Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 30 Oct 1967, p. 2

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ABOUT to young people ga thered in Barrio at the week endtor Christian Young Mens convention under aus plecs oi the Ontario older Boys Parliament LEFT ro RIGHT are Bob Owen Bramp ton ClhiC vine president Dickson bailey Torontoprem icr oi the boys parliament Dove Austin Clarhson socre tary oi the group guest speaker David MacDonald County IsSues Get Innisiil Attention With an election likely lnnis lit township voters are showing interest in the various issues which may be discussed in the campaign The ianistil centennial park and taxation outlook appear to be main topics With the nomina tion meeting due to be held on Friday Nov 24 threewny contest looms for the recvcshtp with former rceve Camp bell and Deputy Reeve Eben Sawyer both in the field against Reeve Joseph Cochranc County affairs are being given more attention due to the rise in countytaxes on ihelnnisiil rate Th innistil levy for county purposes was $132023 general and StabMo for roads an increase over ions Ratepayers here were pleased at the prospect of the provincial government taking over the countys share at the cost at ad ministration ot justice since this would meanan annual saving pt about $3lT000 and like others throughout the county are hope iul this will he turned back to ratepayers The tallest on other municipal ities ii the town of Orilliu car ries out its threat to withdraw also has been raised Drillia is said to pay approximately $440 one oi woodman county levy and the question of how much it will cost other municipalities to take up the slack has been dis cussed Ii Orillia separateslike Bar rie it will reduce some of the county costs commented on in nisiil ratepayer who hastily greed that overall the cost re ductinn won nearly make up the suoooo Barries contributions to the county declined materially after the Kempeniclt Bay community became cityand the full ei fect of second such separation is matter ot concern While Uriilia sought better re presentation on the county coun eit than its present two mem hers out oi as on the argument lippeal Seelrs the levy nndshould have nine or ten members lnnislils repre sentativcs did not press this point although the township repre sentation would inernuse it it was based on lattes paid innisftl the largest contributor to county taxes of the in townships has wo members the same as Oril ia Matchedash township which pays only Simtn general and $5489 toward roads also has rceve and deputy reevc and this was argued as unlair to the larger tax paying municipalities not to have morcvsay in relation to their costs Neighboring Essa row It ship ranks second highest among the township contributors to county taxes rith$803t general levy Penetang Woman Injured By Car tzvyearold Penelang no man airs Grace Barclay re ceived minor injuries Saturday when struck by car near the entrance to the Barrie arena Mrs Barclay was knocked to the ground by car driven by Ralph Irvine 19 of RR Bar ric who was leaving the arena parking lot lie was not charged The woman was treated tor cuts and bruises at Royal Viclt toria Hospital and later releas ed The rriishap occurred shortly aiter 830 pm Guard posts at the side at Lakeshore Road near the corner oi Tiiiin Street prevented 3+ yearold Angus man from driving his car into the bay earlySun day morning William Henry Saunders broke three posts beiore comingto stop alter failing to negotiate corner with his westbound car at 510 am Damage to the auto was estimated at $400 He has ing Funds To hid Sulierers From Arthritis Pain stiffness swelling lamination and degenerative changes are symptoms of rheu matic diseases Arthritis any age aterm reserved solely or those rheumatic dist By far the largest proportion of people crippled by arthritis are ot working age causing staggering loss in productivity both locallyand nationally One of the root causes of poverty it resulted in an estimated 9000000 days ot lost work and more than $100000000 in lost wages annually The cause and eureot the common and serious forms oi arthritis are as yet unknown although early diagnosis and prompt treatment can prevent severedisalillity in about four out at five patients Many of those disabled can be returned would be that miidi nearer cure The societys major source oi income is the United Appeal with the rest coming from fees for services paid by patients Every dollar of the more than $2 000000 spent by CARS is div ided so that 58 cents goes into patient care servi nowith an additional 22 cents ior The society uses the bluebird symbol of hope Its emblem and its motto is here there is help there is hope or care today cure tomorrow FAMILY oak been charged with careless driv it is paying nearly oucsiiith at or isnt and $4310t toward roads with Tin third with 585451 and lifts and Oro fourthwlth 573 all and scrim Notlawasnga township was the only other township which was levied for morethan $100000 county taxes tluring 1961 The county lciy on Nottnwnsaga for general purposes was $60711 plus 534031 for roads inntsiils equalized assmment on which i908 taxes will be basal was placed at $16191963 This is third highest among the 32 municipalities and tops for townships The town of Orillia had $35598621 and town or ltiid land $10416113 to rank tirst and second Ono issue which has stired considerable agitation in Orillia was jump in its assessment ar District NarthColiegiate ed members of thc Archaeological and Historical Society digging and charts Tiles wan ouLvi Debdtécii Probleml nl iex drugs and grobiefmsOtSexrugs By Teen ivil rights not among those under scrutiny over the weekend in Barrie as is young people Igcd 15 to to mettor airin lan Young Mens convention The coovcntion Iponsored by the Ontario Older Boys For liament and six Protestant dc ltl for PrincclEl Don Sar gent at Midland CYMC presl dent and linger Henry ol Clorkson adult counsellor tExaminer Photot LOClll GENElillI CARS nacovcncn City police recovered two stolen airs during the weekend both reported missing in To route The iirst car was found nhnndoned tin Anne St Satur day Arrested Sunday in con nchon with the second theit is Michael Logan of Weston form crly ol Barrie lie was return ed to Toronto STIUKE WlRm truck Sawrday alternoon took out overhead telephone wires on Bnyiieid St ncar lobV laws Service was restored soon alter KltVANIS MEET Leon Periard Barrie Insur ance agent will discuss car in surance at meeting oi the Ki wanis Club of Barrie tonight at Community House costs from $22000in i005when done locally to $53000 for the current year under thacounty system found as well as possible in pits and post moulds Dwight nominations intured discussion underparliamentary preccdure oi the tail range of questions lacing young people today Resolutions dealt with pmmar ital sex the use ct drugs Much Iion and the responsibility at youth in tho church HELD ANNUALLY Giristlan Young Mens eon ventions are held annually with the backlog of the Baptist Con vention of Ontario and Quebec Churches of airist Evangelical United Brethren tho Presbyteh fan iurcli in Canada the Sat vation Army and the United Church at Canada Those at the batrte convention came irom Simone and Peel counties and the DLstriet of hiusr lmka one of eight district or ganizations in which about too boys across the proviaecpurti cipnte The purpose is to geisha boys to talk about relevant social and spiritual problems they are likely to encounter explains Don Sargent of Midland district president at tho CYMC Tho teenagers meet in diseas sion groups to thrash out selec ted topics then bring specific resolutions back for debate be toro the lull convention THEME OF MEETING This years theme involve mcntWhy and How prompted truesthealing discussion The convention decided that responsible Christian love should be the guidelino to any consid eration otpremarital sex The resolution said there is tre mendous superficial emphasis on sex in todays society and noted lhatheie is an apparent increase in premarital annual ty lhe availability of contracep tive techniques has reduced the socialceonomic factors curbing premarital sex it was agreed niedig FROM LEFT Dwight Bonnie Linda Sneddon stud the guiding liflit at our lives Ishould be responsible Girlstlln ova st The young people also mu ted then it need to round as the Protogtant ethic Andtba government shoulth encouraged to expand adult edu cational fadlittol to del with problem at aocietyl increased Wally and the incensed proportion otyllfa doVotcd to re tlremerit They also noted in ereasiag need for the trnpmve meat of the methods at ltlllylt inn individual skills and more career WIlllnl INDIAN PROBLEM The convention agreed tint ladlan economic and social in my ivzw THE BARBIEEXAMINER MONDAY OCTOBER 30 but Officer Cadets hifloouiauoennsx An officer cadet trom Barrie and another trom Base Borden are among new recruits attend lng the Royal ltitlltlry College at Kingston this year They are Clarksoa Little son of LleuL Col Little of Fort Leavenworth Kansas and formerly oi Base Bordon and bill Robinson son of Mr and Mrs Robinson ol Duckwnrth St Barrie The two will be among the 90 reenitts intake part in night taric obstacle race Wednesday which has been described as one ot the most significant events in the lite at cadet at the Cona dina Services College Unoffictai records indicate that the obstacle Race has been an intcgral partoi recruiting at the College sincn th iirIt class the Old Elghte on tercd ill 1876 Recruiting at thtC which includes doubling some bar Bryan Mctcali dig chairs man and Suzanne Walsh stu dcnt Examiner Photo equality la unique lantern to Ill And the exists In unit full mm concern of their More to the Lennon on at Canadian ideo ctanic barriers mid be bro summons Ice an the dvi rtfliu resolution it wu ulso agreed that the with cl the dutch should at termt to cater to the aptrttuIl del and phyllci acetic at iconIcon It the Idtoole and in the conuntmlty ii resolution that menu it it not advisable to take drugs for Hob cited to gain approval From llrear tho square tut for the entire academic year or the recruit class However the intensive rt cruitiag period terminates with the traditional romiit obstacle race held at the end of October or the early part at November For the remainder oi the year the recruits will lead more relaxed life otthoufli many times more strenuous and do mandtng than that of their eon fmporariea alt other universb CS The obstacle race which may seem an unduly harsh initiation ceremony to the casual observ er in physical and psydiolo gteal hindla that is part of the overall program The principles and aims underlying the racc embody ttio traditions and goals ottbo collage itsativ persever ance cooperation resourceful ness and endurance The race encourages teamwork since it is almost impossible to complete the course without assistance from oneI comrades The squa dron to which there are five with the ioucstJotal time is warded tho commandaals Wing ed Foot Trophy Tho overall in dividual winner is presented with the Mrs An Balaton Trophy for his diorb in the race The race is diflieult and the many obstacles which at first appear insurmountable der de scripti Cargo acts telephone poles and logs wood shavings sawdust grease oil sacks re hoses and the chilly in degrees water at Lake Ontario combined withthe moals walls and ramparts of historic Fort Frederick make suCCcssiul race The race commences with shotgun blast tired by dive eons mandant Commodore new CD MN who raohis race in 1987 Qif they go across the parade squarethroughdarlr and muddy pits ovcr trees into cargo nets dip in thegloke up and over mazes watts swings hurdles down slides and tilially the last one hundred leet injpotato socks with fellow soun dron members cheering and org ing them on EMERGENCY NUMBERS City cone mssu Fire Dept moist Hospital 7235951 OPP 72664 beam it was considered too innit film Ill permitwdgiegatu to talk about their problem and bear lust Mist qiiuttoru are being eon sidered by others Roger Henry fughrkaen In adult onttaachor He said oaaboy It tlieooo Wilton oordtdcd diathebld been on the verge at taking drac Iad dropping out or society Bulbs changed his mind because if the weekend disuisaioaa it that he as to lint not Person the en convention is worthwhile he said Driven To Be Careful on llalloween Youngsters in their finest Hal loween regatta will be out to morrow night in their annual rounds at trick or treat and mo torbtshavo been warnedto use extra core to avoidturaing the dnrdrec nigit iatvono of tn Pollen Chit Ed Tscbirtiart also suggests trat parents take the smaller children from door to door and thatthoso old en ough to be out on their own choose light costumes easily via ible to motorists but the Iurest way to avoid accidents as the children nick tbeir rounds is or motorists to drive with extreme care be said the smaller kids are likelyy to be excited and might forget some of the rules they would normally obey hesaid The police will also be on the lookout for those who place more emphasis on the trick than the treat few cases ol malicious da mage occur annually oi somn use Halloween as an exciisHo go on the rampage and police will make an extra effort to curb any such tendency SECONDARY TO ltIDltEV lRttliAliotl Common latency or Bildner irrita tions mIko many men and women feel tense Inn nervous ram imam Dunne night and day Secondray you may lose nice and have litn Ichr Backebb mi older um oerrurea in usually orinri rrixing comfort or curblnxlrrttnting mrin inurlnn um outckiy CYS BTUDlO 728417 24 Owen Age to happy useiul lives The Canadian Art and Rheumatism Society one of it agencies in Barrlcs United Apt peat iavohtntary oreantz tion whose objectives ale to im prove diagnosis treatment and welfare of those who siifler tronn arthritis and to educate the public in the early signs of these diseases and the need for prompt treatment The Barrie branch or OARS has acquired the services at physiotherapi ent may now be referred to him by their own doctors False old My cures for arthritis and rheumatism are widespread if we could ehonJ nelthe died millions ot dollars which people spend each year on quaokflcures into re aid Roberts Bentley presiden Pttltlt tunes blindness our rAucv NiclNTOSH fiVBuiiiicnésg HURth Tskinrsbiamj 65 PLAIN ancssss 135 gtAnii1vestment mountainous sse tletlQli down MEN$SUVITSTT 135 Godhead people buy thci bonds at TORONTODOMINIDN The Bank where people make the difference Edmunds Manager 64 Dunlop St Owen in Barrie Clark Man or 263 Bradford 5L Barrio landalo Brnneh LEGGETT Manager 38 Dunlop St Mspla Avo Bar riustisrnvicc Erna Pickup and Delivery 7285428 iifciiiNtiis DriveIn Location page

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