Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 28 Nov 1967, p. 9

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MOST of the country is still under cold spell today with snouilurrics forecast or most oi Ontario and Quebec Fig ures on map indicate expected DISTRICT wearers CloudYj Cold Forecast For The weatherman is iorecest ing cloudy day withlocal snow lqualls today Vcdnmdny should Ioe variable cloudian but the snow is forecast to continue Temperatures will remain on the cold side The overnight low re corded downtown at tho Exnm iner Ottica was 10 degrees The temperature at earn was degrees Tonom cr Oiticlal forecasts issued at 530 am EST today Synopsis Brisk vest iv winds continue to sweep cat in BUSINESS BRIEFS mi CANADIAN amiss WINS NOD AWAND The Food Industry oi Canada presented awards at Toronto Monday to three food executives tor their contributions to the business Receiving the awards were Frank Juno oi Mont real president oi Shop and Save 1957 Lick Paul Bicnvenu at Montreal president or Catclii Food Products Ltd and Wherry of Pcterborough presi East Quaker Oats Co of Canada BUYS SHOPPING CENTRE Marvin Kratter of New York NY Monday plurchnsed Thorndch shopping Centre and Town and Country Square shep plng centre in Toroto or 59 town at auction Mr Krat ter head of the Ontariobased Thornnrat Ltd Was the lone bidder at the auction SUSPENSION STANDS The Toronto Stock Exchange said Monday it will continue the suspension of the Montreal brolt kerage iirm oi Bouchard and Co Ltd pending receipt ol li nancial inlormntlon from Mont real auditors about the com across the Great Lakes giving snoutiurrics to most oi southum Ontario and heavy snowsoualis to the ice of Lake Huron and Georgian Bay Wednesday tem peratures wni continue on the cold side but there should be more sunshine and lighter winds Toronto Hamilton London Windsor Sudhury North Bay Lake St Clair Lake Erie southern Lake Huron Niagara Lake Ontario liaiiburton north crn Georgian Bo regions with ii few scatter snowilur ties today dendto 15 cents irom 25 cents The board said in statement that the reduction is in the best interests oi the company in View of in cinrent earnings and the sbnruzrm mltioolt Over 70 per cent of Domtars sales are in the pulp and paper industry PRODULHON DROPS Canadian steel ingot produc tion totalled 160790 tons last week drop oi almost three per cent irom the preceding week the Dominion Bureau oi Statistics reported Monday The bureaus index of production based on 195759 output equal ling 100 waa 138 last week in sweet earlier and bid year 880 FEWEE FAILURES Canadian business iailures in October totalled 178 down from losin the same month last year Dun and Bradstreet of Canada Ltd reports Liabilities amounted to $14800 almost high temperatures for the day GP wirephoto snow Area Sunny with cloudy period Wednesday Continuing cold Winds westerly no to 30 today northwest 15 tonight and Wednesday Northern Lake Huron south ern Georgian Bay Algoma relt glans Mainly cloudy with local squualls today variable cloudiness with tow man ribs Wednesday Continuing cold Winds westerly 20 630 today northwest in Wednesday Cochrane western James Bay regions Mainly cloudy with occasional light snow today Variable cloudiness with low mowilur rics Wednnsday Continuing cold Winds northwest to liloiitreal and Ottawa regions ibday mainly cimdy but with may iods and with few snowi us little colder Winds westerly 15 during the daytime light at night ForceII temperature Low mum hm Wellerme Windsor 15 so St Thomas 15 so London in Kitchener Mt Forest iVlngham Hamilton St Catharines Toronto Petcrborough Kingston Trenton Killaloa Muskoka North Bay Sudhury Earlton Soult Ste Kapuslrasing White River Moosonee lirmnins mv nmnnnn WANT ans unnnnssanrsmn museum if continua rm m1 ouserutl primal to in investigative to the new niintster aimedreuniti and mount siisirs was de ieated in the Commons tto prov ricer rcvev board in klllll on setting up the del pnrtrnrntslso was defeated 1bebiiloctting up the av departmentlwas given iinrl Corinne won at the end oi the nightslttlng External Mills Minister Martin said thevgovernment will male close study oi President da mulleo new statement about Quebec rov ercigniy beiorc reacting to it Former prime minister Dieienbnker said Prime Min ister Pears must not nu syieot slain in his response to the French president Agriculture Minister Green announced that 11 Censdia vetcrhnrinns will assist in Britains against toot sndqmwi The prime minister arrived he in Ottawa alter wcclr ion my in london TUESDAY Nov to The Commons meets at mo pm tolcnnslder egov mount resolution to raise postal rain The Senate is ad iotirncd until Dec DEATHS By THE CANADIAN linens gt Paris Lily modesFrance wife oi limiter French prcmicr Pierre hlendeslihancc alter long illness Oltlwn Rollo Grain 81 chairman oi the board of Croid Ltd iamin lirm that grew intovona oi the largest lime in Canada alter long illness DECISION RESERVED Decision was reserved at Win nipeg Monday in the Bank oi Western Canadas appllcation are permanent liquidator to handle its windingup dktrlbu tinn oi assets m1 rennin ifNEitivity sqyenécyyf licking this Nativity Scene on spark sunny pleasant hours complete relaxation tor the an the ismily The pattern uttered below provides lull airs cutting guidanr making the credit and the entire group oi ll fir nrcn The stable measuring 16 inches wide by It incth blah Ll ideal tor use on table or below Christmas tree Each mine is in traced on psnelhoard then out to exact shape at pattern Painting guides on ttcrn can be tracedthen pr ntcd colors pattern specifies Guide line separate cloncnlor To add realistic touch spread draw or moss on the floor of the stable and on the plhtiorm outside can Standard Imprecficai us States WASHINGTON tAPl re turn to gold monetary stand ard as suggested Monday by French Pruident de Gaulle is considered impractical if not impossible by us oitlclals Such move it is lelt in some quarters could lead to con traction in world trade crooscd unemployment sharp swings in domestic cro nnmic activity Some officials doubt that even do Gaullr really would welcome return lo strict gold stand nrd where ctirrcnciu can be ex changed lrccly for gold This could create run on French gold now the second lnrgest stockpile in the tree world at 35100000000 The US stocirpilo is about $13 00000000 At the present price oi $35 In US an ounce the tree worlds Supply ot goldilsted by the in ternational Monetary Fund at roughly 54300000000 in otilcinl overnment holdingswould be or ram suliiclent to finance world trade wmwnatorrmwmW of achieved command in Cyprus and colorful llgbllnl client one be by concealing still Christmas tree bulb in bed oi stable To obtain hillasitc pattern 10 rent cute in coin or mon ey order no stamps Pleaserr Nativi Scene romplete cat alog ustrntingm other bulld ityourscli pattern proiects and home iinpmvrmem books is vaiiahle at St Please add per cent sales tax on pattern only Send order to Carpentry Dept Barrie Examiner Box 506 Adelo aide St Toronto Ontario worm BRIEFS N0 TROOP REQUEST 01lIiWA top Delence Minister Cadieux toldtheCom monr Mondaycanada has bad no request to supply additional troops to the united Nations Wallace Nfibllt iPCOxiurd had allted whether the government has de cldcd to increase the Canadian contingent which now totals early 900 men WILL ABSTAIN OTTAWA CF Canadnwlll abstain on French resolution at the United Nations which seeks to reova Lionalist China and sent in mmunist China memo Altair Minis ter Martin said Monday in the Commons Temis Meeting lls Fascist OTTAWA CF Postmaster General Jean Pierre Cote said Monday the fourday meeting oi the EstatuGcneraioi French Canada was conducted in lastlsi mil No one could emrm view point contradictory to that oi the resolution which was under examination he said in an in tcrvicw This was truly ins clst The meeting oi the Estate General attended by Mr Cole hcsvliy endorsed resolution demanding the right to solide terminnilon or hench Canadian natio whose nation oi territory was datined as Que bec province ens ANill Canadasiairgest selling wine mm momentum nrmmo NayCloae Centre Al McIntyre Ont SOHUMACHER on CF TbaMdntyre community build ing housing In Lament Irons curling rinir gymnasium and auditorium will close next spring unch new group takes over iu operation vlilanaicr Pater McCrndan said the build ing has but moncy every year since itsopcnina in 1539 This years loss may be 900000 the highest yet be sold CAR AND TRUCK irnsniu ATTRACTIVE YEARLY RATES CALL 7266474 LARRIE DRIVEACAR Li Essn ltd Allandsle GUARDIAN DRUG STORES and triple instOctobers 585 PHONE mam of Simone roon WRAP ill only wx loo 39¢ no purchase NECESSARY WHEN YOU Bill Thllutal dCana ollgiizexchlingetls lielted Ilire com ASSESSMENT DEPARTMENT figmmmmflm ring Requires the services oi aiull time female stenc typistinihe County Administration Building Bar conn BUYING snows rie0ntario Torontos chartered banks said Monday business Salary schedule available on enquiryGood working was slower in the gnlrilrade 191 conditions and fringe benefits such as Vacation with Wing assurances from pay PSI Hospitalization Plan etc tadySchickficnrnlcn Elettlric SHAVER liih Exclusive Miwide brushes Mills GIH SET jcirino mulmcloiopielorTalcunPnhdn1tizl Hand LotioninzqlnGlFT cox lISTEItINE Sum adocent reduction of lhe Jan Int at 1968 common share divi We éflfidaardianlluiSIOlGV htreebookletoutlininnyour new ouanpiiiu DRUG STORES PHlLlPS 25¢ IfllliElIOfmultiELEViSM ill PESELECTEJAIIUARYWJR ternatianal gold pool that the price will be maintained atfis an ounce us On Friday cus tomers lined upuloo deep at some gold counters and plugged trading telephones with orders DIVIDEND DOWN The board of directors of Domtar Ltd Monday announced lttlitiiii Written applications wiilberecelvedhy the under signed up to 30th November 1987 Stanley Symondr MAMA County Assessment Commissioner OZ iTeiephone 728l22l1 AERO StJL WE RESERV TH To LiMIT QiJANTiTiE Pitt lliilfifiiitlifiou coon cansruas manna lhylmddlulxnhbisF recoursiraswuaurynn 1HIS EORMI ENTERS YOU lN THE some rins coupon 19 our sronE Government Pension Plan Survivor Benefits mm 510mm Did you know that by February at 1963 if ynir are like most Canadian breadwinnrss yourllmily will be autnrnaticaliy provided with regular monthly income in the eventpf your death gt lotoi poo to dontrraiim this And that is why Manufacturers Life has prepared an informative Ts1 munmummImn booklet outlfiing what these benefits will mean to you and your family avg $2 90 It explains how the new survivor benefits will provide solid base for complete sentrin program mmfimoflmaflmm It will alert you in the advantage othnving these new benefits rnperly integrated with your Eenonal liieinsurantx group coVernge and other assets to achieve botg your long and shortrungs jeetivcs ioriarrulysoquit Return the coupon for the rec booklet Your Canada and Quebec Pro on Plan Benefits if you would like professional advice on this subyeot call Manufacturer Lilo represented oujre coking at one at them right now gt GUARDIAN SPECIAL Canadian towerrwhoslaflrd kirtgconln imulolhc Canddaor QnrbrcrmlnnPIanermnry gt 1966 Iyau didnt viarl until later canine your Mundaclwerflte rcpmrnlnrtve He will gladly letyon km what yownmiiy will 11111110 for survivor mine TISSUE Amoco Piefls send mo our book Your Canada and Que Pentlnlr Pill Bandits announcesPink Yatnwandfiwb AM inrssiinsoiii mi or his lliilll srrcnisawuiaiirAroitouniiuiiinnuosronss HannaHousewares Livingston 01 Manulnetnrcrl Liie Insurance Compan PD Box 545 Barri Onlnrln Wleingslnll LU Representative BARRIE Telz728559rt when 48 Com nsr

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