Mod mm r9lvgmx mvamarnnarfl mm Intwon Reid the weekend their collides on Isabells Loire Mr Ind Mrs lull While Il ler selling Ihelr Arm have moved to take up liming It Sunnldals earners Easter vlsllors included Min Gladys Ardill Toronto will her skier Mrs Ross Sheldon Mr and Mrs Colbert and Peru of Toronto with Mr Ind hirs Jackson Mr and Mr Gn hnm had their iamily Mr Ind Mrs lame Graham and chi dren Bradford and Mr Ind Mrs George hchelvey and Jan in Markham Mr and Mrs Dowdsll Incl Robert ol Cleveland spent lhe weekend and other ucsls dur ing the holiday were Mrs Al land and Lucille Toronlo Mr And Mrs Robert Boyd Toronlu Guesis oi Mr and Mrs Jim gt lord were Mr and Mrs Clill nrd llullan Mr and Mrs Price Toronlo and Mr and Mrs Vnyne Rutlnn Xi gorilla with Long on cleaning lo keep your car in sparkling shapcl Flagng end brush in unbreakable xfnlxgfmhm at Vinyl casing gives longlasling service Aluminum handle with comlorlnblc grip wnter shutF ily oi Mslion Ronald Kelly and all and hingUP lair thsrlxhrlnllmlt Miss Gall Sharpe Toronlo were gt qumuuu gnflljflcflm with Mrs Mina Kelly and John gt U1 gt Miller was wilh his parents Mr and Mrs larir Miller Mr and Mrs Molt Bell spcnl lhn weekend at their cabin in Terra Novn cooksrown Ii MlSS MCMASTER Mr and Mrs Art Hansen vis gt iled ln Gruvenhurslover lire Easier weekend with Mr and Mrs Ralph Hansen Mr and Mrs Bill Riley were wllh their son1inlaw nnd daughter Mr and Mrs Charleds Schrsvilnloi Pelrolia Mr on Mrs ater Wright oi Barrie telegram MOTOUMTgsTER them as for as Sam on gt Mrs Mnyes were in Colborne with Mr aners Commnck e0 onzer Mrs Gertrude PlnkllEY was in Hanover with Mr and Mrs Comrre 119 Bruce Pinkney Harris svenl Reg $1159 6491 35319 hwWJvLWXm Jug uu LuAUJJ lew Skays vglh hls sister Mrs 557 gt kg Dnclprgodï¬ilers caus poor Engine whim cut Quality skin 100 Apply Ind Wipe dry on ra snwnnun leasent llege 575 £9me qualityflm mm sh vu Ci WIS Imlkl OilTanned Slolr Pli clolh or paper towel ï¬t Elicia lesyvupfresh AV3i13hlbf0P5757 30483 Plymouth mm mm and Inge for aster wee en were due mm mp able 31mm Exccl For shop or garage clean Ingrsnce 5767 Ford or 6267 Chev £0 Mr and Mrsfllllnn Green Sher housing on humps ry nnd Shelly Fergus and in mm 12 WW 51 and Mrs Jack OConnor lor1 rm onto guesls ol Mr nnd Mrs gt 52 liimoifkiiifnfï¬o MOTOMASTER Mrs Roy Taylor and ismliy Etohlcnke with Mr and Mrs Norman Cook Mrs Aitclleson gt guest of Mr and MrsBill Cook and Mr and Mrs Norm an Cook Mr and Mrs Claylon Johnson of Burks r511 wihth Ill lnrmers sister on rot er law Mszano Mrs 1111 and Mr an Mrs Tom Waits orv onto guests of Mr and Mrs Russell maniac bb dD hb Mrs Fm an in Peterborough were Easter Ellesis oflalr and Mrs Ken Pegs wi Mrs Hannah were Mr and Mrs Bert lisr msnhnd sons and nephew Mel Palmer all otToronIo also Mrs unavrntrner Beaten Mr Similar Savmgs Popular GM and rs JenneltlIs were Miss Marion Tennanl oronto Robinson Geraldilohlhson Ford and Chrysler Prods 477 lo 584 and iamlly and Doug Robinson and inrnlly Esrrlep Mr snd gt LIFETIME GUARANTEEyou brand new mufller ii blowsou Mrs willranr Lozo and family Dnuhlosleelshell andprriorated inner lubégive you quiet ff°fml¢m Trenlon Mich Mr and Mrs to hu solves msl5bou Kelth Couse and family Mr and exp Mrs Jack Kidd and family Don aid and Robert McLean Ill of Toronto with Mr and Mrs Bruce McLean and Mrs Mc Lean Sr and Mrs George Gould Paris at Mr and Mrs Earl Carrs Charles Hounsnme wasrable lo return lo his home on the Ear tar weekend lollowing seworal weeks lnAlllslonl1vsP uocrtnv nsNQum Cookstown minor hockey leams ended season with banV quot Apriljo in the town hall Rev 11 Wilson Spnlle to the group nndlflms were shown by llnhsaunders Norman Cook launder oi the town hockey learn wnspresented with clock tro ï¬hy in appreciation of his wor Miss Kathy Roher iord spent Easter wlthhérv mother Mrs Ruby Roberlson and brothers Mr and Mrs loh Kelland endqus Joseph Primal lendrrl lhelaolh wedding snniver sary for Mr and Mrsllerbert Pratt Elmvnle last Satu ay ms Mlehsel Part or ekl