on or Coiler UNITEDQ tin roomy Ktsvtlliinlnlil Mod en on re er onto lheir nthErlagecio Collier St United urch Sept 16 with Rev lM Finley oiiiclotlng The bride is the former Janet ollum daughter oi Mrs another or Thornloe lhe bridegroom is the son of Mr and Mrs William Madden oi Montreal anthem cou 41 will make thelrnew home RR 5Borrie tPhoio by THE MRBIE EXAMINER WEDNESDAY OCTOBER KEEP In no nun wenNounshed Trim Body Reflects GlowingGoOd Health JEAN mun The sudden development oi the but hoiten source at ombanomnont to the teenage girl Or could the current vogue tor the flat chmted look among some teens he the Ti ggy influ ence Teenoxers urite read that in the mas when was the style as it is now to have small host that there was way to reduce the cu size at the busL you Wm very depressed about my prob lentIm topheevy diet and everywhere but in Signed Gun Why should ydu he unhappy or embarrassed about natural endowment your gy is flat chested but la is no reason tor you to Higher as model or your element The natural iemirune ï¬gure with firm well rounded bust knot only lovelier thun thellat ch es te look but healthie Twiggy will ï¬ll out one duyI it that is natures design or her in properly nourished girl of normal weight it ize oi the breasts depends primarily upon the glands Fromeworkis tnot the deoi factor ior there appears belittteveonneolion between glmditlarï¬tunctioning 1Mud framework The girl with slender frame may have veltdeveloped bosom while the lorgetromed irl may havens comparatively small but Normally the bust lnaybo high aodiround long And narrow or broad and flat With excess Weight the bust ay be overlylarge since these tissues are especialht it to fatty lnftlhatjou Ifyou are overweight sod reduce th loss will beretieeted invthe me otthe bosom However11 your tyis natmally well devel opedreducing may not lessen this measurement to the size you have in mind improvement otthe bust can not be treated as separate problem General health outri tion weight nmseln tone and PDSitne areall influencing raw tors Aim at your healthy nor mal weight then with good muscle tone and lovely pos ture the size or your bosom will bc in accordance with nature but design toryou Jrhe ecret oi the boyish torm1inthotzhygone ens was to wear blndingbra wflatten and minimize the measure ment The mutt oi suchvbuld ing could only beta break down the supporting muscles and the eitect would be sagging busts Dcplorabiei good hra should support the bust irom under heath it should never under anvcirmimsbams bind mm pruss or flatten the bust Marks Session ï¬rsEugene Smi Education convener reported on the Educa tion Convention during the first meeting ot therscasou tormem hers Angus CatholicWomens Leas mith volunteered to dis CEFwith childiell re gardrng Halloween shellouts Grade seven andétght students willhe reminded ol the Public Speaking Contest sponsored by iheCWL First eommimion 33d gilts vi breuhlasts place Following adjournment the corn inittee served luncheon so ossiin tilltttti Viitllll SW rovidetlior the