it fGoVt Spénd1ngs For1 Rearécitibnv Ontario Liberal We hert Nixon today called or an increase in the contribution made toward the recreation ills duury in the provincethmsb Liberal the investment at public cep iul In hninan renewal scheme He told the Rotary Club Barrie that recreation is more than mere pleasure or escape butts an emathtnieiy valve whereb people can renew theme vea for world at work that can often take its toll in prearHrc Mr Nixon called for band at parks and multipleuse re creauon areas in the Mush hGeorgian Bay area close to the bulk o1 Oniarioaoopnlailoo To he eiiectlm these facil ities have to be within mile dius oi Tomato not in miles way The development at the tourist industry has in eorne from growth centres from Believlile through the Trent and the Hailburtons and sweeping right through this area to the liuron shores He said the recreational inA duetry could not be renewed without publiccapital for re development and expansion This particularly applies to the participative ortr where pea ics health renewed go swimming saitingakiinl tennis athletics CAMPING GROUNDS He called ior more public and private camping pounds more roadside rest areas and wilderness areas and game sanetuerren We must work to remove unslghily outdoor advertising th mum is aid fans tbftihe electiauoiPierreElIIottim dean aaloader oithe national parts was well seesin ed croncannds but some luv inth eiectiona unda tequ hushwith the out write predominant reaetiod at these people wasone at bewilderment li thinsr have changed mmuchycanl my selt adept this dezreei they seem to Merlin themselves it may be thatthe most im portant talkie reconstruction mettle ahead oiths Parts and at Canada In to prevent the detachmentirom the march oi events and from continued participation In the political New this country of ail who are now Mflnllng so feel their selves outpaced by the at events and the rate at change ceonaum consent Mr Nixon said he was de lighted to see that the perma nent site at Georgian Coilese had been chosen lie mentioned three have tlon which he said would tie in with theredeveiopment the tourist industry He spohe favorably oi the twoyear pro gram on resort operations the resource technetosy pmmm that will prepare students for conservation and regional plan ning executive positions and the fact that the college will be the iirst oiitsliindeto otter plltrtlnie work opportunities to resort operations students The text oi hls address was released in advance of delivA Nixon Would Make More Ol Legislature COmmltiees Robert Nixon today said that many at the unions re served or ltoralConmiieeioos could better be done by the elocted representatives of the peoples mid reserve to Royal Commissions the high and noble tasks so well exempliï¬ed by the magniï¬cent first report oi the lion James hicltner in hie Inquiry into Civil nghts the Pee anRoOM lows Arborite table edrchain on Ontario ldbeml leader said in speech VatVBarri Bnrtorinquiri well or how badly the day to da business oilovernmentfts would use the select munittees and theiraiandiog committee oi the legislature ti or specific and Natinuingwork respectivelyflf lie maintained that It was in the committee hearings that the suns Smoothtop mattress and ribbon spring eboudoir lamps SIPVCE KITCHEN SUITE upholster 3and hills wall plaque IIIIi 3ROM OUTFI $f =Con1pleie oslisied for only timbers or the Barrie Ar Club made plans Ior their up coming annual dinner on May greatest advances can be made In participatory democracy Standing connnittcea would have the initiative to start something hysimply majority voie without waiting for terms oi reierence am not witch hunting in th am only ailer the grem lins that eenioul up the reach inery of any government at any stage in this view of therola ol committees they Invesflzptegituaiio cursors to legislatio ev be fore the governmentspelIsout Its intentional lie said opinions beasdailer the act as in the case of school bonrdreonaoiida on were Irelaiively useless Much more should be done In aomrnittee prior to second reading approval in principle be held PcecnssrsasIELo or oAszPcar SUITE Includes table lamps coffee table threw cushions Outgoing pmldcnt Jew Bea ver made ae eral suggestions for next year Oneldca was to hold point in and finish the ienccat Royal Victoria Hospi ta vv That has raised Ii lot oi Ins terestï¬ said Mr Benver iApproximhieiy 35 members saw iiiim on moral making or children and pottery shown by club members Sadie Whar on and Gordon Reeve Mr Ree slideruremrgiazraaysunsn Ticketsior the annual ban quetrnay be obtained horn membership converter Ardclle Godirey by calling 728 nemhmnn imam The Paciï¬c island oi Okinawa was the site of the last great battle of the Second World War In Sault SAULT STE MARIE Ont CF $5000 scholarship honoring the late Dr Robert Harris head of the annual crlpi pied childrens clinic here irom ms to loss lins been es tablished by the Sault Ste Marie Rotary club $5000 cheque ior the Dr vannimï¬mmwwmum mo yehlef orthopedic surgeon niitironto General Hospital from 1m to 1951 died In JunOJSM Thelund provided Iora mini mum oi $500 year for post graduate sludiesf in orthopedic surgery The flrst scholarship he told tiieenzineerto Engln winner is expected to be trounced April 29 the emergin morale ism Cumberland st instilled bathe had put onlbe emery eney brake about 40 feet iron thermal He said the cog iae stopped few ieet partthe Iereectlon Defense lawyer asked it there would obstrue view on Sure any armsz whli at ll MW edtii Sum nilIAIN Iiitan whistle mtgilteret on rpeedlgiven by CNR ployees or it would have meiisbed more obth wouidnot have bee stop stop as out fly as it did Magistrate ier gt that he we ziihe tra er this mu understand why didnt notice train ti he had used pro care and attention dupite obstruction of the bulldins accident wouldnt on out Jed hesaid