JUSTICE MINISTER Tru Vdeau who is slated to become prime minister is besieged ior wmomylmi ulaf Zadmlnistration policymakers lay the United stateswhich al may has proposed sites for initial contacts with North Vieta nhmwiuicmsider buy new sites Hana suggests The statementby author itiestcarne alter the ilnited States announcedrit has noliti North Vietnam that Warsaw is not acceptable or initial iallts because Poland his Elven thr assistance to Hanoi orrawa ca me New Democratic Partyendorses the particular position of Quebec in altpage booklet containing the partys platform for the next federal general election The program was released Friday amid speeuletiontbat Jun lection may be called by Plerr lliottrTrudeau who Will be sworn as prime minister lederal department of sci ence and technology to eoordi nate research in Canada ands department concerned with lw rlting ior theconsumer are pail tar the booklet iTh ederal guarantee ol Que lions special position would he containedin new unnstitution jdrawn up byfederal and provin ni governments 0hr federalsystem must havethe flexibility to rec jognize the particular position accorded to Quebec since 1351 as the centre at the Frennh akingnonununlty of Canada answer eommunitysuch as soda se today struck an VShemust have the right and thetunds to fulfill government autographs as he leaves the following meetingot the cab East Block of the Parliament inet UP Wirephotol Buildings at Ottawa Friday The us position was outlined imrespnnse to siatemeutrby the North Vietnam lorrlgn min lsuy broadcast by Hanoi red the accused the United States aying talks hetweeiytiw des and asked for formal to Hanuit choice of Warsaw Th anoi statement drew slit reloinderirmnWashington that cmrnnunications between the Mo countries should €11 communication chann is responsihih which alieet the curity educationtown planning an communitydevelupmentt Banker Repeat 0neIiprnanship WNDON Reuters British bankers today brought their twoday score against hank rob bars to so man brand binst into North accountant head and arm and de mended Wh But teller ed up behind him and bashed himewitbfhls mettai stool ellin him nnthe son The bandit wound up in hospi tal will the accountant Neiflier was seriously hurt Friday ebb shid togetrich quick at hankin hoydon south of here ended when the indignant manager floored him with ledger that deshinzto ebanges over Istutable site or peace contacts appearto have become almost hopelessly bogged beyond its existing that the Warsaw ital dot thr lines needed today Hanoi ex Nortb Vietnamese reJ than additional iotations pro used by State Secretary Dean usk hardened the impasse be tween the two governments theysaid But state department spokes man CarlBartch left the door open or North Vietnam to come with some more suggestions mproposais ntaets take pingein the Cambodian cap of Phnnm Peninibe ob ted to both The Examiner sporgslo Theatresf TY WW Weather5 Womens5 ing of the dinner has of state mflisï¬ï¬‚lfltflfï¬ï¬‚fltlfld Ensign of the oime adminis aay alsopromisad turn to civilianmle njtaia dunnoSmith and eputyphestieuwilliam Leigh would bd held lorsu TORONlDtCPl Pa rinvlaajoie tormeeruebeced cation minister said Friday believes Pierre Elliott Trudeau wfll soiteh bisstandon cons tlonei allairsand will eventu ally accept form or en al status or Quebec Mr Trudeau was tobe sworn invas prime minister of canada toggy specsai status and take more realistlcg approach once dej tailed constitutioan talks ge Theiormer Queh wasjspeainng in an nlter addressing stud oil allyhegan Miles tort Millionswailr Parliamdnt hm mm zytï¬gpmï¬whwmawrflmw1rï¬ï¬‚v ï¬ï¬Mmo ers of hir ciiiiiiy GET theAiifan Hilary ll eletyr of New unless huge Both have correlated both be corrected New Prime Minister 5Shuiiieii cannons aretairer omwi cal Prune Min later Trudeau aaldvtoday ho is exemlningtha possibility ui disv ii solvinglariiameotlur June election lie said he scheduledlhe olil dal swearinginn his cabinet ior todaytwo daysbetore it wuaeheduiedto give him this option iit Ileagsve him tohis eahinet about unasenda torieglslatiun he does decide to meet Parliament as sched uled Many But when wheth this lissaid thedats most often mentioned or eiectlo lIhadnospeéial ppeai and it mid be called tor other eye in Jude and Retirees re Anne lime lo talkt CW Massey no further talkavale scheduled bargain on comp Pally erauson employees collected their pay cheques and walked may ELM molt LTrudeau presentedwhen he went to Gov nment House toda Gone were they sandals the amt tie and the leather coat There wasno flower in his button hole Just while handlrerchief lolded neatly in the breast pocket of his formal morningme outinf plants inTorontn and Brantlord Friday as aslrike in volving aboutsfluo members of the united AutoWorkersunioh began Bargainingln the strike over wage parity with united States workers was deadlocked the strike began company no esmaneaaid rLast talks wereheld Thursday nigh but the union refusedito wage and contraatotter and the on would not dis the alcent nnhour wage gapbetween the Canadien worse andlthe 0011 panys emp nyees Detro Molnesrlowa Ra and Cayuhoga Fails hiscostume included leather OTTAWA iii It was and nservatlve triped trousers and with iapeis hats was atless completed Sen the Senate and assumegovern ment leadership in the Upper ouse The position carries with it automatic membershlprin the cabinet Mr Martin will be minister wltbnutporttoiio Mr Trudeau lormllly retains his old iustics rtlollo asweli the primemiiiis he told reporters Donaid MacDonald minister Mlhout pontolio will become acting Justice minister LMr Trudeau was also asked about the possibility an elec tlsnon Mondanlune 24 St JeanBaptiste Day and an important holiday influebee The new primeminister said an election amid not legallybe held on St Jean Baptiste Day but it ewldthe best day June 15 in Canadl amen re quiresthat general eleelians he ey er Pepin can it psotem cabinet er Trudeau their the oath ol oliice in the ifsends language Mr Pearson leit Government Home heiore his slim was sworn in He waseccompanied to his car by JobnNiehoiso outgoing labor minister The jiorme prime minister now merely the MP for Algoma East returned to that ofï¬cial prime ministers residence lust across the street horn the Go emorGenetais tersfioh hut Wyomwamwwlr