AROUNDQSiniconCOUNTY NEWS or Tremor By hm GEORGE HOLT Mr and Mrs Bill Ellis Delhi spent the teek oi the plowing match with Mr and Mrs rJennett and othre triends Miss Donna Jennett returned with them or the weekend Miss Verna Jennett spent weekend recently with her cousin Mt Brenda Ellis Delhi vrsrrors While on wagon tour to the iields where plowing was In pro gress at the plowing match Del 14 your columnist chanced to abut with some Ieilcw £assrfl gm ttninists namely and Mrs Thomas Dykes Red heugh Cockburnspath Berwink shire Scotland They had landed few days previously and were motoring across Canada to visit gt their nephew on the West coast Beng farmers themselves they had last followed the road signs leadlng tn the lunisiil forms it wasnt long bciore we could talk one anothers language tWomens institute She belonged to Old Crmbus wi which in Scotland gt is known as Womens Rural in stilo This year Scotland cele brntcd so years of institute lrltl being two years younger than England and 20 years younger than the move ment in Ontario Douglas Drew ts homo spending week in Steven hlemoriai Hospital where underwent toot surgery Mrs Dalton Banting Is Improving In Royal Victoria Hospital where sh underwent surgery Oct is Congratulations to Bill Tho now at lit Cookstovm hu until couple of months on oi Thornton llth Con Essay who won the Slivorwood Dairies Ltd trophy for best plowing in ionriurroiv tractor oompetitlan at the international Plowing Match Fred McCchdy St Hubert Quer has rotumed home alter spending sometime with Mr and liirs Dalton Banting and other Iricnds in the community He at ANNWEILSARY Pleasant weather prevailed to help make Trinity United Church anniversary Oct pleasant and inspiring event Rev Geddes 3A Churchill was the visittn minister Music was pro videdby Mrs ll Black or ganist and Mrsi Black pianist The Junior chair at 28 and intermediate choir of 11 rm dered musical numbers under the direction at Miss lthoda Mae Shannon Assisting soloists were Mrs Campbell and Mrs John Sander oi Barrie Visitors noticed who were prelt sent for one or both servtcu were ltirs Geddes and imtly Churchill Mr and Mrs Jack Caldwell and family Mr and Mrs Ross Emma and iam lly ltirs Phyllis Gethons Misl tonda Gethons Mrs Ebby liar rlaW Bonito Mr and Mrs Bert Shelswell Mrs Jennrn Mr and litre Robert Jaman Mr and Mrs Bey Cochrare and family all of Barr rie Mr and Mrs Peacock Strand Mr and Mra William McArthur and Brenda Potas wick Mr and Mrs Waiter And rows tlrndiord and lilr and Mrs Borden Best Breton VERNON HORTON Vernon Clarke Horton 7t 12 71 Rechc Canyon itd Cotton Colliomia died in San Bernar dlno hospital Nativc oi Ontario he had resided in San Bernar dloo for so years He was retir ed transportation manager Port land Cement Co His associations included char iercd member and chartersec rotary Golden Valley Lodge No 796 and AM past High Priest and secretary Keystone Chapter No 56 RAM past commander and recorder St Bernard Commandery No 21 KT past patron Arrowhead Chapter No 518 oas member Itl Malaikoh Shrine Los Angeles Valley Council No 17 and SM St Pauls Methodist Church loaded the plowing match ilcï¬s survived by his widow Mildred hi ilorton CONTRACT BRIDGE By JAY secure You are declarer with the West hand at Four Hearts North having opened the bidding as dealer with club which your paruer doubled North leads the queen oi spades How would you play the hand Assume that the trumps are divided or 11 352 Alums voï¬ï¬ Qu W5 sass VKs 4er Sou are declarer with the West hand at Six Clubs North leads the king oi diamonds and continues with the ace You mi and play the ace of elubs Narth showing out How would you now play the hand are an VAST oxa 08 15 irons 410762 The possible losers are spade diamond and two clubs but one oi these losers ca almost surely be eliminated by taking advantage oi the krinw lete gained Irom Norths opcnt lng bid North appears to be rkcd with the QJ oi spades king of diamonds and AD or of clubs possibly the AQJ and all that West has to do at the start is visualize later end play position against him is to duck the queen oi spades The purpose oi this play is to make sure that South does not later take the lead with the ten oi spades if he has It for the killing return at club through the king After this the playvis fairly automatic Assuine that North continues with spade Declarer wins in dummy plays heart to the ace leads low diamond to the lack draws the outstand ing trumps clashes the ace oi spades and then play the ace and another diamond North wins with the king but must now lead club oryield rail and discard Either way dcelnrer makes four hearts It would be dangerous to try to roll your hearts in dum my because South might be shart in hearts and overruliuThe best method oi play is to cash the KQ of spades and enter dummy with the king oi hearts Now run dummys spades it South mils at any point nverruif draw trumps and you have the rest oi the tricks if South re uses to ruff you taken trum ï¬nesse to make the contract Of course South may ruii the king or queen oi spades when you lead them in which case you go down but thatis much less risk to run than at The iirst step in this direction TQ noun aroma tempting to trump hearts in dum my Dark hiotches Can Be caused any Pill By season MOLNER MD Dear Drltio en was pregnant several years ago dark hiotches appeared on my lace under my eyesand on my nose My doctor said they woldd disappear alter the baby was burn and they did Then three rs ago Ibegan taking hirihcontrol pills and in the last year these hiotches have appeared again they be from the pill or typcol skintMrs MT Probably both Some women encounter these spots which are called gt chioasma or the iaiiskbf pregnancy it is believedto re suit from altincrease in preg nancy oi the hormone which produces melanintlle pigment or coloring matierin skin as all as an increase In the estrogen or female horr mone nthe body When king the pill you are creating condition comparable to liregnancy and your skint type is susceptible to this change Thencrcased pigment accumulates into the spots or bio hes This by the way has reported In othe women list the birth controlpii Mv uggestlon is to stopllier pit resort iosom otheri contraceptive method hei discoloration doesnot ode titan eorsuit dermatologist There are certain ointments which can decrease the pigmentation but they can be lrritntlng some skins hich is whyI urgeyou to skin spectaiist do the treating my basement which use in the warmLmonths wonder wh ertrmy diiTetr or whether themolsture oi the cellar is better or usNR Not knowing how damp your basement is my thought would he todecide on the basis ot your comiort plus the question at whether there is enough mois ture to cause problem from things getting moldy or rusw Dear Dr Molner have spent considerable money on ultra yiolet treatments and salvo ior what has been diag nosed as tiaea versicnior My husband and yearoid child have it also In thelasth years 11 havesui ieredva lot of mentaiangulsh because of theseawiui spots on my arms chest back and neck Has any work been done to Iind caretMrs RD Tinea verslcolor is iungus Iniectlon oi the skimOther than the hrowntsh spots it causes no symptoms other than occasional itching tn Treatment with medications to subduethe fungus and oint ments to loosen thofine scales usually must he continued ior several weeks Uniortunateiy recurrence L5 common andre treatment necessaryUitra vi olet light may be helpful but more specific treatment for that Particular fungus xMaiassezta furfuris required Your mention of havinghad tilts for 10 years leads me to whether you have had your trouble reviewed recently medication containing tolnai late which has been available torthe last year or mother an ill Di Morton Mr and Mr Wayne Kioester man have taken up residence to the George Kay apartment at the Shell rtano nortb oi the village autva Congratulations to Mrs Johnson who celebrated her 35th birthday Oct 19 at her home she was also honored by Thorn ton wr whossregular meeting was that evening She has been memberiar 22 years and was presented with Federated Wo mens institute at Canada badge and heautliulty decorated birth day clke which everyone enjoy ed aiterwards as part oi the lunch KNOCK Knock Community Club met in the Community Centre with Mrs Pope and Mrs Pope as hostesses itoll call was answered by 17 membcrs Mrs More read the motto lira Pope gave talk and showed aiidu on her recent trip to Van coaver 13 Cochrano is patient in in hospital ltirs Shannon is visiting her daughter Mrs Clarke liom iiton who Is it with pneumonia Mrs Joseph Coehrane is also ill at home romaine lly MR5 WICE James Emlgh is patient in Newmarket hospital Mrs liartell Toronto spent the weekend withhnr father invlnw Charles Hastell while Mr and Mrs Beliord visited Expo Mr and Mrs Dan Small Tor onto were Saturday visitors with Mr and Mrs iim Wilson Mr and ltirs Tom Barnett Toronto were with the forrners parents Mr and ltirs Jack Anning oi Swlit Current sask and Mr and visited Sunday with their cous ins Mr ani Mrs Walter Hurl bert Jock Wice of Chatham was with his mother ltirs Wide District Womens institute held successful euchre party in Bond Head Community ltail ltlonday evening lilany from town attended The United Church owl sup per was served to approximate iy 45o The bazaar bake and rummage sale in St Francis Church uras success The draw on quilt was won by Miss ltuby Bennie Tor onto the ticket was sold by Mrs Tim Wilson ltirs Gys Van Nickcrk won the cup and saucer Brother Van Nickerk of Era sit South America is visiting this community BOWLING CLUB The annual meeting or the lo cal Lawn Bowling Club was held at the home ot Mr and Mrs Joseph Bollard with it mem bers present Plans weresug gested to encourage new mem bers to come and learn and en on the game Oliicers are Oral McClain Helen Sinclair presi dents Graceliellord secretary treasurer tournament secretary Ethnl games coaveners IOU Kn rm spiritn inn war wore an mowed Dont take him seriously Doris mummy daridge belly McClain Joe Beiiord as Drury Palmer greens Al ton Anderson Garnett Breedon WALKEM It Walkern passed away at St sliohads tlospitat Tor onto Oct id at the age oi it years its bad resided hero dur tng his life time and was wellv known and ctod citizen lla conducted her were business here for man years The com munity eaten son Mervinsnd family EVERETT By IROBBINS Milton Lawson resident of Everett ior anumbcr of years died suddenly in Alliston hospi tal Monday noon Oct 23 Ser vice was held Oct 26 with en torment in Alliston Union Ceme tery John irwin is building new house in Everett Work is pro gressing well Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Eddie Graham who uore married Saturday Oct 2i William lien is building modern home on their term near Tioga The women or Everett Cana dian legion are holding Hall oweeo dance in the Legion Hall hiday Oct 21 Masquerade or formtd Mra Harvey Lloyd is out again after recent stay in Toronto hospital Janie Peacock has returned home from Alliston hospital much improved in health Congradulatians to Mr and Mrs Ken Haydon who were married in Ailiston Oct 21 The reception was held In Roscmont Orango Hall Budding has increased to new high in the township of Tos somntio 0n the farm recently sold by William Burnettofiinga we understood loucre building lots adjoining the river are for sale corona By MItSl SAWYER roctoher meeting of Womens institute was held at ltirs Hank it Kciis Oct 17 with to mem bers and six visitors present The program was group discussion led by the executive Mary Can non Helen Neilly and Florence Luck on Safety andloison Conv trol Piano solos were played by Marilyn and Elizabeth Keli Oct it the institute held Talent and Skill Show in Giliord iinii aiternoou and owning litany lovely things were shown includin sewing fancy work quiltspnrulings furniture and other items There were dcm onstratlons oi quilting rug honk ing Artex work crcwel work and painting Mr and Mrs William Garham have retuntod irom liveweek holiday in Vancouver Mr and Mrs Warren Knee shaw oi Vergonnes Vermont and Mrs Readmon of Barrie call ed on relatives and friends in Giilord Sunday Warren is the second son of the late Bill Knee shaw who resided whcrc Bob Drybrough now lives It is it years since he moved to Ver mont with his parents and two brothers toz When he calls you Honey orKDarling its because he cantremember Atmosa DOWN LBestow lNewa 5Buddy monger 95pnkan 21mm 10Aureoia Carola 113mm amen sons ror short name arm letter screen or 14nqufrea singers uMadly iiAmateurn preï¬x Rubber 19th treeoi Brazil 8318st 11 Foreieei 13Godoi Wll 155hoottng 11 city Aachipoi turrettth Atlantic abbr aware mustang mar 20 Germinata 13 Overlook 24 Enraged 28 Atomu apioa 29 Interrupf tion shown otiectiveness against that variety of iungus 23 Encoun your proper name Coasswoan 18Ktndni dog tinVerdi opera 211arne 22 Single rï¬dm sympathy to his JULIET JONES DONALD DUCK SECRET AGENT X9 GRANDMA BLONDIE wruosv WE HAD quaeoau FlND THE JESMIVH LETTER IN ISA BODNTO ALL MANKiND LAZYOLUNCLE NED HAS nun LIGHTING HlS PIPE LATELY you man rr AND tN Just rutmv SECONDS ooswe MAWEDASM EX nave rr FRAMED NJ mm oven was ossx Ir asars ma OLD ascoan or Two HmRSAND TEN MINurES HEEAWNEWHEI or lHEtthELiGHiS SINCE THE WIND HAS BEEN BLWNG LEAVES ALL it WOULDNTGIVE you TWO cams CALLED unit taxed es Regret mtnhxm evrmom mama Nonexisler s9 Ignited Iliil oral HM GGSr AND SKEETER lt BUZZ SAWYER iVEDATED NEW BOY FOE TamerIr no now oursnou 0F we nave TIME UNTIL itiEt SEND HELP To US ANYMINltTE News MitttilE STRANGE ELECiRONIC DEVICE TD LiiiRN OVER TO THE MILITARY we mo Harms you STALL one awayworse sugarmr wsrmmita Vouk WHEELS RAIssyooe sueu seru KNOWYotIMEED it