is CAPS Del on srnke PIERRE Eirle Inidoau elected leader of the Liberal party of Canada seems to have the light of inspiration coming from him Actual ita television floodlights be hind the man who Liberals elected to become prime min istcr of Canada as soon as Prme Ministerlrester Pcar son who announced his re tirement several months ago hands power over to Mr Tm deal CR Virephoto arran RIOTS deliCeTtOGlSSEï¬fï¬féé WashingtOn Curfew WASHINGNN Cl This violencescarred capital groped warfly today toward resuming its weekday routine and pushed plansto aid the hungry and homeless after three days of arson and pillaging But 11600 troops and more than 2000 police remaned vigi lant against fresh disorders Four confirmed sniping inel dants were reported as the riot Tipped Negro slums remained under rigid military control The iron enforced pm curfew vrtually halting the arson and looting in this city of 800000 people more than 500 000 of them Negroes fourth consecutive night at curfew was imposed for tonight starting at pmtwo hours later than that of Saturday and Sunday BURNING commons Smoke still oozed from the de bris caused by 751tlres since the arson and looting started RICHMOND Inoraiva Blast Kills 100 Injured RICHMOND Ind AP Weary searchers continued oday tugging at the wreckage of buildings shattered by an ex plosion that struck the business area as shoppers crowded streets and shops Thirtynine bodies have been rvcovered and 33 other persons are missing Fire followed the Saturday ex plosion in this eastern Indiana city and spread to adjacent buildings Three buildings were destroyed and five damaged se verely in twoblock area More than 100 persons were Injured Eighteen remained hospitals today three in critical condition State police said tliehlast erupted the basement of ar gtmsrCo good all where gunpowder was stored lfor hunters and akeet shooters F3 agents said they war in vestigating the possibility of gas leak as afactor in the ex plosion DETROIT AP and Detroit reelress tn discusaithe possibility of declared emergency BombingArea Cut carbon AP president more on vocx ScotlarrdiAP sporting held Wednesday night at 10 pm em meet todaywith resumingpublication during the citys Indiana National Guard said the ceiling of arestaurant where he was having lunch began falling on customers ran into the street and saw an injured woman atop Ser gents paint store Faust said gota ladder and with thoraid of others got her down She said she had been hlnvvn onto the roof by the explosion Mourning Delays Academy Awards iioLvaoon or Be cause of the mourning for the death of Dr Martin Luther King Negro civil rights leader theannualgvyards oi theth ï¬ademy sc eduled for tonight were postponed for the tirst time in 40 years Academy President Gregory Peck announced alter meeting ofthe board of governors Satur day that the Oscar eventvwill be Manors of lines ikeiiound Detroit om on represen Latlyes Job Sevenvcrew members were drowned abandoning the LEWton disahuck rock theNorih Atlantic Greek freighter Mania Scotlen 0r Thursday nighhos word spread or the assassination in Mem phis Tenn at Dr Martin Lu ther King Jr Pollee blamed six deaths and list iruurles on the rioting They reported 800 arrests Unofficial estimates said damage to insured property alonealmost all in the Negro conunerclal districtsmight surpass $10000000 Mayor Walter Washington an nounced schools businesses and government agencies would ra open at their normal times today Schools and government of fices wereordered to close 90 minutes early and businesses at 4pm so streets could be cleandby thetirne the pm curfew begins VANCE OPTIMISTIC Cyrus Vance President John sons riot trouble shooter told latenight newa conference We are not yet out of the whods but am hopeful the couraging trend will continu Ascourts worked through the night to arraign the thousands of persons arrested themayor Negro sa city an or leaders were moving tomeet the human needsfood sheir ter jobs and even cash created by the violence Loridon Jet Down With 131 LONDON AP British letilner bound for Australia and New Zeaiand crashed in flames at 1011an Airport today Re port from rascua workers said up to 70 and perhaps more of its 151 passengers plua crew ca caped Eï¬tish Airways Corp the planes owner said it knew oi 103 survivors The plane Boeing 707 crashed on the airports No runway minutes after taking off for Zurich the first of several intermediate stops Scores of passengers ran or lumped from the plane within seconds of the crash landing éBOACesald twaehcurs aiter the crash We know oi no la talitles but its spokesman Idler said that not all aboard had been accounted for RADIOS AlllPOltT Alrport officials said the planes pilot Capt Charles Toy lor radioed two minutes after takeoff that an engine had fallen oil The plane mode left turn at tempting tofreach cross run way0aimpact the port wing fell off Black smoke poured from the ownow Smith thinecu pin plainti Clerk eIta not complaint air He wants twoshoesthat squeak in the same Aboard plane as it lurchcd in Airport emergency services rushcd out alongside it it crashed within sight at Queens Building the main pas senger terminal building The buildings roof usuallyis crowd ed with spectators This was the Drillsh Islcs incond airdisaster within three wetks Ito Irish Aer Lingus Viscount crashed oif Wales on March 24 killing all 61 aboard Only ii of the bodies so far have been re covered from the sea JOrdcrnsVZGhargés marriiMliKrns PLIIN arrays VANCOUVER CF Somethlng went astray in Barbara Iiartzs attempt to play matchmaker for Paul Kramer tried to marry Pa oft to someone else she conlt icssed but it didnt work The two who met Christmas when Mr Kr mer was hr hospital were married Friday night never thought she said that Id be getting married again at my age 73She is at Mr Kramer is Israeli Invasion lhe Jordanian government said an Israeli armored force invaded Jordan south of the Dead Sea today under the cover of Jetiighters Heavy fighting is raging it added helicopterborne Israeli troops crossed the Jordanian boundary in hot pursuit during run ning fight with band ofarmed saboteure number oi sabo teura were killed in the heme the Israelis said Jordanian Armycomrnur nique said the anmored foree ondjinits of Israeli paratroops Who were landed byhellcoptera had managed by Jordanian Army units Says Greeks litre Resistance Against Junta TORONTO CF Andreas Papandreou former Greek eco nomica minister told more than 5000GreekCanadia undeye that foundationls being laid now forrcsistance to the mill taryrregime which has ruled me since last April He said hecould notig any bout jESISKBIICB plans but did say that the Greek navy and air force are against the junta and that ready to side an uprising Mr Papandreou is is the son of formerCreekprimc minister George Papandreou He is in Canada toleeture at York Un varsity and to campaign against Canadian ai forth military re gime lie to eering crowdatw varsity Arena tbnt the junta headed by Premier George Pa padopoulns former colonel one of the worlds most brutal with the people in in aior iiaaiis Guardsmen ran ASSOCIATED press Violence looting and arson scourged sections othaltimore and Pittsburgh Sunday but armytroops and national guardam roirght Vinto quell enforced an unea Washington and Chicago hardest hit by the violence which broke outThursday night in the wake of theassassioation anrdur have died injure trouble which strutsr more than dooen USl cities In addi more than 1000 ave been in jured and almost 6000 arrested While the violencein most ot the major Only hours after segm am of the 4000 national guardsmen were nrduty ing the Reserve fleets flhain ing Corps on the campus oi Tennessee and StateUnl versity site of recent racialyio lease was destroyed by fir Sunday night licesatd it ap nd dbe some prom en so es lootedand morathan room hotel the agencyconflrmed that Phnom largepart of the amiy would be predominantlyNegro Hill District Sunday night but early today state police at said things are settling flaw The hairy calm in Chicago and the US capital was being enforced by 32000 army troops and national guardsmen Washington Mayor Walter Washingtonmnnounced series of emergency measures meet the humanineedsl Lo Iinea fonnedgrï¬sideé the few open airperm Ian commu nitygroupavcollected toadtor HANOI AEP iei nan has proposed Phnom Penh Cambodia as the site for first ntnct with tileUnited States Penhrhad beenproposadas or site when it published report today on nninterview which North Vietnama Foreign Mlnia taer meals and tried to on ways to provide cash for families Ieft pennilcss by the disaster The Amman government laid the Israeli attack was preceded by an exchange of gunfire across the River Jordan divid ing Jordanand Jordanian territory now occ Tire lsraeli Army said that ii tr Wits io upled by lsrae YllAWA lCFiw liberal Leader Trudeau Sunday ruled out snap election He told news conference that Parliament will meet as Ichaduled April and deal with legislation already on the order paper though not necessarily all of it Parliament should have good long summer holiday and return in September for new session and speech from the throne hfr Trudeau who will take over as prime minister in about two necks eschevred the title prime ministerelect Ho said he will not become prime minister until called upon by GovemorGcneral Michener Mr Trudeau declined to dis cuss the makeup of his cabinet beyond saying what he had at ready stated Thatlho cabinet ministers who were party leadr come in it if they wanted to stay He had not yetdisrussed with Prime Minister Pearson when he would take over from him formAn governmcntrrhtethis pglunt he was the liberal leader ership candidates would be wetl Healing Convention Wounds kneadyes first literate bachelo But he wanted to make the people who worked hard for the other candidate feel at home in the party There would bemcet logs in tho eomlngwecksrwith party workers across the coun try with himself or his repre sentatives Mr Trudeau said he is consl cringestabiiahment of regional desks in the prlrnejhdnlsiera it saidtllezshnnting started it 10 mm and that the invasion force entered Jordanian territo ry an hour and 40 minutes later The eonununlque did not give the size hfthe attackingforce beyond lying itconsisted of iaIined columns and helicop tarborne troops covered by thick umbrella of Israeli iels It said=the invading force was heading through low lying coun try toward IIarnrat Dan and 3mm southeast of the Dead t1 lhe communique said two IS minute and 10minute artillery duels flared betweenvthe two sides across the Jordathlver north of the Dead Seain the Karameh area while the south TO BEAT WOUNDS top priority in the coming weeks and months to trying to heal the wounds the Liberal party caused by the leadership con venti personalities rather than party Policies Aiter this kind of bat scars he said easy to achieve unity among the cabinet ministers for the leadership Mr Trudeau said he will give tie is the wounds involve there are always some Mr Trudeau said it will be who competed rudeeu Clincher Victory otfico tolmprova communicnH tionshetween Ottawa and the various regions of Canada Every region seems to bean orphan in this party antrudeau aaid separath has lost ground in Quebec part ly as result of the federal pmtdndalwnatitllflnnal confer ence in FebruaryQuebecera had seen theopenmindedness oi the other provinces He wanted greater harmony between the federal and provincia parties in Quebec see much Liberal ern attack was under way Other unconï¬rmed reports said Israeli forces also trying to cross the Jordan River eeasire line north of the Dead Son at Allenby Bridge scene of were rogue Theatre5 rv Listingsin thers Womens6 omnwucr ierre llott Trudeau became Canadas next prime minister Saturday night in the roaring climax to chi drama ship iectual with the shy captivating grin clinched victory on the fourth ballot turning asidea surprising surge by formcr the Liberal leader trade minister ItobertWinters Mr rudeau led all the way but it was nipandiuck finish against the Winterseharge The final hallo harhelor justice ulster ol most unknown to Canadians minister and the fairs only to stayin other candidate it the ï¬nish drew 195 sevenhaur of incredible politl hin His first gasture nid on Fourth libero Ballot illed the last drags ofiLa emo tron ate spectaculardemon stration for Mr Trudeau as he inched his way through throb to rthe convention platform for his Women weptopenly as the slight FrenchCanadian stood looked piercingly into the stea mine amokéshrou ed arena stands thanked the fly for the hnnorit had pai him and added slowly The onlyVWay in whi can showmy appreciation will hcvto hear this responsibility with all or strength and with all my en er HE ty all Canada has talked about for tommonths John Turner consumer at for dighedlam to sub do he picked up waie ass on the lectern peered too it then held it upside down to show it was empty look of Erie des air crossed his face Mr Trudeau wiii be the youngest Liberal prime minister ever and the youngest of any stripe after Conservative Arthur Meighen whowas also OTTAWA CP ballots at the Lib convention Saturday Candidates Trn an mantratzssr Lowman oneitch al oti llyv eliminate éw otter hird Kieransafter MacEathen nnouncad