Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 24 Apr 1968, p. 2

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Begin War fIaniihooe ImJune 25 Both the uncut and Con urvstitg ridin associations ior Slnicoe North appesrto be moving toward early Knotniob tlon meetings in preparation tor the June 25 election The Liberals have tentative ly set their meeting tor the Drillta Opera House biay 6or at pm An executive mcct ing in Barrie Monday night is expected to confirm one at th dates The Conservatives will have an executive meeting in the Midland YMCA blondynight to decide on location arid date tor their nomination mch ingn John tIcCuliough Conserve tita riding vprcsldentgssid that the meeting would be called as icon as possible He said the Tories were ready tor the election because they had been expecting it ltir McCullough says be ex pccts the nomination will be contested know Dr Rynard oi Oriitla will be con testing it he said Hebcr Smith MP or Slmcoe North announced this morning that he would notscck re nomination itr Smith said business and personal reasons governed his decision Norman LRouih secretary at the riding Liberal associa tion said he understands that Bill hull of Barrio John Palm 10an incantation TAKE EXTINGUISHEFS The custodian oi the apartr mcnt house at 47 Blake Si re portcd the iheii of another tire extinguisher tram the building yesterday Police believe that the live extinguishers which hnvc disappenrod in the past tour Barrie Man Sees Special Duty Captain Lawrence Bumn member of the Canadian Armed Forces and son at Mr and Mrs Bury Hit Barrie 0n tario saw special duty in Eur ope last week during the North Atlantic Tre aty Organization NATO exercise called Front Centre 68 Front Centre is one oi number of training oxerv eises conducted periodicallly to test command procedures in setting involving the deicnse at Central Europe Captain Bury carried out his duties as liaison nificcr at mo bile command postI short dis tance from Headquarters Fourth Allied ical Air Form NATO Command located at Ramstcin Air Base Germany aaucs Peacock LEFT AND nM ORLEY alliteceives Trip io Dusseldorf Duckworth Street will lly to Dusseldorf this sunimcrto he with their son whojs on posting with theCaioadfln For and tr was arranged group of to business associates col leagues audiriends at Mr Mo vhojielt th itwasi time were re aid ears of being goodsport Jims the kindoi tellnwwho eral humtotto He said but the people atien includes lunistll Township Members oi the Huronia Numismatic tions annual coin show begin at The programme will run into the evening with displays can Vote er oLOriiita and Bruce om ol Barrio song with possibly three others or seek the Lib terestcd lathe nomlnstlo are being invited to the executlrl New boundaries For lune Vote Simeon Cmuty voters will be casting baliou tor revised Simcoc North Riding in lhe federal election at June 25 The riding will extcnd from Barrie to Oriliia Washaga and Screrniatis in thcnorthfand to Pnoctangutshene in the nost it will include Oro itiedonte 0r iliia Twp blatehcdasb Vespra Port McNicoil Victoria Harbor htidlnnd and the municipalities in between The riding includes all the tor mcr constituency oi Simon East York Simcoc in which Sen Wallace Mcmtcbeon has the Progressive Conservauvo nomin nnd extends southward to North York ltiostvoi what was once Duti crin Stmcoe is now PeelDuti anou LOCAL TAX HIKE SMALL oi Brampton days were all stolen at the same time KNIVES STOLEN Two hunting knives valued at M0 were stolen trom down town hardware store sometime before yesterday morning when the itintt wasreported to city police The knitcs were remov cd from glasscd in display case in the sports department SELL TAGS Boy Scouts oi tho Kempentclt District will be out selling tags this coming weekend Ta day is an annual etent on the Scout calendar and funds raised are used lora variety of projects NATURALISTS MEET Brcretnn Field Naturalists will assemble in Queens Park Saturday morn ingto bcglna field trip The group will leave the park at am com coLLacrons sr lessons delegation irom St Josephs High School was at this morning to prcscnl pointing to the new school From the lolt thircd Egcrt swamw Debra Winter David Lech president oi Eastview student Eastview Secondary School Micr thrcchour committee meeting the Public School Board approvcdits ti 82052059 budget last night The boards expenditures are up it per cent over last year but it is only asking the city for ajsix per cent increase The board is asking the city tor 53249970 an amount which will only give the Barrie tax payer two thirds rd mill tax increase torpubiic school pure poses The board has been able to keep the mill rate down due to an increase in provincial grants this year of $130000 The estim ated increase over last year to Barrie tanpnyers is $2021856 Provincial ts totalled Saturday will also see the Imam 15 yea this Associa prnin the Continental inn tests and tree draws crease had not occurred the average taxpayer would have faced sixmill in crease over last years budget in Barrie retaries trom all schools in the grams nd rw at Maple part or high number of bicycle thcits outside places where children City police are becoming in creasingly concerned over the this spring Reports rot bike thetts to police average three or tour day and although most are recovered many have olten been stripped toihe point oi be ing good for nothing but junk work of joy riders who take bikestheh leave them parked where they can be iound nuiie easily Most bike tbetis occur gather such as swimming pools theatres and playground School the most popular items tor stripping the most readily terchange Sometimes brand cw bicycle laden with accessories wt be stolen and only the frame and tenders recove Sgt Raiph blcycie Many or the theltsfl aregihof pteked upa 50 Administiation costs which in clude the pay cheques or sec city have increased from 127 50541 to $34000 Teachers sai axles have increased $1813t525 over last year due to additional stat needed at Aliandalc Heights Public school and music French and swimming instructors to next years pro gram This years saiary ilgure is $917120 for the nine public schools Supply and home instruction salaries havc increased ltom $1407525 to $17000 and bus ser viea costs haveiumpcd irom 511000 to $16500 tor next year Building andisitei improve ments or Iona will cost the tences city $10005 with paving pro Grove liiilcrest Oakley Park and Prince oi VWales Fences will be constructc at Bicycle Theirs 011 The Increase key to stopping many thctis and tovappsehending the culprits He spoke at one case tcw weeks ago where boy had stolen at the new whcels saddle ndéaccessoriesbn his own then buried the tramp neighbors dirtfloored gar Why didnt the arcnls not ice thehcw parts on the bike or ask the boy where he got them said SgtBer rSurer they must have realized ihat he Wfilgn have bought them him 52 LUCKY Colorado worn it rccctitly twhite topnz wort 32000 council Ellen NieCiciland and Allandala Heights Holerest Steele and Mapc Groverior Dial cost otfitJSS Repairs replacements next year at clghtfpublic schools will totalSSS Codrington schooi repairs will total $2700 ior chooi iurni tureand dry wall extension Hiiic at will get $3530 tor rc pairs to auditorium noor stage liner and kindergartcniloor Johnson public school will get $700 thercmovai oi iour trees and drapes in the auditorium King Edward Schoo repairs and replacements tota to pay tor dou lortheatidltiiri factor school tnruturar Maple Grove will get $1000 con OUTWALK All EKMBYORS Willard Kinzie said today that he would challenge all the otherBanle esmnyors to ioln the Dxtam walk to Elm vote on May Ive heard that Le Cook Is nothing but dont have much iaith In his ubiiltyand dont think the present may or will get past Croivn Hill heaald confidence ln the otth mayors Jim itarl hcr Smith Jndge itlnriorle ltatrh titan or Eldon Greer chub lunged on tonne Boasting thu spodsorsall read lu lie said he has other puns mad interested person Kimfe ays nail Ir are form only Sausages Ldmb Cho Canadian Dressed VBriap bnlver tern audio arsenic noon ro innnwf Photo pairs and room iurniturc Steele Street school will re cclvc $t260 tor um removal of six trees and 16 mm proicca tor Otheriunda in the repairs and replacements budget will be us ed tomove portables replace the in portablesior total at £0900 and $9000 for heating electrical public address sySI visual equipment Ettamlner pay tor rooting repairsand van dalisrn at rear of the building Oakley Park gets nuotorJo pairs to washroom iacilities Princeoi Wales costsior re replacements will total $1450 tor repairs to lhe auditorium calling and junior o11possenlng ashotgunliorva purposedlngerotuftothatnrhli peace ya Mined SheilavMeKinnon tastilled on April iota magic trstoscourt that tba accused threatened to shoot her fiance and commit suictde on March 15 iolhe hospital parking lot She told murt that the Ic used had putl not into the ugaugo shotgun lying In the rear hi his car and said this opcfs torhim pointing to the enter ency entrance otthehos pital door where her fiance Stevenuvtn 23 of Detroit had gone to call police Today winner Frank Vnu Der Heydeo ii at utopia test ified that beand Miss lticKin non had selected ring Jo early March but it had not been purchased because Miss McKinnon said abewould not accetht ask edtrown attorney wild tnan Sheila said would accept piaco an order because was doubtlul oi our cngagement my district mums presented detail The annualcam aign by Kins men clubs across countryvtp raise money tor cystic ttbrosia patient servl an research begins ittny with coin boircs in banks and other places oi business to he piacedin Barrie Barr Kinsmen raise large amountroi moncyior the cysti iibrosis campai during the annual Halloween candy blitz when members or the club go New chairman Dam Me trom door indoorselling bags Ciymont said that cxpensesior the next year included the last paymentro Maple Grove and the first payment on the Allow eight dale Heights public oi Mr McCiymont sat close budget this year Wouldnt illlow Debate Reported The Home Publichchool Board brought down its budget last night at its monthly mesh ing but itwasnton the agenda The hoard chose to adjourn theirrcgular mEPLng then Irealiy dhht have much butcdntinuai warnings gly not to cotton he oi treats takes is most of the proyince expect to false $27784 The Harrie Club already has 5600 to donate towards this fDld you not buy the ring nthe ring to Missth fianceStevtn tevin said he in our ours but had stop it mg so auxiliary 20 alter writ trn etter saidshe hndaakcd the accrued why he had come to vtsithohaiiheihcspltl March¢5andvhe hadaald he cuddn believethew were Wow cel Gordon Mciurkmihmii to to whether there would be an engagement betweenhemil and the accused in June vhtiss hicKlnnon confirmed 4the moot salted him toysitonllll settled things with myparents built wrote him tgillnghtm it was oil she said Today in mazistrntes court Mr htcttrk suggested that Miss McKinnon was free and ensywlth the truth andsaid llttte yaigniilcancs houid lbs iitached to her statements Tho ci should be thrown out at court haaatd duties and responsibilities Each service club told oi the assistancerendered torchildren in their area in the post well as olapeclal actlvt cr organ as antcrtaimhcnt Tha ll Clubs that included mer campaf cilnic teams which visit remote Ircas locoMice year rc nh proicctsvtbatidevelop im pro equipment andstudy preventative measures and the supplyoi aids aitd equipment to titeihildren themseivc Mem bers oi the Kiwanis tub of Bar rie inr attendance wcie Jack butler vhovis also president at thcsoctcty Jim Wigie andBill Lang The EasierSeal Clutw in this district ore Alliston bioticClub err Kiwanls Club Beeton lio tary Club Bradlord onsCiub Cplliogwood VP gr Creoinoraadd Stayne Lagiops as EasterSea Cornmittoes lid land ltiwanis 0rilha Kl wanis Ciubthe Orangeviile and PenetnngiitshennLlonsCiubsand the shciburne Rotary1lt2iu oo

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