Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 8 Apr 1968, p. 3

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my emfnmn weaver ewe ntvrn mu oi Ottaway Ave sits behind the wheel at the 1932 La Salla roadster he fly My new sawr mvgwrwm rmmevwaonwWfif restored to almost orginal con dition liter finding it in field on St Vincent St almost live years ago Parts were ob talned trom several parts at the UnitcdStatos Examiner Photo Antique Cor Now LikeNew After Five Years Take one ton La Salle coupe add live years of work and there you are restoration in new condition Simple Or is to When David Hill ol Ottaway Avenue found the old coupe in field on St Vincent street in late law he told his wiie he could easily get the parts to restore itby visiting junkyarda iBut it just didnt work out that wayHe became well acquaint ed with doiens oi junkyards in southern Ontario and iound ab solutcly nothingthat could help in the restoration When he bought the car for $40 the wooden floor was come plctcly rotten and metal parts were covered with rust The doors fell of when they were opened the windshield irame was bent The headlights and horn were gone gt So he joined the oohmember CadillacLa Sails club and read the swaptradesell columns and how other La Salle owners had restored theirs Someone in Winoke Virginia had two headlights so he got them No horns and nonpark iog light were obtained from somewhere in Washington State Landau irons which per Th mit the top to be folded back part way were obtained from Florida Tina IS what looked like when Mr Hill Junior More than 100 people attended the Junior recital held at Cod rington Street SchoolAuditorium last Saturday nigh ludents aud rM vocallperiormers were the studios of the members oiuthe Reg cred Maurie Teachers here were the rogramiconv are Studen coupe Kearna Susathelley Mr Hill got big break in the all at 1965 when he heard there was 1932 La Salle being used as towtruck by wrodr er inWauhaushene lieiold the garage owner that he wanted to buy the wreck er and altered 3100 Mr Hill smiles when he relates the own key but want Today the radiator motor and transmission of the Wrecker are in the restored car The car was sandblasted br iore restoration was started local mechanic lilac Gray did all the body work Doors ian tiers and the hood were restor ed woodwork was made and Mr Gray put it back together MOTOR WORK Mr Hill did the motor work and rewiring himself Adding that to the time he toolr taking the car apart and helping put it back together the time of others the total is roughly 1000 hours New upholstery and the con vertible top were obtained in Toronto while trip to Penn sylvania resulted in acquisition of iront bumper and hub caps late model cars dont occupy the garage at the Hill residence at space is reserved for the La Selle Besides the coupe he has in Packard convertible You bought it twascoveredl rust andall woodwork and Réoitdi Bqrr1e Gough Janis Green anne Helimans Astrid mansiaurie Hamilton Harper Joanne HarperJ Frances Kell Marilyn Kali Eliiabeth Mary Kent oanne LeSage Lynn eas Helen Moioney Judy Nie Anna Maria Melchior Paul acdonald Nancy Min Marni GaleMacdona Pau White Mary wneet rigg Helene Elrnie Fredlllrnie Jane Betta Mark Brennan Col leen Burns JeanettaBrewster Linda Brewster Susannaviea Karen shined much charm tie approach to th of Work work on them and grow to like them Then you dont want to partwith them Its almost disease he said STILL MORE WORK Although the coupe looks com pletely restored ill isnt There are still windows to be iound and tow other odd and ends Complete restored price of the 32 is $3900 Mr Hill says They cost $2800 when 2000 of them were made during the depres sion Antique cars are the oniy ones that increase in value as the years go by he noted injuries Slight its Youth Struck Donald Eagles 17 of Mar garetst Angus received slight inturles last night when he was struck by car operated by Henry Kennedy 60 oi Bush St in Angus The accident occurred at 745 pm on Highway so just east of the Angus CNR crossing Eagles mifercd bruised Ielt elbow and cut above the leit arm Const KRobinson oi the Ontario Provincial Police inves tigated No charges were error th Oil Aarson Mr Booth Miss Bryson Misst Clough iey Mrs piggle Mrs Langiord Mrs Leeper Melenbacher MissA Mil gas Mrs Eadiield dempta Angus Ros cal veterinarians because lo ws muu blood banks or donors at their own it hlanevttcome in at any oi our veterinarianr meetings he said no Fisheriayrhe main 2Dr tainsa blood bank ofhlsown and has access todonors be applicable it is understood that Mr Hughes will speak on the ad ject in Hamiltonnoat month Major Promoted iil Base Borden Commander oi hlohile Corn manda Militia Artillery Rest mental headquarters at CF Base Borden former Major ll Buell so has been promoted to the ironic oi lieutenantcolonel LtCol Buell and his wife Joan reside at Walcberen loop liasa Borden Their daughter Pamela employed at the Hal iiax Chronicledieraid KAREN1 DISTRICT North Colieeiate won Ihsiirst annual lSCF sviimathon Suturday Here is the winning team swimanmn Raisesrunds For GroduatiOn Bouquet The lnterSchool Christian Fel lowship clubs at North and Cen tral Collegiates are always look ing for good ways to raise money for the grade 13 graduation bani queta they sponsor annually ran year they came up With swimathon nodMrs Ted Maxwell Fro lraw 1mm leit Mr Maxwell Bob Graham John Nicholso lt is Just like waligathon but the participants are paid for each length at pool they awhn The team from North consist lng of five teachers and five students managed 409 lengths in an hour and half Saturn Borriew DVeiegottes Stirring To Trudeau In Late Ballots Nine of the three Barrie dele gates to the liberal leadership the convention voted for Pierre El liott Trudeauon the first ballot but they did eventually and so they are hsppy with their choice Karl Romhild YoungLiberal delegate said hi voted ior Paul Hellyer on the first three ballots then switched to Mr Trudeau when Mr Hellyer went over to Robert Winlm As long as he was in the run hi my loyalty was to Hellyer said Mr Romhdd But between Winters and Trudeau Trudeau was the man thought that mdeau could lead the merelParty to clear victory in the next election he explained He is our leader now and Ill work as hard ior him as did for Mr Kelly iiir Cadets Out In iundDrive lit Barrie ilngus hisidtanpemtures Friday but Saturdays sales more than made up tor the slow start Tag days he an annualfuodraising effort lot Barrie Air Cadets of 102 Squadron and returns this year were well above averages More boys were out this ye 71 Friday night and 78 Satur Of these tour canvassed Angus while the rest knocked on doors in Barries residential areas and stood on the side walksin the thisiness district Doorer canvassing was empl ed this year iorth fir tune ol soveralr are Harry Young co freer oi the squadron said that public resource was excellent The people of Barrie and Angus really Put out for us he sponsorship oithe squadron by Wing the Royal Canadian Air For Aasociationdri Bar This ntoneythelps pay or iield tripsaod other outings pays transportation costs to parades andother functions buys modelcircuit team emu and otherextras Tbe squadrons annual father and banquet whida is com inf up the of evening Trudeau owned the countrys political fuone The Times said edito riallyioda lazilydefined desire Mr Romltild worked behind scenes for the transport min ister from the moment oi his arrival in Ottawa Wednesday He maintains that Agriculture Minister Greene would have been elected ii the election were dwlded solely on speaking ability He had everybody mes merlzed when he spoke Friday night Bruce Owen says the election at Mr Trudeau meant the dol egates became aware they must oiter thepublie an alternative which they did The maturity decided to pur sue the policy of liberalism said Mr Owen He said Mr Trudeau repre sented group ready to come to grips withproblems Winters according to Mr Owen repre sented theestahlishmeni it is very thrilling hut ex tremely diiilcult being dele gate said Mr Owen votr edior Mr Trudeau because thought he would be the best man for the country Bell voted for Agricul ture Minister Greene on the iirst ballot thenwent for Trudeauon the remainder didnt want to see him Show too badly said MrBeil We always admired Joe Greene He made brilliant speech Trudeau Called Symbol Change NEW sons toe The New York Times commenting on the Liberal pV ys eleet ierrrEih deausymbollzes canon of his rivals could sp and arohust new Canada The Liberal party inchooslng may have trans na surging it often for change on thepart of Canadians the recognition bymanymore thatchange ls essentialand inevitable Hiscandor andthe straaht talkha delivers in the most pro cise English and the best French heard from Canadian political pla ful citizens Adlai Stevenson it says has the lat Friday night that Justhmught sleigh the house recalls Mr Referring it Mr Trudeau he says dont think we have had anyone in my liiellme who could speak so movingly in two lan guages He is bilingual and hi eultural Even those who dont understand French sat up and took notice wh he switched to that languag Pearson Remains NonPartisan Through ltace UilAWA CF Prime Milk ister Pearson maintained nonpartisan stance to the end in the Liberal leadership race MrPearson and his wiie lis tened attentively Saturday night as the victory of Pierre Ellloit vlrudeau was announced then began chatting They neither smiled nor lrowned ould have been pleased at any oneoi thembeing elected Mr Pearson said as he lelthis special box in vthe rivest end ot the convention arena OIEO to the rostnan to greet his sucees WT voted on all The Pearsons four ballots Print Charged following Flight LONDON Reuters RAF has lifted asechr ilgbt or plane flight Friday between the spoon oi Tower Bridgehere jThe RAF nounced that old theroi iour FOAlan Polloc has been charged in onnec wi vPeggy Stevenlon Campbell Mrs Ted Maxwell Second Raw Bill lemmon George Couits Ruth Edwards day night Central was close with 400 Ted Maxwell area sponsor for the 50F and his wiieorlginat ed the swimatbon Theyhope to make it an annual eventand if enough money is raised have thoJSCF spvnsorigraduatinn banquets for students in the four year coursestoo Eastvtew Second ry School couldnt participate this year be cause of two other school pro tools that came up at the same time as the swimathon The money is nowheing col ected irom sponsors who have pledged sn average of Rent per length for each summer Norths graduation banquet will he held at Essa Road Pres byterlan Church April as Cen trals will be two weeks later in the same place To celebrate the end oi the swimathon held in the pool the swimmers threw Mrs Max wall into the pool lNVEsTiGATE ammo youth told city police that he was assaulted whenthe car in which he was riding stopped for red light at Dunlop Street at Eccles Street Saturday at 130 pm John Martinshanlrs 17 of 52 Clapperton said he was riding in car driven by Paul Parker or to Marcus St Barrie when the assault occurred The youths were westbound en Dun lop Street at Eccles when pas sengerme car in the rcar out and started to punch and ck Shanks Pair Newman 17 pi T2 Bayn ld St reported to police that she had been tied Roy Lams Cafe had been kicked in the back as she was leaving the restaurant Verle est oi Mincstng got asurprue ear imorning ashe was rivurg en the 9th concession of Vespra Township as some cattle ran and hestru Heather onion assaunrnn Saturday night She Lord noticethat she through te idJaonffoi him hank numerals it Dave Chambers John Stewart Examiner Photot Barrie Girls Barrie girl gymnasts were mong the winners at the Geor gian Bay Secondary School Ax soclatlon Gymnastic Meet held Saturday at Richmond Hill The overail champion wasWood bridge District High School but individual champions lhcluded Grade winner Janet Grantoi EastviewSeeondnry School 11 winnenKaronaiuir oi St Secondary School In Oriilla and Gr 11 nlnner up Donna Scott at Central Collegiate These three girls are all memi bers of the Barrie Gymnastics Club under the instruction of Mrs Cheryl Whitfield other winners at the competition were Paulina BaltonGrade 12 and winner from here Borden and Cathy Willoclr grade 10 win ner from Richmond Hill Theologian says llC Churchis Strong ilsEver TORONTO CF Rev Gregory Baum one of Canadas leadingtheologians and ateaeh er at St Michaels Collegebere says the Roman Catholic Church has enjoyed few peg riods in history in which she has been as healthy as today Father Baum horn in Ger many of agnostic lewish part cuts and who became Catholic in 1947 makes his observation in his booth The Credibility oi the Church Toda

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