marrow Mviï¬kï¬ or mw WWW mu Mwmwflm5mm any iiihmmhmflflï¬7 med cuticle Symptom Signal toaaea Home in Dear Dr Meler have quite problem with my naileaod wonder it you could help me The nail grow out lump they break and split The cuticle la red and puristMrs in this particular case the in ilamed cuticle probably it yal unbla clue Disease oi the cult cle can cause delolmity and ir regularin at the nail The dis ease mtld be itmgtu inlec tion in gw rm or ohronie bacterial iniectian oi the cuticle irritation caused by rough man icuring is also possibility However it it quite pointless ior me to try to alter remedy Diagnosing the troubleand thus being able to prescrlbe an cilective treatmentdepends on examination at the nails The only sound advice can other is to see dermatologist tskio rpeciallstt since ailments oi the nails are pm at that specialty fungus medication would be worse than useless ii the real trouble is bacterial laicotion and vice versa oughtbecause oi so many lettersto discuss brittle nails it is one at the common com plaints oi women but there lsnt to my knowledge any simple swiit remedy Extrema dict deï¬ciency as well as some systemic diseases can weaken the nails but not ther at these accounts ior most at the complaints The biggest single actor am convinced is that so many women cultivate rather long nailswhich no ally will break more readily than short ones But anothcr element on tors The nails like our muscles and bones gain strength with use and lose strength with luck at use The woman with long caro lully shaped nails takes pains not to exert mueh strain on the nails So the nails gradually he come weaker and are dedarer with the West hand it Three Nomi North loads deuce oihee lets mmeits fourcard auil IndyouwinSoutbokiax onderpooetbeaeiistnalotui pressure and strain seldom have any complaint about brit tie or weak nails tSueh people also malty keep the nails cut short wish 1qu recognising the ulnar utility oi the wish that it would become iashionable to keep ï¬ngernails short Then women would use theirhands more freely and the nails would benelll by the exercise Brittle nails how such common rum plaint would hcolne rare one Keeping the nails at least ma diam short instead or trying to growand then ovorproleet long ones is probably the best cure tor the situation But doubt it many women will take the advice and tomorrows mail doubtless will have its usual quota oi letters starting out take vcry good care at my nails but they are so brittle Dear Drlllolner notice that every time eat asparagus my urine takes on strong odor am and ot asparagus but am worried about thisJ You worry in vain sir its chemical reaction involving that vegetable and virtually every body noticesthat same odor Dear Dr hlolncr Just what does blood pressure reading at loose mean in man 86 is that high low normal good or badiE in man of 86 it is quite norr mat in tact exceptionally good TElEVlSION PROGRAMS BUFFALO BARRIE BUFFALO BUFFALO TORONTO ll HAMILTON MONDAY APR EVENING mo lDivnrce Court sBonnlo Prudden too Lseelet Storm zHurt llRll Pllroi tItndv Grilllth lCuttntry Murtc tiltl also 4mont anhnv Thomas llrhoto Ftolsb tnonrmoonrrr Hg Hecand Hundred act to lMerv Grlllln llGld lForost ttooxcr mo 61th or Conrrnuencu zttonhces tooo zt 5w Omr Award eCnrot Burnett 7Fiintatones 1an Mum 1N1 Valley Um Hartman llhlcw Grittln llGiliilans island WWW Md logo dzlto DLtteilia Blll Hmliio saowery arm Home 101 6Porry Mason WW7 kg LLVB LICY 34 ov Kid From mm Mln roan Uncle state 911 Nell The story ot 0x Wutner snort Joel zNo we sun aMullr Hell llPlerre Berton 7Gttnsmokl oaewttcnra azoo lLhlole min tNeus out Billet zTonlaht tVulhar Sport 1illnvie out 31 net lMo The hiarrylna Ltuclll all Kind TMfliicesflcciii it 523109 Th IllPie Berton 3me Malt 7Movle oNcwl one Weather Sports tcaml Burnett thlltt 3Pema Prob liVise TUESDAY APRIL ii MORNING AND AFTERNOON Mo lone two awtnoow on an zConcenitetlon slttovl World elrneooly Gllrtt tllte Golden dMotnlna Semester ABevrrly Hillbillies no Donna tlIncalNeuu 7Dlek Covet ihieet The lltilier aBtz Spandcrr lFetiect Mulch zTodly eNaws um X° kl tgfflilgiii In at mm tairay hniiiin Hits 11 World acrptalu Kettlltee WWW Tm Izno llschoilzol aouro 130 1110 Liam aerl illMIKE DnlliliIl urn 1Weddtnr rutv sLaur or our Live Putsrmu znoltywooo some PM aoono 44 ICilllHEilflC Salehdcred Talus moo agllayï¬ Newlywed Ganl Lad Men BUncle annoy Hm rrthtleeewlo Loom 7Diaufll ior Dollar ohumaer Room 1200 ilEd Allen LJaaportLv sun New ailsOnlutn School tNews Huaerueroee 10 tltourr rm 73pm ooro ilDflendun 24mm wlrrlrl trlhes Snorer 74mm arue an Misses anta tozoo tzzzu 2star Judgement Jledtln School aullre nonrlu J4SelrehJar morrow 41m Nor 1Outruenux 7Cotnmzrldrrfiom Opinion altr your Move llSttnshlne Schools iTo Tell The Truth 1Genenl Hospital DMlxiatraler Court lrne ammot kFlintstonns ViiMani hlailrnlnl 113 Bunny Connooiriir tucsnav APRIL EVENING lDlek Doha 100 sJu 2Divotae Court chws Honnte Pmddcn News Weather 4seorrt storm snanny Thomas Jilï¬ihtpw your Zllerv Griiiln SMothcrln aUnrlo Town an or Him conseouenm 1Filntstnacl ol Lovl Lucy llhy hlothlr Car mo SchInkeostein grammars31M Its ee ginMen From Uncle ï¬nalMl sRed Skeltoa llUnder Attack 151 Kevact BNetlonai Geoataohle llhierv Grtliln afghan no tolmortunnv Lure 110 ll nm Weather SDDflI Hob Canon the spades eliminated tram both oonolo In Conflict with the ace llowwould you demeanor utn xu 33 itclua axnea utt The only danger is that the adverse heart are divided 41 or 54 so all your etiorts are concentrated on preparing for that possibility Accordinxli You draw another round at trumps cash the Mt oi spades entcr dummy withe trump and rat the seven oi spade ii the queen has not iallen play low heart to the king and ruli the jack oi spades With all hands you now lead the king at clubs secure in the knowledge that the contract cannot be de tested regardless oi how the hearts are distributed it the detondar with the ace at clubs tines not have heart to return he must yeild toil and discard Also it he started with two or three hearts you automatically lose only one heart trick and make thecontract The only complication occur when he started with tour or live hearts but even then he can make only one heart trick ii North has the ace of clubs and QMx oi hearts you go tl will the tcn it he returns low cart or win his alternative lead oi the queen with the ace and play heart toward dummys ten it Soth has the ace of clubs and QJsx oi hearts his posi tion is equallynntcnable You follow low it he returns the nine of hearts and duck it he retunls the Jack or queen Either way you make the contract Cash the king and ace oi diamonds it it turns out that the suit is divided continue with diamond This brings you to nine tricks All you Jose is diamond and three hearts it the diamonds are divided it switch your attack to clubs by cashing the ace and iinussine lite jack ii the clubs are invar ably distributed you stlil make the hand Playing the diamonds ï¬rst oi iers two chances to make the lli soy awake aridlisten it youll go down and ma underarm ti has Christmas cry 5°35 IthAudihle 1Be 12 Ethgitlett overlainl tauntrue 8Mounted4 Davil carriage 14dier ahaaunt 15antot 9Pmli work dentist Anesthetic liegenti Celt 21Aiwaya demon 2LAmerieon lo Heartaned Indlltt 263mm 2Ventured earlheater attendants 31 With 320blnaae measure damning asbevoured at Hallstatt tone Suitanl decree 45th 40Woreted iBJoundec or Christian Science sedative at the Youth Power at Diocesan synod in Toronto tart weeketxir Weekend visitors with Mr and Mrs Jeonett were Mrs Margaret Pbulr Port Credit Gtariie and Raymond Elmer Britta Mr and Mrs Parker canteroo and iamlly Parrysound were with Mr IndMrs Earl Reid Mr and hits Ken Smith at tended the 50th wedding unlit versaly oi itir and ltlrr Spuri ing in Port Credit on Saturday and spent the wecIrEnd wlth Mrs Margaret Phatr Mr and Mrs Fred Reid Wainwright Alta caiied on Mr and Mrs Earl llrld thu week ltir and ltirs Don Sahlston lhornhiii Mr and hits Pleiller North Bay Mr and Mrs Gene Pieliicr Coiling nood were weekend vixilors with Mr and Mrs Norman Bury Congratulations to Miss Helen Smith who brought home tro PM for playing nor accordion at the Royal York Hotel last week hit and Mrs Fred Green Tomato spent the weekend with lttr and Mrs Burtlttcuan Several from here attended euchre party at Mrs Henrys in Thornton maid of the Brown lee The March meeting at Christ Church ACW was held at the home at Mrs Elwood Jcnilett and JeanJaonott presided rummage sale is to be held in Trinity Parish Hall Barrie irl day May 1030 am to pm Anyone wishing to donate may call mm Mrs Ken Smith Dorcas secretory reported need ior smallitems lllle wash cloths hobby pins noodles eta ior halo and members are ask ed toygive some of these Mrs James McDerlnott gave another interesting chapter from the study book ivy occordlonist Helen smith played several ae iecttons to our ofï¬ce lob lte yrile sandwich as shoppuh num arrogant 43Manl river nlcttn DONALD DUCK SECRET AGENT X9 GrtANDMA THESE HEARVIEW MIRRORS SURE HELP EYE DN LIVELY ONE LIKE LlllLE LEROY wcLlxo LIIG no HAVE mans THERE SOMETIMETDIHWK TO THINKWER IVUsed car from onnho wmk TODAYS GooowlLL usao CAR ml BUICK winners 4Doalllardtnp 15110 Goonwm LTD wahnarm hits two 8AM near sarweenme 5y BUZZ SAWYER illflflfl ll lPeltlc Junction all war4a II one analogueIll or one wall tlelerre Berton Bedtime Stout ilï¬rï¬nng womtorm room MutaGs AND SKEETERA