ar 1300 aster Woman lototutomleteifoywon the top execmin position delt satin Richard Partridge in welleun csmpelgrLDan Dohbe was elected vicepresidenl Dom nie Martin secondvice with Mike Roblllard as treasurer and lsucy ï¬rstege secretaryn With the many accomplish ments reached and standards set by this years council and com mittees Including the BAA the new executive will taco quite task to keep the pace oi our school going continqu upwards next term WALK 10me As you already know Satur day will be the scene ot gi ant Walk tor Millions Walka then from Harris to Hmvale Richard Partridge an outstand ing student among students has organised group at about 00 Eeatview students to assist in this endeavor so it you havent signed VP there are stillentry onus at the oï¬tce or you can sign up at the Armory Satur day morning Get on the ball and Join worthy cause and dont let it be said that East vdew nasnt behind0XlAM 100 per cent PACKAGE MEMORIES Subscriptions to Eastview first Savings Bond year book are now available to the students The full price is me and the full price can he paid in instal ments of it week or the first two weeks and 75 cents the thLd bio Padrage oi Memories will not be available till next September wwid hope to see about we subscriptions iiied ior this book whidt will work or you like savings bond the Ionizer you keep It Ihe renter it matures MUIHIOLEN Finally contractor are in something about the mud hole at the back at the school East week flight of lilehflers rapped work crews pua vy eon pment and an Englishspeak ing orunan into our future Iootbail ï¬old Progress is pro xressing progressively as the deter pushes around muddy mui and my ooze litter levelling the mucky muck and the play toger they started to no in the track Then the rains came and it wiIl probably be next September before after loo stanrner of enticebreaks occasionaiaork periods it will be suitable for action RUGGEE Last Thursday our ruggar teams met north at Mon icas playing Ileid tied the yunior game and won the senior ieaaiva measure Ray broke his nose nice play Rsyll This Thursday May they go to Orillia to heat both teams ere WOBLDfNEws IN BRIEF BflthElIE LAID OFF ST THOMAS About 350 striking employees of Essex vtm Corp returned to work Wednesday and were immedi atriy laidoti until further no lice Thoemployees members of Lecslml intern oiial As sociationot Machinists and her ospam Workers slgncd new twoyear contract last Saturday FATHER SON JAILED TORONTO CPD father and son who pleaded guilty April 16 to selling heroin valued at $250000 Wednesday were each sentenced to eight years in penitentiary Bernado llotolo 52 and his son Ciro 22hoth at Toronto were arrested by RCMP Sgt Cari hichirutie oi Montre who posed as buyer of he aumouma ANIMAU Arman cm or Ani mals chickens and bees owned by ayIoyeareold tarmer Iound undernourished and sprawled in poet pen near here Monday will belauctioned Saturday Pro vtncial police at St Thomas said Charles lavender recover log ink the St ThomasEizin General Hospital granted the humane society in Londo there permission to sell 32 goals two horses Iourdogs cat about to chickens and uh hivesoi boos JOIN PICKET LINE LONDON Ont CPI Eleo trician union members joined picket line at striking hotel workersat the Hotel London Wednesday hours before dolor gates were due or the tourday convention of the Contractors Association oi Ontario The men were mem bers at the International Broth erhood of Electrical workers involved in contract dispute with the London and District Construction Association which bargains on behalf ot local electrical contractors CARTOONS PRESENTED PETERBOROUGH CPI collection of almost 200 original sketches by noted Canadian cartoonist thoiate Kacey of the Montreal Star has been presented Io Trent Universlb Prof Symons presi dent and vlcediancelior said the gift was made to the univer sity library by John ll Dickin son grandson of Mr Kacey and new resident of Pcterbor anie awayto save me game 90 During brilliant oI Electrical orients it rnrmmflm Electron porters An assanbly was held Wednesday morning Between 380 and mom hands the Pile and the idle Ra caption along with gogo girls played tor the audience Candidates tor all pmitlons let us know bit about themsel Yes and those up tor president gave us their pialiorm The two assemblies were rounded olt by various skits and soan urging us to support one of the candia dates PUBLIC SPEAKING Norman Beers wï¬i be com peting In an Ontario Quebec public speaking contest this Sat urday near OttawaNom we want to wish you the best at luck shdsaythat were yery proud to have you reptescat ins NORTH INVITATION Our track meet with schools from Orillia Centl Ind Eastvlow was held on Wednet day alter school Therewasta large crowd out there to edge on our teams Just how well we did will be announced in next weeks paper OXFAM Are you walking to Elmvale it not why not sponsor some body at so much rniloI The distance is 273 miles It starts 000 cm at the Barrie Armour tea and the propose is to raise money to help needy children overseas There will he dance in the evening at tho Eirnvlie arena with pop band playing One such band is Barrles own Idle Reception who have don ated their services to help this aeedyceuse BITS AND PIECES Hurrah Our Gr to biology trip has been changed to Thurs May instead of the day alter the Grad dance We still need those pens rubbers and pencils for students in the West ladies Keep searching then put them Into box in the main hall Grad dance only 19 school days away which also means exams are very short time away Gr la Geog trio to Statenis this Friday April 26 Woman much danca put on by the Girls Rifle Club will be held this day Music will be supplied by the idle Reception and gt there will be two gorge girls Sandy Harmer and Joanne Dyment This will be the time to meet Your 68 69 Students Council ON THE MOVE YugosleVIAs $0000000 people have 429000 motorcars and 440000 motorcycles and scoot ATorontoDominlon Assured Savings Piangives you money Intho bankand life Insurance with double indemnity feature Aliyoudo lsehoose aflvs year savings noel Iromsoooto $50001hata your amount at tile Insurance Irorn the minute you make your tirstdepoait Thenluet watch yourmonay grow Ask your local branch managevahout theAssurod Saving Pia en Sh Barrie 163 Bradford 59 Ba rte Allanriaia Bra Dunlap St Jr Maple Ave Barri il pertains to questiors 111 OF THE HAT This weeks tip or the hat will so to those people we too oiten take tor grantedour teachers We go tor extra help in sub iocts alter shcool we go to meetings which teachers pre sidenover as start advisers we stay out practising or track baseball or toothall as late as 530 with teacher out there own as on When do the teachers get credit tor what times they do The individual gel the mm in winning are stir ï¬gs £ch Orllila in the Folk twp divi aion Mr Motion and hlr Ped lsson do so muda work towards Student Council Bill are alqu plum up but Mr 1illtidia and seems to has our books in good order Mr McCaw la thï¬cgdigm if Slum Council cops in many days afterschool Whersdo end it doesnt seem ialrto mention only tow teachirs as most everyone is helping the student or school In some way At this moment think of the youve one or entra help or gone to meetings and simply taken your alterschool LIFT LOT SAVINGI Grade Looki First Grade Waterproof NO1 SPRUCE SHEATHING 33 sh any quantity Famous dRodtop Thermafibse msuunoa amnu lots 20 60 sq it For Italian or In IIII 350 254 $1294 $1509 27 33 Corn 90 sq Carton cm complete with all hardware 26 so lets DELIIXE IIEDIVIJE SASIILESSV WINDOWS torn mat on $1991araaz 82102 1sm 1633411111 2221 tom 3MB isnt 1015rrna 2439 ttlrtl 3108 Chas comm Redwood rnut 36Oryrlai Giush 500illlii llls Vinyl himifli promos mas Save Grade BC aairascrs 70 Vote not hoarse Trap Toilet bin I1 l9 washbasins plus porcelain base 30 in shower arm ma wane WITH 60 DAT 1113 instead of Shawn Add $415 $79 Corragersl ZEALLIIII I00 ROL SI Pressure Tested Pissti WATER PIPE V1 roll roll Combination Screen Storm IIIL BASE EXTEIIIOII WHITE gt SASHLESS wnnows $1061 warm svsrcn $5995 Camfl ALUMINUM SIDIIIIi iii2 EIJEGTIiIG WIRE SOL Cartoni No gt COMMUIIIIAILsziV UPEII WEEKoavs an saruaaavs 105 on man sacrum rmaavs T09 an 3191 51 roii You Novas ummlm only insist daecsthklddayaadmlalbs dvsletlinthisyw Be therein seconds by Dialing Direct its this my ï¬rst dial then the Area Code NY City is 2l2 then the phone number you want if you should dials wrong number contact the operator Mistakes are on us Hurryl Ends pm Wednesday MIY GASIIWAY IIEItl IIIIIIIIIII EVEIITI anon am streams wan Extremer resistant to fading Durable gloss ifinlshi May Hntedi yelp0 3551 QUALITY streams UITEX wan to ryilc Ls breathes mists blister ing all been paint is noncheikin with stands severe temperature extremesi ve on your ciao Eithermey be tinted GALLON Galvanised IBGauge Made in Canad CHM ImQ 36u $6 75 13 4r3775tsa GFT TBAR POSTS EACH tractaaagrnl 17¢ Grndo 2W1 Itn Fr gt $164132 am Minions smegmaslain to about suns AM 5103143 materials to close In don mom 565902 KEYlNKNOB Iluarssrs as litFT PUSHUP narrows alteration man watrefl With Groundi 100 250 500 thet and I000 Rails 89 moss Fanadisn ravine strata oaILlIA AREA min in insiouucriou or HIGHWAY 11 no In Hronway lino HIGHWAY 33 canals Casilwny Lumber Box 628 Barrie PHONV 2230109