Objective 195950 no mm gtIndiramalalagmildSctv Manamaam lift urdly Inatonight as and It ltterYur Ne 16 FINANCE Minister Sharp ticit greets Premier floss ilratchar of Saskntchewan dur ing break in the federal pro PEARSON STATES vinciai conference of finance minuters in Ottawa Thursday Mr Thatcher said loss tax increase for his province may depend on whether the feder al government goes ahead with its medical care insurance pro gram tCP Wirephoto Cctpitql PuniShmént tVléntci1 Bnrbnnsmr OTTAWA CP Prime ltlill dstcr Pearsons description oi capital punishment as mental barbarism aroused retention ier and shattered an ailparty agreement that was to have brought an abolitionist bill to Commons vote Thursday night Mr Pearson was to have closed the fiveday debate but ill remark brought flock of rctentionists to their feet either tn protest his remarks or to re viow the arguments They were led by David Ful ton tPCKamioops the for mer justice minister who said the prime ministerphad made Ja maudiin appeal to emotion 0ur case and the moral ins tifleation of it is equally good it not better than the prime minis ters Mr Fulton said Nevertheless test Vote on surprise motion by Georges Lachanee Litlnntreai Lalon talnet that would have khied the bill was easily defeated 125 to 76 Thiswas regarded as an indi cator that the bill itself will carry when the key vote on its principle is taken RESUMES WEDNESDAY The debate was adiourned at so am and will not resume be fore next Wednesday barring change in the agenda oi House business given by Government House Lender ltiaeEachcn Detailed study of bill to es tablish department of cone sumer and corporate affairs is scheduled today The final supply motion of the session goes before the livuse Monday and Tuesday opening the way for test of confidence in the government Under the capital punishment bill hanging for murder would be limited to killers of prison guards and police The highlights in its ï¬fth day of dehala were the 32minute if ears op yspeech3a whole hearted rejection of ca tal pun ishmcntond passionate de fence of the gallows byltalph Conan tLYorkliumber Mr Pearson said rctentinnists had been unable to prove the deterrent value of the death penalty and had to fall back on emotional arguments Through execution of murder ers society fell into the trap of treatingthem as they had their victims And no murder ever matched the horror of capital punishment HAVE NO PLACE The mental barbarism and dont beiiave thats putting it too strongly that characterizes executions and the awaiting of legislation Change Urged To Curb Synthetic llVlilk Sale TORONTO iCl Legisla tion restricting production in Canada of imitation milk is ball and chain around the neck at the dairy industry the Ontar ia Milk Distributors Association was told Thursday panel of two professors consumer and manufacturer agreed that if legislation is not changed synthetic products using on 41 airy ingredients would move into the market Vacuum created by the absence of dairybased imitations Hr Bullock of the Univer sity of Guelph said there are two types of substitute milk Imitation milk is made with dairy base of skim milk powder and vegetable oil usually on conut oil substituted for the butterfat Synthetic milk is made entirely from vegetable oils fats and proteins and uses on dairy products Dr Bullock predicted synthet ic milk will be on the market in Ontario by Christmas or early in the new year Regulations under Ontarios edible oils act prevent produc tion of imitation mhk but allow production of synthetic milk provided the product is not called milk or another similar name Wmmfm CAPSULE NEWS Masired lVien Raid Miami PenthouSe MIAMI Fla AP lwo masked menrnided the penthouse apartment of wealthy Mr and Mrs Carling Dinider todw took marat diamond ring with kiss onthe cheek Eliitchie Confident In UK Future valued at $110000 and left Mrs VDinkicr LONDON OP Charles Ritchie CSnadian high commissioner expressed confidence in Britains iuiure Thursday night as the country faced another crisis threatening the status of the pound Policemen so in Quebec STDONA1 Que tCPY Two provincial police constables were Wounded one critically in shall at pistol the early todaywhen they entered nearby motel on routine check VQueen Mothers Slater Dies LONDON AP Countess Granville 77 elder sister of Queen llfother Elizabethhandled it was announced today Widowed in 953 the Countess lived in seclusion at her borne in the Scottish ighlands She was 10 years older than the Queen Mother was um he executions should have no place in our society if man took upon himself Gods right to punish he must hiso take upon himself Gods promise to restore he said Seventeen men now an under sentence of death in Canada Richard Bell PCCarleton asked whether the government will carry out the law if the bill is defeated Mr Speaker if this bill is defeated then the law of Can ada will be carried out lilr Pearson replied Pools Corrected Control tibia Barrio Onlirio cnar Friday November 1967 Not MoroThur it Per Copy 416 Page Finding Of Mueller Another False Alarm PANAMA Alt lhe iind thumbprint of Frhncis am afraid they got the tug of another longmissing Nazi lenderformer Gestapo chief llelnrich Muellereppar ently is another also alarm But Panamanian authorities still are holding shabby pcdlar who looks like Mueller investigations Chief lleetnr Valdel said Thursday he has reached the firm conclusion that the pedlar arrested this week at the request of West German nuthorifles is not the missing wartime head of Adolf Hitlers secret police He is justn goofy old guy who is not the man West Ger man is seeking Yaldes said Valdesndded however that the West German embassy in Panama has asked for an op portunity to furnish evidence supporting the contention of German officials that the man could be Mueller llc said the man will remain in custody for the time being PRINTS MATCH The pedlar says he is Fran cis Willard Keith til born in Webb City lilo Voldcs said thumbprint of the man in cuslo dy matches print of Mr Keith who arrived in Panama May it 1942 three years before Mueller disappeared in Berlin at the end of the Second World War Valdes said it also matches Blamed For Eléctrocution TORONTO CP Police said Thursday night corroded electrical control box caused the electrocution of Bruce Leighton 15 as he swam in high school pool Police said the box which controlled underwater lights at the westend Humberside coi legiate pool was so badly corroded that current was re leased into the water At least shr of the 33 boys in the pool area were injured John Berta the class instructor had to he rescued when he tried to save Leighton The pool was built about 10 years ago The boy knocked unconscious by the electric shock lay at the bottom or the pool until pulled out by two other boys One youth reached Leighton and shoved him to the surface grabbedhim and man did get shockright up to the shoulder of my left arm But hung on and pulled him out Another boy John limney Gray knocked out by the shock remembered coming up froma dive When came to was lying on blanket at the side of the pool Barrie Bitch 15 said he felt as though hot magnet was puiiing him under He screamed and was rescued Keith who worked in the Pan emu Canal Zone for six months in 1942 The investigator said the pcdlors identity as Keith was further established by his diary and by the testimony of Panama City family with whom he lived for many years Simon Vlesenthai whose lew ish Documentnilon Centre in Vienna helped track down Ad olph Eichmann said of the man held in Panama iUDY STATES Time Running wrong man As far as we know itiuellcr never was in Panama but has been living in South America recently hluellcr last was eonlirmed alive in liitlers Berlin banker in lots litany Germans believe him dead identification of anyone as Mueller is hampered by the fact that there are no fingerprints of him available West German of ficials said OutFor CBC OTTAWA tCP Tillie is running out for the CBC to prova to Canadians that it is worth the millions of tax dollars spent on it State Secretary Judy Lnalarsh said Thursday She told the Commons brood casllag committee she is really conccrned nhout what will hap pen perhaps within the next 10 or 12 years with the arrival of satellite television when viewers in Canada can tune inloany country they wish Canadians would not watch the CBC out of patriotic duty but must have reason toa feeling of identity with the pro gramming or because of enter tainment Nor would anyone else care to watch cheap emu lation of us shows Miss LaMarsh who reports to Parliament on broadcasting said sheis hopeful the publicly owned CBC will tied Caaa Bomb Smashes Cgrditt Temple canorrr warship bomb blast smashed the dc way and entrance hall of Care difis Temple of Peace today shortly before Lord Snowdon ar rived there for conference on Prince Charles irrvestiture as Prince of Wales Police sources blamed the ex plosion on extremists demand ing home rule for the Welsh As Snowdon calmly entered the at lag hall demonstrators Reloase SVExTorontolillderman Panama Police lire lldviSed TORONTO CP Panama City police have been advised by Ontario autbo as to release Robert Colucci former Toronto alderman char ed with three other Canadians $100 000000 stock fraud Colucci who has been in Pan ama teaching English since last May 12 was arrested earlier Thursday on warrant issued in Toronto Clay Powell special prosecu tor tor the attorneygenerais department said night the arrest was obviously mistake ifc said Panama and Canada have an extradition treaty but the charge of conspiring to de fraud the public is one offence not included in the intemation aiagreement Metropolitan Toronto police received telegram from Panaa maniac authorities stating they are holding Colucci and await ing your instructions The warrant by the Ontario Securities Commission was taken out several months ago charging Colucci stock prome ter Myer Rush Jlnwyer Joseph Williams and Manuel Britslone aliof Toronto with conspiracy to defraud the public in connec tion with shares of British Mu tuai Overturns Fund than and Barton Explorations Ltd Britstoneypleadcd gull to the charge two weeks ago Rush is in critical or dltion in hospital from injuries received in ganglandstyle bombingiat tempt on his life CAMiBl AP Bolivian military tribunal today convicted Freneh Marxist Regls Debray and Argentineciro Roberto Bus tos of leftist guerrilla crimes and sentenced each to years in prison The live memher tribunal ed with guerrilla activity against the state Speeilic charges gainst the six were murder rob bery and subversion chray and Bustos went on trial along withthe four Boli vlans in this small southeast Bo livian oil town Serum Although 12 prosecution wit nesses testified against Debray and Bustos there was no evi dence presented which directly linked either ofthcm with com bat activity The two admittedthey stood guard duty armed with Ml rilt lies which also were used on hunting expeditions Debray 27 author of the guerrilla handbook Revolution Within Revolution Inï¬lntained freedfour Boiivians also charg waved banners outside One proclaimedzemepubiic nbt roy The blast brake windows throughout the area but there were no reports of injuries Po lice found evidence of crude timebomh placed on shelf above the front doors of the templebuilt as symbol of Welsh devotion to peaceful causes Another member of the Royal Family Princess Alexandra was on the periphery of bomb ingattempt Thursday when she opened new Northern Ireland government oitice in London after homemade explosive de vrce was found on its steps and dismantled Policevrefused to speculate whether the outlawed Irish Republican Army planted the bomb Get 3oleears On COnviction from the start he was in Bolivia as journalist for Mexican magazine He said he had asked the late Ernesto Chet Guevara for permission to join the rebels combatant but was turned own Mother Children jDieln NY Fire VALATIE NY or AV mother and live at her children perished today in the aftermath of kerosenestove explosion that turned their large home into raging inferno Sixteen other persons includ ing family of eight fled solely The body of Mrs Laura Hagaa done 41 mother of 13 children was found with the bodies of five children in the charred rub ble about rive hours after the kerosene cooking stave burst into flames police said than role that expresses us as people If the CBC is in become pale initiation of American pro gramming we ijust ought to forget about it Miss Lahlarsh appeared be fore the committee as it contin meets again Tuesday PRAISES SEVEN DAYS frank discussions are what the CBC does best Miss Lahlursh said She had praise for the Seven Days programand for Torontoarea show Nightcap She said Nightcap caused Ca nadians to turn off the Johnny Carson show to watch it The that lampooned Canadian politi cians and others and this was its great appeal ued clausetryclause study of the new broadcasting biillt Public informationshows and show was an irreverent one MacNaughton Says Other ProvinceSgEndorse ViewS OTTAWA CPt Provincial Treasurer Charles lilac Naughton of Ontario called Thursday for further post poncment of medical care insur ance legislation and reported that most other provinces sup port him itir hfacNaughtons plea was delivered to closed session of the federulrprovlnciai finance minktcrs conference During break in the meeting he told reporters other delega lions endorsed Ontarios view that goveromcnt medical care insurance is less important than other demands on government revenues The only exception he men was Saskatchewan which bears the entire expense for its existing medical care plan and would get $12000000 year in federal payments if Otta wa goes ahead With the July 1063 starting date for its legis lotion But hir hloeNuuchton said that if Ottawa maintains the starlingvdatc and other prov inces bring in their own plans Ontario would have to consider doing so as well MAY NEED OWN PLAN Ottawa would tax all Canalt dians for its allpercent centric button to provincial plans and as matter of protection 0n tario might have to set up plan qualifying for federal pay4 ments Ontario made public the text of its remarks which urged Ottawa to actquiekly to deter current inflation The Ontario slatcment said Ottawa might have to reverse the dampers next spring if an econonuc slump occurs Mr lifacNaughton urged more flexibility in iaint programsf He put housing and education ahead of medical care in his list of priorities The provincial treasurer even suggested that the money Otta wa would apply to medical care payments in Ontario should go City News2 cantata12 1s 14 Comics15 Deaths12 District5 Editorial4 Sportsto ll Theatre5 gt rv Listings8 Weather414 Womens6 eirnnnm nrncNKvorrroa into housing or some other ranking priority He did not ex plain how he proposed this should be done Ontario now has medical inlt suranee plane covering most reI sldents text of Mr MaeNaughtons remarks in the closed confer once was given to reporteradtnv ing the meeting We would support Finance Minister Sharps proposal to take strong action to attack iro tattoo and reduce extensive pressures on the capital mar kets he said However werwotdd sug est that suehactionmist bela en at once to have maximum cl feet and to minimize the risk of extending deflationary policies into period when the economy may require verygdiiicrent policy prescription The Ontario minister said there may be significant differ ences between the economic oli mate now and next spring when federal and provincial budgets are being prepared We believe that there are in dications of underlying change in eono mic activitywhich could well result in slower growth next year hessid Mr MacNaughton also said governments should consider the alternative of reducing the proportion of government ex penditures in relation to the grossnational product rather than increasing tax rates and the relative size of the govern ment sector HERES ONE Father Why what are you crying so for Billy Billy board you telling Mri Jackson you were going to get new baby and suppose that means you are going to tradelme in on it ing about her was about to jump from third floor business mm icï¬ohimn RESCUED IN ROCHESTER 11211 Ramona Lora smoke swirl block She was persuaded by swept restaurant andt apart firemen to wait Sne did and was rescued asgttwoalarm fire ments she was taken to host pital for cutsandvsmoka inl holation iAP Wirephoto