gilaistntp at illith iï¬attit tlfxamintt For one hundred esrs The Barrie Examiner has eeu serv ing the County of Simcoe end the municipality of Barrie 95 years as tpwn weekly and the st live years as city daily ltalso served the village of Al until it arrie in iandale across the ba amalgamated with 1597 But it is diflereut Barrie to day than when the ï¬rst Exam iner came off the slow hand cranked ressinlebrua 1864 The pa lisber was iiiiatn Manley Nicholson who also had news ape in the city of Ham ilton opulation of Battle then was less than 3500 After the Barrie weekl became establish ed in severa years in posi tion to The Northern vanco as using political influences Mr icholson returned to Ham ilton and turned over direction of the Examiner to his son By ron who remained at its head until appointed to government position SOLD T0 HISTORIAN Mr Nicholson sold the Exam iner in 1889 to Andrew Hun ter the same Mr Hunter who later wrote the two volumes of the History of Simcoe County completed in 1909 gnvetnv ment plaque on the front lawn at Barrie Public Library com memorates Mr Hunters achieve ments on behalf of local and countyhistory In 1895 Mr Hunter sold his interests to ames Alexander MacLaren had been city editor of the Chatham Daily Banner When Mr MacLaren became publisher of the Examiner the oï¬lce was located at 169 Dunlop Street East near the present Simpsnns store There were two other weekly news apers in Bar rie then the Nort ern Advance strongly Tory and the Gaz ette Independent but leaning Tory The Examiner was the Liberal Gritorgan of the day and its new publisher was firm ly of that political conviction as were his predecessors In 1909 the Barrie Saturday Morning became fourth news paper in the town published the Walls Brothers Frederic and William whopwere born in Tottenham Simcoe County learned theprinting trade there and later bought the IEImvale Lance Fred came to Barrie ï¬rst tostartthenewSaturdayMorning while William remained in Elm vale to carry on the Lance mentoftbeSaturda Mora Indulge thaoiler ofVMd Willa to elp Slxmonths later Madam and Walla deei ed to gamete two newspava or several years the name of the new weekly was Barrie inlainer and Saturday Morning buteventaaii the latter part was alt ouglt the lace of pub cation was made oï¬ce of the Saturday Morning in the King Black now Wilson Build lag BUY NORTHERN ADVANCE On May 17 1939 an extreme happy and successful buri nesa relationsbi between Mr Macth and Walls which had continued for 25 ears was broken when Mr Wa diedat the age of 58 several da fol lowing an appendectomy is in terest in the Examiner was as sumed by his only son William Kenneth the present publisher who had been assodated with the newspaper since 1931 as ad vertising manager and sports editor World War Two broke out on Sept 1939 In April of the next year the Examiner was III asked to take over the Northern Advance whose partners of col two years Messrs Pitts Davies were inclined to other interests AdvanCe staff mem bets the late Morrison Waiter Bayliss Llew Beaver and the late Norman Hooper joined the Examiner Accordingly Illinlited com any was armed under name he Barrie Examiner Limited which purchased the Advance and absorbed it thus leaving the town with one weekly where there had been four only years earlier Mr MacLaren be came president and managin editor of the new company wit Kenneth Walls as vice resident and business manager he secretarytreasurer was the late Miss Ida Par An interestin sideli ht of Ex aminer history IS this hen Mr MacLaren purchased the paper in 1895 one of the men who worked for him was Thomas Fox Davies who established the ï¬rst newspaper in Simcoé Coun ty the Barrie Magnet which later became the Advance in 1847 Although man wel ad vanced in years he was still able todo good days work qs printer Following the war as Barrie took on boom status business expanded and the Examiner found itself badly cramped for ace An addition to the Wilson uilding was leased in 1947 year later the Examiner began pu lishingtwiceweeklyMonday and Thursday as well as carrying on an extensive commercial printing business and the two Camp Borden newspapers Citizen for the Army and Bordenaire or the Air Force Mr MacLaren whose health had been declining for several ears retired from active work In 1950 and on the death year later the company was sent an ized with Mr Walls as presi eat and managing editor Leslie Chittick vicepresident Amg brose Bivett secretarytreas urer John Boys QC and Robert Chittick as directors In 1951 the newspa er became triweekly publishing every Monday Wednesday Friday The same year it won for the ï¬fth time and again in 1952 for the sixth the Mason Trophy emblematicoi the best allround weekly newspaper in Canada Previous trophy wins were in 1926 first time it was put at by William Ii Mason oftheSud ury Star again in 1927 1932 and 1937 SALE TO THOMSON In 1956foliowingthe death of Mr Boys Mr Walls acquired complete stock in the Examiner when Bob Chittick went to Mid land to take over Midland Prin ters Limited and the Free Press Herald publications On Sept 1957 Mr Walls Amongother notables will be Dr Beep in person to entertain and dispense with patent medl cincslor tractor and vehicular transportation alike As abalrnto weary ladies and gentlemen musical entertainment will also be pro vided by Alex Read welllt known for his dexterity on the lam forte in the style of onkey Tonk This mtertairr men will occur throughout the day and will oft times be repeated for the pleasure ofthe patrons gracing the OF closure and sellers of Fuel Oil to corrysameintothelrhoueea and places of business shall in return he fullyand wholly entitled to receive COM FORT saltch loth charge during thence son of repose as well as free emetgmcy service during the Season of good cheerand warmth for winterheating Replacementpartsforthe fumnee must of needs be purchased by the ownecbut all servicing and installa tion of samewill be without exchange of monies as part of BP good will Service NOTABLE OIL for itlloiols boing both of the gas and diesel variety lllllll ill llllllsll is very respeoiiully announced usl or Ilty and very worth while oil for IMN6 SUMMER ARIES WINTER ONE OILFOR ONE OIL T0 STORE ONE OR ALLYEAR 81 Canada Limited begs leave to submit TRACTOR 01L UNIVERSAL TO ALL DISCERNING GENTLEMEN as being the latest developV ment in the realmxof oils humbly delivered after 10000 hours of experiences and sunlt dry experiments in Farm Tractors SERVICES TO HOMEOWNERS soldhisjntereststo Thomson yeatj later Wiliiam joined his elder brother in Barrie and they sold the Elmvaleipaper as the new weekly here ecame more successful However in 1912 Fred Walls was lured by the real estate boom in WesternCltnada andsetoutforlidmonto iam Walls took over his the Saturday Morning The Barrie Gazette was pub lished at this time by Alfred Wilkes but he closed down in 1920 and moved to Midland to take over the weekly Free Press later sellin there and buying the Goderic Starr EXAMINER FIRE On August 1914 two do before the outbreak of Word War One The Barrie Examiner had ï¬re which badly darna ed building and equipment MacLareo set up an ofï¬ce in the basement of the Ross Block now site of Huron and Erie Trust building and continued to publish the Examiner using the composing room and press 1Thjspoge snyRextrnet fromtBPï¬Cnnodnsndve Newspapers Canada Limited which organization immediately acquired new property and began building for the Examiner modern printing plant This buildin at its present location 16 Bay eld Street was occupied on Nov 1958 and 15 days later the Examiner commenced daily publication with Mr Walls continuing as general manager until 1961 and still as publisher nouns nation $H®W For the duration of the Ploughing Match round of entertainment will be humny oiiered to the public who choose to the BP enclosure This reprint only be WHICHAREV DESIGNATED BY THEIRRMS HOME COMFORT gt Be it hereby known that whomsoever shall by agree ment give leave to RP Can ada Limited through its many honourable agents Vobtoinedot the BB YE ALL AWARE OF TWO FINE PRODUCTS NOW AVAILABLE TO LADIES GENTLE MENWHO VALUE MERITORIOUS PLOUGHING For the gentlemen oi sundry abilities in the ï¬eld of ploughing sin award by name of the CHAMPIONSHIP SPE CIAL will be presented On the 14th of October The judgement is tobe made for that number of ag regate points as gentleman plover talent can gather for his efforts during the oiilcial tractor class entries of the 11th 12th 13th and 14th of October BP Canada humbly submits its choice of award consisting of finely wrought eitcellently fabricated radio in portable style by the ancient of NORDMENDE sewing AM FM and SW channels MAY THE BEST AND TRUE PLOUGHER WIN WWW for gentlemen caring for new outlook on business BP Canada Limited begs their indulgence to consider and enquire about sun dry opportunities as farm trade agents BY YOUR LEISURE CONTACT BP CANADA LIMITED 170 UNIVERSITY STREET TORONTO ONTARIO 3638631 Â¥am SERNISE summarized by ch out standing features unparallelied in the services oioil companies GUARANTEED OIL DELIVERY 24 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE FREE CLEANING SERVICE 10 MONTHS To PAY PARTS INSURANCE PLAN Sb beye well informed and take advantage of this before all other offers QUALITYAND PRACTICAL ASSISTANCE Ill DAILY House HOLD TASKS aBQ Lighter Fluid Specially added Hickory flavour Handy lot cottage or picnics 2032 02 cans per carton BP Household Oil light household lubricating oil General use Excellent antirust and oxidation properties 204 oz cans pet care Case doubles as display unit for counter or shell PRODUCTS FROM PETROLEUM FOR THE most PROGRESSIVE GOOD GENTLEMEN WHO FARM BP Is onesource for gasolines sel fuel tobacco curing oil motor oil greases v1 oerP BEilHEREBY KNOWN That the following illustrious manna belong to the trusted and true agents of BP CANADA LTD and that you may deal with them in full confidence that only the beat materials nndprod ucts will be made available to you through them BRANT COUNI BrantardCtntlul Fuell Burlor bambua Tar CR Wall Walkmany Kerrilass CARLETON COUNTY GatoradePhillipa Btu DUFFERIN COUNTY RosanaJuror lieM ra mmnas coum Merrlab tartF Cover WinchesterD Freeland mu DURHAM coum PontynooIE Neda naslax COUNTY HarrowI Berlin WinthorBP Canada Ltd nLGIN conm humnut Brno Sr ThomasBell Brno llgioNTENAC COUNTY ctrmollan COUNTY Ammanc fromnu MIXVUIlMIXVIIII Ferd Seed GRENVILLE COUNTY PrescottD nun gREY COUNTY Kalaravllla HALTON UNTY GuelphSmith Coal oil MiltonIt Robbins GuelphErmine nun HASTINGS COUNTY HellavillnBP Canada Ltd MarmaraA Dunk ShannonvilleR Cronin hardK lenery HURON OUNTY cunlan Kenna Eth rrnard CollieC Stewart KENT COUNTY HartwellR nutty Hothw Meinebula crum RR Eurdnn 3331 Mlnirlly Mathesnn mum stun LANARK COUNTY rumw Connor LENNOX ADDINGTON COUNTIES NepanetrMill Se cu on LINCOLN coonw 5t CatharinaBF CarlAil LN METRO aonouro TorontoCentral Fuels Toronto us MIDDLESEX counnr MelbourneR Hathaway StratilroyJ Gotman LondonW Bell NORTHERN ONTARIO AmerE eatum flltiin lary HunraleIIA ucher KirklmqukeG Willa La suna Blanehtt stream Canada Ltd Sladbu RThomaon Sundri eRHohnatnnu Ti naE arrell udreaule NORFOLK COUNTY SimoneA wwel Parr Rdwan cl Barber tr Sealed NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY Camp balllordA Dunk CalhounG roam CabourlProater and ONTARIO COUNTY OshawaHP Cunard Lid OshawaH Hughes Snndarland Real OXFORD COUNTY ThameslortlM DeVrifl WoodstockR Elana PEEL COUN HamptonRan Rider Intel PERTH COUNTY Listow 13 PETERBDROUGH COUNTY PelerbnroughS Alexander pnescon COUNTY AIIrsdJ Clement HawkesburyBP mad Ltd PRINCE EDWARD COUNTY plumN Love RENFREWSCCDUNTY RUSSELL couNnr NavnnH Deavry smcon couNnr AllistonAla Heating Auraly MacDonald HarlinDon Kooptnana mane mpaell DuntloonR Hartley STORMONT COUNTY FinchMyles Nephew Vlcronm COUNTY Fanalon FallsM Armstrong WATERLOO COUNTY BreslauC Ginatich Kitchener1 Home KitchenerBF Canada Ltd New Dundee PrestnnBatr WellesleyB Bomber KitchenerCentral Fuels WELLAND COUNTY Niagara FallsMikes Fuel Oil RidlawnyR Hlalrs Wellnnd strawa Ltd WELLIN TON COUNTY FergusC PIN Co GuelphJ Gaskell MaoraneIdK IIili Mount Fares Prvde Fuels Heating Ltd WENTWDRTlI coy NTY CapetownR Further BP will supply tanks and pumps for dispensing the products some of which will operate by hand while others are designed for powering by electricity losllraoi this years laughing moich Linda Fuel HizgltnnCrutral Fuels Hamilton HamiltonM nFuela sronay Creek Murray Watlrdnwn Allen YORK COUNTY AuroraN Taylor Keawiak Bennett RuthieLA Mitchell Richmond RIrving SinuflvllioC rut UninnvillaR Perkin WondbrrdgoO Ualler ing cantiap ea in the spa nIIy repr tad lOOyeorold Examinerdatad Oetoherle186v7