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53000 down buy colleges and lvbedroonu electric heat panelled insulated nicely turn ishedl seawnii and dock Only swoon Conlacl Doroliuy mommy alumni mm lal Egllnwnnve Toronto 12 room mm Realm APPRAISALS nonrandom AF BEDROOM MORTGAGES looaied on linrdingAvenue Ohnrlbrook Avenue and Cundles lrmn MOOin 5219 These homes mus be seen to appre ciate he value you receive for your dollar Cl All Rose nal mans Bill Macknes Res Home Russell smith mlmmo Mary anr R5 moose who Dick Hartley 7mm inclinethn new or and mum Leroy Me Amy mmmw an mo in PM lII Peul Imu jzimlug meet Axel113w Km mm mm nth Ind BMW 111m Shirley and All snmom mien In invini mory 01 my am mum who we Ivny ocoobrr in mi muml oe thy mt den mother is twee lo ereinc my mm in on we luvs aeuly In uuul we 1e sane rmr nmmloerea dlulhler nel zondnllw Mlle m4 mooan COMING EVENlSVIU cussjfannissu gt nominees of East Slmcoe FRIDAY 001 830 PMl WARMINSIERORANGE BALL HIGHWAY 12 punsored by Ontario mers WESTMINSTER RESBYTERlAN CHURCH Saturday Oct RUMMAGE SALE FridayHOcLJ 10 ant to 12 noon PETElQarld jWILES LTD mm $9500 room slueco home ideal central iocal Lion new gas furnace low down payment and move in immediately MIS Realtor JilWHlTEti 109 Bayiield St 7231071 Appraisals limos JOHN WHITE 7mm JOHNLL COLE 7233017 Real Esme Broker 30a BAYFELD or men SPECiALlanG ml nunnrrnovnnrms reservoir Gil 72842 LAgRYTORP BRUCE McLEAN Cookstown moan Mortgages polER 31 lmssaa no TWO budnur Dmvarty sun momileum inflammation nlnnzmnne noosenon nenroo ï¬le anq iaulmanlfrey onto nomm WM ml um 19 me comm roomy mom HALL Road and bedrooms with or Without garages Price range LflLmoIdma hr meaning no or nnlmlv mlum no Whom has Hickman further pendulum ou cyclical buy call In Good nd EC Yr vemnqs ALL mm 00 cmnmnosum 7mm nommm meme noon mun mu nomenon mm mm loum noun GRANT lmAnmun may more In men VSHELSWELL and WILLSON Mm REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE BRDKERS 10 mom Elsi 775 or mi Hle 11 live miles north of Bunle with foul Brenna and red on WMl Bill price 99000 Vendor will lake $1000 dwm aid hold ï¬rst mortmo Call JackMaeLaren 7284950 No Llos7 mom WWWNewlymodernized new brick Sophie and Maple wrih Iivlm room dining room kitchen and iam ily room iilree bedroom and marine haul up Now healing WiWtafllerwéddilvï¬ elykoll oWl ines Reasonable down paymenl with one mortgage backlo Vendor imnediaie possession Call Jack Wilknn mom or any ermember No 1557 gt nunrv woes lovelylnnd with approximately so leer on Eric Déwsnnp ll Vine Creocerll Lian Henry Enrich ki Midi 49 Collier soon MERE more 7235663 15 Dual Si Wes BARRIE Ontario JJKeiin nrshall Orciu dD Frank Nelle o9 BnyiieldSlr EARRIE Dnlona 7m telurn rr dflvflvmirwgvn oven mes of land in Barr has llvlng room dining room an on IAlkin iiflu Sincllir Kriln Hummer were Shell Wuhan Photo ML 33 com 5mm rnonmzwsof $3606 dwice telvicedlol close lo sdlools nhuroheqnnd on line ICIierAIpemn mnv nonmson m993 mum nmwnu nove 21mm meson 72H EMORY MILLER MORTGAGES ARRANGED 77251531 gallon regarding M15 REALTOR ONLY 517 MONllilSDLD Owner being ansle in lovely modern home wilh living room larsekiouhen bed rooms lpiece bauuwilh vanily is close in lone line and sdlools Electrically heeled Only $5090 down paymeotgbalance one mortgage Call Kï¬ilMflldilll momrm impeollon DO YOUQUALEY to live in ï¬lls executive home wonems apart ment iormernben doe family You do you can manage only $162 monthly including taxes nnd Mount 20 of lie value in down payment ll ywrlookyoumllmnng live here nnnedlai possession Cell Dnerson Swain 7m UPTAWAY AWMM flneeoedroom levd Close lo schools Inddnlrches flu kitdlen dininï¬ ares II In room hall wine nadn Remationvmom and mililyroom in ionic meni Gnvei drive If you would like in minis home on niars call Mar Walleiieid 4496466 70 women mamx very nice older style brick home Lovely nlud living room separala dining romn modern hidlon sunroomr New nlrnacel Gnraze All in excellent condlt Owneroflern lnmedinle possession and will hold one open mori ï¬nds Kiln Scandal 7284665 PelerMnntm 7mm FRANK NELLES Phoooll Realtor mm agï¬sï¬mm coohtn eel5m poster we rm avenue Pillme large family home Contains ls lroonnandiato Low downlpaymentof $200 For full padre DS CAMPBELL HOTOMLS REALTO paceselling lillle bungalolv kilollen epiece allu enl or ammo ill ll conveniencesl anoonhllulo ml or room yn mu repIiI Ilnd hulapll Ilponlry work before pin on WIMOd lo mm iumlsned or human nty home wmlea to zilentllelun Pl net on low monthly paymean We buy your pml lotand 2nd mortmes nun MARSHALL 11mm unnovmmo Malone Home GREIA 2mm msmr JANE YOUNGl 11547 uUnANs Km AldMn mam are15 rmiey anvmm hon with on Mu mill lele meson Ewnlnoucnnv Limited Realtor FREE FARM CATALOGUE LlsllNG homes farm and acreage Agents over 4o auwv our Eglinion Mice 3626464 or write 46 Eglinlon Ave will Ad section pm 11 nnnuon wallow leven es em or suyner 60nd mun my Never man Iler aim to wanemu 51 down my um mom 5mm mannerrunes enerai dielidlile navel is eoor anmnne mono hn lorule mm no will me be 10611lelwhulu ironrm BUS OPPORTUNITIES Winds Income Reï¬lling and colleclingmoney from NEW TYPE high on reierell lo 529110 cash Seven loLwelve hours woeklyï¬an not excellent monthly income More full lime For personal interview wrile CANAPENN DISTRlBUTING LlMlTED 30 QuellclleAvenue Sulle ill Onln Include pho le new ml ublrls no Lcrmnoyl uric Telephone synma or mm Wm nunwln del Am Tore onto ammo iNSURANQE novmaz Dont folgel no transfer your INSURANCE andLE you need extra man cums lirenlol URGENTLY noan barllxomï¬me lhe vicinllv son We me me all AND bflvlllvlc nerver 14 hour nursing one Five Mimic Numer name nannon Icievhn 4584304 or will zenms pgy mu IliumJul linemen nu no Accounting 5mm null on Service Kind Animalat Dunlap skeet mm LIAN mm lorCnln in grim house In mum um MW he 10 difierenl ï¬lm ï¬nish Just beautiful on mans MUSIC stone on million 77 none 7mm Ready Work 815 umnonnmne man my in vhlmnul flnhlm BN1 MIA Mels mm geon STEVENSONS us DUNLOP ST 72mm MORTGAGES 151 and 2m Mortgage Loans Anywhere ON ALL 1mm mans AND comcm roornnrlns 90 0F VALUATIONS If You Need Mane munlo neon improvement An enhwhlln cnun Write or Phone mow Morth DUNLO Memberonurln Mariam nrokernAsodnllon on interest Up to 305 your Pro will low monthly pay melon Do YOU owrrnmorlzae cull mum to puma We wiiievenlendyvu money on lmllr mnnleun mnfllnl 72am Moo anon Emmi Delano mm or mama al vlevnllilll if even mun Id mx an lau lformeliy oiTorontol Our customers ale our bested venisers Japanme pavingex pens Asbhaii drivevgya nooxmo In nun anion my honor Ofllm law Cumin srvlu rum mama $1 mdhnnial Pickup and dei ammo nannor Milli miniinflux Gnlnnlnd tummy 5cm momma CARPENTRY 714 WALT uolmrsqmail cormsyum