Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 20 Apr 1968, p. 5

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EVENING SHOWERS are forecast ior most at Ontario tdday Iltho Great lakes re lions contlmre under amid spoil southeastqu tlow iqu neurone vhnoouven CPI The presidentelect oi the Canadian Medical Association says doc tors must always retain the right to strike in situations gt where the profession tacos cocr cioa Dr is Dnlgieisb oi Sasha then said on right to website or withdraw services in the toes of coercion is and must remain cornerstone of tree society Atthe xarna time ter vently hope that wul never again see elective medical serv ices withdrawn in the province oi Saskatchewan or anywhere else in Canada Dr Dalgieish was president of the Saskatchewan Medical Asso ciation in 1962 whensaslratoon doctors withdrew their services to protest aspects of the provid cial medical care plan Yukon Boost WiilTEllORSE cat Oppo sition Leader Stanfield said Fri day Conservative government would hasten the development of responsible government in the Yukon The evolution towards re isponstble government here has been too slow he said The Yukon was colony oi Canada and such system was not appropriate in this country One bi lire major contiibu lions or the Dieteobalrer govern mentbadhcen to develop the ieeling among residents of Northern Canada that they were partoi the country fiNo Secrets eial an Interstate Com Corrrmission examiner Friday ordered oiiiciais of iive iinanciai institutions toidentity the hidden owners at some of fithe Unitedstates lar estrrail Observers said it was the tirst lime in the commissions year history that such siepbas been taken to erce traditional vefl oi secrecy on at shrouds the true ownership got railways or was no mediate indi cation hetherv banks and brokerage houses would obey the subpoenawithouta tight evmen subpoenaed are rented to appear at the CC on June to Thesubpoenasrwere issued in crease involving light ior con trol of the financially shaky Chi cage 13ml island andiDacilic Railroa mrwiint Newmiuromr surname wrursenwrut ram Long island community Friday alter its twoman crew apparent nl coldairirorn Hudsons Bay brings showers to mosto the Maritirnes whilesorne snow is telling In the northern ox trmrliies ol Quebec The Prairies are cool around the gnomes Retain Their RighiTo son LARRY PENNELL Bench Post 0IIAWA CF Appoint mentoi iormer solicitorgeneral Pennell as justice at the Su premeCourt of Ontario was an nounced Friday by Prime Min ister Pearson Mr Pennelt leit the Liberal cabinet earlier this week it has been reported ior some time that he wished to leave politics and go to the bench The announcement said Mr Pennells appointment is eiiect tive Monday Mr Pennell was tirst elected to the Commons in 1962 as MP for the Ontario riding of Brant lialdimarid and was appointed solicitorgeneral in i965 Iet Crashes BAY PORT NY AP US Air Force yet trghter crashed and exploded inla resi dential area of this south shore Iy tried in vain manoeuvre it outtosea Several homeayweredalnaged as thePhantorn jet came down and burst into flame There were no inhiriesi The crew jciected from the ppled plane andrlanded solely by parachute WNDON CF Tbe Times is going on sale in Russia begin ning with odays ssue the Thomson ewspaper nnouneed It will helhe se nd nonCom lnunis paper from theWest rn world ocraclr the ion tune arnst the house geoia dailypress Last week the Russians permitted entry ot the Neuezurcher Zeitung otZuricb Switzerland Communistsupporting dailies fromoutside the iron Curtain such asthetMorning Star or London haveiree cccss to Russian newsstands it from newlydcad Ney Séauar senting 100 today with mid 6th neartbo nddoo degree mark as Show err cover the northern part ol the British Cohrmbta coastal regions tomato and Montreal shared the national high at 55 degrees Wirepbotol ing Clearing Sunday afternoon Third Heart WASHINGTON rm Dr Christiana Barnard says he moonwalk heart nansplan attempt in abdut his cheeks this one using permanently implant cd silver studs as physiological signposts Bnrnardfleader or sme or rlcau teamflthat performed the moderation on the worlds rIg heart entpa en Dr Philip Blmgdlsclosed plansllor his third heart trans plant operational newstcon ierence here Friday He said surgeons will sew sev eral silver clips around the edges ot the heart alter taking person and implanting it in the chest at gravely ill patient yet to be seIecied Praise Martin murmur fr CDoug Ias national leaderot the New Democratic Party said mdny Paul Martin is one oi the most capable and Jceptnhlel min isters otexterliai affairs Canada has ever had in Regina for an NDP tund ralsing meeting Mr Douglas was commenting at newscoll lerence on reports that Mr Martin may relinquish the port lolio and accept Senate an poinimeut when Pierre Elliott Trudeau becomes prime minis Mr Douglas said he has not always agreed with Mr Mar tins toreign policy but that booting him upstairsI would not strengthen Mr Trudeaus government NORTH eavrcp group of municipalities in Quebechas indicated support tor revived proposal to developthe French and Ottawa river systems for Great lakes freight traiiic says Mayor Merle Dickerson lilrDickerson said Friday he has received aletter iron the rrional economic council he asters at Hull Qu associations and companies in the mantles of lontiac Gati neau Hull andPaplneau Is coming featuring DAVID WHITFIELD Gara MI rain will persist in the North tire Leader Stan re Trent University will act as smaller personacross park lenor32 umbledand tell The wastirod neer ilyer and senior pilot with ed unwell disturbance over Nebraska has spread cloud and rain to tbnvwestern shores ofrthe Great Lakes nnd this weather will continue to edge eastward acrou Ontario later todnyVand toaifirt Temperatures will con tlnuo to range above normal lower Great Lakes Indzin the 50s in the North Sonra clearing is expected on Sunday over southern ragi ns butcloud and Windsor lhndon Lake St Clair Lake Erie southernlaka liuronzOecaslonal rain or showers beginning this alter noon and ending Sunday morn PC Advrce OTTAWA CPL Conserve announced Friday night the establishmcnt oi continuing advbory com mittee which is to report to him on its recommendations and views on policy lie said Huh Symons presidentand vlcechancellor oi chairman of the committee which twill consist of persons from the academic business and protessional communities we lilPs St Thomas Kincaion ortho also Bay Nauru dim Lake Ontiriolinliburron Wilding erthlsallernoonor or early tonight and ending Son day alternoon Winds easterly 10 to is becoming light Sunday Sault Ste Marie Algorno White River Oocnshnal rain to night and Sunday morning not Winds easterly is to so becotn lng light tonight Cochranc lirnlgami lag oycr this atternoon and evening Occasional rain begin through Smiley Winds light be coming southeasteriyJo to this aileran or evening Ottawa and Montreal llalnly sunnytoday Sunday Sunny at llrst becoming cloudy later in the day with slower in the evening Light winds Fo art Tempertrim law overnight high Suedy Windsor so 50 landon 50 Kitchener SO lilount Forest is Winshnm Hamilton 45 SLCatharincs 45 Toronto lb Pcterborough it 45 45 gt40 40 38 33 35 40 35 assuage Trenton Kiltaioa Muskokn North Bay Sudbury Earlton Snutt Ste Maria Kopuskaelng andm bars at the Progres rive Conservative national asso elation llDRONIO CP 17 yearnldflyoulb claimed Friday he saw wondressed man shoot down lSyearold hoyjn an eastend park early Sunday Elllleght said in an inter view ha had been babysitting when he saw two men chasing tie said he saw one olthe men stoprarrd exienditis arm ior ward He heard loud hang He said the person being chased staggered and lath The injurcdgyouth is in hospi tal witha bullet wound in the thigh He had beensought since he escaped from St Johns training school in nearby Uxhridge March in Police say the shooting was an aCcideni and that the re volver ischarged when plain clothcs constable Bruce policeman was suspended but returned to duty after police Chlel James Mackey read report on theincidenta Dwight said neither oil the pursuers tell die said the pur sucrs were about 50 yards hcs hind the tb whenvthe shot Dwight said he did not report prams as me CANADIAN chess ysurrey who recovered lmost total blindness to becom pio Alr Canada LondonAndree Howard 57 widelyknown ballet chore gra pher anddancerw Tenn lonuny Bridges lo yearsfor Detroit Tigers oi hasehal American and 1935 world serie sta urmer prtcher ior White River liioosonca Tintmlrrs 35 hi the incident immediately be cause didnt want to gellin Waier Bomb KINGSTON CPLé Students at Once University forced the ty relocate cere mony in whtchflealth lilinislcr Matthew Dymond oi Ontario opened new schoolot rehabili tative medicine Friday The ceremony was to be held outside student residence but the locationwas moved inside another building alter students thrcaicned to waterbomb the minister and his oificial party with paper bags tilled with water earnest they dropped acouple oi water3 bombs from an upper storey of the residenceshortly beiore the=n1inister arrived The students claimed the co emony wouldi interiera with their studies Dr Dymondvsaid the involve ment vot Queen niversity in rehabilitative medicine isa sign that universities are no longer shutr away within cloistered we They were beginning to provide community leadershi Tho centr medicine JAMES orld famous Star storm rialrho torVol creed iilhls evening ind contlriuing the Manitoba New Democratic man Canadas grand master at previously by the COP party ting raw deal tharailway the 1919 who has been printer and lino Hell35 Students To prove their threat was in BARRiE HuRonro DRIVEIN THEATRE CHARLES FELDMAN Cosmo ROYALE THE NEW indium rt EPHIM uy dinner direc Canadhn Pldfic Railway Sun AnnMpg or Canada He II iorrner United Kingdomrdhector oi the inter national Monetary Fund incl mush change in temperature WlNN EQKCP iher when people gather weiiot worthylmen no eithese occasions taker placorln Winnipeg tonight when the Party throws testimonieldinA ner ior Stanley Knowles MP for Winnipeg North Centr its not swan song hylny mea Rather it is show of appre ein lor Mr Knowlcs more than 21 years asya Commons rec parliamentary rules and prose durc But it is not simply as pro ccdural tncliclan that Ile Is bclng honored hcrc Above all Stanley rd Knowles la stubborn tsr ior social Justice tor all Cano dians He has held steady ioflhla course irom the doygln rare he firstrentcrcd cParlinment repre seating tho constituency held founder Voodsworth CHAMPION OlI UNDERDDG With only one interruption in quartercentury Hansard has been dottcd aird sometimes del uged with his appeals on behall oi the old age pensioner the charwomen he tigured were get men who lost their pension rights because they took part in Winnipeg general strike Thisis the Stanley Knowles whose philosophy was moulded by economic depression and Him oven BQfliiing AII Theatre Records tattle Early they type operator United Church clergyman party Whip and party deputy leader and Cana dian Labor Congress otiicer lo lossdtogether someot the descriptions that have been printed he is tallgaunt angu tar wispyhaired and lantern Jarved He looks every one at his 59 yearsco on June laand his speaking style lsas dry as woodchio in July But Friend or politl men listen to him it was the usuaidirect Wrnni peg must news conference Frida toe RCAF Assoc wave BINGO Mimi SPECIALS JACKPOT 5290 SHARE me l4flHlGHST Above NuServ Cloaners we but weekend Tha Times said it uni Ilia umvereditheilull story ot sensational vict agent has been operating on the highest levels at lire French govern Second World War Would Would he accept the ND leadership steps down No lnr know inyag This was his secondlibo velopcd over how oldts lllhsral Leader Pierre Elliott IrudcauJ Thooheeverwentluenl that and laid unlntioaal tethered near President do Evening Standard sthmuapowermloecrer runPhitby Sunder ICimIbIIbymabouttohnt on themmwbiicmuory lsrobatoldinaoeriulaTbo gamed Times and Ma mau espionage modal However Park niflcilla dis udrngdisclosura lbs So missed ominous patients oi IcahnL and Friday The Evening Standards Paris corrs spondent Sun Whitesaid in published dispatch he is at liber Iy to disclose the name at the person at whom the lingers are pointing Jacques Foccart do Gaulles secretarygeneral ior Alriean attain Drva 10 Paesrnsrrr Foam 55 is alien dcsaibcd in the French pres as coordi nator ot ficnch secret services White said he is or lreachJewJ lair background polititu lelt oi centre and totally devoted to do Gaullc Various published report gest the ioundations ior aliegg Ilons that someone nearda Gaulie is parking tnrvilussla started with the detection in root oi Anatolr Dolnytsin sen ior Soviet secret pollutants tvho apparently helped unmask Kim Phllby the British agent OKEEFE crrar FRONIS VONGE NJ6613 moot since the hohel candidate in nextgcncral election sedate led at the eoniurion that de NOW PLAYING THROUGH MAY THE NATIONAL BALLET or CANADA VOPENING MONDAY THROUGH VAllilLVZl SWANILAKE some is To our norreo warm LlLAC GARDEN sourArnn LA PRIltIA BALLEIIINA BAYADERKA LE CORSAIR CONCERTO BAROCCD Good SeuirAvallahle Box Oilice Open Inn to on NOW SHOWING SHOWS AT Ir 01 CALI 7234440 Cline lips Guess whats ItllEWITTYANDQ GLISTENING FILM nun SHEtree IltTLZHASlTALL Afantastic piimrii Harley crowth New rm Yimn XSMASHING MWMIWIWEII1

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