Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 2 May 1968, p. 2

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Interest Mounts mans nlcliAY tieitl sup erintendeat oi Barrie public schools Evelina Thompson president oi the Queens Alumni Association oi Canada and guest speaker principal designtoot the university Dr John Deutsch The llur onia chapter hcld its annual dinner last night in the Com tinantai inn Exnntincr Pho UniVerSities Forced Challenge Oi Quick Growth Dr Dculsctt principal designate at Queens University at Kingston yesterday describ ed unitcrsiLics as the focal point oi all the iorces oi change in society Dr Deutsch addressed the Huronin Chapter at the Queens Alumni Association at the Con tinental inn lie said enrolment and the ex pansion oi knowledge are areas oi the greatest change largely because oi population expla sion allowing the Second World War These post was babies are just beginning to reach univen sity age in addition larger proportion oi the youth at today is going to university Ten years ago only six per cent went to university Now that iigure is doubled And womens enrolment is increasing insier than mcns said Dr Dcutsch There are more and more young women appearing at our doors every day Enrolment has ore than doubled in the past six years which means that the laciiilica which had been suiiicient ior too years hate had to double in that same space oi time We must assess our position and decide how much we should grow Queens is now smaller part oi the Ontario piclum than it was ten years ago he said The increase in the role at knowledge has had peculiar Damage Reported $850 In Mishap Damage was estimated at $850 in an auto collision at tho intersection oi Ciapperton and Worsiey Streets yesterday in volving car driven by William Secord 26 of 22 Drury Lane and Willard Lang 50 oi 188 Col lier Si Mr Seeord received minor in juries in the crash at 347 pm Const Fred lehman investi gated impact on the university world lie coiled advanced knowled the most potent iorca in be world today ihishns had two eliects on the Canadian university scene said Drl Deutseh More research projects are coming our way There was than when we were content to row on work dana in the olderumore well establish ed countries such us Great Brit ain and the United States Now the government is spending great sums oi money at univer sities across the Dominion And this research is not only to iind new knowledge but to find uses ior the knowledgewc already have The second big client oi the demand ior knowledge on the university scene is the increase in graduate work beingdone at Canadian universities Until recently universitits in this country were primarily on dergraduate New more and more gradu ate work is beingdone said Dr DcuLsch Weve stopped re lying on other countries Mailsanfiflia 73 Immfnvuoar hard delegates will any Immune thirdde utepasseswhenflonhshnma Conserativesboldthelrnomb sting convention at tho Oriiiia OperationsMaya Aopohalmaa iortbeusoeiu tlonanaouncedttblsmomlogthat Imdoiegatapasseewouidbeia road no ward and polite station5baala Barriele in eeire 271 at these 11in meeting starts at par Dr Pl Rynard who repro senied the unstitncncy oi Slin coo East in the tut Parlia ment has announced he will seek the nomination the re distnhutcd riding Heber Smith who represent ed Slmcoe North announced last week that he would not ac cept nomination chapter oi the Multiple Sclerosis Society oiCanada will be organized in Barrie under the auspices oi the Civitan club Multiple sclerosis patients and others interested in the societys work are invited to at tend special general meeting on Wed May at 730 pm at Collier Street United Church Chairman of the meeting will be Robert Green presidentvai the Civiian club Guest speaker Wilson Toronto lawyer and president oi the Societys Ontario divi sion will show is mlnue iilm called lily Friend Joe which tells the multiple scler osis storyl Multiple sclerosis is disease oi the central nervous system and usually strikes persqu be tween the ages oi 10 and to The cause cure and possible prevention of the disease is still mystery but scientists know that it attacks tha covering which protects the nerve iibres la the brain and cpliaai cord The Society supports edical research at Canadian un versi ties and conducts serviee pro GUILD WILL BARGAIN PETEREOROUGH CF The Ontario Labor Relations Board has certilled Toronto Newspaper Guild Local an at the American Newspaper Guild as bargaining agent ior employers oi Peterborough Examiner edi toriai depamncnt The local unit has bargaining rights ior 23 employees in was MOVING oar roo Honcho SOCIETY Vitwofitrottdmcnyerehflied last night in Marlon collision on knight Section oi the tilt Line oi lnnlsrti Township Dfld uallenry Smith 51 RR Strand lootts roanset nl Barrie Woolworth storead Arthur Quinn iii also oi till Strand lnalaiii police norm or 10 minqu to pry the men irorn their wrecked carat Smith who was sealed in his car beneath Multiple Sclerosis society Plans To Form Barrie Branch grant lying can crutch zs ultmlzhair aad other equip ment to needy patients lociew supported program oi medical research into the cause and control oi this heurol ogicul disorder is made possible by modest membership lea private donations and partici pation in the Barrie United Ap pcal Volunteers are urged to st tend the meeting on May and it is hoped that representatives irom proiessionnl business and homemaker fields will ioln the Society Further iniormann may be obtained from Civilian Incorrect Mort Daioe or by writing to the Society at 75 Avenue Road Tor onto Name Business Strand Men ruinedIncmsh the motor dhd on thewa to Royal Victoria Hospital Quinn who was trapped under the dash in the other auto was dead when police oliiccn got him out at the car The accident occurred mm pm between the no and aldaoad oi the nth lino Smith was rsturninghomo and Quinn was on his way to work when the accident beamed Polia inund packed lunchbox in the demolished car Both men were marriedwa children Investigate olllcerl cons tabla Ali Chalmers and tiny Mullins said that theyhad iopuli open the doors oi the cars with chain beiors they could remove the man They said one car was In the ditch and the other was on the road it is believed thatStnith was going cost on tho alghth Lion and Quinn was wutbottnd at the time or the collided smash Windows Tiiiin Sh No larga plate glass windows were mashed at Donnas plum blag 154 With st My Damage has been estimated by City Police at $150 Police believe the gimwn broken by persons throwing rock Division Head lit Barries Georgian College McCague chairman oi the board oi governors of Geor gianCoiiego of Applied Arts and Technology has announced ths appointment oi Proi John Griggs as chairmanni the husi tress division at the college Mr Griggs whose appointment will become eiiecuve July is now associate proiessor of bus iness administration chairman of the department at business administration on assistant dean of the iaculty oi arts and sciences at Laurentian Univer sity Sudbury hlr Griggs was born in Wind sor Ontario and received his primary and secondary school education in that city He grad uated irom lha University oi Toronto with bachelor oi cone merce degree in and later received the degree or master oi arts economics iron the same institution Upon graduation in 1943 he was employed by the industrial division at the Wartime Prices and Trade Board Alter exper ienee with marketing research firm Mr Griggs joined Simp sonsSears whererhs has anten sive experience in research ad vertising and administration Following three years oigrad ttate work in oconomim at tha University of Toronto hlrl Grieg joined the iactuly oi Laurentian University loam He has been responsible ior lha development of ctnricuiurn in business administration and ior the organization of the depart ment of business administration at this university in joining Georgian College Mr Griggs willbe responsible to thedheetar oi smiles for all academic program in the busi ness area including secretariat programs Helwiii also play mater part in the training of faculty in the business area and will assist in the organization of extension work gt Shrinev Cirousi Here May The circus is coming to town May The Sheba Shrine Club In Oxfam Armory on the 2000 Ed Tumrm will join tho walk It an attempt to otltnrb beat nun Const able John iraoter Represents tives from most city organha tiona ham walkers or are spon wlng them Ex mayor Willard Klnxle has challenged all the other on Barrie Mlhiarial Anoclation has represents mm all the city daurdlu Total mmbuitl Oriana walk ara irons Midland Orlliia Pana iaagutshane Stayner ttding la and Base Borden ts utirnated at 8000 Walk co ordinators as pectooabllioithewlikero to complete the route to Elm valo En route Barrie Ontario Pro vincial Police will patrol High way it in addition to Orient cruise ears and the St John ambulance Reiruhmenta tram vLakavicw Dairy will be germi It the Oralghurat corniort station and at Waverley irom the Smith Dairy Elsa Borden and Greer buses Walkers will register at and proewd along Toron St to Ross where they will Bayiicld to Collier street the moladoproaimatei in miles to the llrst check Ill Crown Hm way it fine next point at is Dislston UnltadChuroh Ethelgmilamark ed by iotirrrdia walk urst Anglican church next atop is liiiisdalqlioih tournament Orr Lsko out to the mama mutt hi lowed by the sixth check point at Waverley United Church Eokcra Farm at the motto mark is the int check point Barrlas Orient walk is only one part oi numrnotlt drive ior the oxford Movement For italic oi Famine which be lngheld all across Canada on May Proceed will go to diiiereat countries to teach the starving howto provide toad Miami doing In as pay or we iertillae soil schools and madtito my axasnnm want ans raorta mutt ROBINSON HARDWARE so on COLOR TELEVISION Emerson Console Colorflolevisiom Contemporary stylin solids and is sponsoring the pariahname in the arena of the Clyde Brothers Circus which plays exclusively to Shrine Clubs across Canada cabinetry or name Barrie Humane society oiiie era like Pat Forgrava shovel were busy yesterday moving anllnaisirom the old Victoria st shelter to the newly hon structed building While most thecata and dogs transfer red were in travelling cage Dlcils on mm hints or beer Sides or beef Hinds loaves mo dérs $1000 or 10 discount Collier Si 7MP Moving dayat the animal arena found this on St oer nard dog temporarily cramp intactnor humans this skittish VAlsatiana only re straint Wasn leash Exam liter Phntol on Police FirDept Hospital iii lillhooslibr attics rooortvtttttggp Parliamen contributes lost many ed ior space Superintendent Harry Brown gave hima com iorting word before loading him onto the trch iorhis connotation avacr The Bank or EnglandwasesI tnhlished in rest an Act Becatise drinking accidents it Will Stan savson autoInsurance yoln are nondrinker ayyoutoeompara Ahatalnera rates with your present rates today Wis CRESWICKE 118 BRIE AfillAlHtRS MURANU rcwam ants MALLon move to the new shelter on Paterson Road once at the netvvbuilding he was installed in spaeious cage Examiner Photo Thagitém listed below rhouid leave read and the United States and all iproceeds from the Barrie show will go to the crippled children or Simcoe County The Shrine annual eve and anima eta train all over the world Among theseare tha Andersen Family trapcae artists irom at and Captainlloy ale and Bengal tigna An other animai act ieatures Shar dust purewhite Arabian stal litlllfl and laughs will be provld in Wednesdays paper with every 55 order mmmrus snhmmsew rzessso rttsaons or ouatrrv nears amen SPECIALV SALE PRICE select veneers RegularIISelling Price 3Way Combination StereoRecord Player AMFM Radio and 13511 Tape Recorder nuicabinei 4Traelt Tape Reg $649495 sate ralcsojar VEMERSDN way Combination FM stereo er and 21 Television Reg $49995 sat rittcso var Record Play nnnownnss st Dunlap DtailzsZdal

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