wsnnlanumwww manu mpgrmwww 27W money the cull prosaic 19m and commMay sulle ior women reminds Meaning ylrentln the elegance eo imerest andrvarle an monies Mr ihidse nounced he way to nine her wavdfobeadded alloy insomnia Chi hundreds bl ankle Mm more Canada who Melon ripe wann could be utilized lapse ate start To me herrnfleels all the qualities orthatiele nt wad ed lace nppealedio riod at theend ol ueuï¬mifa glut between Donna designer Morris canthry when lace reached rEuxxggalésgï¬ï¬gmfflnfl conducted the double tins emony in the chapel oi Churdazllnited Fort Won The couple will maka th means rxrcurivaor tibiaeSECTION sharia comma CLUB The Ladiea Sectldn oi the hllowins lie to right Sland Ross Stephuns Sealed bon Barrie curing Club held theh fannual businessmean this week and elected new slate at bitioere to serve the 19684 so competitive xenon The new executive eonaiaisol the inn bonrpiel nonvener Mrs Harry Neshitt schedule on sonvener loujrlstow social eonveuur Mrs Jack urbidgei secretary lilra Jerk Butler treasurer Mrs spiel co Convener lllrs Don Gordy past president Mrs Doug Homer president Mrs Robert Greenrsecood vice president Mrs thou Arm strong Absent from the pic ture lirst viea president iszeékstsejurcefor manner arenas WAWA GP in The contro versial royal commission on the name at women heads or We toria Moods to ind out 705 what Cana an monies are hissing about So far says nommlsalon Challrnan Anne hands the eve ldenceiphï¬it briefs and 600 let ters submitted in advance of the tlrst public hearings prom that women lrorn coast to coast lees long list at unlalrvdlserirnl ratio the mundane represented the largest roiponu ever stirred up in Canada by nroyal cominsionand an indieation that resentment Ls very deep says the saysarold hroadcaster and writer Omnmiesion ofï¬ce this week hustled with laatrninuie preps rations or the 15day western tour and lengthy discussions about just whatfthe women among the seven commissioners and 11 etattmembera should wear arr INEQUALITIEU gt Getting last goingover ara rhrlur that call or elimination of inequalitieain pay or woman tax discrinunationa barriers to Job advancement legal reemaions on female equality and distinctions he oween Miss and Mm At hearingsin Victoria enumeralgary Edmonton gins and Saskatoon the com rrdsxlon will look or answers to the 518menzwho told Toronto Star snovey they felt womens rights orrunission is unneces noseraanv arems will report for The Canadian Pr cross country hearingant royal mmission on the his or women starting in le tor equ by wnmeueiniobs vunder iederalpjurlsdietlon and allprovtneeeexceptouebecand magnum ha lollt aw Hweiully no the nocessltyol the commusion inquiry will be resolvedwheu the iivewornen and two men commissioners starttheir aeo ond bourMayze inWinuipeg then letoutior Ontario Has it John Bird in com stoners nl epnrls April proachea are extensiv rese der preparation on igreatest response ire an MA history and was two an loryo VarsiiyWeekend Rev gt CEat Tor onto to 1965 and was trans erred in lassto Montreal hér as variedasph yvork adae 2565 and Mrs Edwin Go nllna Newfoundland The wed Mr and Mr hire Jim Oiyne schedule convene lllrs Doug Ste phens special events convent er Mrs Jncir Kennedy social eo convener him Don Mor ahall special events co con vener Mrlï¬iMel Brass Ex aminer Pholol Glories Haida er or Barrie have announced the marriage of theirdiughter Beth Maded Seymour Gullngegeon of Mr lines of Ca ding took plane at Thistleth United Church on Maxine nonmar at 6510 Dennis May or Dunlap at has returned to the eitytoiiow log weekaholidnydn Boston Mara wherehe visited with his in irn Klr THE sinnsslr asmauma nonunion Biaoetary influences alluding personal relationships 1lit now so Sunday shouldprov most congenial day Getiogelhera with and Meade should be stirrunan aoing and heartwarm ing Also favored generous stars Sports tray and mauce run we stunner If tomorrow is your hh1hday store influencing the Arlen or the next year will be excellent an pranicaliyeveryscore To be especiiici July late Seplem ber early December next Jan uary and iiiarch ahould heout standing lorolocupationalpro gram ond for easing eyenun expected recognition or Spast arterial But youll have to contim do your host of course will he alto you ver pla too in oppomlnltied advance your linannial status in the weeks between May 15 and July ls between oddSeptember and mi overnher early De cember and next Februaryvand March Do avoid extravagariee and ï¬xation 11$ thedirat ill Sept last two inDeeemher l2 be Neill tween June 15 and were he lays he antldl Murmans Patience Wes ICritlcmml IsjPenaIty hlood relative not Zeldas mnnw Put an end tathia Dear Ann LanderIx have been told am telritlii=alrhard gt unlymfl and parleetioniat It you agree will apologize in the hoot window of aaya department store next Saturday at high noon iv ll because she Dug huge chunks out of am when hadplanned to nervetomy bride cluh it Ate nearly onethird of ooconutpualard pie which had to not cut into Lelt permanent on wet glass ll Blamed small ole in an upholsteredchair Ci phone ior FI hour and 20 minutes and made it impossible iorma reach thehouse Vfiomment pleaseScared gtDear Bears lty girl to sit for on again you have holes your head Woman END 1011111 Deer Ann Landa Zelda and have been married for three earal She iaaiivelygirland as Always had lot more en ergy thanl havog Aboutdix monthataxo pie mo rhe Zelda to thernoVies bowling wutoo Ilredl Lastweeir Dick who lea salesman asked Zelda lane wanted to no on the road With hunitorr iew daysxShe haired me it it was and all flitl yes so she went They got haelr yesterday and Zelda said shevhad groovy time She wantsto to as soon guylat oldm 5t be crazy to allow thisl he has dirty mindfl talked it all over with peaks popularity companion on his lri 3s eat that hellnd nice genie would ou doli yodnerels years and your mother kept harping onhow important it is be load Kiri and choose nurlriends as top of the TV wheushe set down iWy been high andshe weant care because the halls hahyrout of wedlock choice is yoursl but you know what nometimes no with Did it throughlhe hell she erperienced whlelnlrzaalynur age It Imay bromer Dickslarted to I53 Ken dd an enemo iceiior few other places because Hal may be thebest exiruplaahar axe an or you might wind in your own limiherln It not wantn laiemale What uliy and have ndmmglke you all yo he em have about her ehoieeol triends Tani The pens to pee who lauzh go there in funny Someone usually any over themn Vur to that your iher lover you enough so that doesnt want you to go eranytlune and she had to ll you areeard your dviee onï¬lhe ground nhmgnhigmlatakeshe and Mrs Carmen Swanshurg at Fort William Ontario on March so nevi FWilson OCCURS IN YOUNG Eczema la skin condition now home in Moose Jaw katchewan lPholo by era StudioI lo dilam most common in the lust years ot llle