Barrie Historical Newspaper Archive

Barrie Examiner, 6 Oct 1967, p. 31

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cute FLAG oisrmvnr SCENE OPITENT CITY or minimum MATCH One at the main attractions when term machinery and attractions The landing cons var plow Indiadbstantlrl cub day year attho Intonationl or visitors to the international plowing match is Tent City other exhibits are displayed along with other special tent teatants from each province will compete tor the Esso ail Stroud Man Recalls Horse PloWing Era STROUD Siam it took more skill to plow well bdtind loam said William Reid 92 yearold Stroud resident and retired farmer or he demon stratcd how plowing was done in what he termed the brighter days The native of conduit said he realized tractors enabled more Wing to be done in 15 time as lover at horses he lame noted the dedlne at these anl mals on the lame Maybe that is the reason like to look badt at earlier eras said the onetime armor and railroader who Is remark news or visited man By HELEN Gurus Four ladies all past so years of age all active interesting and interested members at this com munity were entertained at an attcrnoon tea party last week large birthday cake was the can tre oi attention on table set wlth gold tablecloth and golden candlestick at the home ot Mr and Mrs Doug Angel poem compoScd by Sam Ansley honor lngthe ladies was read by his wife Jean The guests at honor were Mrs Rodger Mrs Armstrong Mrs liRnskand Mrs crap man each of whom received rose ecolamial plate and the best wishes of the Womens Min sinnary Society otWasaga Beach United Missionary Sac iety CHAMBER OF COMMERCE What does the Chamber at Commerce do Tha quent question heard in the vili age especially when people are approached for their lees in the case at those who are already Imembers and even more so when people are askedto be gt come members thing as other chambers pro motes industry the only ditter ence being that at Wasaga Beach there is only one induwy to promote Tourism is large sand important industry in the whole or Canada and partlculary in the largest county in Ontario Simone County It would be sate to say that it would be hard to find an area in Simcoe County that is not attected to greater or less degree by the numb of tourists who come to Wbsagn Reach each year In the iirst place they must all pass through Simcoc County to get to our rc sort While here they visit as many area attractions as they have time and money to see they eat huge quantities or load grodncedby Simone county larw mers and processed by county actorles sleep in units built from lumber yards in Simeon County and equipped with iurni ture and appliances many of which are made and sold in Lh eotmty me whole area bone from our industry In eight weeks during the pas summer litra lilertyle Lynn secretary tieamer directly ranged or helped to among 1320 reservations for tmrrist Shealso answered thousands questions about the area hel plelnd friends and place nd to enjoy their holiday Lynn works closely with the partment of Tourism and In mation Although the Giramber has limited budget $10M was she on promotional work during past year Directors each ye alive many hours at their promote various projects the benetit of the area and cooperate with other chambers on regional projects EXECUTIVE The tirst meeting of the board of Wasaga Beach Ar Chamber of Commerce was to in the chamber building Pre dent Edwin Maddiiian was in the chair and was prevailed lo retain the office for anal er year The remainder of the tex consists of viceapresidEn Jerry McArthur Byngan lt and David McGaw Finance nd office Bruce lileGaw Carl 5er door lerry MacArthur and Wu ett Schoonertown HelenC Gillies Jerry McArthur id McGow and byng lowott bersiiip Earl llesley Gerry an derhurg Pub Jock oc clnnt Sam Pronto Norm Hal on glilrs Merter Lynn remain as isalre with Wasnga Beadt sign to be used with his stage coach at the plowing matdt An ettort Is to be made to have aerial photos hidtided In bmdiure being published Joint by the ATRA0 Association an the Ontario gov ernmeot GARBAGE COLLECTION Alter Thanksgiving weekend there will be only one garbage pickup in week in die village From the Stayner Rd to Rupert St collection will bomada each Monday Tuesday will be garb age any cast of Rupert St and on both sides ofvthn rivet Miss Lilly whitton and iilrs Evelyn Sprout Orilila hava been recent go is at Mrs lilae Robertson Smaaihvi extended to Mrs Clare Roper on whose lather Alired Hard passed away re cenlly in Ciiilngwood Hamid nine ot Warren Ohio is wsltlngihls sister Miss Mar garet Rytlier Thanksgiving Sunday will the last clinic St Noel Giabanel Church ill be open this year Mass will be at 10 am VlSltts to Expo have included Mrs rm Haldon ot Norman die ge Mr and Mrs Jerry Burbidge Villa with their little dau tar arevaeatloning with ler parean in Vancouver Mr Ira Art Mitten ol=Stutr goon ant Marina Mrand ably active today despite his ad vanced years used to get tonnddn buggy and drive good roadster horse when was youngert Later he said he drove car but gaveihls up some years ago He has done considerable travel ling by train but never tool plane have no desire to go up in piano now he said They may be all right but led rater on the ground MORE WORK TEEN Turning to plowing the grand old lnnistil resident took gr on handles of an Ines plow In his yard at Stroadlipnd started to manoeuvre the plow This is the way we handled them in the old daysf he said adjusting the blade into the spit grmnd with the tworlrmanlika aldll ot plow man at experience lt Farming in earlier times was much harder work than now Mr Reid suggested but he added it had its compensations Even one worked longer hours and we didnt have all the modernud vanthges but lrihlnk we apprec iated Mint we had more he slid speaking of period when mdst tiarmhouso were heated by wood stoves lanterns were used for lighting and horsedrcwn vc iclu were the cidet mode at travel When you wanted to make long trip you went by train be said stating lite was simplier strikes were rarity and many at todays economic pressures were not even thought about People didnt talk about govern ment hureacracy then because such state of allairs didnt exist at that he said torrent toquenions CUT OWN FUEL on heating has added coollan and made even heating possible We couldnt regulate tempera tures and we didnt have radios or television but we were too prizes The flag moo above is In keeping with the obser vance at Canadas tooth birth mltch special centennial parade will be unions the apt clli events news or THORNTON Hy hills HOLT With an explosion wild shook some of the villa house we barn at Rocky Va antlno lot 17 at to Essa burned mom Sept 26 Essa Fire Bflgafi who re manded to the solidified spontaneous mm was the ilka cause ot the fire with an endpoint Mrs Marguerite Hill attended the threeday convention oi Aa sociatcd Nursing Homesoi Ont ario at Shllne Hotel Toronto recently so 5P9 visiting Scott Sharp Several attended Barrie lair last Friday and Saturday new enliibltor from Thornton was in Mr Ron Spencer who mothed ices in tha flower section Mm Brown also received prizes in the same section large mop of ladies osscmblzd in the toad demonstration room to learn the tricks in successful baking Mrs Elwood Bone gave tea biscuit demontratlnn alter which everyone enjoyed sample T0 51 JUDES Trinity Unitedchllrch thanks giving service has been cancel led in layer ul attending St Judes Harvest Home Thanksgiv ing Oct 11 am one service only with their new minister busy to give them much time anyway he said stating not only the tarmers but most peo ple then worked six days week from sunrise to dark You had to go into the woods and cut your own but or gooold he said atathtg most farmers work ed in Memdduringmwiiater We en riving orses andworklng inthc fields ho aid Alter farming he tnedrail tor semis yeaiibefora Reid andhis wileEd1th celebrated their 52nd wedding anniversary last June They have daughter Mrs Norman Marion McCrawot Niagara See ThisAutomatic Knotter Demonstration At The international Plowing Matches Hmrylttlaniolstobopro ded other HARVEST TWINES BY BRANTPORD Maple Lea 9000 ft Baler Twine Maple Lea 000 it Baler Twine Gold Leaf Binder Twine MéM liliiflll gt Theres only one reason that Brantford keeps on settlri new sales recordslseason alter season Its because Brantford continues to¥offer theBiST in Ibaler twine value lh your invitation to visit the fascinating exhibit of the Erant lord Cordage Company at the la temationat Pinwing Match ltl features Baler Knolter mech anism specially built to demon strate all phases of the automatic blotting operation Attendants widely experienced this lield will boot hand to discuss any knottingproblems which may be atleciiogtheeh1dency of your hating sponsored by thecrnnkcra at Canadas BEST SELLING BALER TWINE tumour Thats why you can alwaysbe fullshengthinevery full length in every ball lllllICiIm 3knotieas quality for troublefree service in the aid Rev Robertson Toronto or speaker Mr and Mrs Hinton Eoclel have sold tbeh home on Hwy TI at the corner at the 100 line Innlstil to Mr and Mrs Stewart Hunter Cookstnwu Poa sesslon will take place Oct ll and the Eocles will be moving in Barrie where they have pur chased variety store at the corner at Victoria and Saniord Sts The District of Sirncoe South Womens institute will be bold log monster eudro tngBond Head Community Hall Monday Oct pm Watch coming events lilr ordain Ross Rosalie and Mr and Mrs Stutchbury tMargaret Boalre of Edmonton Nth and Mr and Mrs Bruce Wallace of Toronto spent part of the past week with Mr and Mrs Black and Mr and Mrs Carr Dining the weekend Iamily gatherings were held in honor of fire nests Sympathy extended to Mrs Madly and family and other triends in the passing at Mr Iandry Sept aoln Stev enson Memorial Hospital attu lengthy illness mineral service was held Oct at Steckley Fun eral Home Miss Mabel Nixon wasdh charged from Royal Victoria Houdini Defined ismnvalesc ing at Mrs Stewarts ll Strabnne ve Barrie Another centennial weekend was held in Essa Township mak ing total of six similar ro unions in the township This was at Baxter when some tram Thornton attended believe the more pointed blade BestEquipment ill Competition mans competing in the m1 International plowing match will have the meet 12an Iona equipment nude availaltla to them They will drive tractors pulling plan at the latest do almtouttbomostoutucoi llvntion old records show the tremen dous advance in plowing and plowing equipment There war expéwuzogbunglmwu guide out Ito II he had built one hlnnelt The Romans Indtlreeh and wood en flicks tor plows vrhlch only Itigrd the land with Inga dttlh 1M It handling hence the rule about having to build one first The mouldboard plow which came about the 15th century marked an advance The Dutch and Flemish tanner made eon riderable improvements in con rtmetlon ol wooden plows with It was another eeotu berm Iclence gave the plow to well adagted shape and eased Its use gra unity as mechanical advant ages were added England and Illlllculniy the Scots are credited with the greatest technical improvements The early plows used in Eng land were crude and lmperlect in any country It could hardly have been otherwiseaald the Canadian Agriculturalist tor by léw oi the ancient Britons no man was allowed to hold or guide plow until he was able to make one The driver was required to make traces and they were to be torm ed at withes of twisted willow Pulling the plowvvras also quite problem according to the Canadian Itgriculturallst OurSaaron ancestors adopted the barbarous practice that pre veiled in one period tin Ireland that ol tastening horses to the plow by their tails This absurd and cruel ens tom became so extensive that an act Parliament forbade it in 1634 This was thcsame act that also torbado pulling 01 wool yearly from living sheep instead 01 clipping or shearing However it was nearly zoo years betore the Irish stopped breaking the law PROFS GET GRANT WlNNlPEG CHThe Can ada Council has awarded more than 524000 to three University ot Manitoba professors for research projects Plot John Skelly will use 311000 or research on using computers in analysis at the Criminal Code and related statutes Prat John Glen Adair will get $3000 tor research into uninicnded nomlt munication in social science rcsearcbimnd PruiJJ Gold will conduct researchinto Eng lish wiiha $50M grant lastcentenniai celebration will be at Newton Robinson on Thanksgiving weekend Last Thursdays visitors with Mrs Lou Conn were Mr and lilrs Ivan Conn Toronto HARVESTING l9lZ STYLE SITE earn IS PiiiilSED LBY ONTARIO EXECUTIVES Members oi the OntarioPlow mens Association which is headed by Howard Henry have been lavish at their praise of the Sllvertop tom and neiglr boring areas in Innistll township south of Harrie as ideal tor the international plowing match Lashley oi Tomato see rotarymanager reported alter an inspection tr Thay were all pleased with the site and the layout The ample parking level land for plowing and build ings all imde them as very satisfactory Nonnun Barber immediate past fiesident who headfiot the provincial pluwrnens organ lzatlonJor last yearannich at Smlorth was impressed He listened oareluilyto general manager Keith MeRuer ot Allis ton who will alter all the June rains in Simcoo County there should be ideal wuather tor the matdt Numerous residents irom Ear ric and throughout Siam County have driven to the one width is marked by large slgn on the 5th sidewall and 9th eoncwsion of lonstii The plow ing area is in plain view trout highway No 400 Vicepresidents Cameron Mlt thcll oi Nortollr and Roberti Timbers of York also were pleased with what they saw lea Johnson of Wdltngton dlr ector or the 0PA gathered ht lormation on preparations which he hopes will be usetui tor the 1968 matehto be held in his county 4Anmtg3post presidentsvwhor also praised the like utter in apection were vrAlston Campbell and George Fletcher Manager for the cotmty corn mittee Keith Meltuor book the prwvncial delegates on an in spection trip back in June whet plans were dismissed for install lng hydro Bell Telephone and oil services Imperial Oil salutesthe Criteria Piowmenfs AssoCiation on their fiftyfourth Annual International Plowing pMatch Visit thelmparioILOil exhibit Discuss your fuels and lubricant problems seé new developments that cffoctzyour form operation Look tor the Imperial Ello sign on Headquarters Row in Tented City IMPERIALOIL LIMITED Serving agriculturb for 81 years

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