0mm Meme the llrereton 3th Natural ists Mrs Jack Westman lea and charter secretary Miss Anastasia ilughes ex amine siulied birds in Mrs Weetmanshmne iheblrda were killed by flying into Barrie television tower dur ingsiog The skins are used by student Ornithologirts Examiner Photo Some Naturalists Seer Birds As Little PeopleInf Feathers By TONY KEEN Exanriner stall Writer What do you think or when sonleans says bird watcher Chances are it youre not member of naturalist club yourselt you think of rather dotty harmless rort who crawls through the bushes with blnocu lars spying out birds only slight ty rarer than be is White thiairnaga may not he incorrect it is tar lrorn oom pleto in the opinion of yeteran Barrie naturalists Jack West man and his wile Mrs West lis man is charter member ot the Brercton Field Naturalists Club of Barrie which was turm ed in 1950 and says the true mark of an avid hlrder is his inability to hear blrdeall with out bending every eltort to identity its souree The club now numbers among its members naturalists from Colilngwood Oriliin and the sur eel rounding areas President this year is Cntttey an Dril lian Mr Weshnan feels that has oi the more important but notloed side rilecu of the By mainstream In two weekstlme tlielriiiia Kiwanis Music Festival open again The festival originated in0ritila lo yearn ago and aw entries haveenlarged to over lohoflentriea this Spring The festival hasexpanded irn hree dayfevent to sessi lasting iuiiy two weeks The Pro Musicaltorj muster choral grouper Barri Will lorm relationItlth rio 1y osep Key St Andrew Chnr Underlthe dir Lion of Case ch Aprit 211 Among the enmial protects la the Christmaspr canals in which the numbers and loose this of birds or every species in thean are counted Re search done by the ch morn bars helped naturalist Devitt compile the hook lllrds at Simeon County The second printing of this book was the centennial project of the club lutyear Mr and Mrs Westman feel thatthere are different degrees of involvement in any club such as the naturalists We have tern who merely count and liabirds when they see them says Mrs Wistman and there are photographers and the or nithologlsts who specian in ï¬nding out all they can about one type of bird But as time goes by involve ment in thecluh deepens Soon eroriaterthelistermns Put oi things to list and hecoms entities Many women naturalists tend to look upon birds as little people dressed in leathers biny said Mr Westmsn and treat them as such but women are not always the most ardent nat uralifla At an early age boys are predominant Not all naturalists are bird iet guitar armordiqn and the ï¬rst time orga Mra Doughty registrar of told me that it is for the RegisteredMus ic Teachers Association to worké with theKtwanis Club to form lertivallhis is how it is done in Orlllia The Orlliia branch of ï¬onma approached the van Hemertthe periormnnce three Igniteahueloeainndv uneart mummiï¬ed anlhthe perlorrn ce orr Ito rt whowiilsiagiu the role rieli ers0¢casionaliy the club takes botany him where plants are teats humanism CD lectione attractinany Student menbest ramnx cum fThis is family duh said Mr Vestman Were proof ol that Among other charter matters stiilln 3the till are the vlirst president Ba Mrs Eull Brereton altar whose humid was named and Dr it In oi Slayner who is honorarypre aldent Perhaps one at the more sig niï¬cant events in the clubs ids tory was the removal of 1000 and its guy wires in September of 1950 Avid comervationists the masters do their utmost to prevent anygtdestruetion one or their pet hatesand they any litter totrhd on hikes Being nattnaltst is otten mold we wish to invade farmers leachall we have to do is tell him who we are and were welcomed said an Westman gt ing contribution eduustion ynun Andre StGermain is sent general chahjm yeartherelare live ad judicators Cam in The speciï¬c lestivaicompeth ttonvpieco would in meitmaire the chair dead birds which has been kills ed striking the television tower gt nature Littering or highways is passetl who Charged in Cluiord Bidet 55 of Park St Be struckaparhed cor ownadrby Paul Kusyk oi WM Elem West on stringer the Kurykucnaz was misstated at $100 while that to vehicle GRABS 17111385 Grass fires in Barrie readied in firemen belngsailed out five tines yesterday Sites at the him were Brookdata Drive Letitia St Steele Stat Cook the city dump and Tower Cree cent Since the beginning or the Sgt Raymond Bert Orr ot Banie has been awarded the Queens Commendation or breve conduct braving the lives of two chiidren just oll theBayvicw Marina dock on Kempenleit Bay last August The Mywrold Base Borden ï¬reflghtersaw chiidfs hand appear above the suriace or the water Marthe dock the morning otAug He dived inliyciofledinto seven teet water grasped the child rand him tovothera on the dock Asheiurned tost shore hiaftoot strucka suit dorm and diving he found asecondehild child was mitter frighten ed and taken homeThe otheh etoria wunirn iiy at Jonathan Court arrie er never knowingly publisher hall advertising ads vertlsemrntsnre aneepted on jubilation genius mo that on mom the service or theEirleh cues of training Loch incessant month the ihedepartmenthu mikes annex nouns Semeonehroheintothehoma Mailman QHeenSt stoictwentity of beer Police were called by Mrs 15mm at lspï¬m remuni ot the Barrie Dirtrictllm Board wlilheheld in theboard room on Monday at pm HARRIE ART CLUB The April meetingvot the Bar rie Art club will be hdd on Wednesday at annual general meeting and Gordon Reeve will show film on mural making gt MILITARY MEETING col Gi Wooden can mander or aitenda thre tlmy base cont modes to heheid at Winni peg den week Director or the conference will behinl Gen Richard Stove commander ot training command so of theconterence is to dimuss the latest systems and techni ques or individual training of Canadas servicemen Banishing Club Planning ior 1968 Season The eieeutive the Barrie Tennis Club metFriday todle cuss plans or the 1988 season It was decided thatnew menu hers inaliage groups were re ouired and that sklliwouid not he doctor in Minion it was decided to organize an instructional program provided the need is indicated and tacit itles are made available Also on the agenda was adis cusslon ot the cent first round at the mayors conference on re creation and leisure time at which clubwas represented Members the clubwili again this year enter the York County Tennis League whichvlsniado up tongs imm Newmarket Aurora chmond Hill and Thornhiii gt Preilmrnary plans or the centenninituurnainents local pointroithe season were also discussedfioyiropen tottie liveleague clubs mentioned and competition takes place in sing lea double Ind mixed it ubiea it at interdi round robin mentrdu the Member thelexecutive tor 1968 epresident Ron Howard vi presidents unwelcome cretaryr Peggvadwarde itrea surer Robert Cranlieid team camel17 Ttmsdnyevonlng and Veeoaia telmining ed he unï¬nwmflï¬wy Wrnpflewv wgf quwmrmawa glee5 an amp Ontario Jockey Club helps racing wu outV lined noon Thursday by represeiitative oi the club who spoke to Barrie irw min econ giteeentiy Iattended dinner atwhicthe speaker reminded fathers of their ï¬llyInward their sons lolly in themesWhat The point was made thatyoung areinflueneed more by It theysee than by what Eeyore told bloomith ere We adults mpyngt away with telling ouryery young sons whattheir cnndmtshoutd Che bolas they grow older they will not he so motivatedtodo thosettnï¬a units we can prove to our ownoondute that what we say tothem is right Th story istnld otthe re1 of father when his son was naught stealing pencil at school The utilitva amazed that the agnrshould think it necessary stat iiï¬ when heneededoaly to his dad who could get any num ber of pencils from hlsvpiace of employment The father with obtains the Iroad therdad who greatzrupomb hi um not be Normouth ni thejtandard bred diviridnoi the all alter the showing locker Mal Five Cnurses tor maintained by the club enable raee lens to bet an honest horses in honest races Ex laminerfPholo cartrsig or otherJuies oi the ndrhinine when heSeLllt whohistnleta aonvto phone his boss re putting him lickzlln order tha eenllrefamilycan eon too momma their us thieves poor driv ers careless hunter orirm inu ponaliie emplo Ont mthmay develop some Vottheir trurtration andcyhi clan simply becausethey have been borninto eodety in which every day where sophistication expediencyls the orderot never one admirers hollow thotextotvthe iii prevented had riaduitr been awereot the serious eh wshould test their poap enquiries wera havingorithe yonnger ones Ara you eoaeerned about the eases incrime andtrehet liousness lnour world0ur ad vice than klor aiinduits to gear on like ohm We say EY been watching and theyare not led plsedlwith what they inpsauraM Ira dsv raaaéu sieiba retina