KVvVIAMVflrAI atrrmam We By BILL CURRAM ALTHOUGH OTHER Slmcoe County centres are concentrating attention on baseball lacrosse and other summer sports Elmvale village is still key up with hockey enthusiasm and for good reason lhe Etmvaie Merchants team of mostly home brown and area talent currently arevin the final round ror Intermediate OHA honors and it they ChlhkltOCK oi the sturdy Durham Huskies they can annex the first such crown in Elmvale history Nothtn would lease the rabid Elmvale fans more and en usiasm hasreached nearfever pitch Anyone who visits he crowded Elmvale Com munity Centre on hockey night can soon sense the general spirit and if he likes hockey and seeing small community team doing well he can quite easily get carried away himself Anywa Coach Harry Adams and his boys are the toast Etmvale fans at the moment and are in the county spotlight as they battle in this last hurdle tDWard tittxlle which wguldï¬ilringï¬ncgch designed lame Even ong or en ex ey very pop ular in his home municipality the 43yearoid Adams Em lflqï¬ï¬m 5°31 could undoubtedly be elected reeve it Elmvale takes mm mm In mummy home the bacon and the election was held while the said enthusiasm ran ltigh When walked Of course Elmvale still has to beat Durham but room he ssiredme ls that what as Phelpstons Pete Rutledge pointed out win lose or you want tonight Seoltyi drawthe Merchants have assembled grand record The translation read in any event This assures this going down into the re easy it youwork cords as notable season for Elrnvaie hockey Rut Harvey who appearedin so led incidentally helped outfit the Elmvale team names ashlnyinr coachat 1m an priovidetdtassistance i2 helrhwayf which Cgives hltm Ejmgwbuglglxggï¬a 131 ecia rig ent use ounc or orman rane as bgen another particularly stron backer of the club Mm Iimisbe the ice Follies nestqu nor damn on meanid View cent you ihe National11mm km Lowell MacDonald Illrnl Aolelesltinuuinthadecld Fondlith aliboninv gt this lng unis at their sealeg to gain tlaht with Claude Literacy use mum Phliadelpblrintha ï¬lth game Wu ukmwd they mm Bub centres in lean bellvean Hear benches emptied andllhe some mama snaiph Bachtrom nd med in ahnwl promptiol Jacoiieile Clarence Camp bell to asses ï¬nentotalling moo Plcard plckedup our penalties In their Following the win ov Phil delphlavtlamy didnt get chance to join thalllues eels Irrationa lt was nice game to win Harvey saldhetore leavingfor bu doll Fliers Thur third line vrlih Paul leibeittho day itiinnmu waliobed wreak Lliowman raid thinks Harvey helped the team inst by being there 77 At team meeting in the 3M mime 233 number Valleylater host Rielrliond Hill has qualiï¬edto playï¬ttlvra the not snowmen Of CANUW SEVENTH MIMI 96W $09M GeorgeKiiudsonroronio pro leangsflï¬meï¬nafemlï¬ was tiedloraevehth 1ch with as mm Mum Dudlquï¬onLuchï¬lthl tr round at OMHA elhrilnh tlonai in 11 ï¬rst hintin loclub outscored test the Ba Nawrnarket 62 as they banned Balln lured injury tnihtiradny game the nadlens lid mousse would play tonight Vt oneti certalnhow aeri we it one other setback Friday when gogltender Gimp Worrl Sllf cred climbed hand whit stop plug shotin practice Monocal coach Toe Blake rWonloy will probably be phoned beiore Thursdays game and told hlrn to sit on the end of the Blues bench so he could see me on television itl which registered 31 exciting was ainst only nine comm mm mm losses and three draws in battling elr way to the finals WHILE MANY exciting games and series might be given special mention fans currently are talking more about Elmvales achievement in upsetting Pictonfs strong bidthe hard way with two ing victories oh Picton ice Home fans are particularly proud of two Elmvale junior graduates who played with Penetang Hurons on their way up Carl Edwards and Stu McKen zie Edwards scored three goals and McKenzie two in the final to decision which capped off the series our games to two for Etmvale along with tie verdict Another Elmvale boy veteran defenceman Stan tchie also was tower of strength in this and other games when the going washeaviest Stan not only play ed superbly on the rearguard but also scored the first goal and assisted Edwards for one of his Al Smith re fistered two assists one to Rito ie and the other to icKenzie and also contributed ggressive backcheck ing which played vital role Grant and Russ RitchieHomer Barrett Dennis Turner Doug Smith John Brown and Ron McAuley have all risen to the occasion with brilliant displays GOALER GARY TURNER turned in some spec tacular goaltending performances which materially helped the teams success until he suffered knee in jury in the third period of the exciting sixth Picton game which put him in hospitali Elmvale then were given the opportunity of ï¬nding suitable replacement and Coach Adams made no mistake when he nominah ed Don Wardle who starred in between the posts for Stayner Lions earlier in the season before Elmvale knocked them out in their march Ward came through in fine style for his new clu kicking out shots from all angles to play an im ort nt role in the muchcelebrated to success at to on Coach Adams vestment salesmanand member of Vespra township council has every reason for ride in team Harry givesthe chief credit to goo team sp and cooperative one for all and all for one attitude of his club This has opened the way to encourage unselï¬sh pass and made possiblesome of the lightningfast co ation plays which putthe home fans on edge with excitement on so many oc casions VETERAN of the sporthimself Harry last play ed during the 195980 seasoniat centreforiElmvale Withrblothfls Bill and Corby The latter was an im portant layer with Barrie Flyersin the Senior OliA during past season He learned some of methods mentals of the popular winter sport playing withhis older brothers when onlhe way In Harrys last season as ayerhe shoneat centre in Remarkable series with Markdale which went nine games before Elmvale won the arto rural plagoff Besides Elmvale heia for Stayner arne hectic playing career his aggressivenesshothln checlnng Adams has tried ag res siveness in tlie1presen am and the cubs su ess denotes hisrespect nviews on Eimvales hockey rise Adams modestly disclaimed credit You cant play for your players your success dependsdargely on how much they give you our team has had desire he reasoned andthen hastily added would like to see more credit given our excellentexecutiveheaded by Norm Crane PeteRutledge and others whohave helped th clubThe good spectator support alsohas been aybig help to ouriteam spiri While most Elmvale Sport enthusiasm tred on hockey they are atiltgiving crosse there Pete Rutledge reminds gialnagiers coachesrefereesand peetedt ntarranged tor the rllnnual Bonaplel gigshndlens between 1948 and Twilight Mixed Tenoln Ladles High Sinai Symea insiorraipa 165irenerDonaghy too vl bradshaw more Vanderveer grammar nth anddid 154llcrnlce Orscr 15 Joanne htartcn 152 Ladies High Triples hltlburn 459Bradshaw 456 Donaghy Hi autou Sud Am 400253 419Syms 413 Mil Lowe Woods BA Senior gle Roger Park 200 nm Woodard 259 my Wallet 215 imperial Eastmnnr iluss McGiyern 211 Ron Mll Sheanlark 100 ML bunt 190 Ray Blight 134 Harry crazy April 21 Beatty 1m Dave Marten till Imperial Eastman John Verstraten 190 datk Queens Park 630 om Symea 179 am Leblanc 171 Mens High Triples Mcle am 571 Woodard 549 Marten 529 Waizclszs Symesm Mil bmsro High Averages Russ hchiv ern1aavlrene Donaghy 151 TeamStandingsz Syds Sound Service 664 and Ma Goolershfli Beverly Hillbillies it 622 Four Bs 5w CellarDweit crawlsbeavers AMS Stars 492 WP 451 Wee lri The detenccmen worked hard against Philadelphia and Harvey steadiedthem Bow man said Queens Senior Senior Morrison Dolly Top ViceSkips Jack Dotty and Don skipped the top rinks the amt ViceSldpscompe1itron last mens event at the season at Barrie Curling Club Dotty had Dick Card Bobart and Harold Boyd lheijon three germs in the first draw plus ofliiu Morrison had thnee wins in the second draw tit plus of 15 On his rink were Bill ire man Garrett andIEd The games werev played on three nights in the same torm was high for two wins one point up on George Jacksonsteam of Harvey Paddl GeorgerWnr die and Georg Sinela twogame Warren laar anoDnn Cordyi in sechnd draw Brian Wiles also badthree wins butslx points less than Morris year curler Wiles akippmg in his ï¬rst club event withJoe Pratt Bill Craig and Carl liar ris on his team upset two viita our in ts was Dave Lanlrl who had Ernie Reed ddi tons team of MillerAmos Jack Kirk andlliigh 0st Western gt Portland oSeaitien Seattle ieadl hes tiaseven mai two goals in etch period herds paced Quinn established the tibial lead and Brian Kinseiia truck twicelncludingthe winner Art Writer hada sh ingtoro BobhftEiroypo market goala just mmulerapart lateln the them Mod CoOp drive out 05 will meetin the Memorial Cup western inala todecldawhlch club will represent Western canada this the hockey amp gins Pentlctoni ea ed their Frldaynightb monton Move that semi gamesito one Estevanrnoved to th is day earlier hyta onal luolor estern Januarydid it with round on wound Slim witlr mo or lead the lteid olï¬proteuionala over the 70 rd 3M5 mnoti Goaiby GlaruAT€liEr and Julius Boroawere tied Bob ChariesDava ice llie gains of the Naming Hack ey leagues West Dlvs st sayenllna St LouisB me will manesota arga be it milks ilttie diKereht 741mm with the second otthlngsmiaredthrae be by tonight botRosa ll tienilacho could tepina tlm Junior tlhalfrerieshaa coma Icorers and nails nightmare Kltcb herRangers ored tour goal in the first seven minutes the second period many night and trounced Nina hra Fails FUerrM to tairava best on 21 andNiagara all 15 Tlt victory was the secoiid in for the Rangers who tied goals each ent nfesta on ï¬mslvo Moisture or