mmuosmr thorns highI it AW WW iUnited ChuIdresinBarrienere 13 tea Wonsbï¬d by CH invited to participate at the United Church Womensyrster tea In the photo above Mrs PEOPLE superiors Cookbum RIGHT resi dent ol Collier UCW orms tea honors for convers oi the tea FROM Lear an arena Mrs Elwood Beavis convenes jAfternOOn Teas Attract large Number Of GueSts Dull weather didnt dampen the spirits of Barrie women determined to help support various afternoon tea proje held across the cityyesterday afternoon Brisk cool winds and threatening rainshowers were ignored as tea guests attired in gay Spring finery attended the Daffodil Tea sponsored bythe Barrie Unit of Canadian Cancer Societypthe Apple Blossom Lane Friendship Tea held under the auspices of CentralUnited Church Women andtheannua1 Spring Tea arranged by the Be Blessing group of men of Christian Reformed Churchyst Vincent St The Daffodil Tea was heidi atihe Wellington Street West home of the Convener Mrs William Lowe with Mrs Whartoniassisting the hostess Daffodils the Cancer Societys emblem of hope were in profusionthroti hout Mrs Lowes spacious home Carrying through theme the bright yellow blossomswerewused in twinflower arrangements with yellow and whi emums surrounding tall yellow tapers on the testable which was covered with hand crocheted cloth Throughouttheafterno 11 musical interludes were provrded by ohnMitchinson Sr who presided at the organ Moretban 200 guests were welcomed by Mrs Stan Ruth president otthe local Cancer Society Unit and Mrs Leggett wifeofltoland Leggett cam paign chairman MTee honors were pertormed by FRIENDHJP TEA An arrange serving guests we barlon Mrs Gordon Lar lri rs Jack Cain and Mrs Rory ODonal Tea assistantsincluded Mrs shi lames Greenbalgh Mrs Gibb Bellamy Miss Joanne amen Gwynneaiimotby Mrs ecal and Mrs Robert Lindsny Sen blossoms and pi apers cen trad the tea table at tho Friend Tea in com Carrying through the theme the walls oftheroom were decorated with large chaser the blossoms and en setting with apple trees The kitchen was convened by Mrs Seaton Ellis assiste Mrs Alastair in full bloom was the local point he tea room Convener Mrs Bev Gougb was assisted by Mrs Mes CloistiAn Returned Chincha Annual Spr Tea and Pro eat oftbo file Blesslng So an convener of VIEW poured in yesterday 7V ley and Mrs DonJay wiieot the minister of Central Unit Marking the friendship be tween the United Churhn in Barrie the wives of the mtnisa ters and presidents ol the iiClV groups were invich by Central new to pour tea These inclu ed Mrs David Proctor Collier Uni with Mrs Cocky bu Mrs Kenneth Pardon Burton United with Mrs Ly Cook and Cook Grace United with Mrs Yls so pouring tea were Mrs We er and Mrs Mac Marcellus vice esident of Central UCW Mrs Dobson UCWpresr dent and Mrs Jay greeted the many guests attending the tea Mrs Elwood neayis convened the ten room with coconveners Mrs laeir Sies Mrs Douglas Beckett Assi ng in Mrs Al vin Robinson Mrs Cla son Mrs GwNesh Peter Harper Mrs eorge Chappel Mrs Walden Mrs Ernest Burton Mrs Mrs Charles Surgenor Mrs Dewsuap Miss oliveitohert so Mrs Don Browning Mrs Cole Mrs Hslassor Mrs Roachllrs Ayerst Mrs Cameron of the tea room Mrs Bov Cough general convener of the event and comments Mrs Don Jay wife at the minister gt0 Central United Milkln Mrs McKnight Mrs Little Mrs Edwards Mrs Dobson Mrs Hinton and Mrs Henry McKercher was in charge of thesewing table and her minmittco included Mrs Mlloare Mrs Martin and Mrs Murrrll The kitchen was convened by Mrs Jack Garner and her com mittee Decorations were con vened by Thornleyand Mrs crcher was in charge of pub ty SPRING TEA At the annual Spring Tea in Christian Reiormed Church Hall more than me guests wercwel corned tothe event which in cludedva bakesale and bazaar tablE Mrs Kloostorman conuéncr of the ifs andEfmsident ol the Be essinglsooiety perform honorsasslslod by Mrs Borgdorff Carrying through the slung time theme largeilnrol ar rangement of sleep pink snapv dragons and white mumscén tred the tea table Miniature bouquets of spring lossoms de corated the individualrtea tables Loi ozaucrmr Mrs Mary Ley took top hon ors in the regular Loyal Orange badge euchre party Saturday evening other womens divi sion winners included Mrs Madeline Marker second and Mrs Hagan third in the mens division firrt placevwas attained by OConnor Second was Harry Carter and Norman Nichol was rrtiitlis gnud ins HaroldNolbndand Mrs er Central Unitcti ohe Bake table convener Mrs Lloyd Little was assisted by Mrs 13 Minus Mrs Murray Mrs Scharl Mrs Roberb son Mrs lory Mrs Stevens Mrs Linton Mrs Brigham Mrs Gill Mr Gilham Mrs Mulidn Mrs McKnight Mrs Vice Fremont bersbip Mrs LeCla Mandaersbip Mrs Ma iNew Clifioers Of Angus CWL Fourteen members we sent at the April ZOmeeung oi lhe rAngus Catholic Womens League held in Our Lady of pre Grace School when Mrs Perrier was elected president for 196a sooner members of the new executive include Mrs whelan Secretary Mrs Major andllreasurer Mrs Benton Conveners Memi Press Mrs ltt Sacrisian Mrs LeClalr Education Mrs Eugene Smith Social Action Mrs Whelnn and Spiritual Welfare Mrs Neil ransom short business discussion and the welcoming of Chmllï¬w executive social tea and raffleconcluded the meet VSoc1eiy Elects NewExecutive Mrslletty Noithover ected president of the We mens Auxiliary to thefBarrie Branch of the Ontario Humane Society at their meeting Mon day evening other members the executiveinclude Vice President Mrs Mona Wright Treasurer Mrs Laura Cleland SecretarynMrs Edith Mulligan Puhhcxty Mrs Min Hines lfbonrng Mrs ien lt waayreported that the snn Ball ad been success toyo newtmernhers were wingndioum eat lunch thehosiessers narrow or open sored by the Banis Unit at xCanadian Cancer Society at NAME BLOSSOM on ST csrnsnmas ca Sunday will benttrclally dosig noted as Blossom Sunday in the Niagara Peninsula if the weath cr warms up in time spokes full foam cushion The lea trotted large number of guests including man active in the work of lhe unit SHOWN ABOVE FROM LEFT T0 man tor the horticultural as partmsnt in Vineland said Wednesday lf not Blossom Sunday will be held May 12 Blossoms are two wccks ahead because of warm well The thing to re RlGlflf Ronald beggeti oh man or the Barrie Campalxn for funds Mrs Willlbm Lows convenar or the tea Mrs Stan TO WRITE BOOK new YORK thih ruts Martin Luther King Jr signed contract Wednesday to write book about her life with her late husband the slain civil rghts Ruth president or the loebl ers lessen The tea was held at Mrs low fired on Whllinxton St leader lt vvss announced by publishtrr Molt Kinehari and Winston spokesman ior the ï¬rmsaid it initiated the idea tor the bank scheduled to be published in early 1969 Introducing our Special for the month of May The $5 sandal for $3 The design is Italiaanheinsole is ther is genuineWhite tan or brow member though is that theres hardly anything to them Wooldjustaasm 375 ear not ldSWelilngten St West in the Barrie lilo