Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 7 Oct 1967, p. 16

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Spokesman For Justice ILI Amos simple herdsman cnd dresser ot WWI fmit uasualled bycod tobca rophet to lsrarl Jerobnam it was king Amos 11 71115 Alter his tirst two visions those at locum and drought thc peoples and Amos IWEEKLY MEDITATION God So LovedTheJWorld REV ll IllOIlYSE ANGUSUNTTED CIIAIIGE Thanks be to God or his un speakable gift Cor 515 The trueGod ereatorund sus tnincr ot the universe and all that is in it the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ is pertcct being pcriect in power wis dom love He delights to give good things to llis asking serv ants His power and goodness are shovn drift in the great complexity beauty and variety of the nalural order The heav ens are telling the glory 91 God And the tirmamcnt proclaims his handiwork SIMCOE GUTlIRIE nyrnnts cannon cannwnu UNIFIED BUDGET The Autumn lhankoitcring or United Church Women was held at the church and attended by 16 members and six guests Wor ship under the leadership Mrs Pearsall had Thanks giving as the theme Mrs Esther SarJeant Orillia president at Sirncoe Presbytery UCW was speaker She based her remarks around ilie com mon question What in the world are we doing UCWs money helps meet the needs at others through the Uni Iicd Budget of the United Church Support is given in 14 countries to over 250 missionaries live leprosy centres iivchospitals in dlttcrent countries many schools from primary to university level and several workers in Can odas seaports Mrs Sarleant stressed the importanceot be coming knowledgeable about the outreach oi the church as in 1061 each UCW will set their own objective for giving to Uni fied Budget This can be real tiled ii membeis are aware of the needs 01 the church and make personal commitment To un derstand iully this new method of giving everyone should at tend the tall convocation Nov at St Pauls Church Orillia This meeting takes the place oi the fall rally UCW will purchase 30 church calendars for sale In the cone gregation request was ac cepted to cater tor wedding Nov to the exeuitive will meet Oct 25 nursery tor young children during the regular church servv ice is being organized Anyone facility please contact Rev Interested in helping or using this King or Mrs George Caldwell Several womenattended the opening at the new wing or Hill crest Lodge in Orillla Oct There will be fireside atter the evening anniversary serv ice Oct 29 when UCW will serve lunch Mrs Sanderson steward ship secretary reported givings were behind schedule at the end of the third quarter The next meeting will be Nov at Mrs Loves at 130 pm Roll Call will be Name missionary worker where they are and type of work WAVERLEY By MRS REG DRINKILL Recent visitors with Mr and Mrs John itiiller were lllrand Mrs Harold Dyball Oriltln Mr and Mrs Nelson Edwards Vasey Mrs Anne Lata lle and Mrs William Grigg Victoria Harbour Mordeu Hilliard enjoyed few days at Expo Mr and Owen French sonata rlay withltev and Mrs Donald French at their cottage at Go HomeLake Congratulations to Sharen Siblt thorpe unwinning the North Sim coe Hischolnrship oi $1 Miss chma Drinkill visited Mrs Mabel Shier Toronto Mathew Dalziel returned home tromSickr Childrens Hospital Toronto Mr and Mrs Smyihson Newmarket pent the weekend itis supreme gilt to man is Jesus the Christ crucified for us risen from the dead exalted to heaven lord at all God so loved the world that he gave his only Son that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have rental liic tor God sent not his son into the world to condemn the world but that the worldthrough him might be saved Eternal life is the lite oi the eternal God This llie Godglves to man Wth man humbles himseli belorc the Supreme One admits his allure to do the per lecl will of God admits his own COUNTY News Morris Darby with to members and one visitor present Mrs Jamieson assisted by Mrs Bennett was in Charge ot program Next Meeting will be at the home of Mrs William Sibthorpc Mrs Barr Drillla visited her daughter and sonlniow Mr and Mrs Orton Brown Sheila Guth rie Elmvnle spent the week end with Wanda Brown LEFROY IIy inns MAURICE REID Mr and Mrs Harold Baker have returned home alter rive veelc motor trip going as tar as Vancouver returning home through Jasper and Edmonton Mr and Mrs Wilfred Stewart spent week in Toronto recently Mr and Mrs Jim Reid attend ed the Reid reunion at the home of Mr and Mrs Frank Dale at Ossosaue Beach Mrs Mina Kelly entertained at barbecue for her son Ronald who recently graduated from Radio College as electronica technician and is now employed with Bnmswick oi Canada in Cooksvitle Miss Dale Sharpe was weekend guest at Mrs Kelly and Ronald We welcome Mr and Mrs Jack Miller to the community they are now livinginJ the partment over the post ottice hawng purchased the building mm Grose Mr and Mrs Arthur Quin and family have moved to the hilt line Mrs Brad Frid and children are spending this week with Mr and Mrs Grose RUGBY Isy MRS JOHNSToN Mr and Mrs Norman Lang man attended Expo last week Doug tangoIan is enrolled at Guelph University Mrs Nellie Davis is staying with Mr and Mrs Mantord Home alter arecent operation in Oriliia hospital Alvin Anderson along with Mr Ursel Slessor went to Expo 4H Homemaking Club enjoy ed an evening oi bowling in Or illin and lunch at Rugby Com munityvllall Congratulations to Or Cali Club members on the show Ing they made with their calves atthe County Achievement Day at Barrie Fair also their pro JeEI on the centennial theme Several ladies from the Com munity attended the trousseau tea Mrs Albert Anderson hadl Subject scriptureAnon in 11111 era for delay oi judgment were answered Amos ms in the third vision God med ptmnblioe awiust wall to need and helplessness ls willing to embrace Gods ulll ole heoriedly and in talth receives Jesus Christ As many as rccer ed him Jesus Christi to them he gave power to become sons oi God John 112 What gilt llallclulcjah lie lleve on the Lord Jesus Christ Receive Jesus Christ now Trust him wholly let no other trust intrude There is therefore now no cori demnation tor those who are In icdby Christ Jesus Horn Therefore being faith we have peace with God through ourlard Jesus Girist Rom 51 tor her daughter Jenn who is being married in Orlllla Presby terian Church Saturday to GlcnnEoynton Orangeville Clarke llorne is laid up with bad knee and Harry Langman is in DINNBTIOISPIIBI Congratulationsdo Mr and Mrs Jack Langman on the birth at daughter gt Miss Ruth Crawford Calgary Alta is visiting relatives In the community Mr and Mrs Tyson Langman had gathering for all union annuity concentration iayiittxed Buescher show where tsraet was out oi accord with Him and then brought ludgmcnt limos 7710 Amos delivered the CRAIGHURST By MRS HANDY ltlrs delingham was hos len tor the Womens Institute meeting In September Mrs Stewart demonstrated how to arrange flowers and gave other information on showing flowers Mrs Handy and Mrs Ped llngtvam served lunch Mrs Emery is patient in Penttang hospital Bert Cnstou is in Royal Victoria Hospital and hirrle Baldwin is home from Pcnetang hospital Potato digging is the order ot the day TRY EXAMINER VANT ADS PHONE 7182414 Alliance Church STEELE Add COOK STREETS llAltItlE Minister Rev Richard Elliott 545 Dlhio School 7gtPM GOSPEL Need Splrltlflll Help Phone liliellne 7233442 ALL wELcortUs Miss Crotvtprds cousins nicsd evening Mrs MacDonald Orillia spent several days visiting Mr and Mrs Charles Anderson and Alvin Anderson STROUD ny Inns BERT MULIIOLLAND cuitnmo CLUB Mr and Mrs Harvey Sawyer Irom Oxbow Saskatchewan vls rted their cousins In Stroud the latter being cousin ot the Swi rys whom they hadnt seen for so years Curling will begin Nov 17 at Cookslown Any interested cur lers and experienced ones may pay dues to Bert Mulhoiland There seem to be quite few new members DUNT BE DISCUUAGED Look in Ann lISIEM EVERY sunuav lllIllll RIGHARD DE IIAAN TEACHER CKaa 730 950 key This litter month MR Gt RIdloBlhlnGlasxttrandltaplllsyMl ¥vvv DONT counron DYING THERE Is SOMETHING MORE suRE THAN LLost truth comes to life NTI1II1gSII1d nyto Many MATH Christians Revealed 7VPrppheticlTrutihl In plai spe ning this year FRESBYTERIAN 110 Shela Street 1230541 Rev Ralph lllacKenTJo an an Organist Itlls Norman Tuck 930 CHURCH SCHOOL DIVINE WORSHIP Sermon HIE GRACE or GRAIITUDE Nursery Facilities Available Visitors are always welcome GRACE UNITED Grove at Cook St Minister Rev Court Organist Mrs Archer Colwill II AM SERMON 0F THANKSGIVING SUNDAY SCHOOL Infants In years old tGr trui moo 3111 Children 10 and up Gr 930 um You Are Welcome WESTMINSTER lmll message to thohigh priest oi lanai but was ignori cd and banished Anion 7li17 GOLDEN mthAtrr 38 CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE St Vincent at Grove Pastor Rev Robert RIM mom suunnvscuooi arts tor all llel 1100 min gt MorningWonhlp Service 700 pm Service at Evangelism Wed pair Prayer and Bible Stud Nursery Care lUTHERAN CHURCH or THE GOOD SHEPHERD 220 Steel St Rev Joseph Molitortn Phone 72501 Sunday School 045 In Bible Clamle Divlne Worlhlp 1100 mm Radlol Church ol The Lutheran Hour TY THIS IS THE LIFE PDRIAL OF PRAYER FIRST CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH st Vincent st Rev Van Dyk BA RD Pastor Services at 10 atm and 700 11111 Church 01 the Nick to God How omit area 1510 Toronto citrH Iuo Toronto citm 59o ALL WEwOME COIIIER ST Corner Collier nnd Poyutz Minister REV PROCTQR ILA Associate Minister KEV FINLAY DJ Organist and Chnlmnster Mr Mord Jr Choir Ulrecloi Miss Eleanorc Taylor Worship 1100 Itmr SACRAIIIENT 0F Barrier Sermon ZEST FOR LIVING Church School Depls Total ages 530 am and 1100 am PreNursery up to years during Worship warm welcome to all no aARRIE CKIIB SUNDAY MORNING 815 Christian Scions nth Series Unitarian Fellowship of Borrie Sunday Service 800 PM YMCA For further informaticniphonu 728m soIEIIcE SflClETY iso chute Street Church Service Sunday School 11 AM Testimony Meetingj 2nd Wed each month Pint fiiiirrisr runner CLAPPERTDN It winist Pastor 0UOIlfl3 Bible Study Rev Bull 3A 1311 Parlor IT MARYI CHURCH Roman Catholic 05 uumnsm ST M2305 SUNDAY MASSES am mm IDLIS 30 Ian SUNDAY MASS EVENING EVOTIONS Wodnudoy It 730 Our Mother of Perpetual Help Novena FIRST FRIDAYS MASSES 7304115 mm 600 pm ST JOHN VIANNEY CHURCH 11 Baldwin Ian It innlslll 154 SUNDAY MASSES mo AM 045 on 1130 on Assuurrioit nnu swanr SUNDAY EASSES 945 AM 1100 AM convection CHURCHVoF CHRIST Sunday Schedule cumsr ron THE wonw ozao AM onus oso Sandy 5th 1o nni Assemny ll am HERALD OE TRUTH PM chRTv Evening Meeting 730 MidWeak Thursday 7530 PM it you would like to mt about Churches of Christ hegln with your New TesumenL Wesley Jones Minister 345 Grove 7261003 HE ANGIICAN asr GILES CHURCH 95 CoolI Street Rev Honey one IiuIy communion and Church School 1100 am Morning Prayin 700 pm Evensong Everyone welcome orIITItIIiiIIIIIrim contort iiiuixiu Rev Dooald Iuy BA an Organist and Choir Director AI June hlclenhncher 1100am THANKSGIVING SERVICE Meditation THANKS DESTINY C1 FAITH Solo SendIOut Thy Light ltlrs Christina Jay The Church Schools will meet at the usual hours with the Kindergarten and Primary Departments remaining for the entiremorning service Come and bring theltvhole family to Church lilllthill IwEIIIIE IIIIITEII MINISTER REV GVIURDDN ORGANISl MRI canniiwiiv THANKSGIVING SUNDAY 1100 AM ST ANDREWS out and Worsley St Orguntsit INT Yan Ilcmcrl 11 mm Rev Heron Gail So Loved the World Do You CHURCH SCIIDOL 945 nan Junior to Senior tors anti Nursery to IrIilI ary Vlsilors Welcome ST GEORGES ALLAN ALE llIIrtorI Avenue IS Granville Street Rev Donald French 1on Communion Holy Communion and Church School Sernio Thanks tui Everything Everyone Welcome lj9 MYCUPRUNNETH oveR announcem5 WARM WELCOME AWAITS YOU Presbyterian Church Essa Roan Cor Burton Avel Allandale Barrio uav iv BELL ltlA organist Mr our common ll am The Nature of Thanksgivlng Church School 310 am years to adult 1100 am Nursery Kindergarten and Junlor Church visitors and New Resident Welcome CHURCH OF CANADA TRINITY CHURCH 2i Collier Street Next To Post oitice ewo no Truly Communion one nut naiy communion 1100 am 11on Communion Ven Read mu Festival Evensong The Chair and soloist 94FAMILY BIBLE SCHOOL mooMORNING WORSHIP HOUR Mr Carl Green Message Thellarvests or God 7otpstNINGrGoseEessRvICE Ordinance of Believers Baptism Music by our mixed trio Glorious Deliverance tram si wages from sins habits Beautiful harvest home decorations and theme iza St Vincent st ltev DLVHoltirlay with Mr and Mr George Booth William Adams has returned to his boat otter spending sev etaliwcelrs Ivith his wiletand sens Th Ucw lleld tlIelr meeting he cottage of Mrs McGreg DrrLalte witha good Rev liarolrl Anthea an organistt Miss Edam Theodore Choknlrcctor Itllsa Eather Hermes GREATCONGREGATIONAL lIYMN stud 9350 armSunday School allages II1OO amFarnity Worship Service am Plump Mrs my All welcom Rev ThinksPastor Ercnch conducted thcmecting MilWA voltIto voila RENTEROSTAII ANtlESi Ni aool HWY wroNESDAY 145 pmL4Igtnyer Princeton Study OCHIB to 22Great Missionory Conference v3 nmllihle School Clnsscavloir all ages wua olCongo Martyr ector McMillan dynamic Quebec radioTV preacher Rev Murray Heronfmisslona an aadeasls from around Ltieavoild out giil to commence each evening ila gt Tiienieek unmneiritnnritancu Yoiing Peoples Meetan PthPAIyll meeting 511205in Barries friendlyBiblebelievingmissionary CII ICIL es that sutpper You AT wucnyn AtFlrst Baptist the ho to a7

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