mi Rï¬ckulrs Grey silicosismum hmumn Ieeruiu review the basics of and the FN rifle under the obser misï¬ts both olï¬arrleklEBM LEI1 Approved To Pureliqse 1m Barrie uhllc School Board learned lat night that the Ontario Department at PAL nation has npproved grant at $3040 toward purchase of land lorAllandale Keisha Selma nieihoard approwadtiva schange orders from architects mmegdmhm the ov reques Gaggdhnlxrgloniyumili pes rov rpeo er schools connection with Rarnurrhrance Day observanc Adopted Barrie Public ities commission rummeodm ion to replace wyunoid wet edtne to Prince oiMieaSetmi at an estimated cost at $400 011 cksanti 51 Reconstruchon Work on the reconstructionoi Bradtord Street retunied to nor Tuesday alter quickssud ier caused up on thaproiect Contractors last week were forced to bring in special equip merit to dry out the area after ailing in enettenrpt to zwurlr through the quiduand The street wasclosed to lratiie because at sand sliding into trend being emwated tor sanitary sewer installatinndlow ever it was enpeded to be open gain today Public Works Gialnnan Fred ltSmnn said the sanitary sewer project framlliï¬l and Bradlord Street to Parkside and Ross Streets went ahead without coin pieations 1112 main should be ruary 1h polleywlllgldvolve the purdiaso of milk lrorntnrm completed this wetJr leavingonly private connections road re placement and cleanup to ï¬nish he said we can be lie ensed he mustpaes series of sight tests Should he tail these tests he must obtaincor lrectwe glasm to quality and must wear these lenses when driving tyV ision how ever do not guarantee our necessary doeslynot just HAPPEN he useweare awake and our eyes open Some of ur spend for too much time day dresrniug Thuughtiessacis onlhe turn pl evident This will Approveddis nis 101 June July and August totalling $14152194 and Agreed to provide tr porta tion for children in the Cundlér ares our safety measure dur 3VDay Session ToshiTodan Deiegatns from serossLOntarlo today wind up threeday series oirneetings at Geneva AP nehrï¬rllila sponsored by the Qntario Milkylderketing Board The session was called to dis cuss new milk marketing policy iopnjne into etiect next Febru era The board will purchase milk from the iamiera sell it to the dairies and distribute Je turns Among them delegates nre Fraser Shiiteis Daltonfler my and Charles Cersweilnl Simeoeflounty form onions wmiurea enemies ilrmer in modest opening trade on the Winnipeg Grain Exchange tod and May not open oats 0ct unchanged on Dec not ope May lo 91 meta their ingu netherphysleal instruments to react property of the driverheco 190mmon place it the mind is continu ally preoccupied with otherihsn them of drivin griving is alien 6t necessarily so the carelessness nly to thoughtless oration or inst Dionne 0811 ratio thoughtless drive Befnre oil od ve ing widenliigot Highway 25 rtergeneral business olfinially vial Barri MasomcTempie lay the Deputy istriet Grand Master flinging Ohm approval olia the annexation is liesaleotdzl rages to Canadian General Ele 1c obiect the board 11 or before Oct is not expede objections berelsed Innis iii Township has already hgreed to the measures the appiication must éd lheieobiectlnns with until Sept 21 that hethe pumhasen City eouueti approved sale at Atherlandiartzizï¬oo climaxlng conmrauuv toner Corinthian lodge No 96 meets atrliarrie Masonic Temple Thu day night this week in regular msion Lloyd urch shlpiulMaster ill pre annual Past Masters Night will be di ï¬ned by Worshtpiul Brother urn meme KerrxLodgerNo 2111 wm be iiiat iorGeorgian Neville ther istriitRt W9 Nov Tottenham no 13Seven expansion pro gt ohearlng says In any person shingrtu ur Brown eluhlieu slon hus Wheeled in several years the midsliionohmrs dustrlal land the city it as decided at the regular meeting of the Lions Club oi Barrie last night event tenant governor nutilnedgeluh participation lntiie seon entlon at Sault Ste Balloting ior placeOcL 11 ie Temfle Pmid 70 aUTPGM greatyizam or ho eycluti minors Thompson of Ailsndal spsper has been It draiieldalso oi Barrie tomorrow at Mirn Mr Owen w1 stirs aboutih perstionoither niilcialiy 1n the Simone Centr meraajhndbeen Expecteda Progressive Conservative Ar thur Evans LiberalBruceOwen ndidat minor the WM Ma as statistician whit Irank the Barrie as se dent at the liohert Putters eral provincial rmunlélpo and weary The uh ert ed invitation to ail nttic owed wdl