09 Announcements ANNOUNCEMENTS353 sracm noncrsttcisa RATES Engagesnulls Marriages and Deatbr Birth Announounenu lnukntn to wordl Cardsrol Thanks no words additional worth do per word 55 In Manetlain no venel Verso pa ooont lino extra Events BIRTHS FREE From Classified AN EXCITING NEW MOTHERS PAK Valuo to $250 Containing very usellil assortment oI woll known items or mother and baby Yours FREE when you Disco May announcement of your babys arrival in the Birth Notice Column oi EXAMINER WANT ADS trained Birth Announce moot writer willassist you In wording your announce mot and arrange for you to receive your tree hlotla ers Pak from PLAZA DRUGS PHONE 72824 Barrie and District Reside only ENGAGEMENT Down NoluiAN Mr Ind Gnome nonnrllv Cooks lolm mm to Innolmcl the en rmenl or their eldest dlunnter Kthleui to Mr Dull Nor ron or Mrs lllny Normln Ind the late Mr Norman Toronto The wroolna to like oiarr Sltur dv August ll rt mo Mn in The Emma or the Ascension Don ALLAN mm Ir Ind Mu alum Aim ol Ncwnurket will In IDWIINO lmtlxemm ot tholr onlv diurbler Mods Gale on in David arl ndvli son o4 air mo Mm Peer Randall ol Stroud lgmialllae ï¬gurine5 IN II ooumr Novrmuket nous acm Mr and Mn Willing min 01 Domtomor of name wlsn In IEKWMG the unem of their eldest am tor arlotte Aileen to Mr Mom Is Born Scott only Ian of Mr Br Scott Ind the late Mr Scott 01 lauded me mantras will take nllu on Slturdly MW 1h II 158 In lancdoch United WM DEATHS THOR Eton WiIIlun 17 Nntn Friday April in 1968 was husband or to late Mary Ann Butter father or Gwen Mrs TIF 1hr Swan route hith 0t Selttle and Reverend Ruskin 01 Amos mm saunter Uni ed Church Toronto It on Mon dAy April 22 interment Mount Pieasuit cemetery Toronto IN MEM AMS CHAPMAN in Invlnl meant of our nosi lath carrier who am ed Ile Ann 12 1966 Also our mother Ethel Chlbmm who dissed va November lsl minim membrfldhvdl oer Velml saolniaw daughter el wnlnelaw nona BANAING In lovlnn meantIrv or IIIla on dear In motli Builder owned and In good re ulner Geo tannins and in erlllIlw anuonIantoer Annie Brutloo who named em April 20 Jnsl and April 25 ton How we nusthe welcome footsteps Thou me out not fortune mm our love will ever or Forl ion as there is main We will always think at in Always remembered bv Jen nette mun Anne am Erend and mo loving memory or on flunxfwno used may sudden ly Ami zoos ion and Annie antloin Anni Nth anther Juries cloud on norm loso unanimous mar witnuo regret itnrinruoukorymmlinrver In at Youflfell slew without sombre But memoriesol you will never die no aurly loved to ever be forgotten their daughter Blondie ironan na ozuraterr Goldie Vallee an loo comma EVENTS TENTH ANNIVERSARY NEARLY NEW SALE April 30 MayI 9omt08 WVPARIS HALL COLLIER Sl IVE3438 details cal 25 Wellington St avanvoua wow rm inro oi rent some Davis 15c pert Iinl prim on request REAL ESTATE marrowroll SALE 1R Chokan 09 am ins neuron to OOLUER sr meal FOR THE MAN WHO HANDY This is lovely bedroom ha split that can be bought lower than average price be cause it has small problem It you want good newer home for Iowet pricohndare willing to spend few hours and dollarsas yougo dong this is Illa homo or you Per pchy livable as it is lets see it and disem lit Call Ed or Marilyn Jennings 7mm BEDROOM BUNGAIDW beauliiully landscaped Vllh wall to wall toth in living room and dining in ï¬nished recreation room no garage patio hedge all air it pro party Close to all scnools Please call Joe Dirracolu 72o SPACIOUS LIVING in this bedroom bungalow sit uatcd on lovely lot overlook ing river with very little el lnrtz rooms in basement could be finished or bedrooms Large area tor recreation room For Particulars call Lila Bird 421 loro INSTANT LIVING Substantial down payment will move you into this executive typehome that carries no3 working mans wages Nice lot in roodentlal area You will have to see it to believe it and their you nont believe you my use his EDU leoCoUNs Am It Anlen Kiting is sues Sunnkiolo Road 15 um withflxun Bees Itses Veopra hideewoy 10 acres lovely view to line llristnm trees in acres block fluid on acres boot camp in acted mainland Cook to mos Snow valley view registeredlotsjdsle 10 acres wooded Snow Va ey 10 acres Cookstown mrah la acru litidhurstsirearn I0 acres andcablo Vespra I50 acres with pood 100 acres Floo Town nuts with pondI lnuislii so acres with strum Oro 50 acres Creemore house an so acres Sunnldulo term acres rot pine iorest ores Thornton with born 90 acres edge at Barrie Clams Painswick are loo acres Suonldalo Np loo acres Stayner laim loo acres Creemore arm 200 acres lnuislii lwp 100 acres camping grounds acresBarrIe 73 acres Barrie Gordon Spencer Kenneth lililicr Peter Mentor John Cole Robert Fleweliing Boliil 7236503 7M1 could be so lucky Inspect now or you may lose out Call Pat Carter 4362629 no toll charger onus on 51500 down to one mortgage oi WlethIy will makrynuIIIe proud owner of bedroom bungalow onxa large lot This plopettylends itself tor home owners investors and specula tors Call Bill VanLeeuwen VLA WIS 2IoLs 90 200 Lived stones throw from Barrie city limits bet me show them to you today call Marion Newman mom INCOME PROPERTY Large home with aparlmento on main arteryprlced to soil with substantial down payment pair For inspection call will tawreocemm NEW BUNGALOW lies beautiiul big lot ultra modern kitchen on bus route closeto schools instant living tor the discriminating family at low cost For free inspec Lion call Edgar or Vivian Garn er mason INVESTMENT PEDPERIY lots opposite golf course pro perty includes comfortableduliy winterized cottage also small guest cottage Inve iy lilrge shade trees close to beach For lurther particulars phone Dave mos cornGlow Gl Marion Nzwman innAnita switt EliVivian Glln Inst air nlrzoeolo DlvoDolly Mortlll BdMIrIlvn Jennlnll PItCIner Bill Invely bedroom brick ed recreation and 4th be eroBt lriiarlor vlng all ve patio lovely glan scapedgrounds with trees For IMdle Lahore nnesliaca Ted Btlgnell Catherine BEDWOM Britk Homa com irmrvirovmm own room to roar room no bun unruu ro Ind blur downturn noise Bdrm MWM NM lav ouloo Mrlmrllrra rm 113 ii1N5ew Fo $72 In Allandale FEATIJImIG AND amour 67 pmAM poo Jack Mle Percy Ford Emory Miller mics LovegroVI Home Acres HOMES BUILT av HARTSMAN HOMES LTD 34 Bedrooms storeys Bacir Wiring Ollstom Built Kitchens sop up tonunliLv incl Home that renlécuyoinfmo taste souls closeouts tinderde HAROLD Foasraé COMPANY 7365 98 Bayï¬eldStreet Mortgage ninth EcmlélizEOSSATZ communism mom mom no loss mm mm FORE room MIXDREW HOUR ROWAN Log comaton Momfllfllm our 6093M NELLES pan is 1L 79 BAYFIELD STREET Realtor nillies so scars or mGHiand dry wooded acreage only miles lroln city limits Frontage on paved road and gravel concession road ideal sub vision area siomo down peyrnem BIG BAY mun onion mantall pried salon aaoaooiscomoa at mow Beach block from water and exclusient ml price $4000 with slooo idika Mam Leo Cavanagh SHELSWEL momma nd WlL SON MORTGth BROKER BAY ESTATE Beautli Iakeahore home without feet of shoreline igate use 31 woodedprpperty iliis and path completedlyluroished boathouse onninevacrea ol opportudity not to missed Junerpossessiorolor ltlllll details on art 7261mm M15 lalld LAKESIMX tliree lotbo 800 72o1422 GONNEL 169 Acres excellent land mono or mom uon Mi Realtor are combined in oils unique homooh vrVVvp14Vt or IaIItII mil Walter Colitia mull CAMPBELL mum trauma onloasr 73571 Hm rectum gain ooor limit In tank he rho furnace buge barns sleet root roodListcd price $9000 gt mm unplanned orilnxiu lainilydwolllng on Victoria street Bath and kitdienioo elohlloor private drive gradient garlic and gt alum nonhuman ncampbd mm macaw Fred Taylor moon KongALm Paul Penman mule SmithCampbell Arlvlily mom Don Halsth Paolo MlsltEALmltr slam ma OPEN MONDAY 10 550 OIDEE TWO STOREY BRICK room located onBracVord st $2000 down asking $17000 call Minuteman756481 6653 7287389 TENT sodium ion ioruieï¬m oral Suitable lor Vi out Install corona This is parcel deal consisliog ot bedroom bungalow and bedroom bungalow on large lotboth are losulut and th cost otheatlog is low Close halting boating and in simmer Icsdslilngondsko in winter 65 ACRES of lughwuy properw lnIheTowrleIu 1nnlsl lliis exceptionally good land and has an ti room brick house with full basement place both forced air oilheatlng plus monuwilii toilet Small barn good wdl $49000 lull pri RURAL Just 10 miles oorthol Barrie we have 7yearold Jhedroom bungalow with studiedgarage on at 100 150 It has nluninumjiding lull basement andis in that classcoodh axes onlysioooa Call todoy ms 44 Russell Smith names lunds Available 33 commit TELERHQNEJZWQ ascensionme romeo ate lot in the heart of town Gracious lllnng room wittr ï¬replace spacious ti ate hre astroom mrlooklrig lii terrace library or music room WI3IMIIDIM storage space Hot water plan Altractiveliving room Family sized Well located panelleddnmily room with luv placental walls ttoreoveredpatio odern brightrlritcheu with disbwash Attached car garage NBA Mortgage aroma nlhly whatnot and interest CallEl loosen ad pow stairs let heAtlng Ieikitcheo good uoinunent immanent home remain ram For can family ioorogaragelh home in menial conditloofnnd mast properties one Evenings call linen aeaooliooll none Gallant place both wood lur Vaclnt storey broom home inspect any time piece bath bedrooms on Iamliy tomcat igil furnace glossed sunporeb attractively fenced lull price $15500 batoct Betty Newton Hawkest tor21w aamali Irontage north oI Towers good drainage west side Con tactEd Green Barrio 7284123 ll KEITH LTDREALNR AREA REPRESENTATIVESL tlnbcoclr Barr Colhoum Spender Thornton Bitzslmndna ChhIIl 456m simmwiii AN investment otxtlgsg 30853ka Ed Green Barrie meant erty ror uia Zoned na humorii MM 133 er on ted buirandsttlrs mTiuWrno dIJlIanDms Vbed rooms on 000 down an SERVICE silo Talmud Con lllesé Skilled Tradesan are Ready loV Onllour Job unmodiately AcébUNllNG ALLEN Mu Poblto mom but no Dundonlhl st Barri Tolephonn 7H4 day or In ALUMINUMESERVIFE Windows and Doors ltepaired Serviced onlvluo SCHOOL nonmnrl seaoo Drive Ilse ammor lhr commune done In telephone 7286606 Work guaranteed 260081 134ESSA Thettold lines Chase Er Sonborn quired to commence lacing available Jill able deposit rum in with Bond credit stand SPARE TIME INCO Milling and collectln from NEW TYPE high coin operated dimenser am No rolling To qu must have car referen to 81900 cash Sevent houroweehly can net monthly income More For personal inlervle CANAPEVN DlSiBlE LIMITED cm mlellelte Avenue Windsor Ontari include Phone Nun in olierlng low protel tribulor andor dealer ore to sell diampionsh mobiles For lull in write Snan lne monsoon TRAtEltS SALE RENT RUSSELL CHUII Mobl eHflo Ltd General Glelid 0M hnlltr on on Blvfleld Street TRAVEL TRAIL TRAILER con la is loot Tn blow imuiï¬ogflcï¬f 4611 ï¬WafléIPd it ao RtBrttnlll linom7e K2 amour interior moons Decor hr at Gymvc rroinx conga Income TAX nohfimioha BMXKMDIMSSMIEHC 723 lusuLArioN downrnlvimon in Free estimates Gunmlee rumma Seottlinir no consulav sen it no mop Belrll and MGKW canrmm AvAlaAnus Gullel coweshhms lolnllwh Ni GARDEN EQUIP 17 Burton