Tilt canomnrrs Artlur Art EVAN be llem the Conservative recordzlo mfhce ls arood one and tr cotiating on voters to rally bdiiod bia continue with progress Wigo tor reelection Mr Evans was ï¬rst elected to the Legislature In 1960 by eledido and was retrnoed to Queers Park in the general eieotion oi 1m naiorliy He says the PC Government that been good to this area and cites road bsggfbuiidiog mm apnea food homital grants and aid tor senior citizens housing During hialwo terms in tho Jtcbnrta govonuneot i1rEvnna has been premier attire select conxnitteo on munidpale law chairman ol the Legislatures atandios mimittee tor legal labor and municipal bills Brucrowrn with ismsvote rnrm new Evans StandsI911 Record Andrtivo ycirs ago he was ART EVANS named dnairrnao ot the select commitse on conservation and orities body on width New Democratic Party Leader Don aid MacDonald and Lberal Lead er Robert Nixon also served Mr Evans 52yearcldn1ens wenr merchant from Bradford was involved or many years in municipalpolitlcs He was ntcniver oi the Brodord village councillor six years reeva tor seven years and the ï¬rst mayor when the village became town He also served on Brudiorddls triot high school board the pub lic utilities corrmisslon the norm munity centre board and the Georgian Bay Hydro System directorate He is married to the former Audrey Kerr of Allistoo and tho oouple have our children John 23 Donald 21 Robin 17 and Catherine Advocates Marty Changes Bruce Owen has declared he entered the provincial election as liberal candidate in Simeon Cen tre because political expediency took priority over planning or the future in the Conservative Goveran hir Owen 6de law yer and Barrio alderman rays he believes the democratic sys Iorn functions most effectively when there are periodic changes in government But be Isnt wasting his elec tlon campaign on tho time tor change theme alone He advocates changes in the labor laws provision of more treatment facilities tor the ment ally illrevision of the tax strutL ture to ease the burden on pro perty owners measures tore tiuce air and water pollution and action to curb the increase in housing costs Government policies he says should ensure that the burdens and opportunities ot automation Vinonror DENNIS nnucn cum will be inirly shared by all rec tioos oi the industrial structure Among the labor law changes lilr Owen advocates is nbolllloo to ex partc injunctions those where only one side heard in labormanogemcru disputes lntunctlons should be provided for under the jurisdiction at an expanded labor relations board rather than the common in courts he says Although his want three coun cil seat was the result of his first bid tor elected office Mr Owen has participated in wide var ier oi other colmiuniï¬y activ tiles lie is current president oi the Barrie Chamber of Com mercc and has been active in the Mental Health Association Community Concerts Assoaia Iiorr the Childrens Aid Society and the United Appeal lir Owen and his wile Anne have three children1rcv0r Valerie and Pamela In First Election Racer Robert Dennis NDP candidate in the Oct 17 provincial election describes housing as todaya greatest crisis Butrthe Conservative Govern ments HOME plan tolls for short oi solving the problem be we falling to meet the require ments of over 50 per cent of the population Mr Dennis toyearold tire builder with MansfieldDenman General is in his iirsl election race although he has been no live in the ND organization tor several years resident of Barrie for 20 years he is also an executive of the Barrie and District Labor Council and active in the union at Mansfield He says that ii the HOME plan were introduced in the Bar rio area the minimum require ment would be approximately $6000 year well beyond the read of more than half the pe ulators increase the provincial share of education costs event ualiy min per cent and make mortgage money available on reasonable rates ROBERT DENNIS policy at massive land assem bly tax the profits at land spec lir Dennis also advocates new policies to protect consumers He suggests legislation to protect investors regulate insurance companies prohibit false and mlslendingadvertising and elim inate trading stamps We do not intend to control food and related prices rather we will establish system here by conslnners will have access to information that will enable them to make an intelligent choice he said recently Mr Dennis says medical and dental care would be ad under the NDF along government operated car insur ance plan and aid to farmers through longterm credit Mr Dennis is married to the PEO duce housing costs would adopt former Naomi Soon oi Barrie and has three children Wayne 7An NDP government to re Tbe smallest classat Gcor glaoCollege or Applied Arts and Technology which opened tnBarrio this week is made up at nine studenia taking to not Parents fresh egga ranged from so ch loos Fresh baking was good auo brand medical sbcretarial course So far it is the only one that has some at its equipment electric typewriters Carol Cameron of Lions Head trio her hand at one olthe ma chines while Ann Hunter ot Honeywood and Wayne Con7 nlngham chairman of business andlnpplietl arls look on Gerald and Suzanne ion liNItEil Wit to II Agent VITED APPEAL AN Arrrrhcrrve display of flowers at the Eimvala rink received much attention at Fins Agricultural Societyvfoli fair ycslerday and today hire Aian Scott at Barrie lam is shown Erlmlrtng tho flower5 wailth lira Colin Elliott oi Elm 2500 At Elmirale r5 Opening Dayerf Fair IA Siayncr exhibitor Carl Pea coca oi ltit was the high Point winner among astandout veg etabie showing at Elmvalcs ninth annual tall air which on ened yesterday and concludes to night with dance and county dairy princess contest Choice corn potatoes torna Vloos cabbages mushrnclons and mangels were shown by Iiir Peacock and they all won ï¬rsts Vasoy exhibitor Irene Voscy won over Mr Peacock in tho cauliflower class Dunlops oi Moonstone and Watsons oi Elmvole had the largest of some mudvadmired commercial eidiihits large openirg day crowd which nine bered well over 2500 were ob viously impressed with the in door displays Mrs Earl Dundas of RR Wyebrldge won iirst tor best showing o1 Golden Russcts ln theI fruit displays Carl Peacock oi Stayner also tnnde anodier excellent showing herevvitb firsts for McIntosh and ltlrsDuodas second rlticlntosh appirs Lois Bertramoi Ehnvalo exhih ited the best Walt Riverlvar leties gt Saurin Womens institute showed atypical 1367 tnrnrstead in miniature whidr depicted pi oneer farming in the area An Allenwood exhibit labelled Grandmothers Tieasurus with iooyeanold voden rolling pin and various other liousahoid dishes and ornaments of the past also was admired handmade ness which was worn by Mrs Matilda Kennedy greatgreataunt oi Mrs ion was the objéctoi pa ar CarsCollide Man Charged An accident at 1208 this morn ing resulted in charges at care less driving and following too close against 37yearold Donnld Valiord Maple Dr 12 Camp Borden Mr Waliords vehicle was westbound on Dunlop St noar Eccles whenit ran into the rear of car driven by David Roy Bell 1o ot New Lowell Damage to the Waltord vehicle St Lawrence was estimated at 3200 and to the Bell out $1 =Tblr Winter Be Prevesé¢i For The Coldi Add Aluminum Storm Doors From Allandoln Lumber Stock Sizes Only Natural luminum 54 White damned $45 66 2s 10x6 10 WA otx in attention in the New Pics Vo mens lnstilulc exhibit Van Vlaclr Vomcns institute showed miniature at on 1867 parlor then an important part at the homes at the wciltodo Flotwrs in the school fair sec tion were much admired David Richic oi Fins Area School No won iirsts for living room and sick room lioral arraogsmenta with Kathy Lynn and Nancy Usher sezcnd and third in the formerand Bruce Grcenlaw sec and in the other Judged rst in keen competiV tion tor ng room flowers was an exhibit oi David longman wfli Nancy Tram second Linda iinncy third Brian bottus tourth and Janet Vanless iifth Dougie llnney woo ilrst for best five African lilarigolds with Janice Guthrie second ï¬ella Guthrie third Linda Tinney lottth and Barbara Stone iiltb Peter Walden won first for French Marigold allowed by Bertram Luanne Crane Linda TinnclI Nancy Usher andBan barn Stone Brian McFadden had the bestrflvo Zinnias and Lori Clement the beat single flower in this elm ing of calves and at 4H club members was lol lowed with interest by ill spect atora had standout Indoor display at accessories along with Cross landWyevalc Centre Flos and others gt Musrcnnv srtnrrno tOrchosira In will BerBig by nrunrnr naarnnh iusic the ambassador oi good lll It is the pericct communication between all races So saidiGcrrnrdKant arjlan concertmnstcr of the To wer Mingliony Orchestra dur4 ing his conversation with metol lowing tbe Thursday ey Au toriu He isnetvlyarriv edlin Toronto trcm New York to hold his position as new First Violinist or Concedmmtevwith the Toronto Symp any His violin is rare one made by Dutchman pupil of Amati in 1649 He chose it because of the sweet sensuous tone he is able to draw tromit During our talk we spokeoi the newlyformed Huronia Symphony Ordiestra which will give its ï¬rst full concert in No vanber He was most exdted about this He said that the only way sophisticated and icncceaa developin this region is to have permanent orches tra residenthere so that the young peopleean hear and know the repertoire oi orchestra music Radio TV and record ings will never do this he said The only answer lies in live music The rapport between or cbestra and audience only Area Asset happen in the concert hall it was heartening to see the appreciation of the audieoce for last Thursdays performance by the TorontoSymphony And it was noticeable that already cer tain ooocert manners are being learned For example there was absolute quiet between movemean oi the Beethoven program at Central Collegiate Symphony instead of disturbing applause Yet when the Toron io Symphony ï¬rst was brought hereto Barrie this was not the case AFlsiier islo be corrm nded tor bringing this or chestra bore occur pleasure and especially tor the education of the younger people There are two other happen ings at the Collegiate Auditorium thismonth Tcahouse ot the Augmt Moon being presented by the LittlerHilijPlaycrs on October 20 and Morrissett rand Bouchard husband and wife duo piano team who open the Corn Jo Phelpston 4H club also Stotesbury EON LLCol G5 gt celcbrate th 16th anniversary or Lakeview Dairy Sky Room on 11 MR EXAMINER WAY mania Seven Accidents Reported OPP Seven aocldenla mostly 01 min nature occurred in the Barrie OPP district irorn 530 nun Friday until early this morning Aoaocident in the autumn lane at Highway too at 530 yarn yesterday involved the vehic ler of Willi lord 36 of Mine ring and Douglas Gibrlet ot Brantford Total damage to the two vehicle was has No injur ies or charges were reported Another accident at £230 on llixhtay too and the not over pass at Thornton involved the vebidea of Robert Hayes so at Toronto and Richard Hamhly 17 of ornnteville There were no injuries and damage was eltI mated at stool 11 uto driven by Clitlord Adana ol htlnesiog sustain ed tooo damage 111 onave blcle accident on the Seventh eoncenlon o1 Vospra south oi Sunnidaio lid The accident took glues at Bll5Flldly No Injur or changes are reported Chargea are pending Inan ae cident that took place 120 this morning at Highway to our the Eighth concession of Eran Involved were care dtlvan by Eric Gordon Adams all oi Kit chener and David Wayne Beilby 19 of Utopia The Admin auo received 5800 damn while ha Bellby car sustain $330 Barrie Cadets Will Parade Navy League Cadets Sea Cn deta and Air Cadets from Barrie will be among those takingpart In parade and fire lighting demonstration next Thursday at Hangar Jo hose Borden be Barrie cadets will be sea cadet corps irom Aur orn arid air cadets from Itllislon strationsvllt be held In contunci Among the otiieers will be base commander Group Capt Ockeoden 0de Faggo ltlalor it Allen and Ranch Jelirles Will Celebrate 10th Itnniversa Mens Club will its charteringwithb dinner and birthday party to he held at the Oct 16st 630 it lshoped to ave part International President at 11 Mens Club nddressthe meeting together with other dignitaries oi Ys lilcns Clubs in Ontario Tax REG LACHANCE CLU Vurthhrh eanufa munity Concert series 89 Dunlop Sb Barrio The specialparnde and demon An accident at 150 thla morn ion remitted to 575 damage re the car driven byuony hirito Green of Hnnuvillennd $15 to the auto of Jams Croekrr of DeKalb Illinois No injuries orange reported Ana er accident limo this morning caused total of dunno to two can involved The tint vvu driven by Cornelia Dekhert at of Stroud the other by William Johns 13 of lielron Ava Barrio No injuries or charges reported The autos oi Gretameanr oi Pool St Barrie and WIIL Andre Yedie no of Sirngeon Fails were involved in so accl deot at 1215 laat night on High way too at Duekworth SL oven pan Damage to the Vonrmanr vehicle was 880 No damage was reported to the other auto Cbargee Ira peodhig PABMEBS MARKET Busincaa waarltightly slower this morning with tinge of cooler air lroah tnilta were still available and sold well Good ireah apple cider wu tempting at $125 got or tor for to on Blenheim orange Isa has pears $135 groper 14 qt baa amatl baa mined fnlita ior Thanksgiving 75c and 1125 Tomatoea $125 aquash peppers various prices veget able marrow 15c pio pumpkin 15c cauliflower toe turnips the up cooking onions 75c baa car rota soc apinacb 15c pig beets 60c hhitned bouqueLr oi flowers 35c un flEIITliIIES HURT ntlltin GM rlluidmnd rm titty intum unnvnn denture or oothet vim if an on Art tww no BIRITE PRESCRIPTION SERVICES 55 VS Degas PHONE 7282429 For Fast Pickup and Delivery At No Extra Charge aor Blake St Barrie Shopping Plnra Businessand Personal Life Insur ancohndoity Plans lodivldual Ehrempt Pension Plan Anitranea Company Phone reasons Notice is hereby giverlibel poll fortha Electoral District of Simeoo centre will be open on Thursday Fridoyzondlsoturdoy the IZrh Ian and out days of chaser 1967Srmmj8 am to pm to to pim Standard Timers5811 pm and from Daylight Savingll staining riaeistorinesgraarmour district arrtarma MASONchHALL ahanla sr ll be located at canola TRiNITY garish will cottran sn PENerhNoJteciounatt SIMCOE ST 13