Mnlsrrrar 19 JOHN 3mm FEMALE hostesses iull orparttlme No experience necessnry Wepro vide uniforms trawltattoo and adequate wag CALLNOW 7W1 ARE YOU LOOKING FOR INTERESTING REWARDING EMPLOYMENT THE It lit VDRJVEJN is look ing or responsible women to rk tn the kitchenlull or part time We provide adequate wa nes trnhspnrlalione andepieasant surroundings No experience necessary CALL NOW 7280911 NEED EXTRA MONEY FOR CHRISTMAS Durwreprcsontotivcpeamvm to $1000 during the Chrlrtmas selling season now in lull stvlng jWe con help you earn this kind or money with evonw Write MRS romailiowlr lgto Box 485 Bar DIETITlAN RY $6201 memberot the qulrcd by Metropolitan Toronto tor ii Home or the AgEd in Newmarket Permanent posl tion 40hr week good nge benefits Apply Personnel OffV ice 2an Floor East lower City Hall 367 194 Eagle St home live inor viizdllontciiiiiiz keeping owes preschool chit dren Telephone Teamt erzmaxclzn cometio and Drug clerki Apply at onerio Ml soule Personnel Manager WoolworthDr plxlment store Baytleid SLreeL month AGED lndy ror llrhl housekeeping lllli compnnlon good home AppLy to Captin MIeLennIM Yonge street nlloiendt molten An exciting newioh my be you with Beeline Fuh Jons tr ee totem me SIIOIVI oiinrn coon Wellies required days week reinprion mom batman Ind on RECEPTIONIST nlwemed roerecepuéutn ine mime hiotoie 313mm leiziiiionn MATURE woman to keep hnllsc during November December as pom Twoehildren ere expeetlna new frlmd live out writebox 26 new IVWANTED VNUIICE T0 AMER All persons having clnuns ngainst the Fetate oi GEORGE Eowniu Hate of the Towndlip ot Oroyin the County of oe Farmer who died on th Nth day at Janu ary 1966 rejlreoulrcdto file eri of mowlth the under slgnedsobeitore for the Encore tor by the Nth day ot October 1967 attenwhldo date the estate will be dlstribulcd DATED at Barrie Ontario thlsznd day ol October 1961 STEWART ESIEN hlcIURK MILLS DICK Drawer 249 Ontario Solicltors BAgRlE ONTARIO Nohcepf Tender Sealed Tenders addressed to The Eourd ot rectors Royal Victorln Regime School ot Nursing Barrie Ontario will received until 200 PM mom WAY amount or no tor construction Additions andRenovetlons to Royal Vie toria Regional School otNtlrs lng Wellington stree Barr Ontario Plans endspeciï¬caiions ay be obtnined irom Somervliie Murrlch and Oxley Architects suite 609 797 Don Mills Roa Don Mills Ontario on depoa ot $10000 inrthe torm of rerï¬ titled cheque payable to the An chiiecls The tender dnunnents may also be reviewed at Toronto and Barrie lt Constnlctioli Associa tions Jhe deposit will berelensed on return of the documentsin good condition and unmarked withln one week from the datefot Ten der opening Subcontractors for electrical and mechanical trades shall sub not their tenders throughTor onto or Banle Construction As sociation Bid Depo ories not later than 200 PM EJJST gt st or ny necessarilyaccepted The Board of Directo ROYADNILTORIA REGIONAL SCHOOL OF NURSING WASAGA BEACH Tenders are invited for the co Joanie beimlncr reierencee pie5e WAITRESS required 11 years or over experience prereraple on not essential Apply ln nemn Bayshpn moon Hotel mom nor oven zl who enioyemeet in the nubile must be loudly And eriielent mpulence In lunar mam Wfllk Ind ewilchboud LI helpiul to hours weekly include seme weekends lend evening 3hHLl to 12 pin Excellent worldrll conditions and good pa write Box Gilv Bertie mxmlne MALE FEMALs HELP Asa COOKS and Telephone Wnyiare as to so years old do childmn wanted noon 0c toberrï¬huwite to wuklior or mm mil to wt Christmas trees and hole steady untli mist mas modem cottage It Sand Lake wages to rim coyple Tele om full or parttime or women lood personally and appfarancei 110 BEACH Closing date for tender strait be pimquesday 26th October 1967 at the Ofï¬ce of MEAT chitects or the Munidpai0tï¬ eea Waaaga Bendix Plans andsmlrlcation willbe Leo rd available on deposit of $2500 at the Ofï¬ce of the Ardritectsx Plans will beon displhv at Ba stru Ethan tender Will no necessar eaocepted C1 The Coipolatlon of The age oiwasagaBeach co WELL lit IC TOWN HIP OFMARA Sealed headers clearly marked as to content for the on rece ed th mgr be IV no ersi ed until lzocloclt immediate ected heelieniinm with pponnnity or IdvmcelmenLlllns ltd tlrement an IV iilmlewnlnte to Mr HSte Plimsoll castle Dflve Barrie or telempo mï¬lu MPLomsnr wnnreo obs twin is neoapnlsle met on puxpo rem you old bred totrellen Oct Holsteln your oldn bredvto Justice 041 an Roan cow yearrold bred I631 Jon Hereiord heifer Years old bredto freshen ranges lie told helier years oidlmiili ingpbred ngnin Junegtl Roan Heretord hotter iyearo old milking bred ngain June 10 Holstein Herolord hell years old caltot toot rehr Sept in Hereford heifer years old call at toot open Hereford heifer rising yea old bred to lreshen Oct Heraldrd heifer yeors old red to tre stlen Dec Hereford heilerf years oldnbrcd to rising Aug Choice Heretord bull ears old arHeretord tools esIIereorde gt to 7monthsoldi HAY HFMWAND GRAIN squilre bales of mixed hay faaved 2000 square bales mixed grain nw well saw 40tonaol nuxod tgrhin well savedi lesel l00houra good we end Sedore Innd er compieiewith fork and she veICase Model tractor in good working order New Holb um 67 hater In real diiinn Ford hrnhd new sey Harris clipper combine type completewi rnot goodimnditlon dellllery rake New Idea tractor der in real ldea power in Davld Brovm furrow tractor plough l7 tooth Internation ractorrul Iivstor FergUSon stiff tooth rul rubber tired wagoncomplete with rock ng electric cream separator large size good as new Uri arealportablemilking madiine one doubleu ioneer ehain sawétLarge quantity oigoodtools Set of catde electric clippers Ropes Chains Shovel many other articles to Nothing moved until settled for Owner or Management will not be held sponsible for Metal utility table em Idol and wood Chrome lritohlentable and aunees iv JERRY OOUGEIJN Stops denture breath 89c gt 3995 Sitle antion niononurr 5IMIVI Mï¬ 5610 Henri and Skin 49c loLfln