TO GOOD HEALTH masoninorzuau mill ueylaveecxenj Eartdealer uanerltcerd at epinle Experiments have shown that to have the figure for quarter TNawa to rank in Korai ii7riurc Barton we 2rant Music mil 3HT Fontbott CPII 1210 mgrma Preenim ReduceSCaiories With Smaller Meal By JOSEPH MOWER Dear Din Moinrr DOCS it make any ditierenee how many times day eat it dont eat any more than would eat in three regular meals Also would person gain weight by having quartercup of ice cream between menialJv Yes it makes difference nlthough am not prepared to say lust how much diilelenee there is greater tendency to gain weight from the same number oi calories if the food is eaten all at one meal Dividing the some amount of food into several smaller meals results in its weight gain Thus technically you could divide your food into say six meals and woidd gain less weight from it Practically however some other intestions enter into it The person who is trying to re duce by skipping meal say breakfast or lunch usually tends to eat more at the next meal ai two and thus doesnt succeed to shedding weight dilfcrent trap often foals people who try to eat numerous small meals It is not easy to keep track of the true calorie value and it is doubtful if you can hold your food to the same total amount unless you resort to careful measuring and weigh ing The eyes dont always agree with the stomach and theres temptation to eat more than you think you are eating PLAN MEALS if you are ryillg to reduce your weight think it would be more practical to plan three meals day with lowcalorie snack at bedtime Or it rather you are trying to gain then eat three solid meals day with some highcab orie snacks Whats this about ice cream between meals if you are re ducingnnl If you are trying to gain yu because ice cream is high in calories dont happen at cup because more or less average sewing is figured at ounces or something under half cup and that is figured at iiiii calories quarter oi cup would work out to perhaps as calories or so for vanilla and somewhat higher for choco late or sweeter flavors Dear Dr lilniner lily hus band who is about 25 pounds TELEVISION BUFFALO BARBIE BUFFALO BUFFALO TORONTO ll HAMILTON TUESDAY NOVEMBER 28 EVENING twiin 53 MIX Is Hammunicata Sig Siflm SN vc ury we liSunnl RENE arne 500ml trmulyol conreonenm ianie iTnllL One False Stun sFflflS llbly ninthrr Laatnun am also sinnkenltein LPerry Mason 7Flinblorlu ilCombat amktnri zoc Land And Sea up khfr an FM 2Snftball aPetiteent Junction mo 4way Weather 1liovie Odds Against Tomnmwt llPtcrre Berton WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 29 em ltiilnvie ZWindow on the Blondiei World Hammer Semester lnao lLmai News aFriendiy 700 4Beverly 21oduy Lhateiine airnnrldo clan znlovlr dNews Hollywood 7wtnaow on tha mm 112W mo 7nociletshlo not DTugboat LCIntnln nglran 1m IllSchlitz Hausa JFlck or DUnlvenlty or the Air inlalinp nel Dollars 54 ZvTopver aGood Morntnr lzon Lculien Frederick Liaonardy nnolnner Ronni llEd Allen Sports Lliinvie aontann school lbnva at Life Meia llDntarlo Schools 1210 rlln vuo omen ecandld clinch LUncle Bohby Wannasna NOVEMBER 29 EVENING EW tléewakwcather ZMilre Douglaa pox Homnnlcute 4424 isemt Storm 91 Love Lucy lisupu Heroes on 313m in We dTnithyor 59 Consequence Lgiiovlo st tine auui ltF mop 5i 320m irrrry Mason 1Filntstnnes iiHm ado ill ti 31 to LMLIsinn llMavia World 7Movia lluPiariilr nun axon aHa And sn eNam Weather Spun DHockey can IHrwe sNews Wcather nNews Weather Sports Ulnthrmlnruw limktall aNewa Weather aiiiotheretnllrw elilidwrstrln Wide llllierv Grisltn eiileh ind Wild aRat rltmi pm meantime 53° liCclebrity sauna Hy cm Jvlierl Shelton ezao liGunsznoka 4Rcd skaiten Sports 7invndels Mellolea Navvl ZConcentratinn zPersoliality seirnrersnp liJD aAndy Grittith 7Honeymoon ruee iHollywood Squares 4Dle Vzri Dyke 7Falnilv Game 210 llMalriage am Conï¬dential Hles Weather tzllu On The Waterfront 4lo Tell The Truth slorunto lnnay iithlia Plovlu eMerv Grltiin BSearcb inr Tomorrow lSeareb or Tomflmw llile And She 93 3Dilttlfl Dundre and The 4lta anionWorld D7Flirltatollra mum ilWait Disneys mm aTha vlrzinian lLost in Space inionkay business otnvaden overweightin me that when ever he catches cold he should feed it Ha believes the old adage Starve lever and feed cold say he is wrong Who in rightIMrt GhlK You are But if he is 15 pounds too fat he obviously likes his victuals and the old and iangdiscredltcd wheeze about feeding cold is an en cuse Best ride it rest and raths er light nourishment for either cold or fever Dear Dr liloiner Is it good for us old people to drink milk am 79 and was taught that it was one or our best foods for all ages but now have been told it is wrongMrs NN have never been able to find out why there is this criticism of milk which we hear from time in time Milk is nourish llig food and furthermore is very rich in calcium There are many older folks who dont got enough calcium either for their bones or to prevent easy bruis trig gtase or two or three day depending on how much you like is good for you at 7B or 99 tinth vulnerable Hm KJG 65 eras ï¬AKi WIS on loan 30 ea QOTIE soon AQM 0A he Hiding not South Wu North Paaa 1M Pea am coming lead king of dia moods The twopronged endpiay is comparatively rare but actual iv it requires no greater effort to produce than the ordinary endpiay encountered so olten West led the king of diamondl which South ducked in the hope of diamond continuation How ever West switched it the dance of hearts slnca he could tell that his partners eight was not really comeon signal but the twat diamond he could play Dcclarer ducked Easts lack of hearts but won the continua tion of the king with the see be cause planned to use the nine moment later on By this time there was strong inference that West had started with four hurt and five cilde IMEM had failed to return diamond at trick three Declarer nexteaslred the ace of clubs and four spade tricks noi tng that West bod shrted with three spades wh teh suited Souths plans to He as imaxxrlgrtibgut Irin nlng queen East had only clubs ielt at ihti point and had to lead one awny from the queen giving south free elnb linesie and his ninth nick at the same time it is true that East could have avoided the endplay by dis carding the queen oi hearts when deeiarer cashed his fourth spade However tth unusual dbcard would have been compch in effective East would have voided the cndplay all right but West would have found himself endplayrd lnsteadi Had East discarded the queen of hearts South would still have exited with the nine of hearts This time West would win the trick with the in and could also cash the eight but he would then be forced to lead dia mond into Souths AJ and hand delegarer bla ninth trick in thli all All roads were bound to lead to Romoi JULIEI JONB DONALD DUCK Crucial Date Is Seen For Australian PM MELBOURNE GP one elal date is approaching in the political career of Australian Prime Minister Harold Holt On Saturday Nov 25 Australians will vote for 30 senators one half oi the total in the upper house How they vote will mean one of two things to Holt The pair pla will have confirmed the vote of confidence they passed in his government year ago or he will have been served warning that the long years of Liberal rule are coming to an end There already have been hints of change with two byeiection defeats for the government and ii public opinion poll showing fivepercent gain by Labor The government is still ahead but the trend is there Labor Leader Gough Whitinm has said the Senate election will give Australianstile opportunity to make clear that they are ready for dlange of govern PROGRAMS SHalchs Hill llllndct Altck 530 4Good Morning 7NYPD artg Whistle lana srniluc ma 4ch New Special 7One Night Stands aTna Prisoner lozsn JPublie ma ii Nawl Weather Snortl llfla Gain elinvie tlllegzd Entrvi lilovie Halls of alonicuunnn aollinr Limits aainvia iiviadeirlne llEflt Line llVise MORNING AND AFTERNOON llihoto Finish EGulding urn lulu blilovle mm in The Na Now Ulla Mill 74mm oMovle ilnfoilrutlon ltlltltire Douglas Giant lLtilbittiea 4As The World nlrns moo 29a our of Lives eLove is new The Week Splendnf llnnrl INewhrwed Game MH ZDontors 4Hnuse Party 7Der Girl arenple in Conflict llPurry Mason lAriothei ivnrid tTake an 7Generai Hospital DIiaxistnfll court use 2Yau Dont say arzaga or Night 7Commnudri won Your MEVG iihiullwtnitie lGreen Acrrs 7Mi7vie weeder Wives and Loun ItFeltlvul tlle And she Eh inloe SPlflltitli Tllk LSnorts Hot Salt llrerv Gratin ll Newa Weather Snort llPlerru Berton mini H0 at arson Impossible FMnm iifln Thousand IP55 West Bedroom 830 taevarley Hillbillies LUniouenanier 7Movia Silade of Doubt Frihm amino ninety uMuk Saber 2nun nor Your we mentand that change could come no later than November 1969 when Ihe threeyear term of the House of Representatives expires RELIES 0N OTHERS But there is even more immediate iimpgrtance to this eleciio Although Holt has com fortable majority in the House his Libthountry Party coa lition inlhe Senate has tile sarne numbers as the Labor party 2a So he relies for tha passing of any legislation on the support of two independents and two Democratic Labor party senators The Democratic Labor party is rightwillg breakaway from the Labor party it has occa sionally been voting with the Labor party on crucial Senate issues and embarrassing the government so much that there has been talk of double disso lution which would mean elec tions for all members of both Houses at Parliament Holt knows that the Labor party under its new leadership Whitlam took overfrom the aged Arthur Caiweli last Febru arymust make considerable gains on its performance of last Novemberl And with proportion al representation in Senate elec tions control otthe upper house would still be in doubt DEFENCE 15 ISSUE it is against this background that Hall has produced his strongest card for this years poll defence Under this general term comes the governments whole policy on Vietnam the Ameri can allianca and this use of tie armed forces by announcing seven weeks before the elections that Austra lta would send another battalion to Vietnam lilting its total force there to 8000 Holt not only pleased Washington He be lieved he could turn it into khaki election with an appeal to patriotism and raise again the issue that has been the basis of Liberal election campaigns in Australia for 20 years the Com munist menace So dismayed was Whiilam when lloit made his troops an nouncement in Parliament that he refused to accept the conven tions of debating the issue In stead he made statement out side Parliament criticizing the government for being too tiayvlns and not Wanting to slap the Vietnam war For this Holt accused Whlt tom of being cowardly This first round in the campaign went easily to Halt vars an FLY arrows on Twelve Ca nadian veterinarians Will fly to Britain this week to assist the countrys tight against severe outbreak of foutandmauth dis ease Agriculture Minister Greene announced Monday They include Dr Davis St Thomas Dr liioKenzle Brockville Ont and gr Hawkins Arnprioi nt DAILY CROSSWORD ACROSS 45Gil1fl leopes name econova Millire imperman topiane surface 11an meantime 14Mr CREEL 15Romhfl money 161mut 17 NJ 38 lflJillsic agairi note 8Ellgliah 19PIIOHENDII novelist sound llamaslike 21Roe plant 235pltlove 211eraion 26 as meter 291wliied Iabriu 313mm 370ldwelghi forwool 88 marth 390eoirplnit abbrn encompass tton dimmed instrument Afrlcun untelopa ï¬llh 25 5mg minnow Adam hank 27mm name again 34 Roman 28 Sat solidly margin 30 Kind trite duck anymore 41 Kettle GRANDMA nuiz SAWYER Muses AND SKEEIER SECRET AGENT X9 BLONDIE wanwmcoueme it AVENTINILDOWIEE stem Etienne AND LEAVEWUR MAS DEV lNTACl USEWERNMENI TMEPEOPLE WHO HAVE Bat PAliNG US lMiATï¬HA LOOKINEA MR 0115 KNOW WHAT MEAN FIFTEEN MINUTES HE DISHES OUIIHI Anom EVEEY BUT IT KEPTGRANDMA FROM NOTICINEI THE FISTFiJL OF BILLS HANDEP HER aw MAEVELDUS ERODUGT OF THE HUMAN RAGE