Obiutivo $95950 To Date $1000 No 140 TORONTO GIRL LOSES li raisin TENYEAROLD Rosemary Starts vi Toronto bends down to examine doll lying in the rubble left by an early morn ing fire in Torontos east side Sunday The fire killed four children including Rosemarys school friend Sherry Harris Four adults and two other children were injured and three firemen overcome by smoke CE Wirephoto Wind Up Campaign TORONTO CHCampaign ing for Tuesdays general elec tion in Ontario virtually wound up during the weekend with provincial party leaders home to stay until the results are known Theyll be doing some hand shaking and visiting in their home rldings but as Liberal Loader Robert Nxon replied Saturday when asked it he thought theyd sway many vot ers in the last 24 hours doubt it Mr Nixons home riding is brant Progressive Conservative Premier John BobarLs is at home in London South and Don ald MacDonald leader of tho New Democratic Party is run ning in the Torontoarca riding of York South indications from the ad vance poll held Thursday Fri day and Saturday are borne out heavier than normal vote can be expected Tuesday In general the advance poll was imprinsively heavle than in 1063 the last provincial elec tion with most returning otfig cars reporting sharp increases and some reporting tnrnoutaof double the 1053 total of votes MTC Union Faces Threat By Gavt MONTREAL CF Union officials called meeting for today in the face of Quebec government threat to hold an emergency smion of the provin cial legislature to endhloni ieals bus and subway strike Officials of the Confederation of National Trade Unions which represents the fivestriking tran sit unions plan to study their next move in the dispute which caused 6000 workers to leave their jobs Sept 21 Acting Premier Paul Dozois rnswqfs Wï¬iï¬wn who obtained court injunctions last week ordering the strikers back to work said the cabinet will decide today whether spe cial sesson of the legislature should be called in view of the workers refusal to obey the court orders Such session woiild be aimed adopting emergency legisla ion which would force the unions suspend the strike pending settlement of their dis pute with the Montreal Trans portation Commission at ï¬wwrcvfkzm CAPSULE NEWS US Accidentally Hit Own Position saloon Reuters An American air strike Sunday acci dentallty on us positions near the derriilitarized zone im the second time in three days killing three and wourding nine ma ans Gunmen Hold Up NYCargo Hangar NEW YORK GP ihree gunmen wearing Halloween masks held up cargo hangar of American Airlines at Kmaedy Airport gm night and made oif with $102000 in cash and sapphires and rubies from the Far East rioting Airliner Flight cancelled murmur Laos tar French ainline that carrieslnteri national Control Commission members to Satgnon Hanoi and Vientiane has cancelled flights until the coirnriissiou pays its bill ï¬iuiormed sources reported today Completes Atlantic Crossing ibnowrotce Sheila Scott memoir British actress who Friday crossed the Atlantic in arecordll hours and 14iminutes flight will remain in Tomato 6ivtties until Friday Police Seek Cluefanreckage to participate in British Week ac MONTREAL or SubimbaniSt Minn poiiceitoaayrsiited through four wrecked floors of an office building heavily damaged aeén meant for dynamite blast Sunday They speculated the booth may have another budding voteleou The sizeof the advance pelt results of which wont be kiioyn until after the votes are counted Tuesday night is leading some observers to lookfor swing in affiliation to some degree It also is being suggested that was redistribution ch raised the number of ridings in Ontario to 117 from 100 it dissa lutinn has generated an interest not shown by the gencsal rear tion to speeches by the candil dates The government ashgcns cont trailed by the Progiessive Con servativc party for it years with Mr Roberts as leader since 1961 and both the NDP and Liberal leaders have strong ly suggested that this tro long dotriot Canada Monday Ottobor 16 m7 Report SAlGON iCPlViceItdmiial John ilylnnd commander of the US Seventh Fleet said today navy bombing has turned the North Vietnamese port of Haiphong into vlrtualuis land with war supplies pibng up lfe said his pilots have knocked out all four bridges used for moving supplies inland Pontoon bridges built to replace thcm could not carry the weight Of ordinary bridges although some supplies moved over them The admiral said that from military point of view it would be easier and might be more ct fcclive to mine the harbor Mines could be swept but it the port was mined it would make USEgypiian Private Talks Seek Agreement UNlTED NATIONS APiA climax approaches today in USEgyptian private talks to ward an agreement that the Sc curity Council should try again to settle issues left by the lsrae liArab war of last dun Egyptianï¬z reign tar Mahmoud lad and LS Ambas sador Arthur Goldberg are expected to confer in Goldbergs New York hotel suite where Rind met Goldberg week ago and Secretary of State Dean Rusk two weeks ago 40 Are Homeless In Caliio DDS ANGELES tAPlA se ries of brush fires spread patchwork pattern of destruction over the dry ins Angeles area Sunday leaving one person dead and to homeless and blackening 26000 acres The worst of the ï¬resa 10000acre blaze at suburban Chatswnrth in the San Fernando Valley 30 miles northwest of has Angeladestroyed 22 and raged through the night Fire officials said the Chat swofth blaze combined with limoacre fire in the Simi Valley of southern Ventura County Both fires were burning on no mile perimeter bordering us 101 the Ventura Freeway rnia Fire Fire department spokesmen said Janet Cameron was killed at Simi when tire truck collid ed with her car ltiio firemen and other motoriis were sent to hospital Traffic on the Ventura Freeway to the Simi area was backed up for eight miles at one point 30 HOMES DAMAGED In addition to the 22 homes de stroyed Battalion Oapt Jake Dukes said the Chatsworth blaze damaged 3o homes Red Cross workeis set up shelter at nearby church No homes were damaged in Simi buta tract of homes near Thousand Oaks was threatened during the night SUPPLIES FILING UP lot of additional problems for the enemy Opponents of mining have argued it would create the risk at an inoidmtinmlvlng foreign ships particularly Russian liyland said air recipe is snnce photos show what appear to be supplies spread around in Haiphong parks The bridge bombing made it much more ditticult for North Vietnam to use war materials brought in by sea for aggres sult that American troops cod up with fewer casualties Meanwhile us an bnmbcis swept into North Vietnam 30 miles above the socnlled demlli tarized zone Sundaytheir deep est raid in 10 monthsand blast ed the ltlu Gin Pass the entry to the Ho Chi Minh troop and so ply trail to the south The eightengine $00000m bombers are usually kept away tram possible it ange to North Vietnamme missiles which can reach them even at the 30000foat altitudes where they fly The ho mb rs struck truck amass Alt tcrl not be accepted the $1M oia united coimtry he said the weekend an aide said POSES QUESTION hirPearstgtn sai the fact that there are two distinct cultural societies in Canada leaves Cana dians with dear and simple question What price are we prepared to pay to preserve our total identity as Canadians lf Englishspeaking sought to isolateFrenchspeak ing society whether by design NS Coal ClQSure LikelyCornmonsTopic OTTAWA CP The an nounced intention of Dominion Steel and Coal Corp to close its steel operations at Sydney NS is likely to be maior topic when the Commons sits 230 pm today The economic implications of the closing are so seriousto the Cape Breton community of at too that there could be demands for an emergencydebale It sucks move succeeded the House would put aside its regu lar business nblch today is sup posed to be consideration of resolution proposing onecent increase in postage foriletters mailed in Canada for delivery within the country The Commons bad adjourned Friday when the announcement came fromT Emmett Dos cos presidentthat the company planned the closing byApril 30 next year ollowi Mr Emmerts statement the federal govern ment called an Dosco to explain publicly its reasons for deciding to close the Sydney mill hlr Emmert said Friday night that Doscos reported lossr es before income tax adjust TheExaminev TODAY Itzin ï¬ndersB City Newkz Classified16 l7 Comicsll DEiiulSrIG District5 Editorial4 Sports10 11 Theatre5 rv Listingsii Weatuura Womens8 meats were $4800000 in 1966 and $6400000 in the ï¬rst six months of this year Health Minister Mncanhen representative sent idegram to the premier or the province Smith proposing public meeting today at Sydney to bear the companys explanation If there isan emergencyde bate proposal itmay not on Sydney meeting are known nears our Mother Patrick have yourself nowJ Patrick coaxing lll be good or arnickel Ma Mother Why 3dont you model yourself alter your father dont have to give him nickel to be gooddfl Patrick nothing sinn in the South with the re +Prirhe ltlinister Pearson worried Sun day nigbt that special status could create new proMems tor Quebec and even lead to set aratc state result that can ln speech read in his air sense at the opening of three day conference on the econom ics of Canadian unity the prime minister called upon Canadians to ask themselves what they are prepared to do and to pay for We must make all Canada and not merely Quebec homo land for all Frenchcanadlans The speech was read by Rich ard Casliin Liberal MP for St Johns West Mr Pearson was unable to leaveOttawa during Haiphong Port Virtual Island Lawn Ill 4257 so its been done But do the v0 know that parts supply concentrations and fuel storage sites at the pass after coming from fh not over Laos so they would be in North Vietnam only Vb ielly Quehecis Special Status macrobiotic iM hr nditference it would simply encourage separatism But the complete political sc paration of Quebec from Canada would not occur ina tranquil in rational way he warned It would shatter the hopes and dreams of millions of Cana dians particularly young Cana dians ltwould create an atmos phere oi disillusionment and bit terness litany were asking however whether Quebec could no enjoy speeinlstatus within Con federation Mr it said special status means to some people transfer at federal jurisdiction in certain tields to the Quebec government The tumble with this was that it would give Que bec more constitutional power than the other provinces and at the same time diminish the im portance of Quebecs representa tives in the federal government and Parliamnt This kind of particular status could lead toa separate state result that cannot be accepted WEATHER Varinble dullness with some whine My law toaldtt dilationer 56 NotMorafihamltlcPcrCopy ll Place Party Rejects Separatism lind Rebel Rene Levesque QUEBEC CPiQucbccs op position Liberals rejected scpar atism and Rena Lctcsnue en dorsed federalismns party poli cy and sang Canada lot dur ing the weekend More than 1200 delegates at the annual meeting of die Que bcc Liberal Federation voted al most unanimously to seek to he crease powers of the Quebec government th nCanadlan fetierallsm Purged as separatist was Mr Lanesque 45 whose propos al for sovereign separate state at Quebec was rejected by an overwhelming majority hlr Levesque tonne ter of welfare and resource re signed tom the Liberal party where he seneds the rebel of Quebecs Quiet Revolution He said he will continue to sit in the legislature as an indcv pendent member and plans to campaign across Canada for ac ceptance of his sovereignebate theory He was among the prominent members of the former Liberal government often leading the way for revolutionary social change in Quebec during the sixyear term until it was defeat cd by the ruling Union Nationals in 1006 About 150 Liberal party incin bers resigned with in Lovey quc Among those lcnvmg wcre two former chairmen of the par tys political committee ltfari Brlcre and misalre Beaulc The federation endorsed fed cralist resolution seeking special status for Quebec within new Canadian constitution Work on delinlngttiis special status begins this week in the foderntlons policy committee leading to special conference in ion to determine dc led party policy education minister Paul GerinLajnie is expected to lead determined battle for strong special status invaivxug major changes in forlorn rovin rial jurisdiction Among other things llr Ge rinLajoie advocates abolishing the constitutional monarchy with in which ht think should become republicwithin Canada Liberal Leader JeniLesege closed the in ay annual meeting Sunday night by chal lcnging the Union Nationale gov crnment to hold similar men ing to clarify the Union Natio nales constitutional policies Castro Accepts Guevara HAVANA CPiCuban Pre mier Fidel Castro announced Sunday night he has accepted as bitterly true that his former comrade in arms Ernesto Che Guevara is dead Castro made his acceptance in speech beamed throughout Suspected Spy Takes Own Life KAELSRUHE Reuters woman charged with being member of Soviet spy ring in West Germany committed sui aide in her cell at theCologne womens prison Sunday it was announced today The woman Leonora Suetter lin 39 secretary in the West German foreign ministry was arrested with four others in Bonn last Thursday and charged with treasonable connections with the Soviet Union Hei hus band was one of those arrested filth person was released after questioning iRePOTtt baLin Ameiim that appeared to be the first stepIin campaign to establish the Argentine dnc tar said tohave been kdledin Bolivia as revolutionary hero and martyr He said imperialism has fear of Che alter death Gus vara had been eliminated physi cally but his example can never be eliminated by anything or anyone The usuallyflairhoyant as tro his voice subdued emo tion accused the Bolivian army of murdering the 39yearold Guevara alter capturing him Oct The death of one at the lead ing tncticims of the Cuban revo lution was very hard strong blow to he revolutionary move ment He did not explicitly say whether Guevaras death would have any effect on Cuban for eign policyor what would he come of Guevaras vision of set ting Latin America ablaze with ball dozen antiAmerican guerrilla wars Nova Scotias federal cabinet made until after results of the Aw hes good for iiiiio iiriiooiiiiiiiiziis period it apron Flags of all member coun tries of the North Atlantic ceremony at which NAN opened its new headquarters in IlcttglAP ivir NATO flag is in at extreme tito via cabl Treaty Organization fly during riisscls Belgium today The from Brussels