com or hmw termedinte 4a Verpn Camdlor Harry Ad am right is congretlaled Centre More Supper Whether the provincial igov leiament My all at thecounty block pmperty in Barrie or only pert of it there ppenrs to lie growlul ng nipport lotthe proposal Itennwcminyeeh tre be established on the larger property site which the county owns near Holly It the provtnce wmsld buy all the present properw at lit price the move could be made In soon as the necessary newinfliction were constant od hutleven it the provincial being government cannot be persuad ed to buy county would make itlmprectlcalto abandon the relatively new countit hail Ind ofï¬ce building immediate long range plan or ulti ovingbas been gaining ADVANTAGES gt aemogwooe Re Melvin MeKeen expressed view shared by others whenhe suggested it was not neeegmy to have the county centre tncrowded down town Barrie tend Hint relocation the centevln tuner premises Mgdonte Reeve Dalton der one of number Esteem mppoeung ve can ted to the pressing need ior more peeking space Atthe pre oent time there is harer enough lweddfldalsa gt Visit who have county bushes tokensact or required to attend sessions let alone tor the to leave sessions and move their chemo miggme two hog pa or require Oltyot Barrie bylaw filth injureone or numerals ressons advancedln the ergu mentLtht it wouldbesn ad vantage to relocate In addition tooonvenlence largerares wouldienable the county to have itecentral garage tor equipment andoï¬yuheadqutar terslor its variousdoparlnnents and servicesniflogether Most thesegare togehser now but emandsj for more space by various departments ddiiionel accomudntiorn VWOllldrllylye to he iound else where causing decentralization Ofï¬cials feel thiswouldbeloss efficient it it ema er ï¬nancing is major problem and list least Marlowe the fluids is not received from the provincial government or other monolongrangepiant timete moving wouldbe nprae alternate course to mediate moving The ï¬rst step wouldheteenggge Imhltects to drew up master plan for the development Thincould morethen the admin in by owned colleague Allan Johnston Delete he became coach Adams played hockey for Elmvale Mintsing Kw Berrano cial champ Photo COilIllY Gains volve setting out areas or the various required buildings porting zones nnd greenbelt areas and equipment proposal long discussed it wns suggested this could by largely financed by the sale of the county garage in the Allendale section of Barrie County library building or others also might be included in early construction with this done to conform with an overall plan or ultimate mov the council hall and all headquarter services to the site Since the location is lustout slde oi present city limits Bar rie would still be the counh seat to all intean end pur poses although the site is in nelghhorlng lnnisiil it is just tow minutes drive from down town Barrie It the provincial government decides to proceed with plans new regional to construct lall as otten discussed the county could dismantle the pm sent 15 year old structure and utilize the space or park ing or other purposes It would still have to obtain other pro pertyandmmbersfeei this should be near thecounty block This the reason why we think serious look should be given the proposal or en entire ly newcenire said spokes Initial buildings oould include one or the roads department both the city and countycould be worked out Orililae movie to follow Bars no and withdraw from the empty with the loss in county revenues which would be en tailed Ilsohes been mentioned as something which should he considered In theoverali linen ciel outlay This would leave municipalities teshare the ex pensebudm Listeners man who suggested it would vantsge mm mm appear to be long term ad li turther changes are to be made in county administation through the trend toward more regional government the need or new eentrawill become more apparent One suggeglon made unofficially isthat the county might sell lLs present counollIUhall and generaloflice build to the new regional school board due to take over administration oi all county sec ondary and public schools on January 1969 It isconsider ed more likely that the county trushes will preter to mntre other arrangements which would provide themwlth admin am we mgflnfhnodation more to cop requirements The City of Barrie itseli might ms the county= building and ot tines much more suitable than its present premi bu question remains as practical Minestng stem Lllceltfcluh will be me onWednesday April at at the community hot here int cussion ot the wes inadey demonstration omitted lGA neutunetr 0R Nititlli VTRAW unions tits gt tltle entrants eraen too littoertaln Iltd CoeebMdernra toetun Elm vile player ornament on to say with on achievement award it the lies seletycon Hence otrthe industrial Acci dent Prevention Asociatloos The Penetanguil he firm won iheeward in the leather tltme rubber and tannerseedlon knee int mong firms reportingon the Associatiomthihny bequenty report and showingthe greatest improvement in nietypertorw anoe durhzg lmtoonmumtm snout BAKERY TREATS hebed asked hisplayere to give net out and that all which can he erpeetedihey ere lust Ashen While everyplnyve ou the team as given due cred ope clatmention berbeen madeot the ï¬ne goaliending otDon Werdle the tanner Stnyner net who came in as re placement elter moat GIT reniiiteics ladeenahle at an limit time or oldei oiilee wines melons rwae hoWltnllzed with during ukaikmmnpaiwrkawMMWW IIOIS unmounteherepmeoted It West imcoe district In nudhloetlnxlhlchvï¬llheheld ethaneth hvenhghrehch no em ed hire illiorby gho inn is ulstenc end rs nanow public reindeer srsuuon sum 431 NOW iGA OFFERS NEW LOWER PRICES 0N LI HEALTH it BEAUTY MUS PLUS THESE ADDED FEATURES ix Imliill Minions llEA 78k SHOULDERS mu lit Ill HAqu GREST lottlllltlST THE err DAIRY cesn Nun outta um moon set one MILnchEEs 39 IVAIEXSTUEIMSE non vasnconlo STAYNER EVEN so