damn ronrnsvrsiimss Mrs Jacqueline Kennedy Indlm ohlidmeohn Jr simaae TQ Meét gAt Dunedin DUNEDIN Stall Prepar ations are being made here tor the annual spring meeting at Simeon West Womens institute which will behold on Tuesday May it There are is branches in the district and Sunnlwood Clear viowanrl Alired Watt Memor ial branches will be included in the nomination program Other branches in the area are Aven lnngalns Corners Clovarlea Creemorc DuntroonGeorgian Maple Valley New Lowell Jacks Lake Pine TrceSing hampton Stayncr and Zion Ju bilee As resident lor the past teim rs George Bell Dun troon will be giving progress reportnlong with the secre tary treasurer Mrs Eric Nor man at Colllugwood RR and others Vice presidents ruthe pnst term were Mrs Joseph Dumond or Sunnidale and Mrs Kenneth Shelton of Coiling it wood Sculptor pisp1ay AtCo accustom istam Coolts towns noted wood sculptor Richard Thomptuas 38 hasucarved out new set at wooden birds and animals which have been receiving much attention The ornamental pieces tea ture Canadian wildlife and in clude mink raccoons otters beavers and dogs Eiue herons have been the most popular oi the woodenbirds which also haveheen greatly admiredr Edwards Catholhjsh in Palm acid Sunday nï¬rnini wood Mrs Bell succeeded Mrs Douglas Day at New Lowell as president other reports will be given by either Mrs John Bell as Federated Wl representative or her alternatejdn Stealeram sinn of Stayner Mra Don Mason ol Colliogwood as dia trict delegate and hire Elmer mom ol New Loweltasalter natc Mrs Hannah of Stay ner and MlssSadioMcQue9n ol Georgianw1 were audit ps sou ANNUAL Conveners oi committees ciuded Mrs Walter Cnutts Pof Stayner ior Agriculture and Canadian industries hire Watson of Waaago Beach for citizenship and education Albert humble olStayner lor histnrtcal rescarchand current events Mrs Cecil Woolnerzoi DuntroonJor home eccnomics it and health and Mrs Elwood Gordon of Stayner lor resolu tions We carve out nearly every thing but deer and horses said Mr Thomplrins explaining these were too common so he as concentrated on the others He was pleased with the con siderahle interest shown Coohstown peopl others STARTED AS HOBBY We have learned to Cookstownyéry much said He andhis as well as ing Film whichwaa held at Stayner had recorded vote showeth in Kennedy have been vacation Beach andplan to retina to New York todny lAP Wirephoto The coming sessions will be the 66th annual meeting tor the districL The 1961 sessions were held at Creemore United Church Old records show at West Slmooabrancbes were or ganizcd in ma nu included Creemore Nottawa Duntrocn and Singharnpton Branches werolormed at Allistnn Stay ner Dunedin and iiiaple Val ley during the years loom 1912 in tore The fluid annual ol incl ol 11 branches Npresenied and the minutes showed memhu ship com Nlha Pinnlrca branch ol Dunedin was iormed in ms and suitable Arrangements are twins made to mark its 40th mu 1912 the Stayner branch haers David Mar to okstom by accepted an invitation toc 581d noisily in some antiques worthy ion as its lirst president lour yearsvagn coming here lrom Bolton with their lamtly olglloua Ricky 11 Kathy 10 all attend bilip will Tatring up wood carving hobbywhen be lived at Stoney Creek Mr Thomphins workab tracted such attention he ulii ately made it his chief occu tion He now has wood shop atCoolratown of bl views He also duct an instruction class at Willow Park School in Scarborl ough on have to may wood carving to do good worlrhe exhibiting some tainngl carvedf bird ittalres patience be cause youbave to take pride hatyou are doing It is production line when ucu are the some Each viduall lorrn oi conveyance ou any th he at more than ordinary ration One whichihe pointedout in partt cularwasuan 1885 clocki made in the UnitedStates by Chauncy Jerome The large mantel clock was being storedior use at the tini modem bythogtlin chin and and suitable This ottoman application by Mr Hadle FENCE mm motion sponsored byCoun dllor Groec concerned 30109 strip BlockG Plan 060 being leoeo erected removed in two DEFENDS neurons School about koliidesverabisltalgae order iln anhu and all the harm arenpopulatlon is increasing bout 50 families year said Charles KClark local postman post ï¬nite llyearLagmu Jack lartiush as postmaster At the time therowereabwt 250 iamllies in the area and there are about 900 at sent time LONG SERVICE three postmasters since 1800 it was shown by old recorder Henry ware marked with arhroad ar row which meant they wrote was olteh described as servedlorlliips oi the Royal founder ol Angus was appoint ed postmaster on January 1090 and hecontinued in cities un cord period of nearlyrsa years pioneer Wil is ins about the hazards of issued here by Abner Rawn ride bicycqu or any such saidMr Rawn in hylaw 1020 He said the bylaw provides lop biwles rnnaé that parking of with Reeve Cochr garage it alter in buildinx inspector it is tor is public road allowance The across it must he in letter received train former hanialll resident and war veteran now living in llanslleld ll Orr says that he leels tee Jans urcmark early life he claims 1nd have helped to male newflactli ties available to the youth of the land Vile reelepthat the crit ANGus sum Anna on who came here lrom Harrie Mr Clark acceded theme the of in The community has had only larBush whose lather Jones the tn Sentemberl 154121 re unbrolren service Jonas TarBirsh and another udl ro no in cycles on the sidewalk was hylaw control oillcer lt tsuniawlul lor anyoneto yv it was no led out bicycles way that theylali dow sidewalk also was traryr to the bylaw atlgationtglilore tween parent tired Ind teachers and the press rneaos especiain campaign lordrawmr ration be ticking thitoha The pragma plan teaching being studiedin trauma are super th ltlde stem now in use had asks what is wrong with thidi Then some shitting what are emphsses in ed day The old published plan lor Angus 1857 which included streetsï¬an lots or proposodtown Titay med it Angus alter Angus liiorrison an early MP lorsim coedls Th bad reacbedthe area time and special train waa run from Toronto as part to to encourage the sale inc ay by the lots Bylaw the population was estimated at around 2000 the lumber mill era The first iumberrnen came insearch at for masts and spars of Suitable trees Navy Toite Womens Institute will sponsor comedy on Me tnybe presented at tha lb tenharn community hall Tuesday and Wednesday 16 and human comm mantra isms hownahlpcomoliwhlc edby Reevelred Baxter will hold its next regular meeting on Monday May Adjaia oat pm tor Wallace McCtncheon will he the Roostspeaker th nnual Motilem ne 1920a branch of the Ontario Is head hlï¬kvrmoqwvu Anyus Visiting in Stlciarshurg they have been aityintenwreckiogvan old theatre and still have hallo it to go The reinlorciogrodaare steel and the walls thick They do notreadily respond to mod era machinery which usually brgï¬ka wall down uite Alter the lumberfera Angus lagged tor alcw yearsbut in tcrest in the area wanrenewed with the establishment of training cenue bitmaps in nearby Camp Borden told In Forestry Department was en tablished in the cnlmnunityand itetiiirelnainaaaalcadiugln dustry Asiied who he thought of Angustoday Mrs Clarksaid it was growing community of much potential which faces the usual problemsot such parlance He said he liked Jiv tng inAngus and he loundlha people asidcrate and plea an op tlanol the police vili age in which the post olllce is located is listed at 1000 but therehre many more in the irnrrtediate vicinity The Nob tawasaga subdivision also known as the licheorge sub divisio is apopular na hous ing area outh 723com HARRlE MING SOON cuesgor to en in re jlnrhom will be their iirst ruinion in more thanito years Scenes ol the beautiful tulip gardens windmills lasblons werqsent to Heads in anemones from thofluer Mr liyed here In 1953They made the hip overseas by Dutch airliner wari vete qu wIsrloe Hm settle with ma was uidto Aha Rearrhayéfl am one ovum Lone eieciedlo the Tosso cillor the toes term and buser most years Alter his elevation to the reev ship in 1940 he dropped whenllr Stephens wnei and thenrnade successl malachite is now bk ilih consecutive year head theTossorontio one To Retarded Coupl Holland short vncation ailing lsi her imm April 15 with Mr hostess The program jwlil charge of the resolutions public relations committee Thompson has her of the and Dutch nd Mrs Cuesgin have in Angus since coming iromSununerside REL eras loo lcet tall grew Voa earth 250000000 years ago 0ND SMASHING nrunamrunsm Biliiiliiifluflitilifliiii at 645 pl an complete show It mo armous Pt YERS rum