TWS itCUllDU Muman CF John Dieienbaker delivered delenee oi the mrarthy Saturday soy ing Britis Canadas rights have been dclended best under the British Crown Mr Dieienbttker otlieialing at the opening at the Georges Pr Vanier cultural centre in subur ban Chateauguay launched into an attack on those who speak at separation or abolishing the monarchy The 7iyearold iormcr prime minister who was replaced as Progressive Conservative party leader by Robert Stanï¬eld said it was under th British Crown that all the rights of FrenehsCa nadians were established in this enuntry lttr Dielenbaker recalled that lreedom ul religion in Canada lor French speaking Roman Catholic was secued In 1715 so years belorc rights tor Catholic vm secured in ms ain itself Jews received equality in Canada so years bcinre they did in Britain and slavery was abols ished hero long before it was in the United Kingdom jlttl this should he remem bered by those who speak of se paration or abolishing the mon archy What now right could be gainedrlor Canadians by uhut isblng the Ronn what greater lroedoms Wants Conference MOSCOW iCFVludyslmv om Polish Communist party chiel added his voice Sunday to the rising demands oi other proSoviet Communists tor world party contercnen to deal with what they call Chinese heresy Gomulkas proposal tor meeting was published in the Wmmuhist newpaper Pravda which has been car rying series at articles by Communist leaders in connec tion with the Nov celebration at the 50th anniversary oi the Bolsheviki Revolution Hunter Killed OTIAWA CPLHoward Car michael 37 al Pembroke died in hospital here Saturday night at shotgunwound with head suitered duringa hunting expe ditinu on the Ottawa itiver Police said Carmichael and his two sons had gone out oua boat when tour shots re heard lt was not immc ateiy Daeienbakea Defence Oi Monorohitï¬ Bearer disdosins into blitur ha tionat inke The myterious disappearance oi the Americande airtoair missile trorn top aeutrity arms depot leaked out Thixsday capning the sensational an nounecment Wednesday that he West German mlllionaird was arrested on suspicion ol spying inr Communist Eastï¬crmany Students Win aromain CF Dougl lass iturns Clarke academic viecprincipal oi StraGeorgc Vil liams University announced at press conlerence Saturday that studentsjmuy be permitted in the future to participate in the academic goyerumentol the university His announcement came two days alter about1im sir George William students in aria netting minaan Metronome so im LONDO flCPLI or loneioreust overhlul at the dim oi lords viewed by the government as gildedbama eta on the socialist ship oi state likely will be touched at the new session at Parliament open in 1mm While Prime Minister stoo expected eventually to under take mass housecleanlng oi the upper chamber it is prob able he will start all ht the can trovcrsial task in gingerly style Tinkerin with this eomerstono the tradition Ls sun to raise an upman lTora starter Ihc government is expected to bring in bill to cut down the Lords delaying power on legislationnow yearto not name than six months it would eliminate tho Overhaul and or Lords Expected To Start Tuesday needof having the Commons pass again hill rejected by the peers Considerably more stringent reiarms are in prospect One et them it is rted will mean thatmost or more nan moo noble lords wont have any veto at ell Wilson is said to be thinking tentatively at decreasing the number entitled to vote to about not which is considerably more than normally turn up tor work Lite peers would all be included and since Labor annotated most til the currtnt till this would give the party better grip on the upper house my EXAMINER wm ans Pilot 7mm tort EASE WRECKING YARD JOHN ammunition Missing Missile norm Routers West Ger man spy hunters huvc ddetta missing missile to their wanted lists turning the rash at recent staged demonstration hy bays eatilng classes and holding sitin in the lobhyot the univer sitys main building lltY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE 7284 Ponce fzaao iu Clevel detective Dan hie ms shotgun at merit where Robert Batch 13 holds former girl iriend can at third lloor anart tive Police say the girl Lydia Caldwell lit was abducted from he honeymoon apartg them early Sunday alter Balm lace The husband Charles was hospitalired in air condi tion Priests and psychia trlst trlrtlvroaxing hatch tram the apartment in Vircphm shot lhe girls husband in the to in the City of Barrio Contact George Smith co Jackson Motors Agni 1187160288 Approximately Acres known where the shots originat ed Expo Baby MONTREAL CPJA setEn pound baby girl was born in clinic at Expo 67 Saturday the iirst humanhirthon the site since opening day An Expo spokesman said the birth took place atgt501 pm The mother was identiï¬ed as Mrs Cavergne Cha teauguay southshore Mont real suburb Mass Immigration JERUSALEM tAPlPrime mltiinister Levi Eshkoi appealed Saturday night ior mass immi gration from Western nations to increaSe the Jewishpopulation of Israel and hinted at eventual Jewish seitlerncnt oi Arab terri tory occupied in the June 51u Middle East war Eshkol said in speechto lsv raeli members at the Enai Brigh that Israeimust double the number at Jews in the coun try beiore the end or the cen tury Flo Problem EDMONTON hli Benson says that separatism is not one oi Canada major worries He says things have been going wall between Quebec and 0t town its not matter of separa tism he aid Saturday in an nterview tlst mattér at accummodation oi the two groups in one country Wins Trip MONTREAL toriMarthe Racine 39 who has made only one airplane flight in her life Saturday won flight to Osaka Japan to see Expo 70 when she became Expo 67s soeoonoota visitor On the plane with her will be her husband Alexandre 39 construction contractorwho lol lnwed her through turnstiic 658 pm atPlace dAceueil Eiipos main gatennd into hugethrong oi journalists and Expo ofï¬cials Youth iind Law cigar theit laiism and shopltitr are cs covered in toilpage tilled Youth and the which is being used as part crime prevention program mad at Grade in students in rio high schools Richard Lee an iticiat of punisher Gage Ltd said in un tervlew provin al eh nhnt21 gay or hich sell for canFederal than who OHN DEWITT of Dorchcster New Brunswick has an usual hobby Bree mg and cattle policygthat was aniinVestmentand paid good divtdend knew LondonLife was wellvestahlished company so Lohoésée tendon Life because dividends In fact he canvdouble hisfmoney with ins Jubileegpblitfy ive raised attle ever since wasiri schoo started out with three beef éattlc on neighbours farmrwhen was 14 The land around the Memramcook Valleymakcs good pasture it doesnt dryup in the summer andthcres lots ofsalt invflthe soilt John spent ï¬ve interestihg years in the RCMP but decided hedrather bea businessmalrJlc is now in his third year with the district sales division of General Motors in Moncton had groupinsurance but when married an rted to build home felt needed life insurance of my own Howeveryl wanted policy that hadsome return to hrsflgurc latnode up whenaIepreSentativecalled1invited himdownoneSaturday took him out to shoWhim thccattlc had we discussed life insurance idehcckcd up on other life insurance proposals and thou tthondon Lilo uhilee policyhe recommended was good nclor family protection dd aged Here are the facts about John DeWitts $15000 Jubilee life premiums to 95 polity purchased at age 23 premium is $20 49monthly By age 65 he ivillhave paid $10327 included in this totai is am additional amountlor dis ability protectian London would pay the premiums if Mrt Dewitt is unable to work due toprolonged sickness or guaranteed can not Ila While digideltdx are not guaratitéed London Life for years has had one oft must on on xx for your family and mat moneyi no reason why want good dividends is thatiil be saving monéyformyyoungsons college educatio intend to buy mor To in ncc as timcigoeston and my farm devclops andmybusidesscarcer progresses gt lf wouldb hard To ï¬ndout if you can double yourvmoney with London Lifetalk to company rcprcsentatiye And send for free copy ofthevhnndhook Plain talkabout life insurance Write to Depanmen LondonLife lnsuranceCompdny London9ntari