Soto Walls Publisher MoPhonoh Managing Editor TUESDAY carom 1N1 Ontario Wllliom Tailor Glrtlill Manta PAGE Urba Growth Pfovides Many Problems For Cities At conference recently held in To ronto representatives of many countries assembled to discuss the problems set up the rapid growth of urban centres Dr Veissmanm United Nations expert stated that world population grew at the rate of 70 million per annum This results in overcrowdin of cities and highways it alsocauses spread of slums the gobbling up of all open spaces at an alarming rtc All big cities and many of the not so large ones suffer from serious short age of living space llfoscow said Alexek Kudriyavez has no such problems We keep our population static at 64 million he claimed Extensive public transport and 2500 Climb Stairs The busy executive may claim he has no time for sport but he could save five minutes per day by using the stair case in place of the elevator writes Dr Shepherd in the Canadian Medical Association Journal Dr Shepherd says that walking and climbing stairs the only exercise that many city dwellers get is insufficient to force the heart to pump fast enough to keep fit Stairclimbing becomes legitimate exercise when you run up two flights ten times da After testing 18 men who wore porta le tape recorders for 24hour eriods over onevyear period Dr She herd found their heart beats only reac taxis eliminate clogged arteries Land is owned by the state This prohibits land eculation one of the largest factors in sing housing costs Any source of air pollution is prevent ed by causing factories which might gen erate noxious fumes to be erected well away from centres of habitation As far as Russias system is concerned it gives the people the widest possible latitude through free enterprise We do have many laws to prevent the gross est abuses that would infringe upon the right of the majority of the people of the land he said it seems that the answer to the urban problem is linebetwcon the two ideol ogics The trouble is where does no erty end and licence start To Health edvthe 140 to 150 times minute nec essary for the lun to absorb enough oxygen to keep heart and body healthy when the subjects in his experi ment ran The architectural status of staircase in commercial buildings could be improv ed reports Dr Shepherd At present the staircase in many buildings is diffi cult to find poorly decorated and gen erally unattractive interior design lone will not cause lazy person to use the stairs Dr Shepherd suggests that considera tion should also be given to designing an elevator that will not transpart heal thy office staff less than three floors without the use of special key DOWN MEMORY LANE 55 YEARS AGO iN TOWN Barrie Northern Advance Oct 24 1912 Reclamation of many acres flooded lands adjacent to Noitawasaga River pro posed by Professor Day of Ontario Ag ricultural College Guelph Thomas and Joe Goodfellow ofB2irie assisted by Messrs Bowermon Tracy and Mun phy of Minesing accompanied Prof Day on trip from Sturgeon Rapids to Eden vale Temperance Hall where discussions were held with Watson president of Bradford llfarsh Drainage Co and Reeve Finlay and Councillor Coulis of Vespra Twp Governor Sisson re vealed that prisoners Slmcoe County gaol in Barrie thrive on food fare costing not more than nine cents per diem Golden syrup is used with porridge at breakfast and with bread instead of butter at sup per Magistrates are diverse in sentenc mg drunks one hands out seven days another up to 30 Vegetable plots on Codrington St tended by prisoners pro vide much food for local institution of penance Among those who com mended cal staff for efficiency at annual meetin Royal Victoria Hospital were Rev WillamHipkin Revl Isaac Bowles Rev Biggs Donald Ross and Mrs Druryr For firsttime in many years there has not been one case ofityphoid fever in town during 1912 Simcoe County beekee ers held annual meeting reeiected Wiliam Goulter of Shanty Bay Dennis Nolan of Newton Robinson Henry Couse of Cooks town James Martin of Hillsdale Houghton of Bond Head Warnlca of Painswick and John West of Thornton Many hunters have gone north afierdeer Barrie club includes James Scott Oliver Cameron Alex Hab hick Samuel Wesley George Hogs Jack Barr James Patterson William Robin son Caldwell Crawford Nor thern Hunt Club was first to leave by train including Walter Urry Phil Love Harold Knowles George Shrubsole casement it Hiirpriiro iii Council Harry Lennox and John Maley Dr Vic tor Harts group included Hartp Murchison MacLaren Wil liam Crossland Art Wolfenden Wilt Firth Dr Henry Wallwin was with Nathaniel Dyment John Hines Gib Webb Ed Guest Real Estate moving in Barrie Sons of Herman fraternal order fro Newark New Jersey 125 stropg havebooked Queens Hotel in Barrie for July next year Manager Norman Keicey stated Eimvale car ried bylaw to install hydro in village Election pot boiling in Flos Township as Reeve Titdhope decided tosettle in west Joseph Graham Amos lrain James McDermott and Marley men tioned likely to contest position Payroll at Allandale yards of Grand Trunk Railway said to be $46000 last month Mammoth roller rink will have band music Saturday night Rumors persist that radial railway from Toronto to Newmarket will extend to Barrie Other Editors Views iCIn retailer mnlrln lifter all ard in not union that lobta small cosmopolitan world to oorulvaotlout mans duty to bio following my my mint Also Wonder if it will In out so binary with time men who may or may nothavo od weakness ft vary on between brtvory and cowardice an instant mean of duration Perla see and chance would suit so men bstter than tonguelolhtnr legislature of special interest to this aroljnd to generallyaid you Mwain to any wnynws MPP Simeo Contra DRAFT honorees Dear Sir its your editorial of the lath on draft idodgora wonder if country really give one on identity Especially lathe wash crn world many plo today feel very close to ore in other CANADAS srotir LOOKSHARP FEEL SHARP Br SHARP zlw mm sweep ng£syw xwam OTTAWA career non aowwtw Durlog the Red River warts ing in lm mil mdl daiol mated was the former Fenian ODonoghue who bud become professor of mathe matics at St Boniface College He had Actually goneto St Boniface to study for the priest hood but decldcdtojoln Riel instead when it became known that Canada was as troops to Commons Absenteeism Is Vi Becoming Chronic By PATRICK NICHOLSON The smnilness of the band of MP5 present in the House of Common to handle the nations business is deplored in some newspaper701 other every day of the week Parlinincntary oh scnlceism is becoming so chron Ic that it is dragging the image of our dcmocrntln system into contempt The crowd of visitors in the public galleriesalways outnum her the MP5 sitting in their 265 seats below And these visitors from all parts of Canada take home stories of Chamber less than lhreequortcrs filled nt the opening of each days sitting and rapidly unfilled immcdl ately the lively Question Period is conipleted During the aver age debate there are about 35 him in the Chamber of vhorn perhaps an are present physi cally but not mentally as they read newspapers converse or write letters NO DAILY ROLL CALL Unlike General Motors or evenour Senate the House of Commons prepares no daily list of the attendance of those who work there But presence can be checked at rollcall votes when the House of Corrunons coiieclt tivcly appears iua favourable COME AND GET 11 Montreal Star Leaving goods in parked automobiles is proving costly to Montrealers and their guests rash of thefts last week ere leaving valuables on the seats of cars rather than inside lockedtrtinks It is much more difficult to Jimmy opena car trunk on city streetthen to open indoor or window and escape quickly New Yorkers learned 6r should have long ago that no goods should ever be left inside the passenger section of parked vehicle within full view of passershy This is habit Montrealers do not seem to have acquir ed And the more generous do not even bother to look their doors Its attempte tlon that has proven hard to resist qulloafreriADDLEBM PREACHER rim new ENGLAND iNLLIJDED MANV endprompts the suspicion that people light because the party whips generally take steps to round up all their members Even so this has not been impressive in the early weeks of this resumed session first three recorded vote of Which were taken onthe someday the number of MPs voting were respectively 21h bill and lint The totalwho could have voted was 260 owing to four vacancies and the fact that the Speaker only votesto break tie Thus our MP5 lass bodyhave twothirds attendance record even on such important occa sions as votes which could on sesf government laking working majority Liberals zflhp Earpip Exath 16 Hayfield Street Barrie Ontario Autb red as7 second dash matter Post Office Depart menthttawa and for pay mentof postage incash Daily Sundays and showed 372 per cent average attendance in view or their artys precarious position this not impressive even though it exceeded other parties The Conservatives obviously not cu thusieslic to overthrow thegov crnmcnt only achieved not per cent attendance the New Dcmo cret MPs have been more an xious to help their colleagues in rrroUNDTHrzrwoaLD California Governor Reagan distant eleotloMhhan to earn their $133000 year attending to tho nations business and their voting record is pitiful 51 per cent smallQueboc Credi tlsto group put in 71 per cent attendance and the three Que bee independents did even bob ter at 7d per cent The western Socrcds showed 33 per cent attendance record Is The AllAmericanjliof By PHILIP DEANE Foreign nitnirs Annkyst Ronald Reagan increasingly mentioned as the vicepreside tial candidate on Rockefeller ticket is the allAmerican boy the contemporary Horatio Alger character that here of American nwthology who strikes it rich in whatever is the latest bonanzagold oil or in Reagans case show business But Reagan has another dim slon he has always wanted to be more Sun of slice salesman high school and collegefootball and amateur dramatics star he made his mark in broadcasting by being able to sit in window les studio reporting on base hall game as if he were there to see it hundreds of miles away He gave the listeners the feeling they were seeing through his eyes something he was not seeing himself and he is partic ularly proud of this gift as he told me Whal iLsvalue is in statesmanshlp is not clear but it is an undoubted advantage in campaigning Radlo led to the movies and roles as the good guy who loyal ly loses the girl rather titan lose his friendship with the principal hero Since every man casts himself secretly as the princi pul hero Reagans movie image is reassuring be is not going take our girls away FAME NOT ENOUGH Movie fame was not értough however for Ronald Reagan He had genuine criissding streak in himand became progressive union leader But the progressives never took him seriously his offscreen image was not convincing The only pcople who took him seriously ttlroseuho identi fied him wi his movie roles with the straight shooting cow boy or full back defending all tiie simple virtues inthe si plest way Man needs adulation and does not readily upset those who for adulati Reagan began rig is pol cal speeches at movie fans the legendary little old ladies in tenhis shoes who think property is sign of divine favor poverty proof or wickedness and dark skin the consequence of being descendedfrom that son general Red River under Ce onel Wolse ley ODonoghue had plan to ambush them but Riel would not go along with it He had become convinced that peaceful union with Canada was the best course However when Wolsefoya troops arrived at PortGnrry expecting to fees gunfire Riel and ODonoghuorwont out back gate and crossed the river on raft They were loiued by Deplne and then clashed to the border on horseback Riel and ODnnoghuo parted om an soon after ODonoghuedrolled petltlpn to President Grant or the USA asking him toannex western Canada butV ltlel refused to sign it Then ODonoghue rejoined the Fenian movement and became Although the Fenlansf had been soundly defeated in the east they still hadiplans to cap turc th west including British Columbia Their threats were taken so seriously that on Octo her ml the Manitoba gov crnment issued an orderin council organizing civtl defence General ODonoghua led force of an coughs across the border the next day and raided the Hudsons Bay Company post near Fembina They were followed by £3 Amerien solr diers on horseback and the INoah who laiighed on poor old father Thus Reagan began to vanish and Reagan tho staunch defender of primitive conservatism The Reagan ago against faceless bureaucrats napping in dual liberties and property ts became the uncontested hit of the banquet circuit and led Ronald Megan to the goven norsoip of California Vhat isdangcrous about him theicrowd helkvtnth egrgsi reactionary nar rowminded unkind crowd when one meets him one dog ops the lingering feeling that Hagan is better than the com pany he keeps thatisoniewhere behind the smile the progra sivism remains together with not inconsiderable intelligence But none of this whimatter about VicePresident Reagan if his president lives memoranan Homes nauurscaurrauo wit Kindest personal rmrdi ART EVANS the progressive Canadian should try harder to keep the idealof their on country in mind tone or which corresponds to flirt expressed around the worldoiou of peace if on in other band we to tend to criticise drlftdodgors lo we had better institute our own draft first Perhaps the lock of draft is what cause so mud apathy in this country Please do not think that am advocating funds bo given to draft dodgers merely want them treated lairly You sincerely Hlbberf Vancouver St Barrio Boundary iDehate Ended Billerlp Fenians fled when they saw wthom coming It had been cured tint the Hells would join the Pcnlano hit Riel had robinnod to the Red River area and persuaded them not to do so in tact ODonoghue was captured by some hfetis and turned over to US authorities There were warrants out for the arrest of Riel and Laplno but Liutenant Governor Arth bald of Manitoba was so pleased with the action taken by the Metis that he went to St Boniface to thank them He shook hands with Riel and Lupine petending not to recol nlre them OTHER OCT EVENTS mooLesbiaturo of Canada refused to vote money for government expenses lordLiberal leader Edward Blake outlined Canada First program and resigned from tho Cabinet leltCanndlan Expeditionary Force sailed from Quebec for World War One tearPrime Minister Mackenzie King of Canada and Prime Minister Stanley Baldlt win of Britain inaugurated tole phono service between Canada and Britain wean Brirrs NEW DEVELOPMENT MADE MOSCOW APlTass news1 agency reported three Soviet doctors have developed an arti ficial bone to correct deafness caused by detcritxaliou oi the slim tiny bone in the inner ear it is made of tdlon Tara said PARKING PROBLEM TOPEKA Kan tAPiWhon federal grand lury complained about lack of pasking for ju rors and witnesses Judge George Tethplar sold it had taken him five years in get re served parking space and it not in thb some birds as tho courthouse wanr ro mm TOKYO AP Communist North Vietnam and South Viet nams Viet Cong sent delega tions to Red Chinas 18th anni vssary celebrations the Po king news ageooyreported stair THOUGHT And she brought forth her first born son onrl told film In manger because there was no room for them Intho tom Lnko 27 Our lives are like inns along the roadof life and Jesus in still at the door waiting to some in and occupy His rightful place Make room for Rims Statutory Holidays excepted gt Subscription rates daily by carrier 45v weeklyn man yearly ingla copies the By mail Barrie $2340 yearly Ontario 51200 year motor throwoff 515 year Mailout side Outario 314 year Out side Canada British posses slons 515 yen and foreign 526 year National Advcrflsing Of flees 475 ttléhfémltliéhiim 1W6 THE WHITE ntLoMM rems aromamu Most47 WIlfifflr may Itllfiin Moor2mm mummy£11m GillE YOU HEWACHEEH KNOW gt NE SW V0501 VANGER ill YOUR HOME Villlllï¬ï¬‚illlllifllyir PILLEVE FLAVOREV Lois ccawao EYEv SIMPLY snow AHMED University Avenue Caurcart So dcr St Vancouver EC lifember of the Canadian Daily Newspaper Publishers Association tho Canadian Press and Auditrllurenu of circulations The Canadian Press in ex clusively entitled to the use forrepublication of all news dispatolles in this paper cred ited oriihohesocated PresserReuters also the local news publ edytheiein momentum mmwoouous haircuts titlilElL TtlE TRUELOVEMANAMERM lirizcuiursiiw mmvnw if nnouousntunzvsnisa return 45 with any llavl 5W om 5qu ram my years