Parents Responsible For Punishment Of Child were miss ng and for the lite at me eouid not figure out what had happened to them Now know Should tell my hmband and let him handle Itt tile is much more strict than and he might be awlully hard on the boy Or should keep my My hand out at ii and deal with the boy in my own way Please ad Vise The salesmana Mother Dear Mother Diseipllno should be the Job of both par ents Dont say Wait until your father comes home etc Simply nlr at the boy in his fathers presence and decide together what the punish rnent should be DAD ll WRONG Dear Ana Lanaara My daugth is is and attrnetlre lily husband is it bright pleas ant but somewhat on the Iliad side When they began to ski to gether wasdellghted because saw chance or dad and danflttergohaveafldnueregai tionahip ewas man oillsh with her and shewasawareothis eyaeerntohegomel tly believe her lather should open doors for her help mm ill her with her all shoes pick up things things the drops in public and so on its ieeis this nonsense According to him the rtiiterence In their ages as well as the fli iai relationship makes the man ners hit dull and void in tact he insists that she should do those things lor him Your opinion is wanted Trouble on the Slopes Dear Trouble Simply be cause people happen to be relat ed does not excuse themirom being courteous to one another Manners are nothing more than consideration Your should treat his daughter as he would any other young woman and thh means holding the door tor her helping her with her ski shoes and so on SEND nun BILL Dear Ann sanders have been going steady with nice man tor twnyonrs We are both single and in our mldthlriles rue main EXAMINER FRIDAY APRIL ms entaliy Handicapped Teens Offered Shelter And Future LADNER EC unique is npened is oors during Merginter in this Fraser Valley community to otter shel terand lutureto retarded teenagent There were no brass bands on hand tor the opening oi the llrst permanent quarters of the Vari ety Farm Training Centre tor the mentally handicappedlust group otrparenuand the first lens resident students Tho 7650011 residence is tho 1de LaMarsh MindsiiiMini orrAwA CF state Secre tary JudyLalilarah wore styl ish red dress to the Liberal leadership convention Thursday night instead of the miniskirt aorne expected did two oi the candidates pearls as jewelry ries were black Mrs Lester Pearso rived at the centre stage of the Civic Centre in simple green dress of rich material and lightvbrown iur stole Among the wives of the lead ing leadership candidates who held their share of the limelight was Mrs Paul Martin in light apprinotahads dress DON BTATELY BLACK Nearby surrounded by sup porters of Transport Minister Hellyer sat his tail stately wile wearing black dress With wrda no accesso white rultles around the neck and sleeves anddown theiront Mrs Erie lflerans dusky rose dress an with pink accessories Mrs Robert Winters arrived wearing white and grey nah terned cost over pale blue dress jWilliyeah sleeves and pear ew The young mothervtobe Mrs John Turner selected navy bluedress that highlighted her biondeblneeyedheauty The neckline dipped modestly to how trim She wore single strand pearinecirlace and mstching bracelet Mrs Joe Greene was or course dressed inggreen as re her three daughters She had chosen shit woods green oi gmtlyshirnmering iabric Tiny dropearrlngs no eented hersitlgh bouflant hair leL tines LaMarsh told reporters recently apparently as joke that she would awhile iminlskirt andredbooia inlthe eonventlon and Maya white we love every sire ELI magmas The Aiiirmatlon every stranger will lrlen in Lesson Ma 1251441 slii°3n no oil coflflllirnlldl gt3le Ill let normr Aueclatiq taught farm work latest step in $500000 live year plan by the Variety Club of Western Canada to provide lam training centre on the loo aore tract in the past the arm has con centrated on teaching its part thne studan something about growing ï¬eld crops such as sugar heel and potatoes Now with lulltime residents lawn instructors wfll branch into breeding of pedigreed live stock including mills cows sheap and swine Executivedlrector Seiwyn SiA mans said his studentsnormal physically but withmenial ages oi six or sevenyearoidsare by demon stration Some have been taught to drive tractors he said Others show an aptitude tor greenhouse or field op work its just matter of ï¬nding youngsters aptitude tor work ing with greenhouse or field crops said Mr Simons iw¢gt¢ DEMONSTRATION See the eliciting new POLAROID COLOR PACK CAMERA Millennium lnjOurCamernwDepnrtmenta were discussed or the clubs rummage sale to he held April at to un in the True an out Members were reminded at future club intervisitatlons the ï¬rst to be Aptll to in Oshawa and the second April 17 in nos upWe always celebrated these occasions together Shall mail himacardorairiendlynoteor perhaps Klittle gilt teel that want to send him something What do you suggest sudden Juli Dear Jolt Send him bill and forget about the creep icoke slate at oiiieers was pre tented by the nominating com mittee Mrs Jim Shelawell pres ideal and Mrs Carl Romhild past president The election will take place at the nest meeting to be held May at the say viaiw Roomiulravlew Rataur an PEOPLE AND PLACES Call Audrey Coulson or Social notes arezhledded to com the general social lilo oi the d0Dlstrl eweddinga anniversaries bridal showers parties travellers and visitors aro aii lien oi interest to readers at this page Your help in snppiying this news will be greatly appreciated Please phone The Barrie Es amlner mean and ask tor Audrey oonison or DecWm met at the Womens Depart ment FLORIDA VACATION Mrs Dick Steele Coilingwood St was guest recently at Bocaelega Innsh Petersburg Florida She returned to the cityThresday evening via Air Canada following vacation of five weeks duration ENGAGEMENTS Mr and tttrs Edwin Cav enough of Barrie havsonnounc ed the engagement of their daughter Janine Ellen to Nor man Ferguson The bridegroom toflse the son oi Mr and Mrs George Ferguson also oi Bar rie The marriage ceremony will take place May 17 at 730 pm in St Marys Roman Catholic Churchphalrie The engagement oi Miss Car her oi Jeanette Peneyead to Robert Arthur Carter has beenannounc ed by the hrldeeleets parents Mr and Mrs John Pennyead oi Long Branch Ont The bride groom elect is the son of MT and Mrs Dnnzil Carter oi Cum berland Stharrie The wedding will take place May at the Church oi Atonement Alder wood Rev Kiddeli will tlciste at the live oclock me many reeption will toliow at lthe Piclstair Restaurant Toron DAFFODILBALL gals dance party sponsored by the Nurses Alunurae will take piaca this evening in Barrie Armoury when the Alumnae marks its annual Datlndii Bail The party will begin at DEPARTMENTSTORE Polaroid 220 TalsesBiack andVWhite lures flash indoors child can take them Polaroidzm Specldi fold down View finder and triplet lens com binéd with all in worth bee Wismer at 7266537 dock and music tor dancing Will be provided by George Wilsons Brass Ban ieiiowedby but let supper FASHION SHOW preview Easter parade will be held in downtown Woolt Enhï¬ Baytieid Sifthls eto ning and again on Saturday morning when fashions tor every age will be modelled in the store Mrs Wendy Hicks will he commentator Tonights show begins at 180 pm and on Sat ultiay morning the show starts at imao oclock FRIENDSHIP CLUB The Senior CitizensI Friend ship Club entertained members oi the newly iormed Lakeiand Club at the regular neekiy ses sion on Wednesday in the Loyal True Blue Hall High St Dinins the soda alternoon it tabla ni euchre were played with other gameshvailable lor those not playing cards Prizes were won by Mr Oouchman Mr Adams liiirs Donaldson and Mrs Bear on draw tor quilt made by club members was won by Mrs William Boyd tooled leather wallet made by another mm was won by Mrs Catherine Smrthers set oi sheets and pillow cases was won by Mrs McEiwain At the close members and Kmts onloyed tea and home made san es and cookies RUMMAGEJALE The United Church Women of Ooliier St Church are sponsor ingvalmmmage sale tomorrow morning at am in the Church Hall There whl be neariy new section as wall as low srnali antiques sovn CALLS An Arab strokes his chin in appreciation ot pretty girl Portuguese shows his apprecia tion by pulling his ear So easy to se eve