolINIoN iin Ind now ooII me 31 Brno an no i1 Iluminutn 117 ll IluInl guirlk Hind III In My I1 AMI mm Hollidbd Plywood but i°nrsti nor lilo flack nun mi lull Telenhone 06015 ll Kirk 5m or to It Indudlnl in pflnl SWINE NW 1254 FARMERS MRKT DEAD $065 Dead or crippled eotIiI Ind llorIu Smell InlInIiI removed PHONE BARBIE mm Colleeth tree For inst service or In Ior NICKS DEAD STOCK zsmrnonao NO CHARGE hourIIon firmawed RE Fonnend Ontario license No 1980 Nick Home Piw FARM MACHINERY Dolaval Sales Service DAIRY FARM EQUIPMENT gum Ixullent mhmwu seen It Pmflnwmm mu Inn otter mliu HANK BROWN 7266531 may WMMLDII III I3 mu CARS FOR SAL Illa or In lulu iuI voLuwAnzN and WWII 11 33mm ARI W016 niao so roNnA Pu 00 HS mom m3 In Cher oi beIuty culture DEEWIN EAIRDRESSING SCHOOL WORSLEY so moss LOST If FOUND WALLET tart in smi III Hul ulmno mm Wflmfl PRINTING PROBLEMS in roln tor IIlI no Instr howlimam couInIreiIi blrlll Wh tomvlllllv mauled me body rotpom INGINI Ild LEW II 501 Ne Im Idlmm both 90d ME walk MINI3 or Imsu III DODCI sullen wuon Put In mile We orIlm Ind lull ulI lllQDhoIIe mew Au Alum In Also loco pour in emnrnt condition will Nlo or Mohave In in remm Lu sum wm nfiwum lhnt conoltto tr rIIr Iro Im Tolevhonolmtlw rue roNnAc Itroto CAM an monormm in MW amnion teIennonI 1962 MERCEDKS 2203 115 mnflgifiinxm irivltl Im Fol Cell II motoriagoonri Iguflndi elonhono mIIII waif AUTO REPAIRS MISTER Pita video no Innal ll ltliloid IO HELP WANTED Willem In MALE HELP THE ACIW DRIVEIN summer training program is now in full swing Ambitious intelligent young men an required to work in our at room There iI In excel trInsportItion TIMI STUDY AND IIMHODS nullknown mIIIqulum LII nu newlymated or IunfllMI Ind as The Mfiundfllhl out In study mIn Irlhiv I1 in an woman udIrlx Mimith Ind woldIlll mmmVIAYIIu thIIILIW NTio FEMALE HELP WANTED THE AGW DRIVEIN summer training program is now in full swing WIVIrI lootiu Ir hteiiiaant wflhngmmutom Mr Wl we wovidI unilnrnlr eiionu to meet tile public And to elm melient um We requirI iriendiy Inllin lumen to wort in our kitchen We pay excellent land line flexin working hours We now llIVI In it Inn to pm Harder to Friduy Ihlit in Iddillon to lulltime and put tlrm for kllchen Ind our host In We will provide Inuiportntioo Illa midnight CIII now WI pointmeni Female Clerk Sienographer For position with OnurloCivil Service Alllstou Ontario lliust be qualified in Iypinl Ind mort IIInd Apply in writing to Box loo BlllIl Examinerv IIIILIII experience Ind quIliiicIilnnI TIME MEANS MONEY hit epIrI hours to work And tell the dollAn grow AVON COSMETICS For lniormItion pleIIe control AVON Mn MRS TONI SMO LUK Box us Barrie Telephone or In no ient opportunity to meet the new public and excellent mm and good chnnee Ior Idvones ment We will provide alter midnight Call now 7240941 or In Appoint ment ItllLI in TI finin men In in On CIA 31 or umn new coNIIucI Emir CovIany nul lnry rumor Show In Inuo lime mlhveflmenl or dellrnriu nmmsu rewind immin to on thrvum tn 13sz mom you Mimi CASHIER SALISLADY Pm lime Anni to sum sum nunlon st BIrriI II lurk or in Eran 10 IIEILPWANTID MALI FEMALE HELP SNOOP COUNTY LIBRARY COOPmAliVE IIVlu Iou ol CLERICAL ASSISTANT Duties to Include boohnoolio Ind olllee routines lypinj ro quind GrIde is minimum Good IleIitJI essential leek Generous fringe boom Wrile 5mm swoon covm LIBRARY COOPERATIVE oourrrr counr nouss mqu orrr no Ill molar union III or auto Lion Inlow one mu XL COUPLI or Womnn IenorIl honIan Ind Iran or human dutiu Durlnl period at June um to huour on In ndt duo on sun In Wain to Box CI lush mullMr EMPLOYMENT WANTED Ilflhlfeiofllhnd III noon mimv ism who or rol on letllndl mum COUPLI would iii to lIIDIflnIend III Apartment builAbIL for tumor inloeiutlon pieu bllphone mm lllflflgzI lllohlundu would In bk no the Au ma not ulna HOBII EWIIY Mm hall ml MAN AVAILADIl to cut um attend low bed lII Tlonhonn mom nusmnmIN BI dent nutr nIrI tune motnull IitIrnoon or mnlnr mart in elu itfxlle IlrnilIru on Kingpin Irv Mun ll IM6605 II Ilelt IWKHEPKI IIII WEI in on or on In mm runv evenlnl II on SALEM WT in 3m kuniner lléLEGVAi NUTICE TO CREDITOIIS Administralrix the Estate of CARL ERNEST REGINALD HAMPEL late at the City or Barrie in the Colinly of Si roe RetiredJiCIilwoy Empi who died on Uflb0lii the 3rd day of January impwill dli trl uto the men of the do omed to person entitled than to liter iIin stir loos liIviril NORTHWAY Riff CO LTD Tlle house line oroadloom DOMESITC AND IMPORTED BIIOADIDOM Remnants Iii sizes Ind prices 61 Collier St Phone 725431 DEW wonns GURNEY srovn fiiiii iiirsioffizioufii micsiltiii $2033 rlLéooli moon Complete line Farm Equinment mes Barrie Holly Hwy CHARLES CHURCH Farm Supplies GI Sefvloe Cant New flollsud David Brown Eelttv ARTICLES WANTED meagiwg 1133 cm mod wheei Tumore mom CASE TRACTOR Ill on bbvr sun or out on IIANunn mm It noun or STEVE nveninll LIVESTOCK FOR SALE muvrn IAIIIIMAN required In WANren mum stwu lin Itotn num PONY Wlnud unit motors 261 235 Weldtnx Simply Carnality Tele niiuicor nun Anti nu mm noin or Ian Mun no second fluid Shoo 70 mo with children Telephone no FORD VI motorl an FORD motors om mm mm ailndellerr Plinttukl Chin Books Inns nsoialmm Polieo Hmforglatalfl All types oi transmission Ind It vr Koswk Dntuio 51mm 50 mm mm mfgm differentillr Amunqu Conn III Bunion 113 II maxliar iioo HOUSES FOR RENT 3751elephum Mlm ukrlpm 000 and AuhIm lol IDVEmmDDS ir am IvAsIIING mom or in tion Will DIV cull AIIo old rnuII 19an body DI cgmizildmtgi more agei enl nltenlc mn no Mention ul hiéruumegsinrumi ram1cm wnwnocri um er ss Ic In residence Izso monthlyI rIr Infmellow ville Ina Iluut mml pen am pm busines moo monthly Telephone ticui pan DAYS WEEK DELIVERY SERVICE tore erie Ir In our no IIIism liter nun mariner an TOWN nousnII uni bed $35333 Phone answered until lo pIrl COOKSIUWN Isaom room hIlhmom CAMPING EQUPMENT nun mncrn Air rumm or SNOWMOBILES It Guthrie on no said LhII imi Tartar Remunl CImlIbell nulinr dm ll evenings 7284M Io Ion ule It 22 Anna Rind mm lmnuxe on Iuved mo ml deep price ruin Turin able Tnitnnnne 7166171 IIILr II run RENTALS HOUSES WANTED nunonoon numlow wanted ta rent ootuoaricv lst Iuiv or rat cirilél iPxifilwnéfiu Blenih hammer WANTED Elmvllelhlrle wufnIIniIIIl latname nova tor no It inch For high sthonl imher No ehII In In need conditlvn leltntoonl duh mu reirmnces cIil Gum mm in Innher lntormwnn Krswtek or PoonaAzurormnltootlnnx relnrd only to clIimI toenyro perly filed with underrmled COWAN COWAN Barristers Ind Solicitors CoiliIr Street KARATE Ontario 13 AUCTION SALES 55 AUCTIONEER vnNoN Amie Auction III on may mmmvnleenfllli mi sum 4mm AUCTION Saturday May 25 IIlnriitIlIe electric 3wfimogel consirilcilon lamentJ IA°E Ifimmool Bouncing materiialsff lumber is on ones or or mm Ims ALVIN noom Wilma rull uDll Inn nut time 511 work Innwoman iunnliro ver 6mm Remun Int inr North reIIpnonI mas Transmission Lid ammo ouiiluIti Mu AUIOITIBIIC specaIISIs in illoIIIIIoild sum West Tor st Dunlon st mil auto Dnurio CAR ACCESSORIES DEALER WANTED lforVVitioznLE nouns AUTO Cont i3 Zion WRECKERS 7451923 Kitchener CHEV VB motors 233 GARDEN TILLEBS 7130580 MARTIN RENTAL CENTRE mDulllop St Plum IIDIY in mums iQuair om AlIIr maximum to it in me mm cm Wt In um houreknolnl in modem home or In vur old unflr mt who 1031 Iii hunt or £1ng murmur run on LADY Wrro like metinr MINI or nerd omoe work Ififiinffemfii Avail Comdiln Tire Blflk WAITRESSEVS ulna rorrortIII Man on Winmoment Wylflonmm Home Ind Shinnln Clerk ro qulnd by locIl mlnulleiuflrt Must hr noruni in twin Ind nIII Ernie lI adulation Anniy in to Kolrnar or GInldI it ori SLroeL YDRKSITIJL 80AM Pineth VPP rm From hrdIIBC LfllhIlIIllEfidlu umm om tori lIlInhono cooktown Isaoi REGISTERED niorouxubm an Mm for IR 10 yell aid lou Inn broken to rm when mooni Imu um hired tar hell rug romDIIITi Reply mum srnuiem In uIIry unwitting OAK Round dlnhu men tm run chain may nili Ind well ileierenua 0n Imoltlour rrmilv nnaumno lmrnedintzlv brdmom wxu 3mm lunuro ror IIIe In um nirlrun IoId ts Delivered In laml Inn Telemann Him GARDENING WILL ROTO IlLL union was or nil mum GARDENS Arthurian To fix youixsrder t5 um mom Crawrm me nonuct tho minm Queen in MB Reside oh MAN Eon iiIWIelnI qulnm Ionics MIT 0099 is 33519 ID 1o monthiy Telephone Irama hrInd never bean used Item BAXTER LABORATORIES OF CANADA LTD AUCTION SALE noriunity Of 515 condltoizn no Also I921 more use Also Sykes 12 Itrinr ruiur 1m km Township nules south or egagofiagbwmnwn Teiennunu distely lent condition lIlopuonI some household eilecls anlrtmmt ol uuuld mum on GUITARTrad MumII Junr lant maintenance lie ntn re IIiennm moon fin Telephone smud ml 16 Rm 71 AUCTION SALE son on TREES SHRUESI gt in no nulan rnm Ash and III ZIoIIIislupE tno miles east oi hum mm Concession oi Innisiil Township Wr milee eIat oi Elainy ii TRY in iurt um lullole Good 2th on the business IIIan or willing raga6 Wm VERNTON AYRES auctioneer nwnirh pen VSqu Hm II in so May 25 are adult man WET giren1irfrfl5tfiiofufi Es mama unlneln Inmill ALLSVTONI ONTARIO It DJII sharp 7264111 GARDEN PP mTuhéxTruiieffltiio $3 Im For TOM MFADDE Ainrumn In in tr Avob Ania oldien APARTMENTS WANTED Mungfimiilfi joining 01W nmnoon unturnishod 11 Elm can also Telephone muse nrANune or are ha in wool PASTURE FOR RENT lltl Huh 30 01 we rueii required hv um omi mum Telephone 1mm MOTORCYCLES ivy and It mile north gt IAlllmlior rent or 40 to 45 In ad of cattle arm ifleifil6i¥miiilfnin£ Wflmmlflrniiizi in mower GrVEIV Wm Baxter Loboratoriea is rIpldly expanding pharmaceutical manti nenmam Ioanment rim tele cne Vico sound unit In rm coll Mrrirformuaméwémfiffi FEED SEED GRAIN lssi mum 150 ror nle binit iaczuririg company specializing iumtervenousvrolutions and Eghcafia N° VF Mm 313 mm mm 00 gironméfi mfinfl vowhlrbiwdical Wm JERRY wiiGHLIN auctioneer IV one mi iii 31 lleI room or in fnil°f BMW MOTORCYCLES Wm or In VrileEnx not Burll minim uifm competiti wIle mom emu Experlsnoe II roomful Im at da June lst APARTMENTS To RENT mm Sink In 33 WW good wrhnx Indium Id In Wemu mil mm rfnIm Elia wgh ouagrllgr TRUCKS FOR SALE loi Ilie estate of tilt late SIIUm Am moist ms INmINAnoNAr Vin an WM Wm mi in mm SPROULE GARDEN um momma MR OHN MIvBATY It TE out am st EMEAIIIhthzfigu mowgel AUTOMOTIVE in roan an over nine new Sale 01 registered Silurthorn 50c and er mnt end new unites Ind eyl IV we north at too on mm Farm stamps cattle Yorkshire urine 0th VIIIDdEiII bedroom maisonette sewnmt wwmwmugfiu my mhw 3km Want Ads Donf loI sheeplull line othlgh dean n13 or filleiteriiends Costethey Pay FEMALE HELP WANTED Ind and tiring mm In pm large living room and kitchen withholding area lull basement ea an air conditio Adults PHONE 7284752 LoVIhIEanulzuox run wno Street AInllabIZnMafiylflGfialygu 0Na Bronson healed ruminant on mlIn rimmm mg firmInt rind siiIuIeIter un Tolenlione IIIm mm urzwrum Saulr nutl mu Ingenil omen ID gloleghon tfirthluw fining Io kn roo eItlrnIterStIr Tnzwrluz Co cool waited ibi Appointment to lav on or laminar lerme cash reserve III st LN Iien roe ow rentlnz slso Ind In flown or Ann iiiInd new nunI uehoiteu It 51 HOW Monimi rent in ldvlnce 1m MOTOR SKI or nle in rend mm essi II Essa mm hm nom nonsle MAN or sale III At Lot 23 Cone lineman Emu quiet mnemn in minimum department Inn position it available immo phone morei mu our tow III mm mm isos no no MATCRTJIM emi chine Ilai grain and Ditties involve servicing of light paokiuru mm Lind enernl bedroom Inartmrut lint Ind not control Mun prch aloo Hf we Niel1N1 luv ind so one NW Emmfibmt EFEIQMW mm mm me new no iuuoh or 11 Concession io innin Personnel Manager lCorner Queen and Duckworthl it Ice tour Ida119 ultra FRUITS Er VEGETABLES intemItionIl mi end Compute form mechlnery baled iIIy nunion sum wutmzum Business cards noel ur fatter sumo rIlonsasinie with up mm ItrIw grain and somo Haule mun Moblrrv cu ontu locum ind Md 1965 ioflrt1llld nlull no thouInd 10¢ Cheques Weddlng ItIttoiIery lvllime utilities niLgnéfi dren welcome mu ion Wm ADI in my VSECDND mu no summer MI illilv rumuneu Titles IeIeaIrono business hours ImI Elton Noam bedroom IllLlll with bllootly Ilnve In re lriIIrItor notionl lIundry lIcilt isms Adult nlliy lIlnnnono corerpuIer operator In worn condition eoily designed or Ircompllior inrlullatinn company lins finite lioneIII pronam Ella will he mumenelunte withjbiilty gt PLEASEV APPLY afr or not FRANK KOVIIIG BOILES INDUSTRIES LTDsz an Huamsbmo Box 023 ooleA 0er BEDROOM IInIImeIl or rent itovr And rrlrlirentor included rnmo iurniIuro nerhtiuz minim Id WANT Aos VV mun sumo nontou mun no mm ALL PRINTING NEEDS SELL MORE MM CAMPERS sell 350 Renlhr as Telephone Mom For Airliner up then points door cylinder Isa rank as him In or red In nut Boswn terrier Inoo er dim dmfl cIreeropportunitler or KoyPtrndI Ind Key verifier 0perators iirundnune comm nmm omellnit condition prime iiele Inceswrhr illuminant 11 inn1 Menu owned excellent condIgon Nm om Upllnlrtery 3mm mm or lurtiler de Term mm 411 BARRIE EXAMINER Telnil cosh No reserves IAIN fin Pruningle TREE MATES AMERVOOLWIILV Vauctloneer uuttcvower steerirlx brak Sisnififinmgroloii it IM INERV WANTEDL FEMALE firm Worm MOST ANYTHING EX When you Nlu roo AIIIcIII Poss Fm mm 73 Commarcwl Printing BLACK menu ror rilu into dwr road Wn WNWmu MM non DACEIEUNDUmlIu IV JV SEE THE VERIFIER OPERATORS mm in cnnruAnuA wnpiei IIII I1 hmmvomSWAGm The instnlatiou Itnew EoNIpNM DeportnIInI has created mp Askinrslwrolennm mun Condllion Ihlv priced Tellnhoue7miI1 Mum Apprimishm Wineven yelrs gililphlnumerlq Keir Ptde Sfldficam no ms experience as weilas Ihl apt lid desire to be trained II rim For runner Irilomltion PrIvltmI mm figmmliemrib 1m roIIn Mime privately Pm driven in winterloan mmh Ernflfififibggdflwm llfillcflmum or role all VV gm iI KomiLV1hiIlt Mad nhnne Indium mom mm mag 4131 BOUNDWPHB or note mi on new erbluluokanpnlmuuch TaitWhom mmoeiuro iii 15 mum rm roamAm Tolmnoimmwc 196 MA An Perter Im réxiihoan°$m IIIr En mi fivo IBIDRDOM Inlllmellt doronwd in immunit cond unn stove Ind rrlrilentor run nnm nIrIllnE Irui nunan min tire Tblonimne mun tor rur Liter IlaIiloIIIaII uNruansnsu lndroom uv VH duDIEX III WDIIIO 5H mi Nit in°°im°ni€5 noon rum MIII it earls1oz melprwm buy Rflflllnibll the Articles or Ell clauiiiealloo the VPeoplesMorket Pipes UNIROYAL CENTRES WIIQBrIdford St gtBofore You Make Your Purchase

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