irlaws some Stanfield siovsiGovl wont Call covets REGINA tCPi National Conservative Leader Robert Stanfield said Monday the feder al Liberal government will not call lace election lf it can avoid it its pretty clelr they have poor standing in the country at the moment ltlr Stanfield said in an interview before address ing service ciuh luncheon theyll put it all as long as they can it there Is an clcetioa he said the Conservatives will do well because the people no longer have confidence in the government He charged the Liberals with being complacent too long over the dangers of inflation and that they had not convinced the pee pie they are trying to cut spend in Referring to suggestion that the federal medical care scheme should be postponed Mr Stanfield said Ottawa can not very well encourage the provinces to start new pro gram and at the same time urge spending restraint Resigns Post TORONTO ICP Tom Faulkner 22 tuiilime president of the University of Torontos Student Administrative Council announced ltlonday he will re sign and seek reelection alter poo students signed petition saying he no longer represented their interests itir Faulkner who graduated with an honors in politics and economics was unopposed in his election last ycnr Earlier this year he proposed bill to old US draft dodgers in Toronto and last week SAC rted demonstration against Dow Chemical Co re cruiting employment on the campus Explains Plan TORONTO tCPt Thomas Kierans Sudbury engineer who devised plan to urbanlze and industrialize Northern Ontario and Quebec will ex plain his plilfl for an institute of northern development to com mittee of the federal Progres sive Coservativc caucus Dcc it was learned Monday The plan for settling the north centres on recycling concept for diverting water now flowing into James Bay through canal to the Great Lakes arcn Conservative Leader Robert Stanfield imprcssedrwtth the plan has ordered the special study by the northern develop ment committee of his caucus New Microscope NEON CF Dr Brown chief pathologist at Princess Margaret llospital Monday announced the hospital has been presented with one of the worlds most powerful elec tron microscopes He said the microscope pre sented as centennial gilt by the Canada Life Assurance Company is capable of magni fying the image 500000 times and is capableol rendering visi ble the inner structure of min ute body cells Since the Princess Margaret Hospital shares common sec tion of pathology with Wellesley Hospital the new microscope will be available to the Arthritic Research Unit at Weilcsiey Dr Brown said microscope will have special applications at Princess Margarets Canadas largest and leading centre for cancer TCSETTCII PAUL MARTIN Will Abstain OTTAWA CPI Canada will abstain on United Nations res olution seeking to remove Ma tionaliat China and soot Comv munist China External Affairs Minister Martin told the Com mons Monday He was replying toa question er who asked what Canadas pnv sition would he onthe move which understand has been made by ï¬ance at the United Nations to oust Nationalist China and seat Communist China Mr Martin repeated that the government believes both the nationalist regime on Formosa and the Communist regime should be seated It would therefore abstain on the resolu tion to oust Nationalist china nonriltr smuran Performs Marriages OKTAWA iCll Canadian citiccns abroad can have inor riages performed by British dlp iomatic rcprcsentativcs hut Caa nadian diplomats are not em powered to conduct marriages Commons report repoer hionday However the question of al lowing Canadians to be married by British diplomats is under study External Affairs Minister Martin said in the written reply Recommend Sign STRATFORD CPI coro ncrs Jury investigating the Oct death of six persons in traincar collision recommended Monday dangcmus crossing sign be placed at the side road where the accident occurred It Tavistock woman and live tccnagcrs one of them her son were killed when westbound CNR passengcr train hit the stu ttnn wagon carrying the six Murder Charge KILLALOE Ont CP Louis itlarcel Leciatr 24 of the Golden Lake lndlnn reserve Monday was charged with mur der in the shooting death Sun day of his sister Patricia Gets Buffalo MONTREAL CPI iwcnty live buffalo wcighing from 1600 to 2000 pounds each and stand ing six feet high at the shoulder will take up resldcncc today in Ormstown QUIL 35 miles south of Montreal spokesman for Clcarhrook Game Farms said Monday The 22 cows and three hulls raised at the National Park in Alberta were sold to farm pres tdcnt Arthur Bali who was the highest bidder at 510250 by the Canadian government lir Bali hopes to sell buffan meat during the second year the hard is on the farm Examine Books TORONTO CPI Ontarios school textbooks will be exam ined to see how fair thcy are to the countrys minorities the di rector of the Ontario Human Rights Commission said Mon day Dr Daniel Hill inla public tecturo at the University of To ronto said the twoeycar re search project would look for in suiting reierencesto minority groups and the exclusion of mention of the cultural con tribution of certain groups Monéy Invested OTTAWA CP The Canada Pension Plan took in $587 202309 in compulsory contribu tlnns during the fiscal year ended last March it Health Minister ltlacEachcn reported to Parliament Monday Almost all at the money was invested in the bonds of provin cial governments and their agencies interest lated to March at was $8073000 almost matching the $837 it paid out in administration costs ZELLERE nlschNT DAY THURSDAY NOV 30 ONLY Sllnp Zcilera Nov so Save tion all your pure chases Savings yhu can see NOW OPEN THURS FRI TILL 9PMc to pm Opens College HAMILTON CF Governor Gei clibficbaacr gently sug gested ioadey community college might have included French to its curriculum During installation of John Suction as president of lilo hswtr Comrhnalty college Mr hitchener raid the curriculum offered balance between tech nology and the humanities and that appealed to him strongly However departing from his mama text he said Perhaps it had been draw lnl the curriculum should have added French in this ap plied arts division largely for parsonol muons II in my high trdtpol days French was not available and found that it would have been facility when arrived to Ottawa Seek Inquiry LONDDN AP British ress group has called for iiscaie inquiry into whether nnwspnpcr men can or should of disasterssuch as last years avalanche in Aberian Wales The Press Council private group that serves press Intcr eats called Monday for an in vestigating committee in in4 quire whether itis necessary or desirable to restrict such coverage The Aberfsn avalanche oi Oct 21 loss took the lives of its children and to adults an inquiry was ordercd but before it took place witness inter viewed on television implied it would be an official whitewash Plan One Group CllttTHItM CPt Plans for single national farm organiza tion to replace the Canadian Federation of Agriculture and National Farmers Union were presented more than 400 dela gates attending the Ontario Farmers Union annual convaa ritton hlonday The proposal was contained in an interim report by an OFU committee The report said the new sys icm would be financed by an nual membershfï¬ fees and train achcckoif on farm products marketed Gordon lliii co author of the report said checkoif in Ontario alone would he in excess of $2 cannon yearly The money would be used to give farmers management and marketing services Acclaimed Mayor COOKSViLhEl Out CF Reeve Robert Speck recuperat ing in hospital from heart at tack suffered last month Mon day night was acclaimcd mayor of still unnamed municipality that will be Canadas largest town on Jan When Toronto Township resi dents vote Dec for new mu nicipal officials they also will choose either Mississauga or Sheridan as the name for the manicipalityto be incorporated as town Jan on Torontos wettern outskirts Need Goal TORONTO CPI Premier John Roberts of Ontario said Monday primary goal of Can adians must he to establish dtstioctive Canadian identity He told the Confederation of Tomorrow conferehce Expo 67 showed many people around the world for the first time that Canadais much differentvital ly different from the United States Mr Roberts said distinct identity will work to counteract cultural intrusion from the US which he maintained is as mportant as economic infiltra tiuna You BarrowV $2000 $3000 $4000 $5000 be restricted in their reporting ionc pickct hands out pamphlets to passersby out side the Toronto Dominion Bank Building in Toronto De Gaulle Should Resign Robichaud TORONTO lCPi Premier Louis Robiciiaud of Now Bruns wick sald Monday Gen do Gnriile should resign as presi dent of Franccbccausc of lin tcrvcntion of Canadian rights The first Frenchspeaking Acadiun premier of the Mori tiine provinces was commenting on President dc Gardlcs com meals at press conference in Paris today Gen de Gaulle accused the Canadian government of putting the Frenchspeaking minority in Canada in position of interi ority The dc Goulie declaration was whispcrcd into the morning meeting of provincial premiers at the Confederadon ot Tomorv row conference hir Robichaud told reporters think its an intervention of Canadian rights if France wants to ICCIillC war on Can ada well find ways todcfend ourselves DONT AGREE Premier Ross Thatcher of Saskatchewan asked whether he hadanylhing to soy com mented flust that wish Gen de Gaullc would mind his own business Premier John Robarts of On tarlo said dontinlend being drawn into an international debate with Gen re Gaulie All can say is dont agree with him Premier Daniel Johnson of Quebec would not comment on the declaration in Paris Monday of French President dc Gauiio who pledged full French support unit 811mg Low Cost 2nd Mortgages Get cosh fast for house repairs train car vacations at any other good reason Monthly Payments Asiawtls $3705 $5558 $7410 $9203 Ahovapayiiiants based on 1iperaaiiumfor7ycais wuv OURPLAIII lsaEST No BONUS chance on HIDDENZFEES wan the Associates you get mortgage agreement that Is crystal clear Narbo us or hidden fees are ever chargadirepaymentp ilagesContidantiaiananga Justteliusyournaedsandwaii sat up plan for yoqumediatei ASSOCIATES REALTY canon LIMITED mi ASSOCIATES iFRED GRANT STREET PHONE mans wouwa PICKETS PREMIEIIS CONFERENCE whore representatives of Can adas in provinces are meeting in Confederation of Tomor row conlercncc Thu confer encc opened Monday morning CF wirephoto Tl HUME HAW WAY 11 Robcrrts satisï¬ed With Conference TORONTO CPI Premier John Eahsris who piloted the Confederation of Tomorrow can fereace through littlest too sea lions Mondll Kalil he was sat tsfled with initial tesuiia The premier tried to steer middle road between the organ merits of those pressing for strong central government and those seeking more power for the provinces On one hand he attacked the Ben that the provinces are in some way nuisance and an Impedimeat To my mind there can he no more tragic misreading oi the nature of Canada he said Our triumph our singular achievement is that we exist in spite of our differences But he declared that Ontario has no intention ofunilcrminlng the federal governments place of primacy URGED FLEXIBILITY llo made case for more ti constitution which would meet changed circum stances Ve must be prepared to accept needed reform And he suggested reform be in the direction of giving each province is unique special status within reworked Cam federation Mr Robaris argued that since Moderation different regions have been dealt with didercntly particularly in the rantlng of fiscal subsidies in principle therefore the tents spectnl stsbts does not alarm us he said To us the concept should mean profound swarencss that Canada is country of disparate parts each with Its awn combination of preferences and needs But he agreed the idea could be carrch to point where it could destroy the federal gov ernment and the means of keep ing our country together llo questioned whether any to glonor provinca should be giants ed any special status beyond that granted to any other Later in the conference Mr ltobarts suggested that cs toblishmcnt ofa distinctive an nadian identity should be pri mory aim of the country in view of cultural intrusions fro the United States Ontario Liberal loader Robert Nixon an observer at the con fcrencc said after word he agreed with much of what was sold but felt lot of tile argu ments were wasted because at absence from the conference ta bles of the fedora government Ottawa is represented at tho talks by the four observers for the liberating passions of Qucaeccrs Lndlu toothcylightmctchcd so he may washable covering moulded ply wood hum nickel pintocl hardware lino Rayon Ilning is Vwa with brunt mirror the no will 21 Wetland has padded quilted Iid one body pocllri iatitttltltitiltit SIT 24 Pullman padded rolled lid one body pocket Nor would Mr Johnsonsay anything about the weekend meeting In the Estates General of French Canada whose ream lutions sketched out political powers of on independent Quc hcc state The prcrnier said Canada would have fantastic future if it would agree to new con stitution to enable the countrys two culturesf to utilize their po cntial TO CALL FOR THE BEST EUYDN YOUR INSURANCE HARRYPROMM 14 Davidson St Barrie walla TATE FARM mam Companies Cdn llead pollice Scarborough DAINES SAUNA BATIIS Ultra Vio lct dz insrn llcd Lamas Message lticrnoy Famtlv Groups to list vain toured any initial all SALE ONLY AVAILABLEAT isms MEQ Be mpgé GUARANTEZDfitflfl or double vour manev back and were Canadas holy known independent market to main this after 4495411 lf Cody zt Cedar Phillips tl Blake GOHEEN Bl modern Meet your friends Tcst your skill onen Sunday afternoons and eventngs 50 Dunlap 7235057 FOOD MARKET Camp nordcn It Gibbons 201 Dimitm St wmrea SERVICE 1264450 Tires Batteries Olgnttion BARRIE TUNEUT CENTRE Anne dz Bunion SIS Don Ptche Ross Fits WiNLr ancoans runs Each week names will appear in these advertisements if you find yours cut out the advmtiscment bring it to the Examiner and receive your FREE LP RECORD courtesy of the advertiser When your name appears in either Food Market or the Roxy Theatre you are the winner of steaks or free Pass to the Roxy Theatre these es will be presented to you by the Managers of these bus 55 SPECIALIZED DRAPERY CLEANING ADJUSTODRAPE nonshrinking from the house of 7260259 217 Dunlap mum stand in Cleaners Ltd WeIIFIocrli Floor Tile Hardwood oceriunte Wall Tits ocnrnols Site se Service saaalE noon with TILE 24 Maple Ave Phone 1205862 PEOPLE no asap sMALL ADS YOU unvNEn SPECIAL FullCntltSe Dinners from slas an special Menu Daily Bnillflfl Meirr Luncheon aunsay Maser STEWARTS RESTAURANT zoo nayiinin cleanup Alterations and repair to lodiescr eelL runtents lailoring 8r aItaratloNI 4251041 11 Dunlop upstairs xgdi 7234320 nor SALISBURY IVPLUMBING Your 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